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Do you wash your item before selling or not bother?

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Hi to all you crocheters out there, i havnt been on here for a couple of years and its great to see that it is STILL in FULL swing:clap:clap


anyway im here because ive just got back into the hobby but wanted to know if you do sell your items, do you wash before selling or not?


thanks in advance


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I've only sold a couple of things in the past but have given away several as gifts over the years. I ALWAYS wash & dry everything before it leaves my hands. This way I set the colors as well as make sure that it holds up the way I expect it to.


Oh, and welcome back! I've just recently returned myself from a 2 year hiatus.

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No. I have severe allergies to scented soaps and imagine that others may too. If I were to wash the items before selling, I would think it's important to tell that on the site in case people have allergies. I personally don't like my stuff scented that I buy. 

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I wash everything before giving it out - i am in a household with cats, a dog and a bird.  If i know its going to a baby - then i will use a baby laundry soap, but otherwise i just wash as normal, though i use an unscented laundry soap myself as i don't like a lot of the scents.   I would assume that folks with strong allergies or dislikes of soaps would take the item and give it a wash in their own preferred method first thing.

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Blankets & things other than my character hats I sell or giveaway, I do wash. I make my own laundry soap - and use scentsy washer whiffs & dryer discs with my laundry so things that I wash that I have crocheted, I just don't add those scentsy things with the laundry! I have dogs and the hubby occasionally smokes in the bedroom, so I don't want people to receive stuff that has dog hair or smells like smoke (though I do keep my yarn in zippered plastic vacuum sealed bags) it's still a possibility.

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