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Crochet -a- Quilt


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:sunGood Morning all. I just finished reading all that everyone has been typing....Geez you guys have been very busy little bees....I know I probably wont remember half of what I read.


So to start off...


AJ if she dont like your afghan then apparently she has no taste at all. I think your afghan is absolutely gorgeous. I am the only one in my family that crochets on a regular basis besides my 14 year old daughter. And she is being a good girl and finishing up her afghan that she started 6 months ago. She should be done today. She wants to make a purse and I wont let her till she finishes it....blackmail always works for me.


Thanks to the ones who will still be working on theirs right along with me. But I think I might getting going as soon as I decide or have help deciding on what color arrangement that I like best....So will you guys pretty please :? help me decide on which color arrangement looks best....I really like the blue and yellow together. But not sure which way looks best...



This one will be trimmed in yellow......or this one trimmed in blue



Here is the first one but I dont like it trimmed in blue....It just dont look right but I can take the blue off and trim it in yellow and just do tan and yellow....




Ok now what do ya'll think........:devil

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Donna -

Well, get all those loose ends tied up and mail out the package . Doesn't it bother you to have things so close to being done ? It drives me insane . The closer I get to finishing something, the harder I work on it, because it bothers me that it is so close to being done .

Anyhow, get the smaller items done and in the mail. Your dad's afghan probably can wait a few months.. even in Michigan, the weather should be getting better soon so he'll have a few warm months .Aim to have it done and mailed by September . That gives you a good amount of time .

And don't have such a fear of finishing off things -- there's always more cochetalongs to join up with . I already have ideas floating around in my head for the NEXT one .

I'm hoping all they do is float for awhile -- got too many projects right here that I want to do .

I'm also trying to do a combo ripple/patriotic so I can kill 2 birds with one stone and use ONE afghan to complete 2 more CALS ... Is that cheating ? Oh well, I'm not worried if it is -- who's gonna punish me , the CAL police ? :D

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Will Robinson !!!


