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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Vims...yours is beaUtiful too...sorry didn't mean to miss you....I can't wait to see the pink on it next!

Tabitha...have fun and keep us posted on your progress!

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Thanks everyone....:manyheart


Theresa2 I'm not doing the drunkard path....even though one day I may do it. Mine is the Churn Dash.


Tabby It is not that complicated....just seems that way. Making little squares and then bigger squares and then sewing together, then edging, and final sewing blocks together....I am thinking :think that this is just as bad as having all Julie's little saltines to sew together....:heehee


Going to go back to crocheting :hook now...Not feeling too hot. I'm :sneeze and I think a little:fever and I have :headache . May go to:sleep really earlier tonite...Maybe even as soon as after dinner... Have a great nite all. :manyheart

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Everyones quilts are beautiful!!!:clap I have not done any on mine this week. I am watching 3 grandchildren during easter vacation and am so tired at night i just want to fall asleep. I'm to old for this, i should be in my rocking chair crocheting!! LOL

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Had I known you guys were all watching kids this week I would have volunteered my sons 11 and 9 lol. I definately think I started way to late in life, they wear me out faster than lightning. All of your guys work is gorgeous I cant find my stupid webcam to post any pics of mine hope to be able to get a cam soon so i can take some. Keep on working :cheer

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Hi, all! Haven't done anything more on my quiltghan, (big surprise, eh?)


I’m back from Easter weekend – ok, I know it’s Wednesday, I have no idea where Tuesday went:think :lol. We had too much fun at Mom's house with my younger sisters Sunny and Tina and my niece Shannon, and didn't leave until late Monday evening. My boy, David, has three cousins on my side, and of the three, Shannon is closest to him in age. They had a good time (up until they fussed over who got to choose the next tv show - so the tv went off, and they were just fine, playing a game they made up...). We colored eggs, had an egg hunt in my Mom's awesome yard/gardening extravaganza, and a surprise b'day party (belated) for Shannon's mom, my sister Sunny. Actually, Mom and Tina supervised the egg coloring, while I crocheted my little fingers off, trying to finish Sunny's afghan for her present. fun was had by all. a really wonderful day. :manyheart:hug


Earlier in the day, my youngest sibling Tina, Mom, and I planned the details for our upcoming, once-in-a-lifetime-chance trip to Turkey in June (me still crocheting, Mom and Tina poring over a map). My folks lived in Izmir (known as Smyrna in antiquity), Turkey in the '80's (dad was a naval officer), and Tina was yet in high school, so she lived there, too. Tina and Mom have a lot of memories to re-visit, and I just want to go along and enjoy! :c9 Tina's husband, Marc, rounds out our little "tour group" of 4. My better half can’t go – work pressure.


I’ll have lots of crochet time on the various bus rides of the itinerary, so am trying to select projects to take with me that are suitable. Any advice? The buses will range from fancy, European, a/c tour buses to local “dolmush†(kind of like a large, open van –definitely not a/c). I’m thinking cotton, light-weight, thread, anything but afghans :wink I have hopes of finding neat fibers in the bazaars – lots of our yarns/threads are made in Turkey, I believe.

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Hey Andrea

Thanks for the "offer" but I think I'll have to pass. If ONE 3 year old gets me down, I don't think I'm young enough to handle 2 more boys ! I raised my 2 already ,and sometimes wonder how I did it ? :lol



It sounds like you had a wondeful Easter holiday. Good for you !

and a trip to Turkey ? WOW ... The only Turkey I know about is the one that is on my plate at Thanksgiving . You'll have to fill us all in on all the details when you get home . Sounds thrilling ~

By the way, bring some of your SQUARES to work on -- it won't be too hot to make squares , right ?

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Patricia...it sounds like a great trip! How fun will that be! I'm sure what ever you take along to work on will be fine, I agree with the squares or maybe some hats or slippers or something like that. Have fun planning the trip!


