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Kindergartener correctly IDs crochet and knit in

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I was in Payless on Saturday getting tap and ballet shoes for my five-year old, and we were wandering the aisles looking at other shoes, and she peeped "Mom, look! Crocheted clogs! They look like my skirt!" And she was right. Further down the aisle, she said "And hey, these clogs are knitted! They look like little sweaters and there's not really space between the stitches!" Right again.


Just brings a little tear of happiness knowing that she can correctly distinguish between the two.


I figured this was a happy topic for a 40th post. Villager at last! A lot of work just to get that custom avatar.



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That is the cutest thing ever! That little girl would have just about killed me!


I did the same thing, waiting eagerly till the 40th post for the custom avatar. I still can't figure out how to upload it, though. Any words of wisdom?

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Kids do say the neatest things, my son who will be seven soon was in michaels with me and telling me the yarns as we past them...like fun furs, baby yarn,and etc..even though I really hadn't worked with fun fur..lol...

He has no desire to learn but loves to wear the items to show off and sell to potential buyers at school...

And the hubby, well for the longest time he didn't and still doesn't know how to spell crochet and he spells it "crotchet" he spells it crotch et..lol...but he still thinks of it as busy work even though I sold a lot this yr...



About the avatars, they have to be small...


Mine is Elliott Sadler's NASCAR number as he is my driver and he lives about an hour from me...:cheer less than a month away to other NASCAR fans out there...

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:cheer I am impressed with your 5yr old as I have heard many adults, who should know better, call crochet knitting and vice-versa.

:think I get really annoyed too when people display crochet work, up-side-down and have been known to walk into a shop and suggest that they should turn it over to show the piece to the best advantage.

:clap They are never too young to learn and it will stay with her forever.

:hook I was only 7 when my grandma taught me to crochet in the round and I still remember that day as clear as ever even though it is almost 57 years ago.

Have fun.


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Thanks for the avatar help - actually, it was easy enough - I just expected that once I hit 40 posts, the option would immediately be there, and it took a little time. Thanks!

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