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Encouragement for Making Gifts, 2016 version ;)


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I haven't seen her, but I did hear that a lot of areas proactively turn off power when storms like this one hit, so maybe that's all it is. 

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Good Morning Everyone.


Sorry for not getting on, but until today, we were still in the tail of that storm that is now on the east coast.  We did not lose power, but the thunder and lightning kept me pretty much off the internet.  We got lots of rain and some high winds between Thursday and Friday.  No damage and no trees or limbs down.  Further south, north and close to the coast is a different story.  One of the islands below us was covered in water.  Above us they lost power and were flooded.  They closed part of the main road thru our county due to flooding.  Right now we are getting our regular thunder storms and rain.  :think   How the heck can you tell the difference. :think 


So all should be well and you all on the East Coast, do not take this storm for granted.  It packs a lot of rain and winds.  Of course Tampa Guy says it ran out of rain, cause it left it all here. :rofl 


Sorry, but I had to laugh this morning, as the weather people said "Well Hermine has left the state"  Not our problem anymore.


Thank you all for wondering where I am at and you all have a great day.

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Good to hear from you, Mary Jo! We were just visiting the bay nearby and the winds are strong, sending the very high tide up onto land in one place already. We're not sure what's coming our way, but all we know it's a day late already :lol

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Added a few rows to the seashell blanket finishing the pounder. Have the next pounder ready to go when i get motivated.

Working on cleaning out the guest bedroom after our last long term guest. ... so if anyone wants to see florida...

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Real good to hear from you MJ, we just got some rain... dodged the bullet so to speak.... Nothing productive to speak of on the crochet front except a few Christmas stockings.. however... I DID finally go thorugh all of mom and dad's things from the storage building, it was very emotional and hard to do but I have it all sorted and packed for the local mission thrift store and a bit for each of my brothers, they really didin't want much... one hte waterford... the other the wedgewood...hard to to with mom still alive... but as with all dementia patients... my mom hasn't been there for awhile now..


   I really hope to do a bit of hard core crochet tomorrow after lunch!

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Enjoy your day at Disney today Ratdog. 


Lea, you have my heart and prayers for what  you are going thru.  It is hard to go thru their things and their lives.


Going to get some pictures today of a few things I have made.  I also have to get pictures of the table and tree.


I am starting to move along and make some progress on my list.


Enjoy your day today.

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Whew! No sooner do I pop back online and then I'm gone again! This month has been insane.


My grandma passed away in August so I had to go back to NE for that. I almost didn't make it home for the funeral due to plane delays and Tstorms but I think I had both grandmas pulling for me and lots of prayers so the flights lined up just right so I could get home. It was a nice visit with my mom and her side of the family. My dad's mom passed away in April so I got to hang out with that family then. Lea, this is what my mom went through for the last 5 years. Not easy, but you can do it! <3 Helps to have siblings to lighten the load. Hang in there, <3


Anyway, got a fair amount done on DH's Christmas scarf on the plane. And I'm still plugging away at granny squares. We had no school on Friday so I stayed home and crocheted all day. Only 26/208 squares left to crochet!! The end is in sight!

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So sorry to hear about your Grandmother, but I am glad you made it to the funeral.


I finished the bookmarks and a small scrubbie.


The pattern for the bookmarks calls for paper clips.  I made one that way and the other two I put on popsicle sticks. I thought it might be better, but I like them with the paperclip better.


The green thing is tweety the scrubbie.  I got the pattern from the Mary Maxim book call Kitchen and Bath Favorites.



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Real good to hear from you MJ, we just got some rain... dodged the bullet so to speak.... Nothing productive to speak of on the crochet front except a few Christmas stockings.. however... I DID finally go thorugh all of mom and dad's things from the storage building, it was very emotional and hard to do but I have it all sorted and packed for the local mission thrift store and a bit for each of my brothers, they really didin't want much... one hte waterford... the other the wedgewood...hard to to with mom still alive... but as with all dementia patients... my mom hasn't been there for awhile now..


   I really hope to do a bit of hard core crochet tomorrow after lunch!

It's so good to hear you're making progress. I am a procrastinator when there's something I really don't want to do. :hug

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Good Morning.  I am now working on a snowman made with Boa yarn.  I am knitting this one, but the next I am going to try and crochet.  Should be fun.


Thought I would drop in and say Hi!

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Good Morning.  I am now working on a snowman made with Boa yarn.  I am knitting this one, but the next I am going to try and crochet.  Should be fun.


Thought I would drop in and say Hi!

It would take me a year to knot a snowman...lol! I'm sure it'll look great with that yarn!

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Indulge me while I strut my new Bag.... Perfect for the crochet projects, alphabet cookies and sippy cups going with me tomorrow on my trip to visit my Grams with the babies.... Mary Jo.....I wouldn't trade you as a friend for all the sweet tea at McDonalds  :lol


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Strut all you want.


  As I said when I sent it out, sometimes we need an extra hug. 


I remember the first one you got.  You had your youngest take a picture of you passed out on the couch. 


I laughed realy hard when I saw that.

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I almost passed out  with this one too... I kept saying " I wonder what this is.... and then my hubby said.. " Maybe she sent me beef jerky"  ( Really?????)... and I was just shocked and then cried when I read the MeMe part LOL

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Good Morning everyone. 


Up before the sun this morning.  I am working on a lighted pumpkin for a friend.  I hope to put it together today. 


Then I am going to make a couple of small things to go with the pumpkin. 


Have a fun day.

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Jack-O-Lantern is done.  He is lit and waiting to be put into a box for his journey to his new home.  I got the pattern from the new Crochet World.  They also have some cool looking spiders I am going to make.


Here is Jack.http://www.crochetville.com/community/topic/157789-lighted-jack-o-lantern/#entry2714654

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