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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Okay ladies, what do you think? Please look at these two color combos that I've come up with and let me know which one YOU would use. These are two brands of yarn that I like (Caron SS and RH Soft) and their available colors. :D




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The Around The World pattern Julie refers to came from Woman's Own Presents #27 AFGHANS. The blurb at the end of the editorial info: "Woman's Own Presents #27 Afghans is published annually by Harris Publications, Inc., 1115 Broadway, NY, NY 10010. Single copy price $6.95 in USA."


I included the above info in case anyone wanted to write to the publisher for a copy of the magazine (that is, if they have any). Oh, yeah...copyright 2005. So it probably was on the stands late 2005/early 2006?


The afghan in the magazine is gorgeous! Each square is 3" x 3". The afghan is made up of 421 squares (13 colors in WW yarn).


I have a duplicate copy of the magazine if anyone wants it (FREE!).

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I'm leaning toward the bottom one but either would be nice.


have you considered using a tweed for any parts?


I keep thinking that I need a tweed or flecked yarn in there. I'm planning on black/grey/white so maybe that is why a tweed seems like its needed...sigh

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Hi Wendy

The pattern for the squares used is just like the squares on the link I sent you - they are just solid grannies ( in other words, only holes on the corners, the rest of it is dc's .)

I guess the way I explained it wasn't clear - the way they show the afghan in the magazine, they lay it out diamond-shaped, so in other words , the one online is laid out with the squares all laying like a square grid, but the one in the mag "tilts" the afghan so that it is displayed laying with the squares all at an angle ( the corner of the center square is point up), making all the squares point up .

It actually LOOKS a lot more complicated than it is .

You just start with a basic square in one color. The next color, you make 4 squares in that color- putting one on top, one on each side and one on the bottom - next color, you "outline" the last 4 squares with your next color of squares, etc .

I hope this helps explain it to you .


PS- Just so you guys know, it's against the rules to offer to share a published pattern in here due to copyright laws . What you do behind the scenes is your business.

*** Just don't want anyone to get into trouble**** :manyheart

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When I make wedding afghans, I usually try to tie in the wedding colors they used . What colors did they have for that ?

I think out of your 2 choices, I'd go with the top but maybe remove the teal and replace it with something else- as it seems a little bright to match the rest of the colors, OR if you go with the bottom, I'd take out the lime green and change it for a little duller color .

I don't know, this PS afghan always has me BAFFLED about colors . There are so many to choose and they all have to kinda blend in together so they look nice, yet be different enough to show the design .

Let us know what you decide ~:)

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Hi Julie, I could see from the link from the quilt you did as to how the squares are put together but I didnt know what actual pattern you used for the squares themselves. Did you sew the squares one by one going round or did you lay them all out then sew them up in strips.

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Speaking of prairie stars and lots of joining :eek, I tried my hand at the Diamond crib quilt Annie's Attic posted as their 1 Nov free pattern. (Think zillions of tiny (2 round) hexagon motifs that are sewn together in diamond shapes). As soon as I read those instructions, I knew I was in trouble, so modified round 2 to be a joining round instead. Still left me with a gazillion ends to weave in.


Here's my question: All of my little motifs cup upwards, as did my diamonds in the Prairie Star. I figure that means that the diameter of the motif is too small for its radius, but how do you fix that without adding stitches (which messes up the symmetry/stitch count?). I've tried bigger hooks, and all I get is a bigger motif - that cups. But the Prairie Star motifs were flat until I joined them. Was wondering if the joining technique might be the culprit.... Any thoughts from our resident design mavens? Hmmmm, maybe I should try a shorter stitch? Like a half dc instead of a dc? :eek - then the motifs will be even smaller and I'll need more of 'em! Gotta be a better way... (did I mention the gazillion ends?)



Hi Patricia... Once you get the Prairie Star made the cupping sorta settles down. But I have made several and they all do it. My tension is pretty good I would say... So no matter how big you make or how tight or loose they will do that. Just the design of it.

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The Prairie Star is NEXT UP ....


