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Allergic to wool?

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I'm wondering if I'm allergic to wool and never knew it... I've been working on the FCEC Felted Tote and everytime I pick it up I start to itch and my eyes get dry and scratchy... I'm only using 50% wool... I'm wondering if this means I'm allergic or if being allergic to wool gives you completely different symptoms???

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I have heard that real wool allergies are rare and that people are allergic to the chemicals used to clean the wool. I don't know if this is true or not.:think However, the suggestion was to buy organic wool:sheepjump to see if that bothers you. I have also heard that if wool is itchy you can wash it with some conditioner. Sorry you are all itchy.:eek

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Before you are certain it's the wool, let me tell you that my family, friends and I (in three different areas of the country) are all reporting itchy, sneezy miserable allergy symptoms right now...gotta love the seasonal changes.

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I am not allergic to wool, per say. I have problems with some of the chemicals that are used to treat the wool durring cleaning. (I got this one from my mother who has the same problem.) For me, wool with the wronge chemicals will make me itch sooooooooo bad, and I'll get a rash.... At the same time, those can be symptoms of other allergies so make sure that there isn't new pollen or you havn't been usinga new shampoo or cleaner or something around the house.... That can trigger prolems, too..


Not being able to use all wools is not fun, and somewho limiting. But, it was nice to find out that I can use some wools.....

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Yes, I guess it is possible it's just because it's fall and allergies and all. I have never had any allergies (unlike my DH who is allergic to pretty much everything) but I know you can get them at any time... The yarn I'm using is 50% wool wrapped around 50% acrylic. Due to the way it's wrapped it's supposed to be ideal for felting... I guess well see... I'm hoping after it's finished I'll be able to use this as my library tote bag... (The plastic ones that the library give you are horrible) I'm up to row 38!!! Less than 20 to go and then I can start on the trim and handles!!! Can't wait!!!


I'll keep an eye on how I'm doing before and after working with this from now on and see what's what... Thanks everyone!!!!!!!!!!

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I'm also working with some wool right now, and I can't figure out if it's the wool itself or the season... I seem to get more itchy and scratchy when working on this project. I am having allergy issues anyway, especially this time of year, but my eyes really bug me when working on this particular project. I have to remember to wash my hands afterward.


I don't know the true fiber content because it was donated yarn, and it appears to be hand spun... so no labels. I did a burn test and washed a swatch, and both indicated to me that it was probably wool, or at least some natural non-cotton fiber.


I do plan on washing and drying the item when done (low heat), because I do want some felting, so I will see if that helps. It's only for a costume anyway, so it's not something I will be wearing often. :D

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I'm very allergic to Wool...I pick it up and start to itch instantly. :(


Ditto :( Sadly, all the animal fiber yarns do that to me. I break out in hives immediately if it touches my skin! Got that from Dad, thanks dad! LOL course I got a lot of cool things from Dad so I gotta let him off the hook for the wool allergy.

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