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Encouragement for Making Gifts, 2016 version ;)


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On row 47 of 63. Do i add a boarder and then block or block the main body and then add th3 boarder?

That looks really good!!! And the darker the background the better the letters/image shows up.  I would have waited to edge it before blocking - but it looks like a small piece, so shouldn't be a problem at all if you need to block the border too. 

Now you'll have to make another filet piece!! Once you get the great feeling from making your first it takes a while, IMO, for the "rush" to subside - until you make more...lol!

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Another ville member noted that the edges were very wavy so blocking then edging might be preferable. I have plenty of time .... and pins.... for a second blocking.


Thinking of making one for my sister and brother in law for their anniversary in october.

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So many great projects, ladies--I've really enjoyed seeing your pictures. We took a trip to CO to see the younger son and his family and I haven't gotten much crocheting done for SO long. I did get two pink crowns made before we left for the older GD (her birthday request) and since she's having a ladybug party, I made her a ladybug crown and cape. But I neglected to get pictures of any of it.


I got a set of three baskets and another single one made, and gave them to two friends for their birthdays, so that didn't help my Christmas list any. LOL


I've finally gotten started on GD's blanket for Christmas and have the yarn and pattern for a baby blanket for a friends September arrival. It seems like there has just been so much going on and still is thru June at least, that crocheting is sadly taking a backseat.

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Hello All,  just checking in and looking at all of the lovely items you have all done.  Unfortunately I can't say the same.  I can't believe it's June and I'm still working on the afghan I started in January.  This turned out to be much larger than I intended.  I'm pretty sure it will cover a king size bed.  The problem now is that it's too hot to hold this afghan to crochet.  A combination of working too many hours and crocheting so much slower than in the past, I just want it done.  I have the issue of finishing one project at a time so now nothing else is getting done.  Oh well I may have to rethink the Christmas gifts, so be it.  

I do enjoy seeing what everyone else is doing so keep the pictures coming.

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Hi, ladies!


I read all the posts - but have to dash this morning. My polar bear ghan is growing rapidly - and even with the air con on it's not always comfortable to work on it. Almost at the point of edging and then embellishments.


Have a good day my crafty people!!!

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Hi All.  Just checking in.  Don't know how much I will be on today.  Geeze it is one thing after another.


Today is a tropical storm that is passing by.  We are on the bad side of it, but the pan handle will get hit the worse.  Hope everyone up there is ready.  Rain and thunder storms today, with some flooding.  Luckily we are high enough we will not flood here. 


Have a great day.  I will be spending mine in my corner working on my doll cloths and watching some movies.  Maybe Godzilla, it is that kind of day.

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I finished the name doily edging and blocked it a second time overnight. I am pleased with the results. Today i am off to the craft store for some supplies to make a box to wrap it up.


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One more thing off the list.  The outfits I made for Bailey4's charity.  Back to Kansas, Winter coat and Spring Outfit.  Everything but the dolls will be shipped to her about Sept. or Oct.





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Thank you all.  The peach one is made with baby yarn and the blue and white one is made with size 10 thread.  One off the list and on to the next.


DH wanted to know if he will ever see the dolls dressed like this again, or are they going out.  Told him they were going out.

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Mary Jo, the baby yarn does give the outfit a very soft look...

Your DH reminds me of mine: he'll see me working on something and comment on how nice it is - and in the next breath ask who it's for. Rarely do I say something is for us.

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Yeah, that is why I have Ami Ville in the back room.


I am off to my corner to hide.  I have been out and the heat and humidity has just worn me down.  Believe me, it is even to hot to go in the pool.  Waiting for more rain.

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So pretty things you all make...!!!


Every time I think I have some gift done, some "special occasion" comes and... ypu know how it is... But I love to read your posts and I feel inspired watching your gifts.


I don't know where May has gone and I miss my crochet sessions, but you know the saying "A row a day keeps the psychiatrist away"? I wanted to make a dress for myself,  for my class' farewell party and celebration on 24th June - and working row by row, usually just one or two a day, I MADE IT!!!  I'm so proud. The dress is red and I used thread, not yarn. Now I need to think of something to wear under the dress and then I'll take pics.  ;)

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So pretty things you all make...!!!


Every time I think I have some gift done, some "special occasion" comes and... ypu know how it is... But I love to read your posts and I feel inspired watching your gifts.


I don't know where May has gone and I miss my crochet sessions, but you know the saying "A row a day keeps the psychiatrist away"? I wanted to make a dress for myself,  for my class' farewell party and celebration on 24th June - and working row by row, usually just one or two a day, I MADE IT!!!  I'm so proud. The dress is red and I used thread, not yarn. Now I need to think of something to wear under the dress and then I'll take pics.  ;)


Oh I can't wait to see this dress.  I am sure it is pretty.

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Good Morning Everyone.


Bright, Sunny and humid.  Another day in Florida.


Going to chill out today and start working on Strawberry Shortcake and friends dolls in thread, instead of yarn.  They will be smaller and I think easier for little hands to grab. 


So the dress for the big dolls are done and I have to start looking for yarn for the next tote.  July- Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :think  :scrachin 



How is everyone doing?

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It was a super busy week here. First week back home after a two week trip, water leak in the back yard, AC not working when we got back, catching up at the office, trying to get a renter removed (nonpaying, unreported fire, pit bull and stolen property in the house along with uncooperative town police), DH's 50th HS reunion, getting ready to adopt a raccoon and have company this week......


Bright side was making pretty good progress on the older GD's owl blanket--about the halfway point. Crocheting definitely helps me center myself and put other things aside.


Looking forward to some needed rain this week.

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Hi peeps!


Mary Jo, the dolls sound sweet!


Mona - yes, crochet is wonderful when we need to escape. I hope all those issues get resolved!


Except for weaving in a few ends and adding a red tongue to his muzzle (hubby's good idea!) Polar bear afghan is finished. I'll get a photo by tomorrow. I also washed the bit of red I'll be using - wanted to make sure it didn't run! That would be my worst nightmare should it happen.


Have a good day everyone!

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Mary Jo - I was thinking about your July bag. When I think of July the colors that suggest themselves are (of course) red/white and blue.....and the other is yellow - the color of the bright sunshine at this time of year.

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Hi everybody,


Look at my octopuses! 

They are for my first charity action - making octopuses for premature babies in hospitals. These amis must be done in cotton and have specific size. They are given to the hospitals and then put into babies' incubators. The tentacles remind umbilicar cord, the babies can play with them and it prevents pulling all the tubes.

This is very new charity action in my country and I love it. So the octopuses are my gifts for the babies. And I'm sure it's only beggining, I'll make more. Of course my daughter says that she definitely needs one too...



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Thanks for the idea for colors for the July bag.


Anna, I love the octopi, they are just perfect for the babies.  Of course your daughter needs one.  That is the best compliment she could ever give you.

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