Will you guys take a gander at the next sentence. It just hit me, and this is HILARIOUS .



~~~~~FUNNY ~~~~~

I LOVE busy message boards !

:yay :yay :yay

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Thanks Julie for the advice. See, I love starting projects, it's finishing them that's a pain! Actually I am wanting to get this to my dad soon as in the winter he has to use his elec blanket. His circulation is so poor that even in the summer when everyone else is running the air conditioner my dad bundles up. I figured this would be perfect for summertime for him. It was so funny, when I was there last June for my BIL's funeral it was probably in the upper 70's (quite chilly for June for a Florida gal) when I walked in the house and saw him all bundled up AND with the space heater on him I just laughed and laughed. My mom and step-sister are used to the site! In the winter my hands and feet get colder than any part of my body but not like him. I swear his feet feel like icicles all of the time.


I know, I know, I need to finish those projects up! That's why I'm usually so good with the swaps as they are usually quick, easy projects. I think you are right, though, about setting a goal for myself. I'm actually going to aim for maybe July. The throw I'm making for my step-sister is with the Bernat Soft Boucle (I made the sampler stripes with that yarn) but for her throw I'll be using a larger hook and it shouldn't take me but a couple of days to finish it. I am hoping while on vacation the end of the month I'll really be able to tie up some of these loose ends and get to finishing some projects!


Brandy ~ I love love love the top one! Very nice! Can't wait to see your finished ghan!


Everyone keep up the good work and keep stitchin!

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Ok now for some more rambling....:blah As you can see I was crocheting my fingers to the bones....but about 15 mins after I posted last nite this huge :tropstorm :2rain hit us and I lost all my power....But as a good little :hook I keep crocheting by candle light....Let me say that is not easy to do.


Thank you Vims....But I dont like it with the blue around the edge....


Let me say that you guys are the greatest :yay bunch... I have never had more fun than reading everything you guys are typing...


Oh yea....Not a Sox fan.....HUGE CUBS FAN HERE.....I even named my son after Ryne Sandberg.....:D


Well I am going to be a good girl and go make some more squares.....Be back later.....:hook

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Both squares are beautiful. The pattern shows a little differently on each, but I too think I like the 1st square better


Happy crocheting!:hook



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Brandy I LOVE the top one with the blue on the outer side.


And for baseball -- my whole family and my husband's family are all Cubs fans. We're the only Southsiders ;) BUT we're raising our boys up to be good Sox fans ;)

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I'm not worried if it is -- who's gonna punish me , the CAL police ? :D

You mean we dont have any police? what to keep people from well umm cheating? :lol

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My hubby's uncle is a huge Sox fan and always picks on my son when he goes over...Hopefully the Cubbies will do much better this year. My husband would love to see them win the World Series before he dies. So would my grandmother. She is in her 90's and never misses a game. LOL.

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90s! Wow, I bet she's got some great stories!


Good luck to your Cubbies -- they're doing pretty well this year, too! 5 and 3 so far! When are Wood and Prior coming off the DL?

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This one will be trimmed in yellow......or this one trimmed in blue



Here is the first one but I dont like it trimmed in blue....It just dont look right but I can take the blue off and trim it in yellow and just do tan and yellow....




Ok now what do ya'll think........:devil


Hi ya'll... I just popped in here to spy, uh, I mean lurk, uh, visit and see what you are up to and WOW, Brandy, that's gorgeous! Way to go...:yay


ok... I'll slink back outta here and visit later :blush

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well I am having trouble doing crochet because everyone keeps posting good stuff to read. I have now finished three more blocks . I will go back to crocheting ....oh I mean work now ...........lol :hook:devil




edit: Oh brandy I ment to say they look awsome. and donna don't feel bad I think I put too much on my self also . I have the afghan for my sil I want to be done it by july thats when her birthday is. And now I joined the kitchen and bath and a toy swap . I must keep going I must keep going and quit reading.......:hug

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Ok I need a cheat sheet. I cant keep up with everyone's name and their log in name for this....Could someone please help me...


snbarclay where do you work that you get to crochet and work at the same time...LOL

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snbarclay where do you work that you get to crochet and work at the same time...LOL



Its a payday loan company . buisness has been really slow lately . Everyone pays off when they get thier taxes back. And there has been so many of these places sprung up around that I think its really puting a hurting on this busniess . I don't mind that I get paid to crochet all day . Every now and again wait on a customer. Yesterday we had only 4 people in a 9 1/2 hours . Gets pretty boring sometimes . The crochet is a great welcome for entertainment. :hook

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OK I need a cheat sheet. I cant keep up with everyone's name and their log in name for this....Could someone please help me...


You and me both Brandy. :think


OK.. I can tie my screen name and real name together for you. My last name is Ladd..so when you say my first initial and last name.. it sounds like Plaid. The Kitty part is for my fluffy , black, SE Scottish Fold kitty that helps me type and crochet.. she helps a lot. :wink Closely inspects all the stitches and has VERY clean teeth with all that 'flossing' of the working yarn. Her name is Jasmine, or Jazz.:cat


I'm a CAL and pattern virgin..who has only recently stared to teach myself to crochet from here and books. Thus my false start..but I'll catch up.


Oh.. I liked all your squares.. but the first one seems more outstanding to me.


I'm off to work and the yarn store !!!:woo


-Pam L-

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Its a payday loan company . buisness has been really slow lately . Everyone pays off when they get thier taxes back. And there has been so many of these places sprung up around that I think its really puting a hurting on this busniess . I don't mind that I get paid to crochet all day . Every now and again wait on a customer. Yesterday we had only 4 people in a 9 1/2 hours . Gets pretty boring sometimes . The crochet is a great welcome for entertainment. :hook


The job I do I get paid to crochet when she has doctor appointments or goes to exercise class....Yesterday I got paid to sit at the dentist office for two hours and crochet....Love those days....:devil

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Pam that helps a little....I am going to just write down everyones names and their login names together and keep it by the computer. I cant remember if you said which pattern you are attempting....Crocheting is easy once you learn the basic stitches and how to read the patterns. I learned by watching my mom crochet and then picking up her afghans when she would go to bed and do a row or two for her....Took her a while to catch on and the only reason she did was I didnt do the right color for the next row...LOL....

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Okay I'll join the Crochetalong.. Don't have to twist my arm so hard...:lol


Lion Brand Homespun Ohio Star with corinthian and fawn.[not my choice of colors:) ]

2 squares done 106 to go.........:eek

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Welcome Chris !

There are lots of Texans here in the c-ville 'hood . I don't recall if there are any in this particular group, but you are among friends, no matter where you're from . This is one FRIENDLY gang of crocheters and they all like to yak just as much as i do, so you might have to choose whether to crochet or yak . Maybe you'll be able to do both ! :lol

Anyhow, glad you joined us and it sounds like you have a goal in mind... pattern and colors already chosen .

Tell us a little bit about yourself .

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Welcome Chris.....Cant wait to see what you got going.....


Update on progress.....

Managed to clip back roses, all 15 of them....Take daughter and friend to mall.... do more laundry.....take son to friends.....and put the edging on the block that everyone likes .....:yayIM001680.jpg

Ok now only have 11 more blocks to go...... :think Thinking that I should have picked an easier pattern.....

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