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Crochet -a- Quilt


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:hook Hi everyone.

julie that is going to look nice . you are going to beat me getting mine done. I must put things aside and go back to working on it .

Donna I hope you are feeling better. My anitboitic has kicked in and now I am feeling more myself . Still can't talk ( a customer said I sould like the beagle down the street so now he calls me dasy .) .lol.

Brandy its nice out for a while . Hurry before the rain starts .

I hope eveyone has a good day


:hug:hook:devil must get mine done before julie...........

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snbarclay - thanks for the well wishes. actually i got almost NO sleep last night and my headache is worse that yesterday. this is now 2 weeks straight with a non-stop headache. it's just been varying degrees... i can't go back on meds or we will have to stop trying to get pregnant. my dh wants me to go back on meds because he says he can't stand seeing me in this much pain but i want a child. if i go back on meds, i'll be fine and then i'll have to get off it again for 6 months before being able to try again. it doesn't seem worth it. i'm not getting any younger but at the same time i am in a lot of pain. it's not just migraines, it's the tension headaches i get on top of them. i just don't know. i see the dr on monday and i'll ask him for advice. trying hard not to get depressed. thanks again for the kind thoughts.


ok, as far as my "braiding" method goes... the picture of the pattern is hard to tell but it does not look like there are such big empty spaces between the braids so that's why i'm wondering if i'm joining them wrong. does anyone know if there's a video tutorial anywhere on joining this way? THANKS!

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Hi again- I just wanted to let you know that I posted a pic of my finished flower and some of the colors I'll be using (that I dug out of the bags so far...) Dazy- there are a couple of pics of a few of the bags I have hidden behind my living room chair... Think that times 20! LOL Thank you Brandy for the HB. Feels good to know I'm not alone with feeling 80! LOL

http://community.webshots.com/user/auntneenie613 Check out my chubba boys pics while you're there too. I think there's even a pic of me in his 4 mo folder.



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Donna, have you asked around your circle of friends for a GOOD local chiropractor?


You'd be amazed at how much better a good chiropractor can make you feel. Perhaps you have some vertabrae in your neck out of alignment?

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Hi again- I just wanted to let you know that I posted a pic of my finished flower and some of the colors I'll be using (that I dug out of the bags so far...) Dazy- there are a couple of pics of a few of the bags I have hidden behind my living room chair... Think that times 20! LOL Thank you Brandy for the HB. Feels good to know I'm not alone with feeling 80! LOL

http://community.webshots.com/user/auntneenie613 Check out my chubba boys pics while you're there too. I think there's even a pic of me in his 4 mo folder.




Janine your colors are very pretty . I did enjoy doing the flower garden when I did it. oh by the way . :birthday

donna you are in my thoughts about your headaces. I am sure there has to be something that they can do to help . Keep your upper lip stiff .Not that it will help the ackes but .


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Love your colors -- very bright and cheery !


Donna- hope something works out for you with the headaches . I know a lot of people deal with them. I started getting them when I was 10 -- they run in our family and I have had them ever since ,so does my dad and sister, and 2 of my kids get them . I hope you find something to help you with yours . Mine aren't usually unbearable -- I have had them for so long now, I can function most times when I have them, but once in awhile, they are really bad .


Norma - I doubt I will beat you on your afghan . You probably have lots more squares done than me . Are you making yours the 2 rounds or 3 rounds ?

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does anyone have a remedy for an achy back it hurts really bad


whoever is doing the prarie star that is looking really awesome-better than when my mom first started hers shhhhhhh.... don't tell her i said tht wellz i have to get going:devil :manyheart

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i went to walmart today to get a skein of buff and one of aran for my quiltghan. they were done with inventory and not only had some new colors (a shades of light and medium browns that is stuck in my head. i NEED it:drool ). and they had put a pile of yarn on clearance:woo . sooooo, i got my buff and aran, plus light sage, and on sale i got rosy pink, dark orchid, and blueberry pie for 1.50 a skein. and at another local pamida store, they have a yarn called phentex merit that is sorta like SS and is .88 for a 1 and 3/4 oz. skein. i got mauve and a bright blue/green. got 3 skeins there.

so, a trip for 2 skeins turned into 9 :devil .

you might want to check your local wallyworld to see if they are having a similar clearance sale. if they have anything left next week, i know where my birthday money is going:blush .

