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I want to cry! Bad outcome with my Waterfall throw

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:( Oh I am so sad. The Homespun waterfall throw I've been working on is all screwed up.....I can't frog it either because when I changed yarn I tied and knotted the darn thing....what happened is this....


I started off okay, nice, right width, etc....and didn't realize what happend until the end....Now my Waterfall throw LOOKS like a waterfall....wider at the top then the bottom! Argh.....:(


I don't think I missed sticthes, although I must have since it got so skinny at the end.....either that or I really tightened up.....anyway it's the softest, coziest weird shaped thing you ever did see.


Oh well.....guess I'll chalk it up to experience and try to work looser with HS from now on....




Sad Hooker in MI :blush

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I need a blanket like that, actually. I like to wrap my feet up in layers, but then I have all this bulk around my armpits. Very irritating. Think of it not as a mistake, but an unintentional design element! Kudos on finishing a blanket, by the by. I haven't the stamina for them.

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It's wide at the top for your shoulders, and narrow at the bottom for your feet! :D


I love love love my Waterfall afghan... it's sooooo warm. I made it double the size of the pattern, so mine is incredibly huge. Mmmm... :wgrin

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Many beginners miss the last stitch on a row. It is because it is the previous row's chain stitch(es) that make the first stitch. So it does not look the same. It is a common error. I think your blanket is wonderful just the way it is, but for the future, try doing some small practice squares where you can count the stitches on each row for several rows. That way your future projects will match your expectations.


You did fantastic



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Congrats on finishing such an ambitious project!! You should be proud! It sounds like a special design to me -that would be perfect, I like to cuddle up with the bottom wrapped around my feet and all the excess (from a normal sized blanket - lol) can drive me nuts.


I bet it's nice and cozy!!

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I have the same problem with Homespun. I think we're accidentally increasing because we think we're in the next stitch, or dropping stitches because we think there's no stitch there. It's really hard to see your stitches with those big floofy yarns.


Someone on another thread suggested marking the first and last stitch with safety pins. I haven't tried her suggestion yet, but maybe I'll be able to finish my poncho if I do that.


As for your afghan/blanket, sure, you meant to do that. It's your own unique design -- Robin's Real Waterfall Afghan. animal0083.gif

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