Hoping to have some Alongers to join me on that . It sounds like several out there are still working on it or want to start one, so maybe we'll all be in here egging each other along on it .


I hope so, it's always more fun to make something with others to compare notes, colors, etc with . :D


Hi Julie.. Let me know when you are ready to start the Prairie Star and I will start right along with you. I am pretty sure the lady that I am making it for wants it in the org.. colors. I need to get with her soon and find out. Maybe one day this next week I can catch up with her and find out. As soon as I know I will get the colors and post. So when you are ready I will go against myself and work on a couple of projects at once.... JUST for you!!:manyheart

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Okay, i'm here. Julie, you are like the black hole-dark, evil & sucks everything in. LOL! I'm going to do the nine patch from Annie's Crochet Quilt & Afghan Club. It looks different from the one I see most of you doing. It's alot less sewing which I like, heehee.Here's a picture (clickable), I just have to pick my colors.






Oh Tabby that is one beautiful afghan!:manyheart Cant wait to see the colors you pick out for it!

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Hi Wendy

I sewed them in strips -- so when all the squares were done, I laid them all out in the pattern I wanted, then took the first and second row of squares, and sc'd them together in one big long row, so that when you finish that row, you are actually done putting the first 2 rows together . Then, you add the 3rd row onto the 2nd, etc . Very quick and easy !

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Tab- let us know what colors you choose !!! :)


Brandy- :manyheart

that is SO sweet of you to join in with us. I'd consider it an honor . You have made so many of them, you should be called the PS EXPERT !

Let us know when you find out what colors they order and when you need to start ~

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Julie... :blush I am no expert. I just love this pattern and how fast it goes. And it goes really fast in my opinion. :think I think....



Anyways... I need to have it done by Jan.. A couple of months away. But I can finish it in a week if need too. So as soon as I find out I will let you know.


Cant wait to see what colors everyone else is going to do theirs in!!:hook

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My motifs didn't cup when I did the tumbling blocks afghan - which is basically the same motif used in the PS.


did I do something wrong? :think should they cup? :yes


Maybe it is the different layout of the motifs that does it...:scrachin

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Well, Brandy

I officially crown you the PS Expert, because of the number of them you have done. That HAS to make you an expert . If you've got til January, then we have a good time frame to work in - I'm trying to figure out when would be good for everyone who wants to start . I know Darski wants to wait til after the holidays... but we'll see. Maybe she can be convinced to begin a little sooner if we give her a little nudge . :)


Darski - I'm not sure about the cupping -or difference in pattern between Ps and the blocks one . Did you use baby yarn for the baby one ? Maybe that'd make a difference since it is a softer more "floppy-"type yarn ( for lack of a better term )

Maybe someone who has done these will be able to answer your question a little better. I BEGAN one, but never completed it, but my diamonds looked a little "cupped ", just like they do in the photo .

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Then I am guessing that it is because I used a larger hook. I used a 7mm with WW yarn. i have to use larger hooks for most stuff for the sake of my hands. hmmmnn


I could easily be tempted to start sooner but I can't get the yarn I need. It takes 6 colours and I am trying to use some shades of grey - not available at WM so i have to wait for a source. I have Mary Maxim's catalog on order but it hasn't come yet.


I could start my centre section as it just needs the black but wht then?


:cheer No More WIP's :cheer

:cheer No More WIP's :cheer

:cheer No More WIP's :cheer

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Julie.... I am no expert.. I dont care what you say..:hook But whenever everyone is ready just say the word. I am pretty sure she wants org. colors of it, but some of them are no longer available. I may have enough in my stash for the last one I did but I am not for sure.


I will be working on my knitted kitty stocking until I find out for sure. Then when you say the word I am all ready to get it going.


Plus I still have to think of something to make for my holiday exchange pal too...


