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County Fair Entry -- Opinions Requested



I am trying to decide whether to include the afghan as part of a layette or keep it separate. If I include it, then I will use the rainbow afghan as my afghan entry. Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks!



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9 answers to this question

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All  three are lovely and visually interesting in their own way. 


If you were submitting for publication, I would submit afghan and layette not precisely as a set -


For anything else, (fair, guild show, etc) I would look closely at the categories available and judging cricteria. 


if at all possible, I would submit the afghan and layetter separately. 


For the Rainbow, you may want to consider carefully blocking it into shape for the submission.

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Personally, I love rainbow items and I make them myself. BUT ...


I think the pink, green, white combination is gorgeous! If I was judging, I would choose that set. I love the little clothes coordinating with the blanket.

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Thanks so much for the comments. I really appreciate it! So, I will enter the hearts afghan alone in the afghan category. Now, is the clothing (dress, hat and booties) enough to be considered a layette? The guidelines don't specify exactly what a layette consists of so I'm not really sure.


Thanks again!

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by "defnition" a layette is a complete set of clothing for an infant - lack further instruction from the judging/submission guidlines, it would seem your set fits that criteria for a fair.


For Publication I might make different commnets.

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