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crochet tote addicts CAL


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Hey Tonya, I can give you a list of things to do if you need one! LOL


Ann, hope your birthday is going well!


Mama K

umm no thanks:D I am going to garden and crochet and possibly get a little sleep

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Hi All! I was going to say good morning, but then I realized that it's the afternoon! :lol I had a really good night last night and woke up nice and refreshed this morning, but started the day with an early morning dr's appt! Bleh! Just my quick shot and a few questions, but it's a 40 min ride each way. Now I'm tired again! I need to catch up here, get in a little Pogo, then take nap so I'll be refreshed to hook! :lol Have a great day all! Hope you are all having this fabulous weather like we are! :cheer


Happy Bday to the birthday girls.


Thank you! How are you doing? It's good to see you!


Ann - Happy Birthday to you! How neat we share the same birthday!! I hope your day was great!!!


Thank you all for the wonderful happy birthday wishes! Had a great day today (got a yummy, yummy cake from a local bakery from those at work), got messages from both girls and the GSs gave me hugs and kisses this evening. Haven't heard from son yet but I'm sure he will call.


Well, I'm off to watch some Dora the Explorer with the oldest GS and then to bed!


Hugs to all!!

Thanks! Yeah, it is pretty neat to share the same day! Glad you had a good one. I did too! :hug






Happy Birthday,

Sherry and Ann!!

Thanks Melani!



Running late but had to stop in to wish you all a great day. BBL. Hugs!!!!!!


Good morning!


I'm still enjoying my boss-less week! Woot!


Enjoy your day everyone!


Mama K

Woot! Enjoy the day!!!


Sue, it's still your weekend right? Enjoy!

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Hi all,

Had busy day- and the weather is gorgeous- it stinks having to spend the majority of these glorious weather days inside--but it is what it is!!


The house is quiet again. Stepdaughter and family have gone to her sis's place to spend the evening and then they are going into NY tomorrow. It was great getting to know the little one!!! But it's also nice to have some quiet again!


Ann- Glad you had a good night- and yes, enjoying the weather - the little of it I get to spend outdoors-


Kuddles- Bet going to work on boss-less days all week is great!


tonya- did you get in any gardening? I'm afraid I have some more weeding to do. Used to be I'd pay my DD's to do it for me-- now it's me doing it!


Off to relax for a bit--hugs to you all

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Ann, glad you rested well. Hope the rest of your day went well.


Joanne - sounds like you had a good time.


I almost have all the filing done!!! YEA!!! I will finish up tomorrow. My boss has been out all week (but will be back on Thursday), so it's been sort of quiet.


I just found out a good friend I've known since we were in 7th grade, has cancer and has been given 4-12 months. So, I'd appreciate some prayers for her. Her name is Pam.


Have a good evening all.

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Hi all,

Had busy day- and the weather is gorgeous- it stinks having to spend the majority of these glorious weather days inside--but it is what it is!!


The house is quiet again. Stepdaughter and family have gone to her sis's place to spend the evening and then they are going into NY tomorrow. It was great getting to know the little one!!! But it's also nice to have some quiet again!


Ann- Glad you had a good night- and yes, enjoying the weather - the little of it I get to spend outdoors-


Off to relax for a bit--hugs to you all

It's always wonderful to have company, but oh so nice to have the peace and quiet when they're gone! :lol


Ann, glad you rested well. Hope the rest of your day went well.


Joanne - sounds like you had a good time.


I almost have all the filing done!!! YEA!!! I will finish up tomorrow. My boss has been out all week (but will be back on Thursday), so it's been sort of quiet.


I just found out a good friend I've known since we were in 7th grade, has cancer and has been given 4-12 months. So, I'd appreciate some prayers for her. Her name is Pam.


Have a good evening all.

Prayers being said for your friend Pam. :hug

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Good morning, happy hump day!


Sherry- Your friend, family and you will be in my thoughts and prayers.


