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Chullo Hat


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I made this the other day. The color is more like the bottom pic It's the Chullo Hat pattern. I used LB Fisherman and Pattons Classic wools and was going to felt it. I sent it through once and it's small enough for it's intended recipient, so thethethe....that's all folks. It still needs to blocking, but I was trigger happy.......LOL




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Thank you everyone!!!!

Yes doggymom......it was going to be a christmas gift for my neice, but I'm going to give it to her today cuz it's freezing cold and windy today and the little chicklet doesn't have a hat to wear. This way I can judge the size for my other neice. My dh wants one. My whole family gets new hats every year for christmas. They request them.....new school colors.....new coat colors.....honestly.....I get Christmas cards telling me what kind or color hat they are hoping for!! I didn't make them one year and made slippers and things instead, and they were seriously disappointed in not getting the hats. Oh they wore their slippers, but they didn't get new hats......LOL. Good thing I like making hats this time of year....LOL!!!!!

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