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darski at that other place

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To each his own. I happen to loathe that other place with a passion and so I don't want anyone to think I go there.


I know that they have shoved their way to the top of the heap but it is just not a heap I care to climb.:soap

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People have added my patterns to Ravelry before, though I am a member. Essentially, they're just adding it to the database (well, just the pattern location, designer, etc). There are a lot of people who aren't members that have their patterns listed there, so I don't think people would assume that you posted them.

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Not sure who is top of the heap, I sort of feel like they are 2 different heaps. :) I feel like each site has its own benefits. In my opinion -- this site is more chatty, friendly and helpful. The other site is better for showing lots of patterns/pictures quickly. If I am looking for a pattern I go there. If I am looking for conversation or help, I come here. I have gotten more ideas at the other place but more help here. So I just feel like they both have different purposes. Plenty of room for both sites in the world of crochet! Actually, there are a couple of other crochet sites I like to regularly pop in on too. I like crochet and feel like there is never too much.


I do understand and accept that all people won't like all sites though. Sorry you felt you were being associated with something you do not like. But at least it is not a case of someone showing your pattern and claiming it as their own. Better that they gave credit where they got the pattern. :)

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I agree with Amy. If you feel so strongly that you need to protect your name, Darski, then you should go create the placeholder. You needn't have an active membership. But when you started publishing your patterns, you put your name and ideas out there in the world, and they may show up in all kinds of places you never expected nor may care for personally.


DebraKay, you said exactly what I would have, only far more eloquently. Comparing Crochetville and Ravelry is like comparing strawberry-rhubarb and blueberry pies--I love them both, and sometimes am in the mood for one and not the other. Or maybe pie and cake is a better comparison--both delicious desserts I love, but suitable for different times. I could and do waste hours pattern searching on Ravelry, and I could and do waste hours chatting with my fellow crocheters on here. it's not either/or, it's both, for me at least.


Good thing the World Wide Web is so huge it can accommodate all of us! Patty


ETA: Did you know that 30 projects have been made from Youthful Memories? And 3 Alicia-Ann? cool!

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Is it a case of crochet identity theft? I hope not!!!


Either way... as long as someone doesn't start claiming that are you, shouldn't be too much harm done, right?

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