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Hi Ho Dazy

An early Happy Birthday to you ! Hope all your yarn dreams come true. I know the tan variegated you're talking about - Our walmart had it last week and I bought all they had . ( I think they had either 6 or 8 skeins of it. ) It really was pretty .Don't know yet what I'll do with it, but it's put away for someday !

Thanks for the yarn update . :)

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Ooh, dazy, sounds like you had a fun trip! Happy early birthday. :)


Donna, I love your pinwheels! The braiding looks really interesting; I'm going to have to try that sometime. I hope you're feeling better.


As for my own progress, I finished the center star on my 'ghan today, and was able to get a decent pic while there was still light out:




Tonight, I'll be working on all of the white motifs (6 down, 48 to go :P ). I suspect that here is where I'm going to hit my plateau!

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Fran, those colors are just gorgeous!!! It's gonna be a beaut!!!


Thanks for everyone's kind words. I think maybe I'm just PMsing. I get really moody during that lovely time of the month so that could be why I'm so down today.


Ok, I got my pattern booklet today that I ordered off eBay for the next ghan I'm going to do (when I finish braiding the ghan from hell! LOL)


Click here to see what I'm talking about


Ok, so are you guys ready for this? You actually crochet the entire ghan (SC, DC, SC DC for 147 rows) then you make all the little squares, sew them together and then sew it onto the middle of the ghan. Am I a glutton for punishment or what? :eek

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Frann your ghan is looking stunning. :cheer Keep up the good work.


It will be a few days for me. I beat my hands up pretty good today. And I still have alot more to do tomorrow. I hope everyone gets to feeling better. I think some fresh air helped here a little. Have a great weekend all and happy crocheting.:hook

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Ooh, dazy, sounds like you had a fun trip! Happy early birthday. :)


Donna, I love your pinwheels! The braiding looks really interesting; I'm going to have to try that sometime. I hope you're feeling better.


As for my own progress, I finished the center star on my 'ghan today, and was able to get a decent pic while there was still light out:




Tonight, I'll be working on all of the white motifs (6 down, 48 to go :P ). I suspect that here is where I'm going to hit my plateau!


Fran your ghan is looking very very pretty :cheer:cheer:cheer!!! I love the colours that you have chosen!! I too am wondering if I would hit the plateau right here as I too am just about at that level!! but I am going to do just one colour in a day or two and go back and forth with other projects:)




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Fran, those colors are just gorgeous!!! It's gonna be a beaut!!!


Thanks for everyone's kind words. I think maybe I'm just PMsing. I get really moody during that lovely time of the month so that could be why I'm so down today.


Ok, I got my pattern booklet today that I ordered off eBay for the next ghan I'm going to do (when I finish braiding the ghan from hell! LOL)


Click here to see what I'm talking about


Ok, so are you guys ready for this? You actually crochet the entire ghan (SC, DC, SC DC for 147 rows) then you make all the little squares, sew them together and then sew it onto the middle of the ghan. Am I a glutton for punishment or what? :eek


Donna I can relate!! I am so moody during those "beautiful days" that you wouldn't want to be anywhere near me lol:)


I couldn't see the picture as the auction had ended so will wait for the pic of your ghan:D..




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I'm BACK, :D

and I'm caught up with my swaps :hook

and I am all set to start back on my Prairie Star,:cheer

and I've got the digital camera battery charging to take a picture!:yay

WOW - :manyheart you all have made great progress on your gorgeous crocheted quilts!

I have been reading on and off at work, but it is prohibited to answer from there - you see, I work in a place that has not emerged from the Stone Age of technology yet.:rolleyes (I don't think I am supposed to read either, truth be told, but I only do it on break, for goodness sake!)

Anyway, I would love to comment, on all I have read, but that would take a book, and a memory like Einstein's - which I do not have. :blink (me)

I am just so excited to have met my other obligations, and to be able to focus on this. See you all tomorrow with some pictures!

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Your prairie star is beautiful... Also, I happened to look on your blog to see your Prairie Star and saw the spectacular Kaleidoscope afghan. Words fail me - it is amazing!


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Well Ladies I didn't do much crochet yesterday and so haven't progressed much but I thought I would show you all the round 3:)





I was also trying to finish the Mile-a-Minute bag that I was making for the MAM CAL:) just have the ends to weave in there:0)


Boy I sure missed a lot of posts! AJ I completely missed your post about the reaction your ghan recieved!! I am sorry about that but then we know how much of love you put in that afghan of yours and thats what matters most:hug.


Donna your ghan looks very neat!


Janine I love the colours you have chosen! and happy belated birthday:birthday


Forines what is that roses afghan you were talking about??? I am nuts about flowers!!!


