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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Brandy- It'll be awhile til I start a new CAL .. I still want to make at least one more afghan in this group ,possibly 2, so I won't want to get another project going til then. This group keeps me hopping right now ! :lol


Yes!!! I will have time to make a few more myself before I get distracted Julie . After this one I want to make a brighter one. This one was promising to be a bright and beautiful until my husband and daughter twisted my arm to tone it down.


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It sounds like you are doing well on your afghan and I'm glad you're having fun with this CAL. Yes. it is more fun if you jump in and make the item along with us . :lol You aren't bothering us in the least , posting photos ! We'd love to see more as you get time .


*** And I just wanted to leave a teaser about a new CAL . At this point, it'll be awhile til I'm ready to begin another one, plus I don't quite have all the "kinks" figured out in it yet . You'll be among the first to know when I do !!!


Evelyn - Shoot , I was afraid that would happen. I know how I am with colors, if I don't like how they look when I start putting the afghan together, then I probably won't want to do it . Good luck finding something you like better ! :)

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It won't STICK this time of year anyhow, unless you live in Antarctica .

( You don't , do you ???? :eek )


Man, you guys ... these CAL groups are getting to be a little DANGEROUS.


I'm gonna have ONE MEMBER WHO IS BLIND from gouging out her own eyes ........(DAZY)


and another member who is TONGUE-LESS ....

Patricia - I hope you have a good memory so that you can learn sign language .. and thank goodness your TONGUE is not needed to reply to us here, just fingers .


POOR BRANDY has worn HER fingers to the bones ...



Now, who woulda thought a simple little gathering of people making afghans could have turned into such a DANGEROUS hobby ?

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Don't feel bad that you have trouble keeping up with posts. THIS CAL has been the most challenging for me . I cannot believe the responses we get on here ! Amazing ....

Anyhow, it's ok if you don't reply to each person . It is nice if you can, but it's really hard with a thread this busy. I try to respond to each of you and if I neglect someone, I certainly don't mean to .

Thats what makes these groups so much fun . It's nice to have people here who CARE about you and what you're working on . That's WHY this one is such a success .

If you join a CAL , then post about what you're doing and no one answers you, you think no one really CARES about what you're doing , so it's easy just to give up and toss it in the corner .

If you get response, even if it's only from one person, then you feel like continuing on .

You guys are all doing great ..... keep up the good work.

* ( This is just a DRY RUN for the NEXT one .. it's gonna be a real DOOZY )

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This may help you guys out a little, for those of you that haven't tried it :

If you go up to the blue bar and click on THREAD TOOLS, then SUBSCRIBE to this thread, click on instant email notification -- you'll get an email in your box at the time a new post is added. Then , at least when you come in here, if you click on that email, it will lead you to the FIRST missed post and you won't have to file back through pages of posts to see where you left off reading last time .

See if it helps :)

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:cheerEveryones ghans look wonderful! I started posting last night and had a post with responses (and it took me 45 minutes to get it right) all ready to go, just as I was to click the submit reply button....our electricity went out!:(:eek I think I jumped three feet into the air at the sound of the thunder and lightening....there was no warning of a storm or anything! I was so scared that the lightening took out my puter, thank God it's still here! Lights were only out a few minutes and we didn't get much rain but I didn't want to chance being on here again until this morning. So to everyone new I say welcome, to everyone undecided about colors, patterns, etc.....I say good luck there are so many beautiful ones out there it is hard to decide. To everyone who posted pics....they are beaUtiful...I love to see lots of pics! To all who are sick or ailing....please get better soon! To all who are hooking away...keep up the good work...you are all truly inspirations!

As far as my progress....I have 73 of 80 of the starter blocks done, hopefully today I can get the last 7 done and then start putting on the last three colors. After you get a block done, you start working in rows and change colors in the middle of each row, so I thought it would be easier to get all the centers done and then complete them individually.

Brandy....I love what you have done with the blueberry patch! Much better than that tire! Hope your hands are ok today!

Julie........I am on pins and needles waiting to hear what your next cal is going to be!

We had a rough weekend here at our house and this next week is full of appointments and meetings so I don't know if I will get anything done on my ghan, but I will try to keep up with this thread...it is so much fun and a bright spot in my day! You guys are ALL the best! (and I love the fact that we have a pre-adult, Mary, in here with us!)

:hug's to all

Theresa "2"

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Morning Theresa !

Yea, there have been lots of storms around the country this spring, haven't there ? We havent had many here yet . It was supposed to rain all weekend but so far it's been sunny and nice out .

I'm glad you enjoy coming here. We enjoy your posts, and everyone else's ! You guys are what makes this group so great .

It sounds like you're making great progress on your squares . :yarn

Please ignore the ball of yarn -- I just noticed it on there and wanted to use it someplace, so there it is ! Cute, huh ?:yarn

Hope you have a great day today . :)

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Good Morning All!


Well, I have a crochet question and since you all are sooooo good with quilt afghans I thought I'd post it here.


I have finished the crazy fan afghan and its just waiting for blocking and picture taken, soooooo, like a fool I have started another quilt afghan. This one is from a actual quilt pattern that is called shooting blocks. Since I don't have a crochet pattern for it I'm winging it! Well, I have just realized that I need to make little triangles or a 2 round 1/2 granny with one color on one side and another color on the other so it forms 2 triangles of different colors. Does anyone know how to do that????? :eek




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Good Morning all. Hope this is finding everyone in good spirits. My hands are still a little sore yet but the rest of me is :eek It hurts to lift my arms. I think I am still going to try and get some crocheting done though as I cant really walk or move around. Used lots of muscles that I havent used in a while.


