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ISO Sz 10 Thread


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I am seeking a soft crochet thread in a true aqua, size 10. Does anyone know of an online USA store they can direct me to?

This is the color.

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Lizbeth comes in a lot of colors, maybe one of these blues will come close (scroll way down).  I've not used it, I can't comment on whether it's soft or not.



Herrschner's bluebell maybe?  Again, haven't used it


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Thank you Granny Square. I've never used it before either. But, now that you mention it, the LYS just might carry some. I know the owner carries more crochet/knit yarns than anything else. Next time I go to town I'll check for it. Cotton thread is not available here other than Wal-Mart (no craft stores) and it's all "stiff-stuff" (hard on the hands). Can you believe it, at one time this little town had 3 craft/yarn stores with a population less than 10,000 back then? Not to mention 2 wonderful fabric stores. One even specialized in lace from Europe. Sigh- those were the days.

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I know what you mean, Michaels bought out all the craft stores (or put them out of business), same with JoAnn and fabric stores, and Walmart gobbled up everybody else :lol  It was nicer when there were more stores to find different things in!

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Granny Square, on 17 Jan 2016 - 5:00 PM, said:

I know what you mean, Michaels bought out all the craft stores (or put them out of business), same with JoAnn and fabric stores, and Walmart gobbled up everybody else :lol  It was nicer when there were more stores to find different things in!

Those were the days my friend..........Dang- Now I'll have that song in my head all day! LOL

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I just wanted to tell you to try Bernat handicrafter thread.  I have it in grey and it is very soft.  You could look and see if they have it in Aqua.


I just saw this and thought I would throw in my 2 cents.


I have to buy most of my thread and yarn on line.  Only have Walmart, Joann's and Michael's here.  Hobby Lobby is an hour away. 

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Thank you Mary Jo- Your review will help. I've seen it at the little JoAnn's I go to when we go for dh's dr appointments. They don't have but 4 colors of that brand but I'll look online too.

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I have used Caron Grandmas Best, and it seems to be a little softer.  It gathers up good.  I don't know who carries it, since I got it at the thrift store.  I don't know how the colors go.  Nothing around here except Walmart and only Red Heart there.  I have used yarn for some things, split the strands down to the single strands.  Its a pain, but  it works o k, and there is more color selection in yarn than thread.   And most of my crochet is for small dolls, so I don't need a lot.   Good luck.

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lhendrix35, on 25 Jan 2016 - 04:14 AM, said:

I have used Caron Grandmas Best, and it seems to be a little softer.  It gathers up good.  I don't know who carries it, since I got it at the thrift store.  I don't know how the colors go.  Nothing around here except Walmart and only Red Heart there.  I have used yarn for some things, split the strands down to the single strands.  Its a pain, but  it works o k, and there is more color selection in yarn than thread.   And most of my crochet is for small dolls, so I don't need a lot.   Good luck.

I've used Grandma's Best in years past, but, I believe it was discontinued around 2007 and haven't seen it since.

I did indeed check through this topic folder and everyone had some good suggestions, however, I'm impulsive and if I want to make something, I want to get it started now- Lol.  Ironically, since I wanted to get this project going, I haven't had a chance to go to town yet to the LYS but will do so next time. I'm hoping she will have the thread and color in stock. Otherwise, I'll scratch the project.

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I've used Grandma's Best in years past, but, I believe it was discontinued around 2007 and haven't seen it since.

I did indeed check through this topic folder and everyone had some good suggestions, however, I'm impulsive and if I want to make something, I want to get it started now- Lol.  Ironically, since I wanted to get this project going, I haven't had a chance to go to town yet to the LYS but will do so next time. I'm hoping she will have the thread and color in stock. Otherwise, I'll scratch the project.

Yes, I understand impulsiveness.  Sometimes it is faster to go to the search engine, than to try to remember where I saw something.   Again, good luck.

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  • 2 months later...
Melanie Smith, on 16 Apr 2016 - 01:25 AM, said:Melanie Smith, on 16 Apr 2016 - 01:25 AM, said:Melanie Smith, on 16 Apr 2016 - 01:25 AM, said:

I have the answer! "Thread Art" Aqua. I've used this this and it's very soft. Really great for clothing items, not so much for doilies. The color might be just what you're looking for :)

Thank you Melanie. I looked at their website but no Size 10- Aqua offered. I need it for doilies. :( I found some at Herrschner's that will be available later this month I'm going to try out..

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That sucks! They used to have an aqua 10. I actually have some. Unfortunately it got dirty :(   I second Lizbeth then. It's not soft, but it's smoother than other threads, so there's less hand fatigue. A crisp thread looks better for doilies IMO. You could also try perle cotton threads. They are very soft, and come in loads of colors. Good luck!

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Thanks for the heads up. In fact, if I remember correctly, I have some soft, shiny thread in one of my older bins. I'll have to take a look. It's like an old rayon.

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