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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Hi Guys

Thanks for all the nice comments .


Debbi- thanks for posting a note about todays Annie's pattern. I always forget to go in there and look at it to see what's on there. That one is a little like the mitered square pattern -- I have been wanting to do one of them forever-- it is so pretty and looks easy, other than the joining might be a pain .


Thanks for the votes of confidence, everyone and for the offer of help, Andrea and Brandy- I may just have to take you up on it. I'm gonna give it a whirl here soon. I have just been pondering it for the last little bit-- actually haven't gotten brave enough to make that next step, other than to pull out my 1st skein of the white.


I'll let you know how it goes ~~

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Julie~That is beautiful, I love blue!! The gray looks great with the blues, great eye for color. Good Luck with the side ways joining. I'm puttting on my last star point & then i'll be in the same boat you are. So we can throw them at the wall together. :lol

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Thanks, Tiff-

I just went to your blog and looked at your PS photos-- yours is SO pretty. What is the color of green you used for your center ? It really stands out nicely and makes all the other colors so pretty together ! And what is the tan color you used, is that RH , like buff or linen , or something else ? It sure adds a nice relaxing touch to the whole thing too .

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Thanks Julie :) I used a combination of RH and Caron SS:


SS Light Sage

SS Lavendar

SS Off-White

RH Aran

RH Watercolor

RH Deep Purple (I think this is the right name, but not positive)


I really want to get mine out and finish it because I don't have too much left to do, but I'm trying to focus on the 3 afghans I'm making for family Christmas presents. However, this coming weekend I'll be staying at my parents' house and keeping my brother and sister so that my parents can go out of town, so I won't be able to work on the presents for the brother and sister. I may take the PS along and see if I can finish it.

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Julie~We can use the boat Brandy sent me, it held up during the water heater flood. :lol And if it springs a leak we can blame her. :P

I have officially finished the star & started on the sideways crappolla. It wasn't too bad so far. It just took me a minute to figure out how to join it, but it's all good so far. ;):D

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Yay!!:cheer Way to go Tabby!!:clap:cheer You gals are just speeding right along with it. And everyone will be done in no time flat. Which means that I will be left behind...:( I think I can get caught up in no time flat. That is if I can get the yarn here in time. :hook



Well I am off to the store to get a few things. I will remember to send a patch kit to ya for the boat just in case it springs a leak!!:devil:hug

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Great work ,Tabby and the leaky boat sounds fine to me, we'll just need a bucket to bail water out of it .


Wendy- I made all the squares first, then laid them all out like I wanted them and sewed them together in big long strips, 2 rows at a time, so it was much less work and was easy to do . Holler if you need help or I didnt explain it well. I am beat tonite- I hardly EVER stay up this late. I go to bed with the chickens . :eek:)


Talk to you all in the morning -

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:yell (echoing...................................)


Boy, it's quiet in here the past few days. Let's hope that means you are all working hard on those quilt-ghans !


I'm gonna stop PONDERING and pick up my white this morning to start on the dreaded BERMUDA TRIANGLE SECTION of my PS .:eek


If you don't hear from me in 3 days- send a rescue helicopter out .


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Hello Julie....


I am still here too.. I just have to go to work for a few hours this morning. Hopefully she wont be in a cranky mood today! Keep your fingers crossed for me.


Be back later with a more detailed report!!:manyheart

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I am here as well just been busy with work the cpu crashed on sat there and so we have to go back to the old method which these new girls cant do and i was trained that way but i am the only one there who does know lol. I had to send one to the hospital for stitches cuz she cut herself and a prego one to the hospital who ended up haviong gall stones, and that was all just saturday lol. So I have been quite busy I have to go into work tonite from 4-8 unless the new system comes in before that then I have to go in and set that all up to lol. I didnt work on the ps at all yesterday i was just to darn lazy to do that I sat on the cpu all night. Will talk more later tonite when I get home wont be til late though. Have a good day all.

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I'm glad I'm not the only one who hates the white. I had to frog the first one 3 times. Then found I had messed up one of the points and had to frog three more to fix it. As of last night I have the center star finished and two white pannels finished. I love the pattern but hope I never see it again.

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I have 2 white diamonds on . I was never real good at jigsaw puzzles. This is what this part reminds me of, you have to find just the right spot for each piece to fit in .


Brandy and Andrea

Hope your work days go quick today so you have time to hop back in here tonite !


Qupid- I know what you mean about the white. I have to sit and study the photo, then lay it on my lap so I can look at the exact spot I need to add a diamond and which areas it connects to . I've got a LONG ways to go on the white, so will probably do a little, then take a break and do something else for a bit .

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Hey good morning to you all. Its weird Im just waking up and you all are probably sleeping. I did heaps on my around the world last night. Listening to you all having problems with the ps makes me wonder whether I should do that one next, but hey I need a challenge dont I.


I probably wont get much done tonight as Im going to the gym and then will stay up to watch survivor.


Keep going everyone you are all doing great. Keep the pics coming too.

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Well, i've managed to make pretty good progress on my white diamonds. I have 3 sides of the white done so far. I wish I would've gotten further but my 4 yr. old had pre-school home visit today so I spent two hours playing & watching him make a paper bag turkey. Which is all good because I love to be involved in all that he does. :D:manyheart I'm making dinner & then hope to get more done. It actually is really easy once you know where to place them but I won't say I haven't had to take some apart to fix them. :eek

I hope all is going good with everyone elses. Talk to ya later! :hook

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:autumn Good Morning all! How is everyone this fine and cloudy day?? Me I am feeling pretty good. I am planning on ordering the varg yarn today for the PS to see which one I prefer. I figured I could just get enough of each color and if I dont use it for this then I will have it for something else.


Yesterday was a pretty good day. The lady that I drive around was in a little better mood than last week. But having a stroke does something to a person sometimes. Right now though it is her hair that she is having a hay day with. Next week should be better when she gets a little color. Yesterday it was perm day for her. Which means for me extra time to sit and crochet or knit!! :clap Gotta love my jobs some days!


I have been slowly working on my secret project and I am almost sure I will have it done by this weekend. And until the yarn gets here for the PS I will be probably more than likely working on a few :2snowman for the snowmen cal! :manyheart Besides I have another month and a 1/2 before I have to have it done. So I have plenty of time to do it!!


How is everyone elses PS coming along??? Julie I would love to see pics of yours now that you have some of the white sections done.


Andrea have you gotten any closer to the edging yet??


Tabby which afghan or project have you been working on lately??


Wendy how is your around the world coming along??


Ok I think I am done with the questions. :manyheart Have a great day everyone!:ghug

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Hello everyone! I am back online and able to get my crochetville fix again. :) I was starting to go through withdrawels. hehe. I have started working on my around the world afghan again. did two squares yesterday. Hey everyone needs a break from unpacking boxes! (As I sit amung boxes to type this) Anyway. I see everyone has been very busy crocheting away. I hope to join more soon.

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