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Tunisian Crochet for Red Scarf Project


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Pretty Scarf. What fiber did you use? And how in the world did you get past the curling? I've made some TS scarves and even with sc around the outside, they still curl on me.


Good Work.. someone will love it.

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Thanks, Everyone!


Lisa - when I started, it was curling badly. I switched to a larger hook. It was really loose at first, but then it was perfect. It is very light weight, but the space between the fiber makes it very warm. It's quite soft and stretchy. :) I made a few mistakes along the way (adding or dropping stitches), but the yarn just drapes beautifully.


I wish I could tell you what the fiber is. I bought it from a clearance bin at Michaels a long time ago. The wrappers were ripped and I have no idea who makes it or what it's called. :(


And, LC - thanks for the compliment on the lapghan. I love that pattern. A group of friends and I are using that pattern now for a charity baby blanket. :)

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