Kuddles- Hope you have a good day at boss-less work!!!


Sue- Hope all is well with the turtles and that Bruce is continuing to like his position!


Ann- Positive thoughts for another good day!


Just checked the clock- and once again running behind. Seems to be a trend this week! Oh, well after today only 2 more till the weekend!!!!


Hugs to all!

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Good morning!


Sherry, lots of hugs to you and yours honey!


Ann/Joanne/Sue and all my other peeps.....you get a bunch of hugs too!


Getting ready for work......today is the IEP meeting for Baby K to make sure she gets good services in her new school in the fall....it's a great thing!


Love from Mama K

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Sherry, things have been tough around you these last couple months. Prayers for Pam. :hug


Still on my "weekend". Just have class this morning, then some errands.


:hug to all!



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Morning All! Not the best of days, but not the worst, so I'll take it! It's very foggy out, but supposed to clear and be in the 80's! I think we're skipping spring! I brought some crocheting outside yesterday, but it was so nice that I just sat and chatted with DH and didn't get any :crocheting done! I managed to finish another square I'm testing when I got back in the house, but I really need to finish the scarf for Kaylee. Of course she won't be wearing it any time soon with this weather! :lol Have a wonderful day everyone! :hug


Joanne, hope your day goes quickly! Maybe you'll get a walk in at lunchtime! :)


Mama K, good luck at the IEP!


Sue, enjoy the "weekend"!


Sherry, continued prayers going out for Pam. :hug

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Goodmorning all!! Haven't been here in quite a bit!! I just had to mention this because I thought it was funny and it really warmed my heart!!

The other day my sister was at her job, this lady that she works with was talking about needing to sew something up for her younger daughter for church. So my sister tells her that "I" sew(yes for me, hubby, and family...if i have too):lol :lol So the lady calls me and explains to me what she is needing. Sounds pretty easy. Tell her to come over. My sister brings the lady and the lady's 11 yr. old daughter. While in my sewing/craft room, the daughter notices a few of my "stashbuter totes" waiting to be lined. I show her the black and yellow one, tell her it's for my oldest stepdaughter, she is a Steeler fan and likes butterflies, show them the fabric that I bought, it is yellow with black butterflies. Then I show her the pale blue SBT, with baby animal fabric, just waiting for the pocket to be sewn in. There's a few other's that she liked..........but here comes the fun part!! I just happen to have one of my 18 gal. tote's in my craft room. I open it up.....and there to her "amazement" is 20 more SBT's. By the expression on her face and eyes you would have thought I opened a "treasure chest" full of gold, diamonds, emeralds, pearls, etc!! :lol Her mom was teasing her about the expression on daughters face. So after they all looked at the SBT's, the daughter picked one!! They went on to look at all of my other "crochet/knit/sewn" items I have laying around. The mom made a comment, but for the life of me I can't seem to remember, but my response was(because my middle sister was there too)"I'm the only one of my entire family that does any kinds of crafting. And I'm probably the only one in my family that loves to "receive" homemade items"!! Which is true!! I just had to share this story, because it made my day!! An 11 yr. old totally LOVED THE STASHBUSTER TOTE!!!!! Actually she went "GAGA" over the stashbuster totes!! :lol :lol

(sorry for the loooong story, but had to share!!) :)

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Goodmorning all!! Haven't been here in quite a bit!! I just had to mention this because I thought it was funny and it really warmed my heart!!

