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Help I'm Sinking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I have 5 different projects started:help. I need to finish at lease 1.:think Then today AC MOORE's ad comes out. They have the yarn I need for some of the shrugs I have patterns for on sale . All I can think about is new yarn, new shrugs. (be still my heart) My car has away of knowing which stores have yarn on sale. It well just trun into the parking lot by it's self. Does anyone else have projects started and not finished???????


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I always have at least 3 projects in progress at any given time. One large one that stays at home, a couple smaller ones that travel well - to the dr office waiting room, to work on at lunch time, to soccer practice. That's my minimum. I like to switch around and do lots of different things. Sometimes I feel like doing something with cotton, sometimes acrylic, sometimes fuzzy stuff.


Right now - I have started: a cape, a lapghan, a scarf, and two different kinds of Girl Scout swaps.

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Oh I tell you what!:lol


I have going on now: "Stacy" from Cool Crochet is all crocheted and woven in, but not sewn, a light blue shawl for my ex-MIL, a gold Paton Brilliant scarf for my SIL, 2 burgundy and brown Paton Brilliant scarves for my neices, a yellow cotton plus poncho for another SIL.


I need to begin: slippers for ex-FIL, another shawl for another SIL, 3 scarves for my 3 nephews and 3 dishcloth/potholder sets for my 3 aunties.


One SIL is coming to visit from South Africa and she's taking all this back with her...in 38 days!:eek


I keep one project at work, but the rest are sitting in my WIP basket and each night I do a little of each...the Gemini thing I guess:lol


Oh yeah...I just order more yarn from Smileys! I will need to rent storage soon!

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I'm the same way! Right now, I'm being somewhat conservative in only having TWO projects going--a baby blanket and the placemats. The problem is that I get so excited by new patterns that I want to run right out, buy all the yarn, and start the projects <g>...PAM

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This is something that I have been struggling with in my head. Right now I have 3 projects going, an afghan, a table runner and some appliques that I am doing for a project I have in mind. I am constantly thinking about the next item I want to make, or what yarn I want to buy. But I have an internal dialogue with myself that basically the bottom line is that I have enough yarn and patterns for projects for 6 months or more. And what is the sense of purchasing more, it is only going to get more frustrating that I can't finish what I have right now. So every time I get the urge to yarn or pattern shop, I remind myself of what I already have and need to get done. I have a lot of projects that I want to do and I simply can't add more to the list. This works MOST of the time. And it has served to get me motivated to finish my projects because then I can reward myself with more yarn and/or patterns :lol

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Soooooooooo glad to hear that I'm not the only one. I have a white Shrugalishes half made for granddaughters birthday April 4. A blue bolaro only needs trim, a brown poncho, a pink poncho. I thought I had more!!!!:think


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I've got a nice green mesh shawl started, a red shrug, a black shrug, a frog hackey sack, hmm, what else.......supposed to be making a tigger stuffie...hmm.....I started the capelet from crochet me.........a few months ago, but wasn't really happy with how the boucle looked, in that stitch. it's probably ok for a smaller person, but seemed a bit bulky for a plus size person like me.

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I've had a number of works in progresses going on for *months*, but mostly because I both sew and crochet, and usually only focus on one craft at a time. Finally, all these half finished projects piled up too much, so the past two weeks I have really worked hard on getting most of them finished.


However, I still have some crocheted thread booties to do. I made the bonnet and bib last fall, and I've finally got the first bootie 3/4 done. I really need to get myself settled down to finish that project. In addtion, I've got one crochet purse I have to sew a fabric lining, and another purse I have do do some yarn embroidery on, make a fabric lining, and sew it on. I'm also working on some crocheted hair accessories, which would be a fast project if I wasn't busy trying to catch up.


Of course, I've already made a list of the things I want to do once I get all this stuff done. I'll be in the same bind in a couple of weeks! I did make a promise to myself that I will not buy any more yarn for a while unless I need something to go with a project I'm currently working on. I can't justify further purchases when I've got tons of yarn already.

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You all just gave me an excuse for me to start a dozen other projects I've been eyeing but not starting because I felt guilty about not finishing the ones I have going (currently down to two).


Thanks! There is strength in numbers. :lol:lol:lol I'm so glad I joined this forum.

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Yep, that's us....enablers! :lol


Girls (and any guys out there), shouldn't we be encouraging her not to pick up our bad "crazy" habits?


I used to do only one project at a time when I first started crocheting too. It didn't take too long to get over that, especially when I realized I'd never get done with the wish list going on in my head.

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As a decade+ crocheter and mother of four (12 to 23) and having a 'day job' I feel it essential to have many projects going at any one time... I crochet because I LOVE to crochet - I consider my yarn and hook and pattern purchases equivilent to therapy bills (hmmmm... can I DEDUCT this on my taxes?) I used to feel guilt about my yarn stashes, pattern piles, etc., and UFO's... then I rationalized, Why do I crochet? Because I enjoy it. It's that simple. Guilt has no place in it. If I want to start a hat, I start a hat. If I see an awesome pattern for a shrug and the hat's not done, down goes the hat, up comes the shrug. If the stitch gets frustrating or I get bored with the shrug, I pick up the hat... or go to my stash and grab that gorgeous dusty rose yarn that I forgot I had and make up some wrist warmers... then i see that hat, and say, Oh, wow, that's pretty cute... think I'll finish that now! And so it goes. Between crochet, quilting, cross stitching, polymer clay, mosaic, and mixed media altered art I leterally have ten to 15 projects going at any one time.. and no GUILT! Art is for enjoyment and we mustn't find reasons to 'beat ourselves up' or bring a negativity to our own quirks... ENJOY EVERY STITCH!!!!!!!

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