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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Dazy, I think I understand what you meant about the second round of color - you are at the place where you can attach the first round of that color, but need the intervening rows of (different colors) done before you can attach the second round, right? And are doing and setting aside the 2nd row's worth of the current color for when its round position is ready. Hey, that means after you finish the round with the last color combo, you'll just have joining to attach all the second rounds and you'll be done! :cheer

YEAH!! what you said!

and you're getting quite the list of quiltghans. you won't be going anywhere soon.:devil

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you know, if you do the two different types of yarn and it doesn't suit you, you don't have to frog it. you could seperate the two kinds of diamonds, add to each and have 2 prairie stars. one in RH and one in SS. twice the work :lol .


:lol Good idea!


But I may not get very far -- I'm having trouble understanding the joining of the two motifs and need some help.


Here is the wording of the pattern:


...with wrong sides together sc in ch-3 sp on first motif, ch 1, dc in same ch-2 sp on 2nd motif, dc in next 2 dc; sc in next ch-1 sp, skip next dc on motif in progress- join made; dc in next 3 dc, join, 3 dc in ch-4 sp, ch 2, sc in ch-5 sp on first motif, ch 2, 3 dc in same ch-4 sp on 2nd motif...


I've bolded the instructions that don't mention a particular motif. For these, am I supposed to work the stitch through both motifs together? :think That's how I did it joining the first two and I'm not sure if that's right or not?



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Tiffany- You do the dc in the motif that you started on, not the completed one. sc in the ch 1 sp on the second motif and then dc in next 3 on the first motif. I hope this helps.


Thanks everyone for the compliments. Mary is chugging along on hers and now has 50 squares made.

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Ok... I've gone back through the thread a little bit and found some close-up shots of the center prairie star and it looks like you only join them at 4 points with single crochets. So that's how I'm progressing.


However, if this is wrong, please post and correct me :blush


BTW -- in looking back over the posts, there is some beautiful work and talent on this board. I feel honored to be able to have access to everyone's experience and expertise. :D

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Tiffany- You do the dc in the motif that you started on, not the completed one. sc in the ch 1 sp on the second motif and then dc in next 3 on the first motif. I hope this helps.



I don't understand - let's call them completed and working to have less confusion. So I join them with a sc in the ch-3 sp on the completed motif, then I ch-1 and do a dc in the same ch-2 sp on the working motif. Then sc in ch-1 sp on completed and work dc in next 3 on completed motif??? This is the part that confuses me. When I do that - it's lopsided because I'm adding part of a row to the completed motif.

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I don't understand - let's call them completed and working to have less confusion. So I join them with a sc in the ch-3 sp on the completed motif, then I ch-1 and do a dc in the same ch-2 sp on the working motif. Then sc in ch-1 sp on completed and work dc in next 3 on completed motif??? This is the part that confuses me. When I do that - it's lopsided because I'm adding part of a row to the completed motif.


after you do the sc in the 2nd motif you ch 1 dc in ch2 sp on first motif and dc in next 2 dc on first motif, ch 1 then sc in next ch 1 sp on 2nd motif then dc in next 3 dc on first motif. I Hope the helps....

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after you do the sc in the 2nd motif you ch 1 dc in ch2 sp on first motif and dc in next 2 dc on first motif, ch 1 then sc in next ch 1 sp on 2nd motif then dc in next 3 dc on first motif. I Hope the helps....


Maybe I'm too tired and I should look at this in the morning, but I'm still confused :blush


Are you considering the first motif the one that is completely done and the 2nd motif the one I'm currently working on? Because I don't have any ch-1 spaces on the one I'm currently working on.

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Tiffany, here's how it's going to go, from the ch-3 space.


DC in ch-3 space. Ch 1, then sc in the ch-3 space of the COMPLETED motif. Ch 1, DC in ch-3 space of INCOMPLETE motif, then DC in next 2 DCs of the INCOMPLETE motif.

SC in next ch-1 space of COMPLETED motif. Skip a stitch on the INCOMPLETE motif, then DC in next 3 DCs on INCOMPLETE motif.

SC in next ch-1 space of COMPLETED motif. Skip a stitch on the INCOMPLETE motif, then DC in next 3 DCs in the ch-5 space on INCOMPLETE motif.

Ch 2, SC in ch-5 space of COMPLETE motif, ch 2, 3 more DCs in the ch-5 space of INCOMPLETE motif.


Now you have turned the corner, and can finish the motif without further joining on motifs 1-5. On motif #6 of the star, you will have to join 2 sides with that method.


I got it when I thought about it like this (and read the sentence after Note in the pattern). The SC in the completed motif replaces one chain stitch in the motif in progress. On sides where you're joining, use one SC in the completed motif. On sides where you're not joining, and just completing the motif, use one chain stitch.


I hope this helped and didn't confuse you further. :)

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Tiffany the first motif is the one you are working on and the 2nd one is the completed one. You will get it and once you do you will say oh geez that is easy.... and it is a very quick one to make.:cheer

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Brandy Your shurndish is awesome!!! Your sister is going to very very hapy and proud of you:)


Tiffany way to go! I am in a different time zone so couldn't get to you sooner but you got the best help ever from Fran and Brandy !!!Can't wait to see your pic!