If someone is offering to take care of kids I have 2 (15 and 17 yrs.) Right now I would be more than willing to trade for a couple of toddlers! Oh where, Oh where, did the "diaper bag days" go?

Theresa "2"

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I gave up on trying to remember posts as I read ‘em for a later answer, so am writing this in Word, going back and forth between reading posts and replying! This thread is Happening! (I’m so square….) (uh, I’m so far behind, these notes apply to the posts from 17 to 19 April)

Hi, Janine/DannysMom and Mary (:hi) and welcome! We’re in all stages of progress here, so you’ll fit right in. Don’t be too scared of Julie – after all, how dangerous could someone who made this lovely afghan be? Uh, pay no attention to any dialog about bats, baseball or otherwise….Janine, nice colors! Can’t wait to see it :)Mary, loved your afghan - simply gorgeous!


Carol/Sprtsbear – I don’t know about the others, but I have to make a choice – I can either crochet or keep up with the posts – not both. I’m convinced JulieKay has a magic crochet hook that lets her do both, but she’s holding out on us. Maybe if we worked on a zillion CAL’s at once, she'd give us one, too? (or something like that…)


Vims/CrochetLady – thank you so much for posting your pic of the your PStar in progress – it is exceptionally clear (and pretty!), and with the help from Ines, maybe I’ll even be able to finish my first diamond and get to the same point! (pun intended) :lol – and Ines is right; I hadn’t even noticed until she pointed it out that there are no ends dangling here/there, because your initial star looked so natural, but way to go, and I’ll try to do the same, thanks to your example. Just saw the next pic in sequence – your star is very pretty! I love that red…


Tabitha/QueenOfCrochet – Go, Go, Go! (and the total of squares keeps going up and up and up….. and she’s outta the ballpark, folks! A home run, for sure….) And a caterpillar? Baby gift, perhaps? Those colors will be awesome! And so soft for little hands…. Just saw your pic of 2+ rounds done and joined – way to go! So you don’t intend to join them all in one marathon session like our revered leader, Julie? (this is a wise lady; very wise!)


Linda H/grandkids – ooh, ooh, the neon pinwheel and the baby afghan are both almost finished! can't wait to see them!


Frann/CityGirl – gorgeous colors! I love jewel tones and can’t wait to see how yours will come out. Congrats on getting past the first diamond (Ines/Forines13 took pity on my confusion and with her gracious help, I’ll be up with you soon)


Brandy/rosette and JulieKay – Good for you! I mention crochetville.org to everybody I meet at the craft store – and since I’m always being asked for help (I must look like an employee for some reason – could be because I’m always there?), I get to meet a lot! Brandy, I just saw your pic of three squares joined together – lovely! And the light colored edging sets it off so well….How old is your son? Mine is 8 and a sweetie; I’m a lucky mom, and I know it! Sorry to hear that you’re under the weather – hope you wake up tomorrow morning, feeling better, and ready to take on the world (or the churn dash, whichever seems more daunting…)


Shelly/insurechick – You go, girl! They will be so pleased…..


Ines/forines13 – thank you so much for the pic and written help – it is just what I needed to see. You were so thoughtful to stop and take a photo in the exact spot where I’m having trouble. I have to ‘fess that I haven’t worked on my quiltghan since last weekend – frantically trying to finish my sister’s b’day present, Ocean Breeze from the Afghans in Just One Day (huh! Yeah, right…) book and spending too much time at the ‘Ville, following everybody’s progress!


Theresa/thery4 – you are so patient! Way to go!


Andrea/andrea2006 – wow, nine-patch and the ‘Star? And the Cathedral Window? You Go, Girl! - and here forever? Well, there certainly are enough cool quilt-look patterns to keep you here that long, but I betcha you’ll have the nine-patch done in no time. That is, if you know what is good for you. Just remember Julie and that bat…. And remember, I’m sure to be bringing up the rear, given I tend to yak more than crochet (snicker).


