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COPYRIGHT REMINDER WITH REGARD TO PINTEREST: Due to copyright infringement concerns, if you are a pinterest member, please do not pin any photo uploaded to Crochetville by another member. When members post photos here, they only give Crochetville permission to display the photos here; permission has not been given to allow other members to post those photos anyplace else on the internet.


Although this doesn’t seem to be happening over there, Pinterest’s terms of service state that members are the sole and exclusive owner of any content they pin (upload) to the site and that whatever they post will not infringe upon any intellectual property rights of another person. This means Pinterest members really should not be pinning photos belonging to other people, unless they have permission to do so.

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Something for EVERYONE to think about in regard to Pinterest: Pinterest members are supposed to pin ONLY those photos to which they own the copyright. However, many people are pinning photos to which they clearly do NOT own the copyright. Pinterest is only going to take action when the copyright owner makes a complaint.


Many businesses are now getting involved in pinterest and encouraging people to pin stuff from their websites. This makes sense from a BUSINESS standpoint, as the pins are creating links to their sites, which feature items for sale, which they hope will result in increased sales for them. So most businesses are very unlikely to complain that people are linking to them.


However, that creates a big cause for concern here at Crochetville. Yes, Crochetville is a business. But most of the pictures posted here are not OUR photos to which WE own the copyright. That means we can't issue a blanket statement to allow photos posted here to be pinned on Pinterest.


The copyright to most photos posted here at Crochetville belongs to the member who posted the picture. Additionally, most photos are PERSONAL photos, not BUSINESS photos. Some members may be comfortable having their photo posted on this website, but they may not want it to be pinned on Pinterest, shared on Facebook, or any other number of places.


Crochetville's policy on pinning Crochetville photos to Pinterest:

  1. Ask the member who posted the photo for permission before you pin it on Pinterest.
  2. If permission is granted, be sure to include a disclaimer such as "Pinned with username's permission." (Then you won't receive any questions about whether you had permission to do so.)
  3. If your photo has been pinned by anyone without your permission and you don't want it pinned, you can contact Pinterest or the person who posted it to have it removed.
  4. If a Crochetville member has pinned your Crochetville photo without your permission, let us know. We'll contact that Crochetville member on your behalf, and ask them to remove the pin. If it's a first offense, we'll also very nicely remind the member they need to ask permission first. We know everybody gets excited about pinning and sharing, and it's easy to forget that you need permission to pin Crochetville photos.
  5. If a Crochetville member repeatedly pins Crochetville photos without permission OR refuses to remove such pins after we request them to do so, that member may lose forum membership.

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It would never occur to me to pin a photo that belongs to someone else. I have pinned my own stuff. ... To which I do own the copyright.


Are you saying that I cannot repin something that another member legally posts?

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here's mine http://pinterest.com/kedavis99/ I've actually already made several things I've found on the site. It's funny the ladies I work with have talked about all the things they've pinned but that they haven't done any of it yet. I've crocheted some things, made some foods, done some of the ideas I pinned to do with my son. I actually find as fun as it can be to look through I usually come across something I just have to get off the computer and do. :)


I've tried to be careful to only upload my own pictures, though I know I have repinned things others have pinned, I probably should watch that too.


ETA: anyone I wasn't previously following I am now.

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Repinning something from Crochetville has the potential to be tricky.


If another Crochetville member pinned their own work, and you want to repin it, there's absolutely no problem there. Because as far as I know about how pinterest works, when you pin your own stuff there, you're giving permission for others to repin it on pinterest.


But if a Crochetville member pinned another member's photo without permission, and you repinned it, that could be a problem. I haven't spent enough time on pinterest to know what would happen if the original photo got removed due to lack of permission. Would pinterest remove ONLY the original pinned photo so that any repinnings had to be removed separately or would all the repinnings automatically be removed?


Depending on how pinterest works that, you could end up being asked to unpin something you've repinned. This applies to repinning anything from anywhere, not just Crochetville. The original owner might ask you to unpin.


Let's say Member A doesn't want any photo they've posted here to be pinned at Pinterest. Member B pinned it anyway, without asking for permission. Member C then repinned it, not knowing permission had not been given. Crochetville is only going to get involved if Member A asks for our help. Member A should first work through Pinterest to get the photo unpinned. Member A can ask us to contact Members B and C to remind them about Crochetville's pinning policies.


We don't have time to check Pinterest for any Crochetville photos that have been posted, so it will be up to an individual member to let us know if there is any issue with their Crochetville photos being pinned without their permission.


It would be great if I could give blanket permission for everyone to freely pin anything posted here at Crochetville, but I just don't have the legal authority to do so.


I think I'm going to start a poll to see how many people would object to their photos being pinned on Pinterest. Just in case we wanted to establish a policy for photos posted AFTER a certain date to be established some time in the future. we can't gie permission to others for anything posted before such a policy were in place.

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In order to avoid any problems with my stuff from Crochetville I would ask you to remove all the patterns I have posted here.


I don't have the authority to remove posts so I have to ask that you or your agent will do so.

I believe that I have only used one pic from here but I can replace that from photobucket.

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Don't pin anything from here and you are fine. Once something is pinned it is open season.


as far as I know I've not repinned anything that was pinned from here even from the members here that I follow. I try to click through to the sites b4 repinning, esp for crochet bc I want to see if it has a pattern, is an etsy posting, or just a picture.