Patricia your colors sound very nice. Hoping to see more of your PS.


I am still on the green diamonds... I am doign green where the original pattern calls for white.


Take care all and keep chugging along!!!




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Me too, Dazy! PS was on my list but now I'm thinking twice about it. I don't like to do afghans that you join as you go.



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okay, i'm officially NOT EVER going to do a PS. :eek


It's really not that bad once you understand the joining. After I got that down last night with the help from Brandy and Frann -- I've finished the center 6 diamonds already. Everyone's right, it does go very quickly once you understand the premise of how to make the diamonds.


I'll have to borrow my sister's digital camera (don't have one of my own yet) and then I'll post some pics.

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Hi Everyone! You are all working so hard on your quilt-ghans, I'd better do more before the weekend is over!

Patricia - I promise I will post a picture of my SS/RH afghan, but I must warn you, it is all in neutrals and not very exciting. I like your idea of the variegated and solids. Anyway, I must admit I bought my camera in the stone age of digital and it works with a floppy. The computer with the floppy drive is in the office all taken apart as my dh is tinkering. So, I will post a photo as soon as I can. (Thanks for asking!)


Tiffany - how are you liking the 2 yarns? I hope it works out well. I do not like to frog. I'm glad you figured out the joins.

Brandy - I have been meaning to tell you that your afghan takes my breath away. It is GORGEOUS.:manyheart Your sister will love it.

Dazy and Lynn - Believe me, you talented women can conquer the Prairie Star. it's really not bad once you get it. It is the instructions that are hard to follow...and you have all the people here, including Tiffany now, who would love to help you.:)

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Wow everyone has been making great progress! All the ghans look so nice too! I can't wait to see all the finished projects! We've been busy at our house this week and weekend. Prom Time once again. I haven't had a lot of time to crochet this weekend but I do have one strip of my Attic Windows done, but not sewn together and I am hoping to get another strip done today. Everyone keep up the good work! I don't know how much I'll be ablet to reply this week either, daughter has another prom to go to and a couple of Dr. appointments too.

will check in though but may not post. Everyone have a good week!

Theresa "2"

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my problem with the ps is where you put the diamonds in sideways the white ones. I will get it figured out though the joing is not a problem, its how you place it.:think

Have a good day

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theresa, i think prom is way more important that crochet. (did i said that out loud?) you can crochet anytime, but how often do you get to make these memories with your kids? with the price of prom goodies, not often, thankfully. enjoy this time with your daughter. :hug the quiltghan can wait. but not very long.:hook

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Hi, all! boy, am I tail-end Charlie today (was looking through afghan patterns most of the afternoon, sorry!). Frann, Brandy, those were great explanations - that's how I think of the joining pattern, too. It's completing the current diamond with a variation of round 3, the variation being that you substitute a join/connection to a completed diamond (= sc in the correct chain space on the completed diamond) in place of the middle chain of chain 1, chain 3 or chain 5 (depending on where you are in round 3). It's a little awkward, holding wrong sides together, to join the incomplete motif to the completed one, since they are so different in size at that point (one is missing round 3, duh ). I have to keep reminding myself that this is ok.... It helps me if I focus on the incomplete motif and stitch away on its round 3 involving the bigger motif as necessary, instead of thinking of the task as joining it to the completed motif.


I found that I didn't have to refer to the pattern stitch by stitch in making each diamond once I understood the pattern logic. That didn't prevent me from mixing up the design elements from round 2 with those from round 3 through inattention. Since I usually only found mistakes after another round or so (or worse, when connecting another diamond), I've taken to examining a diamond after each round to make sure I've got the right number of dc's, chains, etc.


Doing the 10th diamond, I found I had made an error in the final join in round 3 on all my diamonds - joined in the second, not third chain stitch of chain 3 (don't know what I was thinking.....) and was glad to find that I could correct all the diamonds without taking the structure apart, even if new diamonds had been added there. I think I will not weave in the ends until I'm much more confident that the diamonds are correct - needed to undo all those ends to get at the join error. Takes me about 25 minutes to make a diamond, joins and all (if it goes right the first time).


Progress - another 3 diamonds in the second layer

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Evelyn, for the first white diamond: turn the diamond so its wide point fits into the valley between completed diamonds, a diamond's wide point being the place where you start/finish a round. So, the first join you'll make in round 3 of the first white diamond is into the connection between 2 diamonds of the previous layer at their wide points.


Holding the completed section and the incomplete diamond wrong sides together, it will seem as if the incomplete diamond is straddling two completed diamonds, not matching up with them.


Hope this helps:hug

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Evelyn, my last picture (around pg 120) will give you a good idea. I started at the middle between each point of the star; I found that was "clearer" to me and then I worked outwards to the points.


I still frog stuff now and again; but it's easier. Just keep working it and it WILL get easier!! :hook

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