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Hi Everyone! Quick flyby.... getting ready for my cousin's visit! She'll be here later today. Unfortunately she is attending a funeral today. Her aunt passed Monday morning.

I think I have what I need for her visit. She eats very little and no gluten, sugar, wheat, fruit. No wonder she's so skinny! :lol It's helping her arthritis though!


Joanne, yup, I think I've got everything I need for her visit! Fingers crossed anyway! :lol


Sherry, good luck with the shawl!


Mary, glad it was nothing serious with mom.


Mama K, wish I had a Nook! :lol


Melani, ugh, DH has mentioned that the lawn will need to be mowed soon if the weather keeps up! Unheard of in March!


Sue, mowing the lawn on Christmas is just not right! People are supposed to be shoveling or making snowmen! :lol


Have a wonderful day everyone!!! :hug:hug:hug

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Sorry to hear of the sadness for your cousin....I'm sure visiting you will perk her up!


I have a lawn service....they arrived yesterday to mow, a full month early! Looks nice though...won't miss that part when I move!


Have a great rest of your day everyone!

Mama K

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What a day! Babysat for the little one- since my DD's Sis-in-law is in the hospital and she wanted to go and be with her. She's the one who is pregnant with twins- and her cervix is shortening and she is only 21 or 22 wks pregnant. Please keep her in your prayers!:hug:hug:hug

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Having a nice visit with my cousin! Everyone is snoozing, but of course, you know me! :lol Hope I don't doze off while we're chatting tomorrow! :morcoffee


Sorry to hear of the sadness for your cousin....I'm sure visiting you will perk her up!


I have a lawn service....they arrived yesterday to mow, a full month early! Looks nice though...won't miss that part when I move!


Have a great rest of your day everyone!

Mama K

Thanks Mama, we're having a good time and it's taking her mind off of it. Wow, didn't think you'd need your lawn mowed yet! This is nuts! We got an oil delivery, hope it's the last one until Fall!


What a day! Babysat for the little one- since my DD's Sis-in-law is in the hospital and she wanted to go and be with her. She's the one who is pregnant with twins- and her cervix is shortening and she is only 21 or 22 wks pregnant. Please keep her in your prayers!:hug:hug:hug

You got 'em! Prayers going out for her and the babes now. :hug

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Good morning!


Hope that you got a little sleep so you're not zzzzzz'ing when your cousins are up!!!

Thanks for the prayers!


Hope you all have a good day- I got up late- and have got to run, but wanted to pop in quick to let you know that I haven't heard any news from DD about her sis-in-law since I left her house last night- here's hoping that no news is good news!!

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Good morning!


Joanne, continuing prayers...keep us posted! Hope your day is great!


Ann, hope you got sleep after you popped in here......keep enjoying your visit!


Everyone else, Hi and have a great day!


Mama K

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What a day! Babysat for the little one- since my DD's Sis-in-law is in the hospital and she wanted to go and be with her. She's the one who is pregnant with twins- and her cervix is shortening and she is only 21 or 22 wks pregnant. Please keep her in your prayers!:hug:hug:hug


You got it Joanne! :hug


Having a nice visit with my cousin! Everyone is snoozing, but of course, you know me! :lol Hope I don't doze off while we're chatting tomorrow! :morcoffee


Glad you're enjoying your time with your cousin!



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Joanne - will be praying for mom and the babies.


Sue - LOL - you're right. I don't think I've ever gotten all the filing done!


Ann - hope your feeling better.


Got up late, so I'd better hurry and get ready for work! Everyone have a great day!!

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good morning everyone. I haven't been working on much. trying to finish a few things up. I have been feeling a bit down since Kendra left. Its really hard not seeing her more than every few months. we are hoping to go down over the 4th and then it will probably be christmas until I see her again, since my SIL is now deployed and its to far for her to drive up here by herself. :(

here a few pics from when the puppies visited. Hank was wearing Kendras cheetah ears we got her from disney. He also had issues with sharing any toys. Lotto would wear himself out and fall asleep before he could lay down all the way:lol




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Hey Everyone!!! Had a wonderful visit with my cousin. She just left to head back to her mom's. She'll be leaving to go home tomorrow night, so I won't get to see her again. Don't know when we'll get together again. Makes me kind of sad. But I have to look on the bright side, there's always FB and Skype!