JulieKay, are you digging for compliments? ‘cause if you are, you know this is the right place to go! (mirrors,….. antiques…. Indeed! – where does that leave the rest of us forty-somethings?!!). Thank you for your comments - my Dad was a special man... – and I bet all of you could tell similar stories about yours, too. There’s just something about a Dad! I’m glad I got to say so when he was still around to hear. He married someone just as special, and fortunately, she’s still here to thank – that’s where I went for Easter weekend. Her talent is gardening – simply awesome, the artwork my Mom calls a yard.


My mental picture of this thread is a huge open room, filled with chairs around tables, good lighting, swirls of motion, colorful yarn heaped about, and a hub-bub of sound - some folks you spot right away, and others are more reserved, but all with warm, welcoming smiles as one walks up to see what they are doing. What an incredible group! glad to be part of it :ghug Gotta go find an empty seat at one of those tables and settle down to some serious crochet :hook

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....By the way, bring some of your SQUARES to work on -- it won't be too hot to make squares , right ?


Julie, you're merciless! Can you just imagine me schleping an ever-increasing number of afghan squares around Turkey? and having people ask what I'm making, and upon hearing I'm making a blanket, giving me one of *those* looks? I'm expecting weather in the 90's, here....


Hmmm. Maybe I should make the 63 squares sampler in thread?:badidea:think

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Hi, Theresa/thery4!


mine is 8 - what with the toddler and teen stories, I'm looking for a magic spell to freeze him where he is. think it'll work? :2magic

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My mental picture of this thread is a huge open room, filled with chairs around tables, good lighting, swirls of motion, colorful yarn heaped about, and a hub-bub of sound - some folks you spot right away, and others are more reserved, but all with warm, welcoming smiles as one walks up to see what they are doing. What an incredible group! glad to be part of it :ghug Gotta go find an empty seat at one of those tables and settle down to some serious crochet :hook



Awww. that sounds so nice, except I will be in the rocking chair! Must crochet in a rocking chair! :2spin With my coffee!:coffee LOL


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Hi, Theresa/thery4!


mine is 8 - what with the toddler and teen stories, I'm looking for a magic spell to freeze him where he is. think it'll work? :2magic


You could probably make millions if you do! LOL

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Wow, Theresa! you really read through my long post to the end?! I am humbled....


and I'll let y'all know when I get that spell finished - for a price. Julie, I'll trade it for that magic hook I know you have :rofl

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Awww. that sounds so nice, except I will be in the rocking chair! Must crochet in a rocking chair! :2spin With my coffee!:coffee LOL
my recliner rocks. i wonder why it's easier to crochet while ya rock? i'm always happier in a rocker than a regular chair. i must have a problem sitting still.:hyper
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.... I've been scouring around the internet looking for other quilt-like patterns to crochet .... interested in the traditional quilt patterns. Thanks! ..My favorite quilt pattern is the Bear's Claws.

Gleda/moonspinners – in addition to the links in Julie’s starting post for this thread (post #1) and books you mentioned in post #67, I know of several books/booklets:


-a Dover publication by Annette Lep, Crocheting Patchwork Patterns, ISBN 0-486-23967-5, 1981 with 23 different pattern blocks


-Making Afghans from Favorite American Quilt Patterns, by Valerie Kurita, 36 quilt-pattern afghans for knitters and crocheters, ISBN 0-385-18545-6, 1985. I think Ms Kurita wrote other books on this topic; it seems to have been an interest of hers. Clearly, these are old titles. I use http://www.campusi.com/ to find used books; it searches on titles, keywords, ISBN #’s, authors, etc for used/new books being sold across the net. That’s how I got the Kurita book, and the one you mentioned, The Crocheter’s Quilt Book, Elyse Sommer (very reasonably priced, too!).


