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Woven N Spun

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Ok...Lene's post made me think of this hat I made either last year or before that (can't remember when now)


It's knitted but I would like to convert the pattern to crochet if possible...if I can figure it out that is. I used my own dyed and spun wool and had a blast making it.


I ended up giving it to a lady that sits next to my mom every Tuesday while they take their chemo treatments.





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Oh, I love that! Gorgeous color, and how on earth did you get that perfectly flat top and sharply defined edge?


The wonderful, unusual color looks so great with the fluffy brim. I bet that lady is still tickled about getting that hat!



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Thanks for your comments on my hat.

Sorry I haven't posted earlier.


Have the rotten flu and my DH is out in the field on a training exercise. The kids are trying to help out but it's rough all the same. At least today am feeling like being alive rather then wishing the toilet would swallow me up. :U


Anyway...to get the flat top, it was just a series of decreases and when I blocked the hat I used a flat bottomed bowl on the inside to form around it and let it dry upside down sitting on the bottom of the bowl. The rolled brim was achieved by picking up stitches around from a row or two below. I really need to sit down and figure out how to convert knit to crochet but alas, it just seems too daunting right now.


I finished another tote bag before I got sick using another made up pattern and will post the picture of it when I get a chance to actually take the picture. I am not good at writing the patterns out, so if someone wants to help with that, be sure to let me know and I will gladly pass along my notes to make it into a workable pattern.


Think I am currently "fulled" out so am going to try my hands at some socks. I have enough sock yarn for maybe one sock to try....so that's what I may work on today if I get the energy to do so.


Hope everyone has a grand day.

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