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Bedspread Bonanza


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Hi Athba, I went to the shops this afternoon and then my aunty came round for a coffee. Now its 9.15pm just finished watching a movie while making more of these squares.


So I am doing these squares right. Its just when its put together you can see that slipstitch of the other color.


Forines I love the quilt you are doing... The colors are nice and what is the pattern.

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q8 that was a quilt I was determined to finish ...it was never a WIP. Here is the pattern I followed:


I looked at that pattern (your finished product, BTW, is EXQUISITE) and loved it. Did you use graph paper and design the crocheted version yourself? I would be lost at choosing the colors never mind doing the design for crocheting. I think it was Julie who passed me the site for downloading graph paper, but I haven't even thought about trying it.

One of these days, I tell myself:D

Fantastic work!:hug

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was this place hopping last night or what ? I had to take notes to answer each of you -- let's see , here goes -


Wendy- your Casablanca colors sound very pretty . Those tiny squares are a little more work, but well worth it when you put it all together- it makes such a neat -looking afghan when done .


It sounds like a lot of you have the same stories about crochet in your area and girls learning it. I guess I thought there may still be places that taught the girls crochet , like they are taught cooking and things like that, so they would have those skills as an adult .


Melissa- enjoy your visit with your husband at home !


Ines- sorry you were having trouble getting in here yesterday. I don't know what the trouble would have been, but glad it is working for you again .

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Thanks for sharing your history with learning to crochet. I can tell by your work that you must have been taught by someone REALLY experienced at it . your work is just exquisite .

I had to laugh when you said your girl told you crocheting makes her CRY .

Why , is it too frustrating for her to learn, or she doesnt like it or what ?

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Hi Judi-

I'll try explaining the photo thing again. I hope this will help you, it's really very easy once you get the hang of it -


Go to photobucket and load your photos .


Once they are loaded , they will show up as small pictures on your photo page .

Go to the one you want to show us, and there will be a little tiny box under it on the left. Click in that box, then roll down to the bottom of that page-- there is a big grey bar on the bottom right that says -



Click on that .


This will bring you to a new page--- there will be a bunch of junk on this page-- go to the 3rd box ( all the boxes will have a bunch of letters in them )


The 3rd box will say Clickable image for message boards -


Copy everything inside that box .


Then come in here, click on Reply-- then PASTE all the words you just copied .

Click on Submit Reply and WA-LA --- your photo will be here .


Try it again . :)

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Fidge- I love what you have done so far . It looks very antique-- an heirloom in the making !


Shay - you have certainly made lots of prgress this week ! Your BS is gorgeous. I know I asked you before, but my memory is about as long as a tsetse fly -- what is the name and brand of the yarn called you are using ?

and doing the Casablanca too ? Wow, you are impressive !


Theresa- you are always welcome to come in and join up with us whenever you are ready .


Heather - your ATW is very pretty . I like it a lot !


Tracey- we'll be watching for photos today if you get the chance . :)


Athba- Someone else I met on here once from India said they taught crochet to the boys and girls both . I thought maybe that would be true there in Kuwait also -- a lot of handcrafts seem to be passed down . How about the people that do the rug-weaving and things like that ?



WHEW.... I THINK I AM CAUGHT UP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:lol

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Hey you did it Judi...

...and I didn't need a pimply-faced tech person from Best Buy to show me how...thanks to all who helped!!! :cheer

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Look at all the activity that I missed...


Jessi! Those squares are awesome!!! What pattern is that for that square? That might be the one I need for mine!


Linda! The color you chose to compensate WORKS!!!


forines13! When I first looked at that quilted looking sqaures, I thought it was MATERIAL and not CROCHETED! How GORGEOUS is that???? You have extreme patience!!!


Shay! Yours in coming along very nicely! It's going to be GORGEOUS in that color!


Fidgement! WOW!!!


Judianne! Colors are AWESOME!!!


I know I am missing some, I am sorry, there were just a lot of posts to look at!!! And my memory is going!!!


Suffice it to say, that you all are doing a GRAND job!

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Look how beautiful this is!


Okay, I got the picture into my site and so here it is



I don't think I am as far as some of you, but I am hopeful to get more done this weekend.

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Tracy, that is a heirloom - that will be passed from generation to generation.


Only if I get finished with it. With the small hook I am using, it seems like it will take forever. I did get some relief from the small hook with a sally bates hook incert to make the handle more comfortable.

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