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crochet tote addicts CAL


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Another bag done. :)





Oh, Sue you didn't have to make a bag in "big blue" to celebrate the NY Giants Super Bowl Win:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl


Seriously- it's beautiful!! and I love the color!!!!

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Howdy! Had a rough start to the beginning of the day, but I've got a second wind now (12:15am!) I'm hoping that I can get some sleep in soon and have a normal schedule tomorrow, umm, I mean today, :lol. Hubby enjoyed his birthday breakfast though and I even managed to make him a cake yesterday! Today (tonight) I was able to pick up my hooks and start another baby dress. I'm about half done! :yay


Alrighty then here is a picture of my new tote...this will be for my mother for mother's day. I will line it with awesome blue and black material I bought today at Joanns (pockets and a snap as well) and a fabric handle, most likely black.


This tote worked up fast, was not as hard as I thought it would be and has spike stitches which usually hurt my hands but I took my time and this didn't 'hurt'!


I bought it off etsy from the nutsaboutknitting shop.


Mama K

Love it!


Great bag Mama! I'm with you, everyone tells me I could sell my bags but where's the fun in that.


I finished another felted bag and pic is posted in the same show and tell thread as the other 2.





Had DD and the boys and their dad over for dinner tonight. Other than that, I haven't had the boys all weekend. Got a lot of crocheting done. Almost done with the first RR baby afghan, just have the last round and the the edging round to do. Haven't worked on my shawler but will do that this week and start on the other RR. Found a mitten patten, oldest GS wants a fingerless mitten, so I'm gonna try to make him a pair--should be lots of fun since the pattern is the full mitten.


Have a great evening all


Hugs to all that need them!

WTG on the RR! Good luck on the mittens for GS!


To those of who who work and have a holiday for President's Day I am officially jealous!:lol It's not a holiday where I work:(


On the plus side, there will be a lot less traffic going to/from work today~


Have a great day everyone!!!

Sorry that you and all the others had to work today. DH had to too although this is his "Friday".


I just got a call that they put my niece in ICU. Prayers are appreciated.

You got 'em!




Another bag done. :)







Tonya called a couple hours ago and they're in FL. We meet up in about 12 hours! :cheer




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Another bag done. :)






I've made that one, too! Only I did the tote handles (rather than attaching separate ones). Yours looks terrific!! And I bet I know someone who's practically drooling :drool on themselves right about now... right Joanne? :lol

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Howdy! Had a rough start to the beginning of the day, but I've got a second wind now (12:15am!) I'm hoping that I can get some sleep in soon and have a normal schedule tomorrow, umm, I mean today, :lol. Hubby enjoyed his birthday breakfast though and I even managed to make him a cake yesterday! Today (tonight) I was able to pick up my hooks and start another baby dress. I'm about half done! :yay


Glad to hear you're feeling a bit better, Ann!! :hug I'm getting ready to head to bed!! :lol

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Prayers &:hug for Sherry.

The bags Iare really pretty, like the blue.

Thank you all for the coments on the babygahn, the pattern is Hailey and its a free pattern on CPC.

Im feeling a little better every day.

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Tonya called a couple hours ago and they're in FL. We meet up in about 12 hours! :cheer



Have fun today!!!!:yes Thanks for posting that she is safe and sound in FL!!!!


Howdy! Had a rough start to the beginning of the day, but I've got a second wind now (12:15am!) I'm hoping that I can get some sleep in soon and have a normal schedule tomorrow, umm, I mean today, :lol. Hubby enjoyed his birthday breakfast though and I even managed to make him a cake yesterday! Today (tonight) I was able to pick up my hooks and start another baby dress. I'm about half done! :yay

What kind of cake did you make? Glad he had a good birthday and that you are feeling a little better (even if it was the beginning of the day!- I thought I got up early:lol Can't wait to see the baby dress when you are finished!


I've made that one, too! Only I did the tote handles (rather than attaching separate ones). Yours looks terrific!! And I bet I know someone who's practically drooling :drool on themselves right about now... right Joanne? :lol
:lol:lol Oh, yes--love that BLUE!!!:lol


Prayers &:hug for Sherry.

The bags Iare really pretty, like the blue.

Thank you all for the coments on the babygahn, the pattern is Hailey and its a free pattern on CPC.

Im feeling a little better every day.

Glad to hear that you are feeling a little bit better every day:hugPositive thoughts that you continue to feel better and better!!!!