The other day my sister was at her job, this lady that she works with was talking about needing to sew something up for her younger daughter for church. So my sister tells her that "I" sew(yes for me, hubby, and family...if i have too):lol :lol So the lady calls me and explains to me what she is needing. Sounds pretty easy. Tell her to come over. My sister brings the lady and the lady's 11 yr. old daughter. While in my sewing/craft room, the daughter notices a few of my "stashbuter totes" waiting to be lined. I show her the black and yellow one, tell her it's for my oldest stepdaughter, she is a Steeler fan and likes butterflies, show them the fabric that I bought, it is yellow with black butterflies. Then I show her the pale blue SBT, with baby animal fabric, just waiting for the pocket to be sewn in. There's a few other's that she liked..........but here comes the fun part!! I just happen to have one of my 18 gal. tote's in my craft room. I open it up.....and there to her "amazement" is 20 more SBT's. By the expression on her face and eyes you would have thought I opened a "treasure chest" full of gold, diamonds, emeralds, pearls, etc!! :lol Her mom was teasing her about the expression on daughters face. So after they all looked at the SBT's, the daughter picked one!! They went on to look at all of my other "crochet/knit/sewn" items I have laying around. The mom made a comment, but for the life of me I can't seem to remember, but my response was(because my middle sister was there too)"I'm the only one of my entire family that does any kinds of crafting. And I'm probably the only one in my family that loves to "receive" homemade items"!! Which is true!! I just had to share this story, because it made my day!! An 11 yr. old totally LOVED THE STASHBUSTER TOTE!!!!! Actually she went "GAGA" over the stashbuster totes!! :lol :lol

(sorry for the loooong story, but had to share!!) :)

What a nice story!!!! It's so wonderful when young ones appreciate our crafts! Maybe she'll take it up someday! :hook


Cute story Cristina! Nice to know kids these days have taste! :lol


I made this tote for the ami swap as an extra. :)





Beautiful tote!!!

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Great story about the SBT's!!!! I'm itching to make another!!!


Sue- Great looking "bonus" tote!! Love the color combos you used!


Kuddles- Hope the IEP went well and that Baby K gets all the great services she needs!


Ann- I had so much to do at work, didn't get a walk in- but it wasn't as nice as yesterday so that's ok-

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Kuddles- Hope the IEP went well and that Baby K gets all the great services she needs!


I am seconding this.


I ended up shopping for my new flower bed yesterday, laying out the materials and then was called into work. so today after a nap I went back to the store to get a few more things and have just finished putting in the whole bed and actually planted all the new flowers I bought it looks very nice in front of the porch my DH built last fall.however my hands and knees are now a hot mess and all scraped up and so sore. but i am so glad it is done. now to shop for chairs to go on the porch.

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Sherry, sending prayers up for Pam... :hug


Mama K - Woot!! :hug


Joanne - :hug Long hours... :( Two days til the weekend... :U


Ann - :hug crocheting outside?? In March?? :yay


oliveoil - What a GREAT story!! :lol I loved it!! :hug


tonya - your scrapes and soreness will be long gone and you'll still be enjoying the beauty of all your hard work!! :hug


Everyone - :hi just checking in real quick, hope things are going well for everyone!! :hug


I still haven't heard anything from ducky... :think I sure hope she's okay... :worried

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Great story about the SBT's!!!! I'm itching to make another!!!


Sue- Great looking "bonus" tote!! Love the color combos you used!


Kuddles- Hope the IEP went well and that Baby K gets all the great services she needs!


Ann- I had so much to do at work, didn't get a walk in- but it wasn't as nice as yesterday so that's ok-

Aww, too bad about the walk. We had wonderful weather again today, but I didn't get a chance to sit outside either. I had a dr's appt at 1:00 then we stopped in Walmart and by the time we got home I was in too much pain and just too exhausted. Not having a great night as you can probably tell by the time that I'm writing this, lol. Oh well, it is what it is. I'm itching to make another SBT too! Wonder which one of us gives in first! :lol


I am seconding this.


I ended up shopping for my new flower bed yesterday, laying out the materials and then was called into work. so today after a nap I went back to the store to get a few more things and have just finished putting in the whole bed and actually planted all the new flowers I bought it looks very nice in front of the porch my DH built last fall.however my hands and knees are now a hot mess and all scraped up and so sore. but i am so glad it is done. now to shop for chairs to go on the porch.