Those were books; here are some pattern booklets I know:

Annie’s Attic 872353 Quilt Applique Afghans, 5 designs, Eleanor Albano-Miles, 2000;

Coats&Clark #0373, American Favorites, Quilts to Crochet, 1992, 5 designs;

Homespun 6 Crocheted Quilt Afghans (I still see this digest-sized booklet in ACMoore, Walmart, and Michaels),


Leisure Arts #2431 Quilt Afghans Bk 3, Sipes, 3 patterns, 1993;


Quilt Style Crochet Throws (Annie’s Attic? Leisure Arts? Not sure of pub/number – but I know it is currently being sold in craft stores)


If I see a Bear’s Claw pattern, I’ll let you know….

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Patricia, I am *SO* impressed at your ability to keep track of everyone!! :D


Tabby, Vims & Brandy, great jobs!! You all do gorgeous work!


Here is a pic of my Prairie Star in progress...it's a bad pic, and you can't really see the difference between the center star (which is RH SS Royal Blue) and the motifs just beyond that (RH SS Amethyst) but that's what I've got! If it's too big, I'll resize...


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Thanks all you wonderful ladies for the compliments!! It sure helps. Brandy and Tabby your squares are looking gooood!!!! Patricia thanks for the nice image you have put in my head

Quote " My mental picture of this thread is a huge open room, filled with chairs around tables, good lighting, swirls of motion, colorful yarn heaped about, and a hub-bub of sound - some folks you spot right away, and others are more reserved, but all with warm, welcoming smiles as one walks up to see what they are doing. What an incredible group! glad to be part of it Gotta go find an empty seat at one of those tables and settle down to some serious crochet " unquote


I too love the rocking chair idea Theresa but am yet to find a comfy rocking chair. DH was telling me that we would dispose off the furniture we are having when we move and get new ones.. so I am keeping my fingers crossed that i would find a nice rocker:)


Dazy when I was in the USA I had a lovely recliner which would massage!!! I just loved the spot and I have lost a good many hooks to the couch!! They never reappeared !!!


Patricia I would be first in line for your magic spell to freeze my 11 year old and 8 year old!!! And about that 63 squares in thread well i sadi I would do it in thread but chickened out and started in yarn and now its lying in a bag somewhere!!!


Must pick it up when I finish a few that I have started including this quilt:)


Well as for those who are curious India won the cricket match against Pakistan but we lost TV coverage and I turned to the old faithful the radio and as AJ said its was so good listenning and crocheting!! I am done with the pick round and have to weave in the ends for me to post a pic.


so see you all later with my pic:)


take care



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I am loosing track of who is who so I will just find a seat and start chatting. Everyone is doing such amazing work.


Tabitha your afghan is very country and I love it.


Country girl you have chosen some of my favourite colours and it is looking great.


Vims The star is a dazzle!!! Beautiful!


Progress Report: Well the Ring of Roses never bloomed. I got distracted by The jewel box design. This is what happened..... I looked through my book of quilt blocks and the rest is history. So now I am crocheting "saltine" squares and hoping that I can get this design to work. If not I can always sew the squares into a around the world. I will take me a while as each square measures 2 and half inches and the 2 colour granny squares are 5 inches.


I will post when I have something to show and this may not be for a while as this time I will try and make all the squares before I sew. I will however post some squares on the weekend to show the colours I have chosen.

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Well, believe it or not, I actually liked the teen years when my kids were all that age, although there were LOTS of things to deal with and worry about . I like teenaged kids-- they are so full of life and ideas and ..... YOUTH .


*( They also find out where the MOUTH switch is, and how to turn it on, but not off )


Ignore that last comment, I'm trying to say some positive things to you about teens ~~ :lol

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Hey All -

I'm not ignoring you guys -- will be back on to post and answer everyone else later- gotta run to the store this morning before my little buddy gets here .

Will reply to everyone else when I get a few minutes !!

KOC * --

* ( Keep on Crocheting )

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Hmmm. Maybe I should make the 63 squares sampler in thread?


You're on Patricia -- I double-dog dare you !!!!:lol



Forines -

Good luck on your saltine squares- -they are easy and fast ,but look out when you have to join all them things .



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