Joanne, prayers are still going out for your DD's SIL.


Sherry, make sure you keep up on that filing! :lol


Tonya, love the pics! :hug


Mama K, Sue, Melani, and all hope your having a wonderful day! :hug

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Hey Everyone!!! Had a wonderful visit with my cousin. She just left to head back to her mom's. She'll be leaving to go home tomorrow night, so I won't get to see her again. Don't know when we'll get together again. Makes me kind of sad. But I have to look on the bright side, there's always FB and Skype!


Joanne, prayers are still going out for your DD's SIL.


Sherry, make sure you keep up on that filing! :lol


Tonya, love the pics! :hug


Mama K, Sue, Melani, and all hope your having a wonderful day! :hug


Glad you have fun! Here's some :manyheart so you don't miss her so much!


Mama K

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Okay well you all know how wonderful our own Sue is, right? Well, today I received this wonderful package from her for my DD, who expressed an interest in a turtle book from the easter bunny....well who knew 'he' lived in FL?? And she got two books, a turtle purse craft kit and a decal from her work!


Sue you are THE best! Thank you sooo much!


Mama K


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hi all,

Thanks for the prayers for DD's SIL- Today they did a cerclage and she is on complete bed rest- they are continuing to monitor her hoping to keep the twins in until at least 30-32 wks. Keep the prayers coming!!! Looks like she may go home tomorrow, but she will be on complete bed rest-only allowed up 15 min at a time- it'll be rough!


Love the pics of the pups Tonya- Hang in there!


Kuddles- Wow- what an awesome package Sue sent Baby K!!! Sue IS pretty awesome herself!!!!


Ann- Glad you had such a nice day with your cousin!!!!!

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Mama K - awesome!! That Easter Bunny is the best!!


Joanne - will keep praying for those babies to wait to make their appearance.


Ann - glad you had a good visit.


Tonya - pretty puppies (or as GS would say woof-woofs). I miss having a dog but we can't have one here in this house, the landlord says no-no.


Long day today - didn't get the bulletin to work on until almost 10 and I have to have it run by 1 so the volunteers can fold them. Will be off some tomorrow (as soon as I can finish up my Sunday worship stuff, I can take off). Will be helping youngest DD fill out online applications for a new job.


Both GSs are here tonight. Oldest one has missed being with us, and asked to spend the night and of course littlest one had to come too LOL.


Well, I'd better get a few things done and get to bed.


Have a great evening and a great TGIF tomorrow!



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Good morning & TGIF!!


Sherry- Enjoy the time off today especially since yesterday was a busy one! Good luck to DD with the job applications!!


Mary- Can't wait to hear about the show! Good luck to you and the rabbits!!!


Hope you all have a good day~ I got to sleep in this morning since I have a 9:00 appointment before I have to go into work. It was a great way to start the end of the work-week! Of course, I'll be busy as heck when I get in, but it IS Friday so once I'm done, it only means one thing---2 days off!!!


Hope you all have a good day!!!

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Good morning!


Hey Joanne and Sherry, yup Baby K loves her new books, we read one last nite!


Mary, good luck today!


Sue, don't work too hard today honey!


Ann, hope you are feeling okay this morning!


I'm felting a bag right now, yes this early, why not, Baby K got me up half an hour early. It is one of Sue's SBT but I did a few extra rounds and it is now felting. I'll let ya know how it turns out! (I've felted others, but this one is bigger so we'll see how it goes!).


Have a great day all!

Mama K

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Good morning!


Hey Joanne and Sherry, yup Baby K loves her new books, we read one last nite!


Mary, good luck today!


Sue, don't work too hard today honey!


