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School Halloween Carnival

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We had a Halloween carnival at our school tonight, and as teachers, we run our own booth, and whatever profits we make from that booth, we get to keep for supplies, field trips, etc...


Anyway, I thought of making friendship bracelets. I went to the store and bought 6 colors of red heart.. the cheap stuff, and gave the kids a choice of 1, 2, or 3 different colors. Then I made a chain with the yarn long enough to tie around their wrist, and an identical one to give to their friend. Took all of about 1 minute. tops, to make both ch bracelets. :hook Boys and girls alike loved them!


I charged 4 tickets, ($2) and let me tell you...WHAT A HIT!!! I sold over 100 of these sets in a 3 hour period! I paid about $10 for the yarn! I am soooo excited.


Crochet has come to the rescue again...:yay

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We'll probably go on a great field trip.. probably to an end of the year bash at Disneyland or something.-- all wearing friendship bracelets, of course :)

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