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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Thanks so much Patricia ! It is nice to be back and see some of my old pals still here ,working away on their projects . I missed you all too, and it's been nice getting re-acquainted with some of the old buddies and meeting some new ones already ! I've been lurking around now for quite some time and finally got sucked in by all the CAL's going on -- you know me, I cannot RESIST them !

I am currently doing the one big granny- which should go quick, then Prairie Star, here I come . :D

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Hey Julie; want another addiction? In addition to your weakness for CAL's of course! I got the Quilt Design Wizard software and have been merrily making up pattern ideas (note I did not say "patterns" - that's much harder!). They're multiplying so fast, I'm convinced my computer must be operating on its own. Or "crafty", too. Or maybe I'm sleep-computing? :compute


anyway, it's way too much fun. and not too expensive (~$30 w/ sh). wanna play?

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Wow, Patricia

That sounds really interesting ! I've never been real good at figuring out a pattern design on my own, but I'd love to see what you are coming up with !

Have you made any of them yet, or making up the designs, but haven't tried any yet ?

It sounds really neat ! Those quilt-ghans are always so pretty . A lot of work, but well worth it in the end .

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Thank you, Jimmie !


I thought you did a prairie star before ,but I must have mixed you up with someone else . Anyhow, I KNOW you can do one -- once you set your mind to it, you can do anything .


Might as well hop on in with us here and we can all get our feet wet together ! :yes


I am working on the one big granny right now, but it is going pretty quickly .

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Jimmie Lu -- I haven't seen anyone do the PS that way, but I don't see why it wouldn't work. It would create a different look to the finished product if you whipstitched the entire sides together rather than the pattern joining method of just joining at 4 places on each side. I think it's worth a try. Can't wait to see pictures if you decide to do it this way.

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Hmmm.... whipstitching the diamonds together. :think:idea Might make the whole thing a little sturdier than the joining method, which connects each motif with the next in only 3 places (I think) per side. I also would dearly love to see any future pictures.


Hey, that would also make the project more portable! (which the joining method makes difficult after about 2 rounds of diamonds). Sounds great, looking forward eagerly to hearing about your experience trying this.:hook Good luck! :hug


And come to think of it, you could leave a long tail on each motif to use in whipstitching (idea used for granny squares, I believe) it to the next, and that would reduce # of ends to hide?

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I have not posted for such a long time as my computer was being silly. I have made a few afghans and have a few others in progress. Here is the star one from Blue Ribbon Afghans. You can see other afghans in my webshot link in the afghan album. My sister now has this one in her home. I love this pattern!



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Thank you Darski. I have always admired this pattern and was finally able to purchase the Herrshner's Book that has this particular pattern about 2 months ago so I had to make it. The colours are from my stash as I want to make a dent in the pile of yarn I have at home.

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Good luck, Jimmie


I plan on making the PS my next thing in line. I am currently working on the one big granny rectangle and hope to have it done within a couple days at most . It is going fast !

Then I'll be in here to join you .

What colors did you decide on, or have you decided yet ?

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It is wonderful to see you back! I hope your computer doesn't conk out on you again anytime soon. I love seeing your work! That afghan is gorgeous.

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Hi Dianne it is nice to be back. I have had a technological nightmare with the computer. I want to replace this model next year so I am crossing my fingers it will see me through till then.


As you can see I am still on the afghan phase of my craft. I have started a thread tablecloth but have not done much work on that and the sewing machine has forgotten that I exist.

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Julie Kay I didnt really decide what colors its more like what do I have that I can use. I know I need black which is something I rarely use in a gahn but this one is a keeper for me so I like the way it looks all joined with black. I have a varrigated I started with and blue. I will probably use some pink(dk) instead of the red the pattern calls for and I will also use yellow.

It doesnt seem like I know what I am doing other than I worked some motifs yesterday and they went really fast(my kind of work)

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Hi, Ines! so glad to hear from you again :hi:hug


your broken star is gorgeous! and I couldn't help myself - had to browse through all your afghans - slowly! You have marvelous color sense. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished Orange Blues afghan, lovely work in the in progress photo. :cheer

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Hi, Jimmie Lu - I'm trying to remember what a Texas Square looks like; it's possible I have the publication/book you are using? What is it (magazine issue or book) and I'll take a look through my pattern stash? thanks! :hug

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I am on an afghan kick too and have about 8 started. The trouble is, (and I don't know if you remember me from the UFO Cal, Patricia), I have a lot of trouble finishing anything. I've gotten a couple done, though, and I keep plugging away. Well, it is lovely to see you, and I hope we see more of you.


Patricia, Are you still in the UFO cal or are you all caught up now. If not, I may see you back in there soon!

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