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Is $325.00 too high for a book?

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I was surfing recently and found a new too me auction site and decided to see what if any crochet type items they had. Well I saw many nice magazines and books for fairly good prices.

But then I saw this. Is this the going rate for this book? I dunno seems high dollar too me....Maybe Im outta the loop and just dont know its value....:blush

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My initial thought was that it WAS a typo but then not really being keen on the prices people pay for coveted books....I wasnt sure the more I thought about it.


I mean Ive seen people fight for a leaflet/books for 75-100 bucks....which I find unbelievable...but it does happen.


So who's buying it once she gets it fixed? Vicki? LOL :devil

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That must be a typo! :haha Even a first edition, signed by the author, for a 1992 book :rolleyes(unless it was someone fabulously important and only a few 1st edtions were printed) :scaredcouldn't draw that kind of a price! Or, like someone else said, "She's nutz!":huh

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hi i e-mailed her and told her, she responded so i sent her the page so she could fix it. maybe cordelia lol not sure about this site though and what it takes to bid on things. thanks for bringing it to our attention. i am sure she was flabbergfasted she she saw what it was lol :lol:cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer

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this poor lady felt so bad, she had to pull the listing totally as it was torn and had pages missing. she said she was sorry to have to do that, but would not sell it like that. now that is a good seller, honest about it all:lol :lol

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