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In order to avoid any problems with my stuff from Crochetville I would ask you to remove all the patterns I have posted here.


I don't have the authority to remove posts so I have to ask that you or your agent will do so.

I believe that I have only used one pic from here but I can replace that from photobucket.


Darski, I'm not sure I understand what problems you want to avoid. Your patterns themselves can't be pinned at Pinterest, just the photos, which would link people back here to access the pattern itself.


As far as photos, any photo you post publicly anywhere on the Internet is at risk of being pinned on Pinterest by someone. Photobucket photos would be just as much at risk of being used by someone.


We aren't giving anyone permission to post your patterns or photos on Pinterest or anywhere else, so I don't understand why you suddenly want the patterns removed. If you'd like to talk about this further in PM instead of on the forum, please feel free to PM me. I'll also be happy to talk about any concerns you have here on the forum, if you'd prefer.


If you somehow think I meant to direct my statements about our copyright policy in regards to you personally because you started the post, I do apologize if my reminder came off that way. :hug The reminder was meant for any Crochetville member who is using Pinterest.Many people use Pinterest to pin things they find all over the Internet. With more and more people using Pinterest all the time, I'm reminding everyone in each thread that gets started about Pinterest.


I personally don't mind if people want to pin things that have been posted here, as it helps drive traffic to Crochetville. And we always want to reach more crocheters. I just don't have any authority to grant permission for anything posted by anyone else.

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Just in case there has been any confusion, I want to make sure everyone knows you can pin your own photos that you're posted here at Crochetville. :)


You own the copyright, so you can do whatever you want with them, and grant others permission to pin them if you want to. I just can't give anyone else permission on your behalf, since I don't own your copyright.

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Don't pin anything from here and you are fine. Once something is pinned it is open season.


As more people participate on Pinterest, I expect we'll start seeing more lines in signatures like "Feel free to pin on Pinterest" OR "Please do NOT pin on Pinterest."


Of course, the way Pinterest works, if somebody pins their own photo on Pinterest, then Darski is correct, it's definitely fair game for repinning by anyone, no further permission of any kind required.

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I need to think about removing patterns for a bit...


I am just sick of dealing with lawyers and legalism. We cannot do anything or enjoy our selves until 15 lawyers have signed off on everything we might enjoy. My intention was to make sure there could be nothing that anyone could complain about between my Pinterest life and my Crochetville life. No connections; no problems.


I will say though that I will not be adding any more patterns here no matter what else I may decide.

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There is a way to "block" anything from being pinned from this site. I have tried to pin things and a box will come up that says "sorry, items are not allowed to be pinned from this page"


Darski, sorry for all this confusion! I sure hope to see wonderful stuff from you in the future!

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I am just sick of dealing with lawyers and legalism. We cannot do anything or enjoy our selves until 15 lawyers have signed off on everything we might enjoy. My intention was to make sure there could be nothing that anyone could complain about between my Pinterest life and my Crochetville life. No connections; no problems.


Darski, I'm sorry that you've been upset by my attempts to make sure all our members feel confident that we want to keep their trust by protecting what they have posted here. I'm not trying to be a fun-sucker who is only focused on legalism. But there are copyright issues that have to be taken into account, and that is a legal issue.


(Since you're only pinning your own photos, you don't have anything to worry about. As far as repinning, only repin stuff that links back to Crochetville if you know it belongs to someone who has given permission for their stuff to be pinned.)


Believe me, it would be MUCH MUCH easier on me if I could just give blanket permission to everyone to have as much fun as they like pinning anything at all from Crochetville on Pinterest. I would love to have all that extra traffic being directed over here to Crochetville. But I don't have the ability to give that sort of permission.


Many members post here in good faith knowing that we don't give permission for their photos to be used in any other place. I morally, ethically, and legally owe it to those members to have policies in place that are designed to protect what they have posted here. While I can't prevent non-members from using their photos without authorization, I do have an obligation to establish a policy that will encourage other members not to use their photos without permission.


What does that mean in practical terms? Well, it's going to be up to each member to let us know if there's a problem with any other Crochetville photos being pinned on Pinterest. Donna and I don't have time to troll Pinterest looking for photos that have been pinned without permission. Even if we had time to find all Crochetville photos that were pinned, we definitely don't have time to track down which ones were pinned with permission and which ones weren't. If a member's photos has been pinned without their permission, it will be up to that member to let us (and Pinterest) know of the problem. We'll only be able to do something if a member contacts us, and I don't think I'm going to be contacted that often (if at all) by a member asking for help making sure their stuff is unpinned.


I could solve the whole problem by asking Pinterest to set things so that nothing here at Crochetville could be pinned over there. But that wouldn't be fair to members who might want to pin their own things. They should be able to pin their own photo. For some, this might be the only place on the internet that they choose to upload a photo.


I really, truly hope everyone is able to see (and appreciate) that I'm just trying to protect what each and every single member has posted. I'm not trying to make anyone sad or miserable. I promise.


If you don't mind if your photos are pinned, add a line to your signature like "Please pin my stuff on Pinterest!" Then members will know they can pin your stuff without worry.


If it helps, because of the copyright issues involved, I can't even give people blanket permission to post what I myself post here. Why not? Because I've posted many photos (with permission) to which I don't own the copyright: book reviews, designer studios, teacher's class photos, and so on. Permission to pin those photos is not mine to give.


I'm just as much stuck in the middle of this as anybody else. And this is not a very pleasant place to be right now.

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