Julie your nine patch is looking awesome!!! Can't believe you started it already!!!!


Dazy I envy you for all that yarn haul and yummy brown you say???sigh!!! and advanced happy birthday to you too!!!


Time to go and start another round ladies will be back when I finish!!!


Cheers going out to all who need them to complete this CAL !!! you all can do it if I can do it!!!


TTFN(tata for now)




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Hi all

Had a long hard day at work today but we made it!!

It isnt to hot here yet temps about 80 to 85 warmest so far this year, A very nice day:sun


Everyones gahns are very pretty, Im just kind of watching everyones

I done a couple blocks for the ps, but not a lot got to figure out a color skeme to go with fusia and aran Im not very good at matching colors, I have a color wheel but dont know how to work it:think

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fran your ghan is beautiful im gonna stick to the colors that the pattern calls for there was one color i couldnt find so i substuted i havnt started it yet but i hope that mine will be as pretty as the ones here. do you do all the same color diamonds before joining them? guess i should try and understand the pattern more. donna, i tried to bring up the pic but there wasnt one there just a blank box im sure youll do fine and it will be gorgeous.

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Vim-Very pretty afghan. I'd pick the same colors for my mom, she loves that palette- Maybe another one for mothers day? Ugh... My hand is cramping just thinking about it! LOL

Thanks for the birthday wishes. It was a fun day.

Have a great day/night!



PS... anyone else having problems posting? All day I've had to add my own paragraphs via html and smilies. I wonder if I'm doing something wrong. It worked fine yesterday! Ugh!

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Aw, everyone, thanks!! :blush :blush :blush See? this is why we have CALs....to keep us going when we hit patches of 54 white motifs! Really, all the compliments...you flatterers. :blush :blush :blush


Vims, yours is coming along so nicely, too!! I love your colors...pinks and reds are my favorites. Can't wait to see your next round. :hook


Andrea, this pattern gets joined as you go; you do two rounds, and then on the third, it gets attached to the body of the blanket with single crochets. It took me a while to get the hang of it, and even tonight I frogged a few, but once you figure out how each piece gets attached (this is where the diagram is important!) it's surprisingly simple. Read the NOTE on the pattern, this will help you!


rddugan, thanks for compliments on the kaleidoscope 'ghan....that's something where I had *no idea* what I was in for when I started!! Having an intended recipient and a deadline was helpful. It was a true labor of love. :)


I'm working tomorrow and Sunday, so I probably won't get much done on my 'ghan. Can't wait to come back and see what everyone has gotten accomplished!! Keep it up, ladies!! :cheer:hook:cheer

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Fran, thank you for the words of wisdom i'm thinking im gonna have the nine patch , cathedral and the praire star all going at the same time lol. then i really will be in trouble. the nine patch goes fast its the sewing part that drives me up a wall, i have the 12 squares with 9 little squares already sewn together and i have all 20 of the one color i need done, and i still have 93 more on one and 84 more on the other i think tomorrow im gonna start the cathedreal and save the nine patch for when i need to take it on the road that is one that can go with you anywhere til all the squares are done. my sil has already tried to claim it now the boys are asking am i really gonna let her have it lol. hope you all have a fantastic weekend.

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Good morning ,ladies ! :manyheart


Time to start another day .

Hope you all get some time to crochet .


You are doing a great job here

Time to pick up your afghan and open that first beer ....


( NO , WRONG MESSAGE BOARD .... SORRY , I meant to post the BEER comment in my Budweiser Buddies Group ) :D


This has been a lot of fun for me, how 'bout you ?

It gives me something fun to do .


It is a challenge to me, you see

To keep up with the boards AND my crochet ,is the key .


I have done many CAL's in this club so far

But this one has definitely made me raise the bar .


So many posts and such an active group

Makes me hop to stay in the loop !


It doesn't scare ME, no how, no way

I've already got a NEW plan in the works for what we can NEXT crochet .


It's a sure-fire winner , I already know

Will we get it done before it starts to snow ?


Just wanted to tempt you with another CAL to be ...

What is it , you say ?

SOON you will see . :hook


Just a 5:00 AM ditty to keep all of you motivated .


Those of you chugging along , keep it up !

Those of you that have laid it down, pick it up .

Those of you that have yet to start , start it up .



I have 2 new ideas that I'm excited about and trying to figure out how to combine them into one BIG idea .

Anyhow, more about that later .... on with the show . :yay

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