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Blue Star Afghan CAL


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As Penitho stated CAL stands for Crochet Along. Basically it's a group of villagers working on the same project (like this afghan) or same themed project (like the Amigurumi) at the same time. Members give each other encouragement, help with project problems (like I had a few posts ago), and it's an opportunity to get to know some of the villagers a little bit better.

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Im on the 3rd row now of the border. Thanks Krystal for your photo it was great to just check that I was doing that bit in the corner right. Im hoping to do more this week so I have something for photo friday. As much as I want to keep crocheting I really need to go to bed now, its nearly 12 o'clock


Night everyone

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I finished off my skein of country blue last night before I finished the border :( The question is - do I go out and buy more, or do I plug along and give some of my other WIPs some time, too?


It's sort of a ZEN thing, as I know I will have to make a decision regarding color once I get the border done (you know me and messing with color arrangements). I just don't feel like I'm in the mood to make that decision right now - do you know what I mean?


I started a hat last night, so will work on finishing that, then will probably go to my Windsor & White WIP. Might head out to the store Friday or Saturday, or have DH stop some other time. I am in a hat-making mood... ;) Maybe it has something to do with my stashbusting score being WAY in the negatives! LOL!

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Peni - that is SO weird, because my picture showed up in your reply, where you quoted me! LOL!


Here's the link:


:manyheart Oh krystal I really like the way your colors are working up! :cheer Great job, glad I pestered you for the picture!! :devil :devil Not sure why I couldn't see other pic??? :think

I will post a picture of mine sonn as I muster up the energy!! Took my mom shopping and I am now pooped!!!:lol

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I've finished the center star tonight with no more problems :clap and I have the small granny squares done for 1 granny block.


It's a good thing I didn't sign up for the stashbusting count! My score would also be in the negative. :hook


Krystal -- I like your colors. Why aren't you going to finish with the country blue?

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I still just have my center star and 2 granny groups done. Unfortunally, I am going to have to suspend this project and a few others for a few days. I have enough squares to start to make 2 afghans for my ALs project. I really need to lay them out tomorrow and start to put at least one afghan together to get this project going.

I am not quiting this. I am sure that I will need a break from the ALS afghan from time to time and will work on either this one or my Snowflake Afghan project.

Keep posting your pictures. I love seeing how everyone's is coming along.

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Oh gosh, this is so wonderful. I found this project in my closet, an UFO for several years. Tomorrow, I will inspect the progress and see if I have enough yarns to complete this project. I get the feeling that yarn colors might be no more in same brand. We will see! It will be okay if I count this project as a WIP a long CAL too?

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Diane, I'll be slowing down, too. Life is intruding, and I'll be continuing to work up my charity projects...a good deal for someone like me who gets bored so easily! As of this morning I haven't done a thing on the Blue Star since I posted on Friday...but have some progress to show on another CAL...oh, well,:P

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Tahlara - I noticed that your sig says you are deaf?


Both of my parents were deaf, I was the first child and my first language was sign language, I knew sign before I even knew how to talk =)


People that I know always think its strange that I grew up with two deaf parents, but I tell them its strange that they didn't from my perspective! =)


My 18 month old son doesn't seem to want to talk yet, but he does know a few sign words.

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I *will* finish with the country blue, I just don't have anymore right now, and there isn't much in schedule for a trip to LYS. When I get more country blue, then I will continue on with it!


Welcome, Tahlara!


Yes, count as WIP AND this CAL - you need all the inspiration you can get sometimes!

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Well this whole week I have been working on my BS CAL, so I haven't gotten anything done on this CAL. I plan to restart work on this one on Saturday. So I don't have much to show for Friday. I figured to do one week on, then one week off. I am hoping this way I will not get too bored with either CAL, more so because I am now thinking of the blue star and how lovely everyone's is looking. I am excited to get back to work on it, maybe I start on it on Friday instead.

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Tahlara - hi, cant wait to see your progress on your BS. Welcome to this cal.


Judi and Tracey - When you have several projects on the go it does become hard to give them all the attention they need. I had been doing squares for my casablanca and have only just got back to my blue star.


Im now on row 5 of the border and its looking really nice.

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MiztrezzLyn - It's great to meet you, and I know what you mean as I grew up in a silent world. Hard to understand how it's like with music and noise all around you all the time. *grins*


Update - I finally find my UFO and the rest of yarns. I am still not sure if I still have enough yarn. I am up to one wedge, the center star is done with all 9 patches attached.


Do anyone want me to take some pictures? Hope it will help some guesses on the yarn amount to get it done. Another thing to figure out how, upload the pic, etc. Hehe! I will try to do it this weekend as good practice.


I believe I can get alternative yarn colors that match the yarn brand. *cross fingers*


What I have is Caron Perfect Match winter white, juniper, rose and rose gardren ombre (rose/white/juniper/dk green varietated). There is also dark green yarn which I assume is also Carson Perfect Match.


Beside the picture taking, I guess I can risk it and try finishing this afghan anyway. We will see how it goes.

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:blush Thank you Tracy, you can see my toes are white from trying to keep me from tipping over!! :blush I like my colors better now that I see them together, but I will have to make another afghan just to see if I can loosen up! Even with the larger hook, it is tight! :( I like the way yours looks with the dark row around befor the MC.......it looks great, makes things stand out more. However I shall NOT be frogging so I can do mine like that.:rofl


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Tahlara - I would LOVE to see your star! PLEEEEEEZE take pics of it!?!?!


We'll help you through the posting process... :D


Peni - those colors turned out SO NICE! You ladies and your colors - I'm all conservative, making sure everything is "just so"... you get some colors that make me wonder,.... then put it together and voila! It's BEAUTIFUL! I need to loosen up with my colors (someday)!


In a bit of a "mood" - not really wanting to crochet much, but that's maybe because I'm working on something I don't do well - HATS! I made this hat pattern, and I swear it turned out like a Rastafarian would wear it - I had to frog 2 days' worth of work and start from the brim again. I guess I could have just made the same hat, but I was frustrated, so I made something different. It's OK, just not what I had hoped for.


Well, off to get the kids moving...

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I gotta rest my wrists for a bit, my carpel tunnel is REALLY acting up and my wrists are killing me. I *want* to crochet but when I pick something up, it just hurts too much. Going to have to take a couple days rest.


What will I do for all that time? LOL If I am sitting here, I'm crocheting usually so its going to drive me crazy. I do have a book I want to read..guess that will have to be it.


I figure maybe Friday I will see how my wrists are feeling. I would think 2 days rest would be good, man I hope so!

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