Ann, hope you are feeling okay this morning!


I'm felting a bag right now, yes this early, why not, Baby K got me up half an hour early. It is one of Sue's SBT but I did a few extra rounds and it is now felting. I'll let ya know how it turns out! (I've felted others, but this one is bigger so we'll see how it goes!).


Have a great day all!

Mama K


Can't wait to see the felted SBT!!! When you say you did a few extra rounds- is everything else the same?

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Can't wait to see the felted SBT!!! When you say you did a few extra rounds- is everything else the same?


Well I did a bigger hook and added two rounds to the base, so there were more stitches per row......other than that, I always top her SBT with two rounds of sc, rather than double, and do the handles with one row of the sc because with felting, sc holds up better and doesn't 'bow up' like double crochet does.....


Mama K

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TGIF Joanne! :D


Okay well you all know how wonderful our own Sue is, right? Well, today I received this wonderful package from her for my DD, who expressed an interest in a turtle book from the easter bunny....well who knew 'he' lived in FL?? And she got two books, a turtle purse craft kit and a decal from her work!


Sue you are THE best! Thank you sooo much!


Mama K


The Easter bunny is a "she". A "he" couldn't handle the work load. :lol


Tell lil sis she's very welcome! :hug


heading off to a rabbit show again tomorrow. Bright and early and will have my motel in tow behind me! I love my travel trailer!


Good luck!



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Hi All! Having an off day. Need to re-coup from all the excitement of visiting/having a guest. I posted a pic of the Kitty scarf in show n tell finally if any of you want to see it. Now to only get it to gd! :lol Of course I have to get working on the cupcake purse for her sister! A grandmother's work is never done...:D It's bright in shiny in this neck of the woods today. How is it in your part of the world ladies?


Okay well you all know how wonderful our own Sue is, right? Well, today I received this wonderful package from her for my DD, who expressed an interest in a turtle book from the easter bunny....well who knew 'he' lived in FL?? And she got two books, a turtle purse craft kit and a decal from her work!


Sue you are THE best! Thank you sooo much!


Mama K

Fantastic! (gift and Sue!)


hi all,

Thanks for the prayers for DD's SIL- Today they did a cerclage and she is on complete bed rest- they are continuing to monitor her hoping to keep the twins in until at least 30-32 wks. Keep the prayers coming!!! Looks like she may go home tomorrow, but she will be on complete bed rest-only allowed up 15 min at a time- it'll be rough!


Prayers will definitely continue!


Long day today - didn't get the bulletin to work on until almost 10 and I have to have it run by 1 so the volunteers can fold them. Will be off some tomorrow (as soon as I can finish up my Sunday worship stuff, I can take off). Will be helping youngest DD fill out online applications for a new job.


Both GSs are here tonight. Oldest one has missed being with us, and asked to spend the night and of course littlest one had to come too LOL.


Well, I'd better get a few things done and get to bed.


Have a great evening and a great TGIF tomorrow!



Enjoy your time off and good luck to DD on her job search!


heading off to a rabbit show again tomorrow. Bright and early and will have my motel in tow behind me! I love my travel trailer!

Have fun and good luck at the show!!!


Good morning & TGIF!!


Hope you all have a good day~ I got to sleep in this morning since I have a 9:00 appointment before I have to go into work. It was a great way to start the end of the work-week! Of course, I'll be busy as heck when I get in, but it IS Friday so once I'm done, it only means one thing---2 days off!!!


Hope you all have a good day!!!

WOOT for getting to sleep in!


Good morning!


I'm felting a bag right now, yes this early, why not, Baby K got me up half an hour early. It is one of Sue's SBT but I did a few extra rounds and it is now felting. I'll let ya know how it turns out! (I've felted others, but this one is bigger so we'll see how it goes!).


Have a great day all!

Mama K

Looking forward to seeing the new bag!!!


The Easter bunny is a "she". A "he" couldn't handle the work load. :lol



Isn't that the truth! :lol

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