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Request for your cheering and encouragement

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I need help!!!!! :eek I have so many things that I need to finish, crochet and otherwise that I feel guilty just looking at other projects I may want to start in the future! :lol


So many projects have sat collecting dust because of my CTS and DeQuerre Veins in my right hand. Now that I can actually do stuff again, I am feeling a little overwhelmed. :blush


I am going to list my WIP's (well, some of them anyway - there's too many to do them all). These are the ones that I am going to focus on finishing THIS year - 2006!!!! Even if I die trying!!! :P


Gaelic Banner (This is cross stitch not crochet) -


Here is my WIP pic - http://pic10.picturetrail.com/VOL343/1798597/7543863/108512354.jpg


Here is a picture of what it will look like when finished.


http://www.dracolair.com/gaelicbanner.html Scroll to the bottom to see a complete picture.


I am also working on the Sunrise Ripple Afghan, which is 1/4 done and the 63 Square Crochet Along, from which I have 3 squares done. :blink As soon as I am done with the Sunrise Ripple Afghan, my sons would like me to make them afghans.


These are the ONLY prjects I am going to work on this year. Hopefully!! Yeah - I know I'm crazy. My fingers are already itching to do that Baby Blanket Crochet Along!!! :hook I have a friend that just had a baby girl in November and another friend that's having a baby boy in April.


I think that I would be able to accomplish these goals, if I have someone to be accountable to. Someone whom will expect updates every so often. Unfortunately, I am not a very good self-motivator, so I need someone else to give a swift kick in the behind every now and then to get me going.


Think you guys could help with that? Ya know - just me cheer me on and give me encouragement when I need it. Which, hopefully will not be very often, but you never know.




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wow...what a beautiful cross stitch....just think how lovely It will look on the wall when it is finished!!!!!



and the sunrise afgan...you only have 3/4 to go!!!! Almost half way done! That sould not take any time at all until you are snuggled up in it...I bet it would be wonderful to curl up with!



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That is one very ambitious cross stitch! It's going to be beautiful!


Hang in there... we all do this to ourselves. Just remember, we do this for FUN! :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

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Just remember, we do this for FUN!


That is the very reason I'm avoiding my craft closet!!!!!:lol



My wrist was kind of achy today so I didn't do any crocheting. Just spent the day reading Harry Potter. Yesterday I overdid it and used my wrist way too much for various things. In a little while, DH and I are gonna watch Gilmore Girls on DVD and I'll work on Gaelic Banner some. I do that with my left hand so hopefully my wrist won't be so sore tomorrow and then I can crochet a bit!!! :D




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Thanks guys!


I have been working on Gaelic Banner and hopefully will get an updated picture soon. I haven't done much in the line of crochet. My wrist has really been bothering me.


Hopefully I will get a new brace at my Dr's this week as I misplaced my other one and I know that's why my wrist hurts. I'm supposed to wear it when I sleep and I haven't been and when I wake, my wrist is always in some funky bent position!!!! :lol




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Whatever you do, don't "overdo" it. Just get your wrist taken care of first, wear the brace when you're supposed to, and take "little bites" out of that cross stitch!

That piece will be stunning when you're through with it. It's definitely worth the time and the effort! What are the dimensions of the finished piece? What are you using - 22 ct? (I'm a dabbler at cross stitch )



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OOh!! A fellow Xstitcher!!! :cheer



It will be 28" long and about 5" wide when it's completed. I'm doing it on 32 ct lugana, which makes the quarter and 3/4 stitches pretty easy! I also use a stand, so generally don't involve my right hand all that often. I am slowly getting better at using my left for stitching!


I've been working on it in the evenings for about the past week. Here's what I've done so far:




I just can't wait to get my new brace so I can start crocheting again. I want to soooo bad. My afghan is just screaming at me, but I know that if I do, it'll only make my wrist hurt more. :(



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32 ct -!!! You know, it looks like you're really making progress, Elizabeth! I can see the advances already(from your first pic to this one). I could work with the 5" across - it's the 28" long that would throw me.


Do you use magnification on 32 ct? I have the hardest time trying to get set up and started - no sooner am I all ready to "go" - the threads at the ready, magnifer in place, that feeling of "OK, let's get going" - and the phone rings, the dogs have to go out, there's someone at the door, the husband needs me to give him a hand - the zoo of life always seems to disrupt the "serenity now"(to quote Seinfeld)moments!


