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Crochet -a- Quilt


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ok, guys

Here's the photo of what I have done now on my PS



Colors are - country blue, frosty green, aspen variegated,linen,and warm brown. Aran will be the white color -


Julie, it's really purrty! The blue center star really stands out against those other colors.

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Since we are on the Star Wars kick today, I only have one comment :




Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Chewey .:lol



:rofl You are hilarious. Maybe if I don't shave for a month i'll look like him too. :lol




Also, your PS is beautiful & I love the color combo you came up with. Very pretty. :clap

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Thanks for all the nice comments you guys, and yea, I like this one. It's still not a knockout -looking group of colors, but I think they look nice together and like it. I almost have one chunk of the white section done and so far, so good .


Tabby - doggone, it almost sounds like you'd look like BIGFOOT if you went for 2 months without shaving !

( Somebody send that girl some NAIR !!):lol

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I know what you mean about the kids all home and fighting. I had many of those days myself. Try to keep your sanity if possible. :hug


It helps if you go out in the front yard and scream like a banshee once in awhile.

( Makes the neighbors a little afraid of you, but that's ok . :lol )

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Tabby - I know how you feel. My 2 girls fight about anything. They do drive you mad I must say.

I end up going to the other end of the house and do my crochet and try and pretend I cant hear them. Sometimes they settle down.


Its only 2 and a half more weeks of school then the girls are on holidays for about 7 weeks. School break up here from the 15th Dec and they dont start the new year until the 29th January. Does school finish soon for your boys over there or is it different.

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Wendy~School doesn't end early here, thankfully. Our kids here are out from the last week in June til the first week in September. They do have Christmas vacation here which goes from December 23rd til January 2nd.

I also crochet & block out my boys alot when they get me to the point of no return. My Hubby looks at me sometimes & says how can you ignore that? I say, ignore what, I hear nothing. :lol I know my limit & have learned to tune them out after otherwise they'de probably really be on the sidewalk with a free sign around there necks. :D Don't get me wrong, I love them & i'm not a bad mother but I am human & they drive me bonkers sometimes. :yes

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Good Morning all! I have been busy crocheting, but today I will be busy studying. We finally got our SNOW!!!! If you wanna see take a look *here*. I think we got about 15-16 inches all together. Julie and Andrea I hope you will be safe. It is heading that way! It started around 1 am and finished up around 10 am. It sure does feel like Christmas around here now!


:manyheart Have a great warm and safe day all!:manyheart

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Brandy~Thats alot of snow! I'm glad that its you and not me also.


Well I finished all the squares for my next round of my AW. I am going to take a pic this afternoon and then start joining them. This is after I line up daycare for my son so I can start my new job. I am hating this because my son has never gone to daycare and I am feeling so bad for him. He is a very shy little boy...but I know he will servive and be a better kid for it. As for the afghan I just need to keep telling myself "It will be done in time for christmas". hehe

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Thanks for sharing your snow pictures -it looks very pretty. Last I heard ,the snow wouldn't hit us too hard here, but time will tell. We just started getting the really high winds about 2 hours ago and it's REALLY cold out now. It sure looks like winter has decided to come and stay .



Keep on working, you'll get it done, you'll see !

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Brandy - wow thats amazing. You got a lot of snow all at once. I havent seen the really flaky snow that falls like you see on the movies. What is it like to live where the snow is right at your doorstep. I know my girls would love to play in it. We have the opposite weather. It has been hot and no sign of rain. We have to go to level 3 water restrictions in the new year which means no using the hose on the garden at all during the week and only at night time on the weekend. It has never been this bad before.

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Brenda - I cant wait to see pics of your around the world. Dont worry your son will be ok in daycare. My Kelly was fine at daycare until day 3 then she bawled her eyes out. The lady told me I had to just walk away and not keep coming back to hug her. That was hard, but it worked and from then on she loved it and then it was the opposite she didnt want to go home. Your son will love it there and he will make new friends.

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Brandy -boy am I glad you got all the snow and not us lol. I dont think we are going to get much it appears but again this is Ohio. However like Julie said the wind is really bad right now matter of fact when I was on my way home from the dr. I couldnt go down the road cuz there was a huge tree down across the road.


Brenda- My oldest son was very withdrawn , quiet, and shy, when I took him to preschool (daycare) I took the whole day off in case he wouldnt stay and he went right in and paid no attention to me, although I cried when I was leaving and I didnt want to leave lol.

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