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Bedspread Bonanza


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Yep...i need those rubber bands to...jeeze...


My oldest grandson is starting school in the fall to and it seems like just yesterday he was a baby...boy where does the time go??Gracy is special thow becouse i keep her alot and i mean alot and shes the frist girl for us,i dont get to see the other grandbabies as much as her....its going to be sad when we move so far away but my daughter says she will bring her down so i can keep her a few weeks or months if i like so that helps me feel better,she was so young when she had her that she wasnt as ready as she should have been so i kind of steped in and took up the slack and it allso lets her grow up more and have more free time....i dont mind thow,its just hard to let her go back sometimes.


Wont leave this up long but thought you ladies might like to see her...this was taken last night...she was giving me those angel ayes..


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Shaylen...you were right, what angel eyes. That look!!:c9


And I looked up CASABLANCA...2 or 2 1/2 inch squares?!:eek :eek

Pretty, but I know what happened to my 4 inch squares for my cat quilt...which is the reason I went on the CAL for quilts...I am sooo bad about putting a lot of small squares together. My 12 inch Wheel Lattice squares are going to be more than enough.:P

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Oh my gosh, Shay -

That baby is SO precious ! What a little sweetheart. I know what you mean about grandkids. Mine are the same- I have 6, but only Cam lives here in our town. The others have lived out of state for most of their lives, so I rarely see them and when I do, it's only for a day or 2 . I really don't know them very well because of that . Cam has been here almost every day of his life, so I know him like he is my own kid - in fact, when he was born, I was 3rd in line to hold him - his mom, his dad, then the nurses called me in ( since I had walked a TRENCH in the floor out in the hallway ) , and his mom handed him to me next. So he was just a few minutes old the first time I held him .

He is my best friend in the world - I tell him that every time I talk to him . :)

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Thanks judi..i think so...:c9


...that CASABLANCA is stunning...how meny squares would that take???:2eek that just boogles the mind....No way...no...will not happen...NO,NO,No,i will not even think about it...:sweatWay to meny squares.

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Same here julie...most people tell me i do to much and that i shouldnt take on that responablty,that she was the one to get pregnant to soon i should let her grow up...but then Gracey would be the one to suffer and there is no way that will happen...not on my watch...

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Hey ladies

If I can give you a tip about some of the quilt-ghans that take wee little squares- don't count the total up. Just make them... one at a time .

That's what threw me off track when I counted up how many I'd need for a quilt-ghan I wanted to do . I was totally bamboozled .

SO... when I decide to try one again, I'll just make me one square and set it down and say - wow, look at that ! I have one done !

Then make another, - wow, look ! 2 done !!!


I think that may be the easier way to look at it than the BULK amount needed to complete it .


Kind of mind-boggling .:think:eek:think

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Shay I know where you're coming from -

I have gotten FLAK from my PARENTS, of all people, saying that I already raised MY family, why are you raising ANOTHER kid ?

I have had this discussion with them for over 4 years now . They just don't seem to see that I WANT to take care of him and I WANT him here . It's not out of DUTY, it's because I ENJOY him so much.

They really don't seem to understand that .


Kinda weird when you're almost 50, and your parents still boss you around . :lol

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Gracy is a beautiful baby. And she has a special Grandma to help take care of her. She is very lucky. I was in high school when I had Eric. My mom helped me out as much as she could with Eric. Thanks to my mom I was able graduate with my class and go to College.(Although I never did finish college)

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My progress: I finished the first row. I have 3 of the 5 squares done for the 2nd row. I put the first row together and then crocheted an edging around the squares. I will try and get a picture today. But it is kind of dark and clody here, so not sure how well the picture will turn out.

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Shay~ What a beautiful granddaughter you have. She is stunning. I remember when my DD was that age, she was soo much fun to play with, but then they grow up to be teenagers. Hopefully one day I will be a grendma, so I can enjoy having a baby in the house agan. It will be awhile, DD just turned 17 and no boyfriend at this time.


JulieKay~ I am one year younger than you and have my oldest sister and best friend that is 8 years my senior. Our Mom still bosses her around. I am 2000 miles away, so I luckly don't catch the orders my siblings do. At least that is what they tell me. Both of my Sisters are completely gray, and Mom had the nerve to tell them they should die their hair so they didn't make her feel so old. Mommy Dearest is 82. She also tells them how they should dress. It seems Beckie dresses like a country bumkin and Lee dresses like a fashion model. Neither make Mom happy. Of course the boys rarely go to see Mom, so they don't get the comments. Beckie's kids are in their 30's and neither are married, another failure in Mom's eyes. Lee never had children, so that saved her.

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Good for you, Judi !

Take your time and work on it as you can. I have some of those things here myself that I want to do really badly - if I just pace myself and do a little at a time, they will get done . We can be in here together to cheer each other on.



it sounds like you are a trooper on this project and are making steady progress ! I am very proud of you .

And also, for finishing high school and furthering your education. That takes a special person to do that. It also helps if you have good family backup . :)

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Yes, I think distance helps some. I only have one sister and she lives out of state, so she rarely has the pressure on her that I do . I had to chuckle about your sisters and their dressing habits. It sounds like me and my sister .

