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12" Sampler Squares


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Please bear in mind when reading this post that I am the most anal retentive person on the planet.


I am trying to find a book that has specific instructions for 12" sampler squares. I am "granny square" challenged and can't make one to save my life. There are a few nice patterns on Crochet Pattern Central but I wanted lots of variety since I hope to make them for charity.


Now you're probably thinking, well why doesn't she buy a book with sampler squares that are smaller and use a bigger hook? Please see above remark about being anal. I have "200 Crochet Blocks", it makes 6" squares. I have "63 Afghan Squares", it makes 7 or 8" squares, I can't remember which. Yes, I am just that anal. Unless I have a pattern that says "This pattern makes a 12" square" all hope is lost.


If anyone can help me, rest assured the Yarn Gods will smile favorably upon you and I will send you yarn.


It's such a lot of work being me.

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Hi April - This is the link to Chris Simon's patterns. I would have to say that they are the prettiest 12" squares I have ever seen or worked up. I have all her patterns books and use the squares for charity work and they always come out incredibly:




HTH! :bounce

I second that recommendation! I don't have her pattern books, but I learned to read patterns for squares using her patterns. They are very straightforward to follow and are beautiful and unique when done. I've made all but a couple of the free 12" squares she has listed.


Also, if you go to crochet pattern central (www.crochetpatterncentral.com), Rachel has a TON of 12" squares listed there, too. Check it out!

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Hi there,


Crochet Cabana has an easy pattern for granndy squares, and this is coming from someone who is posessed former granny square inedptitude...it's what I learned on!




Also, a quick note about the "200 Crochet Blocks" book. Jan Eaton, the author, notes in the back that you can make the squares really any size you want if you change the hook size and yarn. I'm a huge fan of this book. In fact, I am trying to make all of the squares. I'm posting the progress on my blog at colleenatlarge.blogspot.com. I am using them to create the world's ugliest afghan.


Good luck, -colleen

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But ... but ... but ... I can't do granny squares. *Cry* I am granny square challenged. I wish I could do them, really I do, but every time I start one I get stuck on stupid.


Woe is me. I am doomed.



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just relax Sakkasie. There is nothing wrong with being anal. This means you are probably a very neat person who likes things to be exact. Now if you are granny square challenged, just take a deep breath and try again. If the measure says less than 12 inches, why dont you just keep going arround until they are 12 inches? You could do the last few rounds in a plain background colour.



Would your anxiety levels cope with that? :manyheart

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I have yet to have a square turn out to be the perfect size! While I cry and whinge and moan about that, I usually tell me inner 'you gotta be perfect' voice to stick a sock in it and do one of a few things:


First, if it is coming out too big, I will either end a round or two early, or change the size of my stitches i.e. if I am double crocheting, I will switch and do either a HDC or a SC as needed.

Second, if it is coming out too small, I either make the stiches larger (opposite of above) or I will add a round or two of stitches.

Third, if the pattern really does not allow me to change the stitch size or add / remove rows, I will usually go back and re-do it with a different size hook.

I have done several squares where I could not imagine ever being able to have the same size as the pattern stated - I could only think that the author was a super tight / loose crocheter or that there was a huge typo with the stated size!

I have also found that a stiff drink or two (even if its just 'root beer' lol) helps me out immensely in telling my inner perfectionist to stick a sock in it!!

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