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Lace & Bobbles Crochetalong


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Julie B, Linda, Celeste... other late starters... I think I'll finally have the yarn I need to get started maybe today. Fingers are crossed that the mail carrier brought me a box today. Hoping, hoping, hoping...



Not feeling real terrific at the moment... I think my allergies are attacking me!



Anyway... keep your fingers crossed my yarn arrives!

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Mare- y'know the allergy pill ads that have little allergen critters? I have this horrible visual of a lady sitting on a sofa, crocheting away, with these little green guys attacking!


Just wait another month or two until it warms up around here, and I'll be right there with ya. Hope you feel better soon!

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I know what you mean too about the allergies . I guess a lot of people have trouble with them !


And for those of you that go visit the sight with the jacket, take a look at the darling baby outfit and blanket. I made that for someone a couple years ago. Now can't remember who .......

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Mare- y'know the allergy pill ads that have little allergen critters? I have this horrible visual of a lady sitting on a sofa, crocheting away, with these little green guys attacking!


Sheesh, I wish I was sitting on my couch crocheting away instead of sitting here at my desk! Actually, I really love my job and am luckier than heck to be where I am but... today, I'd like to be in my blankies!


Oh, And JulieKay... don't hurt yourself, please! I'd hate to think I caused you harm...



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Hello ladies -

For those of you looking for this pattern - it's on this web page. I thought it was very pretty, but have never gotten beyond the "want to make it "stage .







I didn't use this pattern. the one I used was a little different.

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I'm trying to pick a verigated for my moms afghan. I was thinking about doing Knitpick wool of the andes, but that would be like 52 dollars before shipping, and thats a bit out of my price range :( So I'm looking at RH Supper Saver on Joanne's and I like these 2 I used to work at AC Moore in the yarn department and I don't think I ever saw either of these there :eek

74084.jpgI think this one was called siera something or other

74065.jpgthis one was woodsy multi something. Can you tell I'm doing good with names tonight? What do you think. I like the top one better but I think I'm honestly leaning more towards the bottom. I dunno :think


Oh well off to work on the one I already have started :hook

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Okay so from round 50 there are supposed to be 62 chain 3 spaces on each side 244/4 = 61 but theres 2 corners for each side so thats 62. Okay so if theres 2 dc in each of the chain 3 spaces for round 51 how do they calculate that there are 126 sc's. Last time I checked 62x2=124. Am I missing something?:think

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Hi Ho Danielle -

First, I like the top one better too .


Second, I don't know how they came up with some of their numbers on this pattern . I had rows that did not come out to what their count did. I more or less just kept on working the patterns they said to . Mine came out just fine . I don't know if the pattern is a little bit wonky or I am, but I wouldn't worry about it overly much unless you are off by a LOT of stitches .


I'm not a blooming bit of help, am I ?:think

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Second, I don't know how they came up with some of their numbers on this pattern . I had rows that did not come out to what their count did. I more or less just kept on working the patterns they said to . Mine came out just fine . I don't know if the pattern is a little bit wonky or I am, but I wouldn't worry about it overly much unless you are off by a LOT of stitches .



Hey I agree with Julie. Many of my stitches were off from the pattern but I gave up. The ghan seems to be coming along just fine.


I'm on row 61 of the purple/lilac one. I didn't get to work on it the last two days but I'm going to see if I can get through 20 more rows between today & tomorrow. I want one of these done.



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I finally figured it out:cheer :clap after re-reading the pattern I realized there was a stich at the begining and end of each side that I was missing. Hence the 2 extra stiches :blush So I froged it again and am now redoing it right. It would drive me nuts to know it was wrong. So I had to do it :hook

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ok....so I don't have to be so frustrated anymore because of my laces & bobbles inner square going a little lopsided cause I have seen a couple here that are a little off to the right just like mine so I asume i'm doin it right.:think lol...anyway...i'll just keep going and see what happens.:hook

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Well by the looks of it I do have to worry cause look at the mess I have there..so you see how obvious it is the lopsidedness of it..? it looks awfullllll. my God how embarrising:( and now to figure out where in the world did I go wrong.:think <center>

<a href="http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b251/irikel3/Image002.jpg" target="_blank">

<img src="<A href="http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b251/irikel3/th_Image002.jpg"></a">http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b251/irikel3/th_Image002.jpg"></a>

<a href="http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b251/irikel3/Image001.jpg" target="_blank">

<img src="<A href="http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b251/irikel3/th_Image001.jpg"></a">http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b251/irikel3/th_Image001.jpg"></a>



ok....so I don't have to be so frustrated anymore because of my laces & bobbles inner square going a little lopsided cause I have seen a couple here that are a little off to the right just like mine so I asume i'm doin it right.:think lol...anyway...i'll just keep going and see what happens.:hook
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You know what Celeste....I think your right....cause I was having that problem , but I just figured it would fix itself..:lol Can you imagine me having to frog all of that..:think cause I cant..........:eek:angry:eek:angry

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