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Encouragement for Making Gifts, 2016 version ;)


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After getting sidetracked for quite a while, I'm finally back to working on baskets for Christmas. I finished a temperature blanket for the older GD and will do one for the younger one after Christmas. I also need to put together the gingerbread blanket before Christmas.

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Did not do much yesterday as I was still wiped out from staying up late Sunday night.


Here are 2 scruffies I finished to send a friend as a Thank you.


attachicon.gifroak 9-12-16000 (2).JPGattachicon.gifroak 9-12-16001 (2).JPG

What great work, MJ! I particularly like seeing your love of color :c9

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Good Morning.


Well here is the latest in my scrubbies.  He is a Snowman Vampire.  I have the pattern in Mary Maxim Trick or Treat book, which is discontinued.


It takes about a day to make.



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That is so cute Mary Jo.


Here is the progress on the seashell blanket. Itnis about 32 inches long so far.


It is a bit wavy because i switched to a larger hook after the squares. Hopefully the border will help with that.


It is meant to be a casual throw for the tv room hopefully the wavy crookedness will be considered home made charm..?


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Good Morning.


Well here is the latest in my scrubbies.  He is a Snowman Vampire.  I have the pattern in Mary Maxim Trick or Treat book, which is discontinued.


It takes about a day to make.


attachicon.gifSnowman Vampire001 (2).JPG

That is too cute!!!!


That is so cute Mary Jo.


Here is the progress on the seashell blanket. Itnis about 32 inches long so far.


It is a bit wavy because i switched to a larger hook after the squares. Hopefully the border will help with that.


It is meant to be a casual throw for the tv room hopefully the wavy crookedness will be considered home made charm..?

It's a creative touch you thought it needed....I've added many creative touches over the years too...lol! You're getting there!

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Morning peeps - spent yesterday at the vet (Lucy, our youngest GSD has a bad sore on her hip). Then we tried 2 types of things to prevent her from getting to it - and settled on the tried and true cone of shame. She's adapted very well already and the area that has to heal was dry this morning, so I know she can't reach it!


Here are the lapghan I finished (may have already posted it, but can't remember) and the half granny shawl I made for me, using Caron cakes in red velvet. Used up every scrap of the two  cakes I bought.



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Reached a milestone last night, I finished the caron pounder of the sea shell blanket. Today i have to go pick up another one to finish the body of the blanket and a skein of green for the border.


I might add some beige to the border as well still debating.

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Thanks Mary Jo and Lea!


I just found Annie's...a magazine...at B&N. :devil  I now have a list of holiday gifts in my head! Small, but useful things for friends and neighbors. I'll write one out and post when I get it organized!

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Mailing to anrandom stranger could go one of two ways .. you could give someone a nice surprise and brighten their day or get the bomb squad called into the neighborhood due to a suspicious package.


To increase the odds ofnthe latter, stick to the local yellow pages and drop boxes of gifts off in plain brown wrapped boxes.

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How random would it be to crochet something, close your eyes and flip through the phonebook and mail the person you land on what you crocheted?


 I am running out of victims... I mean folks to give my crochet too LOL


I love the running out of victims.  :rofl   Now that is funny and I know the feeling.


That would be a cool idea. 


I am almost finished with the tote and there will have to be someone who LOVES Halloween and it's colors.  So put your thinking caps on.


When the tote is done I will be making this:http://www.marymaxim.com/crochet-acorns-basket-kit.html 


Well off to see what the world has to offer.

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I love the running out of victims.  :rofl   Now that is funny and I know the feeling.


That would be a cool idea. 


I am almost finished with the tote and there will have to be someone who LOVES Halloween and it's colors.  So put your thinking caps on.


When the tote is done I will be making this:http://www.marymaxim.com/crochet-acorns-basket-kit.html 


Well off to see what the world has to offer.

That's cute!! 


I don't have a clue who I could recommend for the Halloween tote...I can't wait to see it!!

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I can't wait to see the tote. I love Halloween. I love the colors , witches, ghost and haunted houses ,, etc...............


I'm getting ready to make some pumpkin and ghost dishclothes. I just need to hunt down my stuff.

I'm going through my stuff to see what I can sell. Hubby is out of work and is looking and so far nothing. Got to do something!

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I have a stuffed German Shepherd dog on my list, in addition to Christmas coasters and a bookmark or two....

I bought the GSD pattern from a designer on Ravelry and have it downloaded and ready!

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Thank you.  It is a pattern book from Annie's Attic.  I can't wait to make the other holidays.


Well I am off for the night.  Time to get ready for bed.


Good Night everyone and Have a great one.

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Good morning all! I have been putting in lots of hours at work and more to come in October.


Got a few more rows added to the sea shell blanket. It is coming along very slowly. I want to get it done so I can move on to other projects.


Will plug away on it over the weekend.

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