:eek Ut oh I think I have been hanging around you too long Julie.. You got me agreeing to do many projects at once... Thats ok I still :manyheart ya!! I can get it done .... :think


Darski.... Even when I did the tumbling blocks I still got a cupped look. I wish I had taken a picture of it.. Never thought of doing that before I got involved in the blogs and here. But I did the tumbling block one in the pinks that it should on the pattern. Maybe you crochet a little loose and that helped with it not cupping. I need to find AJ and ask her if hers cupped or not.... hmmmmmm

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Wow, Darski

Now THAT is a dilemma-- no more WIP's to work on ? WOW:eek SCAREY


Anyhow, are you making all shades of greys with black as the center , or is there another color you could use til your order comes in ? Are you using any white ? I'm trying to think of a solution for you.. Hmmm.......


Have you already placed the order, and if so, how long does Mary Maxim take ? I have ordered from Herrscher's before and gotten really good service but never tried Mary Maxim .

Were you able to locate 4 shades of greys ? You know another color that may look pretty with those is if you could find a slate blue, steel blue--- I don't know what you'd call the color. Something that is a really light bluish-grey type color. I don't even know if they make that color of yarn ,but it sounds pretty with greys .


Do you have scraps you could use for a big granny or something ?

This has me worried- no WIP's. :worried:blink

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:cheer Wow -- this CAL is hopping!!! :clap


I'm so excited to see everyone get interested in the Quiltghans. I have to say that this has become my new obsession and even though I haven't been posting on this CAL recently because I've had to set aside my PS until I finish Christmas presents, I have lots of ideas for future quiltghans swimming around in my head.


Right now I'm planning to make a Jewel Box pattern after I finish the Christmas gifts and the PS. I haven't actually seen a crochet pattern for this one - Forines did one and had such a beautiful picture on her photos page that I fell in love with the pattern. :manyheart You can get the quilt block pattern here http://www.quilterscache.com/J/JewelBoxBlock_Page2.html Basically, I'm just going to find a square pattern that I like and then it is all in how you arrange the colors to make the pattern.


The website above has tons of quilt block patterns - I think that someone else posted this link a while back on this CAL. But you can get lost looking through all of the patterns and thinking about how to put squares together to achieve them in crochet.


I'm also planning to make an Around the World and a Double-Wedding Ring. So I will be in this CAL for all of eternity it seems. But they're just so beautiful, I can't resist. :D

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:cheer No More WIP's:cheer

:cheer No More WIP's:cheer

:cheer No More WIP's:cheer


please note that is says More WIP's. As in no additional WIP's. My pile is so high already that another would topple it.


The six colours I am considering include choosing from these 7:


Black denim,

Lgt Grey Heather,

Deep mauve (very grey)

Med. Grey,

Ragg grey ( a tweedy sort) and



I really think that, of the 7, the Black is the one I should leave out. The black denim is a softer black.


I don't even have the catalog yet, I just signed in the other day for it. I don't order online. Since I will be sending a cheque, I want the order form too.


I have more than enough to keep me busy until the last cow gets home, never mind til January. Since my Tumbling blocks (little floor ghan) came out so well, I am believing I can make this one work when I get the time to give to it.

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When I make wedding afghans, I usually try to tie in the wedding colors they used . What colors did they have for that ?

I think out of your 2 choices, I'd go with the top but maybe remove the teal and replace it with something else- as it seems a little bright to match the rest of the colors, OR if you go with the bottom, I'd take out the lime green and change it for a little duller color .

I don't know, this PS afghan always has me BAFFLED about colors . There are so many to choose and they all have to kinda blend in together so they look nice, yet be different enough to show the design .

Let us know what you decide ~:)


Actually, that's what I was doing. Their wedding colors were turquoise/teal and pale green, kind of a limey color. Below is a pic of me in a bridesmaid dress. Her grandma is wearing the right color green.


I think I'm going with the bottom colors; the funny thing is that of the two that you suggested I change, those are the ones I MUST keep. :rofl


Is it okay to use more than one brand of yarn at a time, as long as they're the same weight? I would really have a lot more options if I didn't have to choose among the colors offered from a particular brand.



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CaliAdria -- I'm using RH SuperSaver and Caron Simply Soft for my PS and have not had any problems. I just use one size bigger hood for the motifs made with the Simply Soft and they are turning out to be the right size.


I think your color choices look great.

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