Lynn the pattern that I am doing has a two color square. It is pretty easy. I need to know first if you are doing like a granny square or what kind of square are you doing???


Well I am off for now to help Mary get the yarn out and decide what color and then probably help her post the pic on here. Shouldnt it be her helping me today.....:think Have a great morning all.

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Good morning fellow crocheters! :ghug I got nothing done on my ghan yest.:( , but good news is i've finished 2/3 of the other projects:cheer , so hopefully today will be more productive. The weather here still stinks :rain:wbrr, I just feel like curling up under the covers :sleep. But, with 4 boys that is sooooooo NOT happening. I hope everyone has a wonderful day! :hook:yarn

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Good Morning Ladies,

I had a productive evening. I finished up all the sage squares and got 30 of the aran done. Now I still need 33 aran and 84 woodsy green . I am afraid I am gonna have to order more yarn of the woodsy green . I only have 3 skiens left . Well off to church I go and will be back in an hour or so . Have fun.............:manyheart

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You really don't HAVE to sign up for any more of these, you know I'm just teasing you guys .

don't HAVE to? yeah, right. you just plant the little seeds in my head and occasionally sprinkle it with hints. then, pretty soon, i'm a bloomig idiot again. you know you love to taunt us with your hypnotic CALs:spin :spin .:laughroll

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:clap Woot, I get to start a new afghan. Thanks to my mom, I had to change the pattern, because she didn't think I would finish it. I will be posting pics later of the colors and of the new pattern. Nine patch granny... I guess it looks more like a quilt than the first one. :yay I "bought" yarn out of my mom's stash. There is a rose, light pink, dusty teal(it's discountinued so I can only use it for 20 square), and a tan:yarn . My purse is also finished so I will probably be posting a pic of that to. So tah-tah for now!!!:devil:manyheart
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don't HAVE to? yeah, right. you just plant the little seeds in my head and occasionally sprinkle it with hints. then, pretty soon, i'm a bloomig idiot again. you know you love to taunt us with your hypnotic CALs:spin :spin .:laughroll
:spin:spinmust do cals.............must do cals.............must do cals:spin:spin
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:waving Hey everyone, I haven't been on in few days but it seem like everyone is moving right along with their progects. :cheer:clap It seems like everytime I sit down to crochet someone comes up for something else for me to do. Then like an idot I stumped my little toe ( or I thought it was my little toe ) and thought no big deal it won't last long. evidently I broke some other bones in my foot and it has really swollen and hurts like crazy. :yell I can't seem to stay off of it long at a time. I am still working and there I stand most of the day. Now I am in my sewingroom with my foot propped up and posted a notice " To all that this concerns I am not availiable this is my space, my time, and I will be :hook crocheting so see you in a year or two.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you think:think this might work? I hope so my problem is it is so hard for me to tell anyone NO :no I am busy.
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Dazy...I know all about that workmans comp. My hubby has been on it now for 2 years. And I have been driving him around the whole time. Now though he gets to drive. :clap At least your husband is healing. :manyheart
2 years:eek ? i love pete very much, but i'm used to having my days to myself and having him home all day is like having a kid in the house again. and a little kid, at that. arm in a cast, "could i have a glass of tea? could you open this for me? could you help me dry off after my shower? (i'm suspicious of that one):reyes . i shudder to think of 8 weeks of it. but 2 years? my sympathies go out to ya.

and the comp people enjoy making people jump through hoops. paperwork, paperwork, paperwork:thair . most of the info they need is on the paperwork i filled out last week and the week before. then we got a $3600 ER bill because pete didn't give them the info when he came into the ER. EXCUSE ME, he wasn't feeling real knowledgeable at the time. he landed on his thinking parts. finally got that straightened out (i think).

whoa, i gotta stop ranting. nothing positive to come of it.

how about GHAN talk? i got half of the next group done yesterday. took it to the wedding pete shot. i've got 24 squares of that group to go. then only 3 groups left (192 squares). then i can start joining them.

gotta go work in the yard, then i can crochet during rest breaks. maybe i could just take lots of breaks, huh? :scrachin:idea

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Hope you get some time today to crochet. Sorry your weather is still crappy. It's been halfway decent here, considering the time of year.



I already know I'm gonna love your afghan. The word woodsy green has me sold -- sounds BEAUTIFUL .



Your colors sound pretty ! I'm working on the same one as you ,and so are a few other ladies .


Now Dazy and Theresa --

It won't be so bad ... what's ONE more crochetalong ? I'll give you plenty of time to wrap this one up first . :D



Sorry you hurt your foot. Do you have a YARDSTICK ? Start Cracking anyone that wants anything -- make them do it themselves . THEY should be waiting on YOU since you are injured .


Ps- Dazy- speaking of yardsticks, I'd take one to my husband's BACKSIDE if he wanted me to DRY HIM OFF from his shower . Threaten to put him in a nursing home and let HILDA the HUN BATHE HIM for the next couple months. He may change his tune if he thinks you'll do it ! :D

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I can't believe how many post on this cal.


Linda, hope your foot gets better soon>

Wow all the beautiful quiltghans. I have 3 rows of 15 on the around the world done. The braiding together of the squares is really working out nicely. It sort of gives it a ruffly effect.

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