Oh, your flower bed must be so pretty! You'll forget all about your aches and pains when you're sitting out there sipping a nice cool drink and admiring the beauty as you crochet! :)


Sherry, sending prayers up for Pam... :hug


Mama K - Woot!! :hug


Joanne - :hug Long hours... :( Two days til the weekend... :U


Ann - :hug crocheting outside?? In March?? :yay


oliveoil - What a GREAT story!! :lol I loved it!! :hug


tonya - your scrapes and soreness will be long gone and you'll still be enjoying the beauty of all your hard work!! :hug


Everyone - :hi just checking in real quick, hope things are going well for everyone!! :hug


I still haven't heard anything from ducky... :think I sure hope she's okay... :worried

Hi ya! I hope she's ok too! It's been a long time since we've heard from her.

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Quick Hello and have a good day!!!

I'm sleeping later and later in the morning and I still need to pop in here or my day isn't complete, but I've really got to get it in gear here!!!


hugs to you all!!

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Good Morning All! Ugh, I'm dragging. Got maybe 2 hrs sleep if you count tossing and turning rest lol! I'm off to get some bloodwork taken shortly, then hopefully will catch a nap when I get home. I have one more square to test for Aurora and I want to finish it today. Hope you all have a great day! :hug

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Good morning all! Thanks for all the 'hopes' about the IEP. It went FANTASTIC! They included in there everything we need to get Baby K all the services she will need in her new school in the fall! Next up, end of May, a meeting with the spec ed director at the new school (remember it is THE school of the area that everyone wants their kids to go to) so she will be completely set for fall in the right class with the services in place! I am over the moon happy about it! So thanks again everyone for asking and your good thoughts shone through!


My last two days boss-less. But that is actually good, cause after today, I will have all my work caught up! Not sure what I'll find to do tomorrow.....I'm sure something!


If you look over on the winter ROAK thank you thread, you will see my posted thank you to my FGM in FL (you all know that is Sue!) for the felted turtle she sent Baby K! I used your picture Sue....I couldn't get the turtle out of Baby K's hands long enough to snap a new pic! Thanks again, you are THE best!


Tonya, Melanie, Ann, Joanne - I'm hoping you all have a good day! Ann honey, I sure hope you feel better today!


Off to get ready for work!


Love from Mama K

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Good morning all! Thanks for all the 'hopes' about the IEP. It went FANTASTIC! They included in there everything we need to get Baby K all the services she will need in her new school in the fall! Next up, end of May, a meeting with the spec ed director at the new school (remember it is THE school of the area that everyone wants their kids to go to) so she will be completely set for fall in the right class with the services in place! I am over the moon happy about it! So thanks again everyone for asking and your good thoughts shone through!


My last two days boss-less. But that is actually good, cause after today, I will have all my work caught up! Not sure what I'll find to do tomorrow.....I'm sure something!


If you look over on the winter ROAK thank you thread, you will see my posted thank you to my FGM in FL (you all know that is Sue!) for the felted turtle she sent Baby K! I used your picture Sue....I couldn't get the turtle out of Baby K's hands long enough to snap a new pic! Thanks again, you are THE best!


Tonya, Melanie, Ann, Joanne - I'm hoping you all have a good day! Ann honey, I sure hope you feel better today!


Off to get ready for work!


Love from Mama K

I am sooooooo happy for you about the school for Baby K! It's so important to get them the right classes/education! It isn't always easy to get that help that they sometimes need. It was like pulling teeth to get it for my boys when they were little, but we got a few years in there for them! Oldest son need help with his speech. I saw the pic of the felted turtle! OMG, it's fabulous! :clap And thanks, my tummy is a bit better today. I even got in a short nap! :)

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Everyone's normal day involves performing life support for sting rays right? I have the coolest job!


You and little sis are very welcome Mama! You know I love you more than my yarn! :hug


I hope you're doing well Ann. I may not say it but I do thnk of you and all the gang here often. :hug



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