I am definitely the country bumpkin ( Early Goodwill is MY fashion statement) . I could really care less what I wear or how I look .


My sister is just the opposite. She has the makeup, jewelry, designer clothes , purses , etc. She probably spends more money on clothes in a week than I do in a year .


We have always been like that. I NEVER cared what I wore and she always has . She actually took me to the mall once for a complete makeover and made me buy all these in-style clothes, shoes, makeup, etc. Within a day, I had tossed it all out and was wearing my sweatpants again . :lol Boy, was she mad !!!!

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Good Morning Everyone!

Judi~I sure hope you do the Casablanca so I have some people to keep me going on mine. I can't even believe i'm going to do it. :eek I'll be picking up some of the yarn this week for it. It'll be something that takes me a bit & i'll just make the squares here & there until my other stuff is done. If you do it will you use the same colors? I'm going to just because I love it the way it is. :D

Julie~Wanna join in? :devil I won't be starting for a bit but it is next in line, probably by next month. :yes

Shay~Beautiful grand-baby, she is adorable. :c9 I don't have grand-kids yet & won't for a LONG time but I do know what you guys mean. Jaden is my bestest friend, I don't know if it's because I was older & could appreciate him more or what but we just bonded so well. Don't get me wrong, I don't play favorite's & I love my kids all the same but i'm with him all day & it's just something I can't explain.

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it sounds like you are a trooper on this project and are making steady progress ! I am very proud of you .

And also, for finishing high school and furthering your education. That takes a special person to do that. It also helps if you have good family backup . :)



Thank you Julie :) It was a tough road, but so well worth it.


As for my BS... It i slowly coming along, but I do want to complete it. t may take me awhile though. But thats ok. Adding in the plain squares really helped. They go really fast. I still havn't decided what type of edging I am going to do around the entire afghan. I was thinking of doing several rounds in the 3 colors that I am using, and then finishing it off with a shell border. I have lots of time to decide. :)

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Good morning all!


I'm following Shaylen's lead and doing the Lacy Diamonds, only I'm doing it in Caron's one pounder bright white. I am working on the first strip and will just play it by ear as to how many diamonds I'll need to fit a queen size bed. I am really liking this pattern as the way you start, you don't have to make one long, boring chain! It amazes me the things I learn about myself through crocheting. Anyway, thanks to all for the warm welcome and Happy Monday!:hook

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Yet another thing we have in common. Sisters .Mine is all the time on me to dye my hair, curl my hair ,whatever -- just DO something to dude myself up a little bit . No offense to those of you ladies that go for all the Bangles and Decorations, but I have the attitude that if you don't like me the way I am, then don't look .

My sister is a beautician and a long time ago she insisted I get a perm . I went along with her because I was a lot younger and not as cantankerous as I am now . By the time she got done, I could have played on the Cleveland Browns WITHOUT a helmet . My hair was so round and hard from hairspray that it could have stopped a speeding bullet .

I went straight down to the drugstore after she left and bought ANOTHER perm .Came home, poured all that goop on my head and COMBED AND COMBED my hair til it was flat as a pancake . When it was dry , if I ran my hand through my hair, it sounded like the fall leaves when you step on them . But at least I had MY HAIR back .



I like myself just the way I am .:D

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Fidge-- sounds like it will be so very pretty when done. I like that lacey look !


Tabby- let's make a deal. I will work along with you guys on ONE of the quilt patterns . So we can all make those TINY little squares together til the cows come home . :D


I am concetrating with every brain cell to get that PS done. It has moved to the TOP of the pile -- everything else to follow .

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Shay, your grand daughter is a darlin'!


Parents! Kids! I don't know which is worse! I feel as if I've got four kids, two teenagers, and two 70-somethings who 'used to be' my parents. *sigh* Gotta love 'em all though!


Well, I changed my mind again about my bedspread! I had a gift certificate from Christmas that was burning a hole in my pocket and after looking at Tabitha's blog and seeing her Prairie Star I decided that's what I'd do. It works up so fast and it's interesting enough to stave off boredom. I got lots done on it last night! Only thing is I'm going to have to fiddle with the pattern - adding maybe 3 extra stars - to make it fit a queen sized bed.



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I like the PS too but really like Shay's. I bought the book and should have it today so I can start it. :) I can't wait! I finished up the baby blanket I was making and am finishing up the granny square afghan I've been making so I'll be all set to start this one in a day or two. Then of course there is the quilt-a-ghan CAL...well that one I can start too and take it with me when I go places since it's making a bunch of squares. LOL



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I am with you JulieKay, I live in my jeans and t-shirts. Thankfully it is the required attire for where I work. I could just see me crawling under the dashboard of a car in a dress. :oops My fingernails are the only thing female about me, well that and my long hair that has to be tied up.

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Robyn- you sound a lot like the rest of us -- a whole list of projects. Every time you finish one, you have 7 more lined up. I guess it's good to have a schedule and always something new to look forward to .


Tracey- yea, it doesn't sound like a dress would be quite the attire for your job if you have to climb under a car . :lol

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