I've just joined the UFO CAL - I'm hoping to finish a bunch of projects this year, so I can move into new ones in 2007. It's just really hard for me to find the "me" time - seems like the house demands it. I guess I'll just have to demand back(lock myself in the bathroom with hook and yarn!).


Are you still in Sicily? My husband's family was from there, my father's family is from the Naples area in Italy, and my sister just purchased a home in Umbria. What's it like? Are you a native Italian, or a transplant? Excuse my boldness, Elizabeth - I'm just the curious sort!



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This is the first time that I have ever worked anything that long. Well, that's not quilted together anyway!!!!:) My DH actually picked out and bought the pattern. I had told him to pick out something for me to make him. After it arrived and he saw how big it was, he about fell over!! So did I! He said that he thought it was a bookmark! :think I told him he was no longer allowed to pick out anything unless he had a ruler handy so he could see how big 28" was!!!! :lol



I don't have to use magnification - yet!!!! But, I do use a stitching stand one of those Daylight lamps. That helps ALOT!!!!


Because of my wrist, we got a maid who comes and cleans the house once a week, from top to bottom. My kids are 7 and 9 and have chores around the house after school and on weekends, and between them and DH, I usually get to take it easy. I do two loads of laundry a day, unload the dishwasher and walk the dogs, help the boys with their homework and cook supper. The rest of the time (while the kids are in school anyway) is mine to do with as I please. I kind of like it, but sometimes feel guilty because there's not much I can do because of my wrist. :blush Because I do have depression and am learning to deal with it instead of letting it deal with me, I have learned that as a wife and mother, the best thing I can do is make sure I have time for myself everyday, even if it's only 15-30 minutes. On the weekends, or school breaks and when DH is off, they all know. Mom disappears for about half an hour and she's not to be disturbed. That's my time. My Dh gets time to himself as well. The boys also have alone time. :)


I didn't know there was a UFO CAL. Perhaps I'll join that one. I have enough of them. :hook



I'm still in Sicily and will be for about another year and a half. DH is in the US Navy and is currently stationed here. We're hoping to go to Germany next!!!:cheer It's beautiful here, even during the "rainy" season!!


This is a view from my front patio (my kitchen window also has this view)-




The sheep herds go through the fields there every day. It's not too bad during the Winter, but during the Summer - ewwww!!!!


From my kids bus stop, you can watch the sun rise just beyond Mt. Etna. GORGEOUS!!!!!


I've got other pics too. If you want, I can email them to you. This post has turned into a book anyway!!!:blush Sorry about that!:D



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I'm fascinated, Elizabeth - what a great opportunity for you and the family to see Europe! The picture is so different from anything I'd see from my kitchen window! Yes, I can imagine the aroma in the summer - not pleasant! I'd love to see more photos, when you get the chance.

My husband was in the Navy, also stationed in Sicily, Catagnia(sp?) - he always comments about how rural it was, and that he'd like to take me to see Sicily. We have a business out of the house, so I'm pretty much stuck - There are plenty of days where I wish I had kept my full time job outside of the house, but there are benefits to being "homebound" - I just miss the socializing.

What a nice guy your hubby must be, to pick out cross stitch for you! How is the shopping for yarn, threads, fabric there? I know Palermo is the center of activity, but are there any little hideaways where you've found some interesting patterns or charts?

A maid? Lucky you! Keep her if you can! You're fortunate to have the free time - I think one of the hardest things to learn is to take that time for ourselves! One of our dogs is old and sick - consequently, I'm usually up around 4am, tending to him - once that's taken care of, I usually grab a little knitting or crocheting time for me(and, of course, jumping on the computer when I can, during the day) -We all need a break!


Ok, Elizabeth, I'm going to be working on one of my UFOs tomorrow a.m.(after doggie patrol). We'll finish up our projects, a little bit at a time.



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i agree, good luck elizabeth i know you can do it, but don't over due or you might injure your wrist permenatly:eek :eek i hope you soon feel much better:hug :hug the picture is lovely, i would love to see more:hug :hug

Just do one thing at a time and try not to think of all you haven't done but just the thing your actually doing at the moment. Perhaps then it won't seem so overwhelming. Goodluck
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Do a little at a time and one thing at a time...it's amazing how much you can accomplish with just 15 minutes at a time...set a timer if you need to...but like someone else posted, do it for fun...it's suppose to be fun...


But I hear you on being overwhelmed...I'm a little overwhelmed with all my projects too...but what I do sometimes is just straighten up my work area, and only pull out one item at a time...if I get bored with it, I'll pull out another...but if things get unruly, I start over...


I'm glad you're getting back into the game...take care now.

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