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I can't make anything for myself

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Does anyone else have this problem? I make doilies and blankets and hot pads for everyone but me! I have a gazillion patterns (oh yeah, PAS) of sweaters that I am going to make for myself and right now, I have a tangle of silvery blue yarn in my lap making an evening wrap for my mother.


Aurgh! :eek

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My problem is that even when I make something for myself...a family member comes along and gets all attached to it...hehe. Of the huge list of things I've made for myself lately, I've only managed to keep 3 of them...hehe. Ahhh but that's what "art" is for, sharing :)

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My problem is that even when I make something for myself...a family member comes along and gets all attached to it...hehe. Of the huge list of things I've made for myself lately, I've only managed to keep 3 of them...hehe. Ahhh but that's what "art" is for, sharing :)


The Velcro Fairy visits my house too! I think my SIL bribes her...

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I wouldn't feel TOO bad about this, ladies! I've read elsewhere on this forum people's horror stories of their work being totally UNappreciated. :eek:( So, things could be worse!


Of course, there's always the option to use those nifty two little letters when you've got someone slobbering all over your project trying to get you to hand it over: NO! :lol


It all depends on what gives you the most strokes - wearing your own stuff, or having somebody else showing it off for you!


Not a bad trade-off, I'd say. :c9

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You're not alone. I don't think I have kept a single thing for myself that I have made. Even when I start out making something for myself, someone else always winds up with it. If you ask me, I think it is all part of the addiction.:lol :lol :lol

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You really should treat yourself to something! You can even try making something, using or wearing it for a little while, until you're tired of it and give it to someone else! That's what I do!

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Yeah, I hardly have anything I've made myself, and most of the stuff I do have is made from odd balls and scraps.


I just gave my little sister a lapghan for her 21st birthday, and I'm vaguely considering making one for myself, but I'm just not sure if I can justify so much time and money for something for myself ;) that sounds a little silly when I type it out :blush

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It all depends on what gives you the most strokes - wearing your own stuff, or having somebody else showing it off for you!


Not a bad trade-off, I'd say. :c9


You are absolutely right, Goldi -- it is truely the biggest compliment when my SIL announces proudly, "Michelle made this." It does stroke the old ego!


But I am still hiding my bookmark.

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i dont keep anything for myself either. usually im so sick of looking at a project that i cant wait to get it out of the house by the time its done!!!


seriously, thats what keeps me on track when i make stuff...that someone else is going to own it, so i better not half-ass it.

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I crocheted myself a shawl. Out of Homespun...my one and only experience with THAT yarn, won't use it again. Just me. And I made myself a small bag thingy that I put my cell phone and pager in when I go to bed (on call 24-7 every other week) because my cat kept running off with my pager. Have never made myself a doily, or a blanket, or clothing. Hmmmm....

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  • 2 months later...

I also do not like homespun.


I am a very charitable women most of the items I make are for charity. I was in the 63 sq cal and even my husband ended up claiming it his own. At least its in the family.

I made afgahns for all my husbands family for christmas and the 35 sq gahn went to Ken at the nursing home a nice guy who has no familt and he loves it.

I also am the type if someone likes it they get it!!!! That is the way of the Mexican ladies we work with and I too have adapted it to my life.

Remember our rewards are not of this world!!!!:hook

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I can so relate to this topic. I've just finished making an aran style cardigan for myself. I sewed the band securely in place and placed the buttons. I proudly put in on to show my husband who noticed straight away that I'd put the buttons and buttonholes on the mans way around. Aaaaaaaggh. Needless to say my husband claimed the cardigan for himself. :(

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I've been crocheting for five years and knitting for six months, and I've kept three scarves and an iPod cozy for myself. But I've got plans to finally make myself some things next year... of course, we'll see if that really happens! :hook

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Now see, maybe I am selfish...


I tend to make things ***I*** like for the purpose of it being MINE... unless, of course, it was MADE for the sole purpose of giving it away.


(Don't get me wrong, I love giving things to people who appreciate them - and those people are sometimes hard to find)


I have a really hard time giving things away. And, mostly, I don't like making the same thing twice, so making one for me, one for someone else is hard for me. Once I have made it once, I am ready to move on to something else. (Short attention span?)


I gave up my scarf (the one I posted the pattern for) to someone I work with for Christmas... but she spent HOURS praising me on it while I was making it, so I know she really appreciated it. I also know she has terminal cancer and VERY unappreciative grown kids (my age), so I know she didn't get much for Christmas. I wrapped it and gave it to her. She has worn it 3 days in a row. That DOES make me feel good, especially since she has bragged about it to EVERYONE, but I'll most likely never repeat the pattern, even for myself. Guess I'll have to come up with something else for me.


I also got great pleasure out of the hot pink eyelash scarf I made my daughter for Christmas. She LOVED it. (And I'll never have to worry about repeating that pattern! LOL)


I've made full-sized afghans for all 3 kids and my parents.


Most projects that I give away were started with the intention of being give-aways. If I made it for me, I tend to want to hold on to it.

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if i want to make something for someone I will...like making blankets for a few of my friends...scarves for freidns and family....but somethings I make because i want them to be mine....like the shawl that i made and the blanket that i recently made...:)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
You really should treat yourself to something! You can even try making something, using or wearing it for a little while, until you're tired of it and give it to someone else! That's what I do!


I recently made a sweater for myself. I think last year was the year for me. I made myself two scarves, two hats and a poncho. However, those numbers are nothing compared to the items I made for others. :manyheart Every time I made something, someone would see it and want me to make them one. That's ok. Even though I don't like repeating patterns, it's worth it to see a smile on their faces.:D

If I kept everything I made, I'd be drowning in more piles than I have now.

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I don't keep anything for myself, either. I have 2 skeins of pinkish-silver yarn just waiting to be turned into a shrug of some kind...but everytime I try to start it, I find another pattern and think, "Oh, so-and-so would love this." Hee hee

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