Sherry- Keeping your niece in my thoughts and prayers:hug


Kuddles- I'm glad to hear I wasn't the only one who had to work on Presidents Day! My DH was off so he had a nice leisurely, lazy day (and probably enjoyed that he had the house to himself:lol:lol Thank goodness, he cooked dinner especially since I got home late last night!


Hope you all have a good day! And its Mardi Gras today!! Wonder if Paradise will be as much fun as that?:lol:lol

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Good Morning All! I've decided that sleep is highly overrated, at least during the night! :lol Napping seems to be much better, at least that's what my body wants these days. Gotta go with the flow. Went to bed at 1:15, tossed and turned for 2 hrs, and got back up. TG for Pogo! :lol


Glad to hear you're feeling a bit better, Ann!! :hug I'm getting ready to head to bed!! :lol

Thanks :hug


Prayers &:hug for Sherry.

The bags Iare really pretty, like the blue.

Thank you all for the coments on the babygahn, the pattern is Hailey and its a free pattern on CPC.

Im feeling a little better every day.

Glad you're feeling better. :hug


What kind of cake did you make? Glad he had a good birthday and that you are feeling a little better (even if it was the beginning of the day!- I thought I got up early:lol Can't wait to see the baby dress when you are finished!


Hope you all have a good day! And its Mardi Gras today!! Wonder if Paradise will be as much fun as that?:lol:lol

I made his favorite cake~ yellow cake w/lemon pudding filling and chocolate frosting. (supposed to be mocha frosting, but I could never get it right, so he's settled for chocolate! :lol)

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Good Morning!


Thanks for the bag info Sue, I just knew I had seen it! It is now on my must make list! Might do it as a tote though....we'll see....


Ann, wish you could sleep! My DD woke me up at 2:30 and while she went back to sleep, I did not! We should start calling each other!


Joanne - sorry to hear you had a long day yesterday but at least dinner was ready! Woot!


Melanie/Evelyn - howdy! Hope you have a great day!


And to Tonya and Sue - HAVE A GREAT TIME TOGETHER!


Mama K

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We leave in about 30 minutes to head to Animal Kingdom! :cheer


Joanne, the bag isn't as blue as the picture makes it out to be. More of a denim in person. But it is blue. :lol


Mama, I have so many purse handles I need to use them up! :lol


Ann, Sherry, Evelyn, Melani, Mary, Mona and everyone else...Have a great day!



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good morning everyone. I made it safe and sound. Thankfully I slept most of the trip becaus I hate flying. We are on our way to meet sue. Sorry if there are typos I am on my hone and it's a little bitty screen. Ann hope you got some sleep. Prayers are going out for sherry

could I get some prayers for my friend stacy,She is 30 weeks prego and is hospitalized they have her on steroids and mag. And are trying to get her bp under control. They may be flying her to another hospital. She is very scared for her little girls prognosis.

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good morning everyone. I made it safe and sound. Thankfully I slept most of the trip becaus I hate flying. We are on our way to meet sue. Sorry if there are typos I am on my hone and it's a little bitty screen. Ann hope you got some sleep. Prayers are going out for sherry

could I get some prayers for my friend stacy,She is 30 weeks prego and is hospitalized they have her on steroids and mag. And are trying to get her bp under control. They may be flying her to another hospital. She is very scared for her little girls prognosis.


You got em!


Have fun with Sue!


Mama K

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good morning everyone. I made it safe and sound. Thankfully I slept most of the trip becaus I hate flying. We are on our way to meet sue. Sorry if there are typos I am on my hone and it's a little bitty screen. Ann hope you got some sleep. Prayers are going out for sherry

could I get some prayers for my friend stacy,She is 30 weeks prego and is hospitalized they have her on steroids and mag. And are trying to get her bp under control. They may be flying her to another hospital. She is very scared for her little girls prognosis.

Prayers being said for your friend!:hug

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we went we met we conquered animal kingdom. I added to sues stashbusting score :lol and I got a sunburn. The boys said they had fun and I had an all around good time today. :cheer oh and sue has the only evidence(picture) that was obtained of us together. And it wasn't with a character :(

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we went we met we conquered animal kingdom. I added to sues stashbusting score :lol and I got a sunburn. The boys said they had fun and I had an all around good time today. :cheer oh and sue has the only evidence(picture) that was obtained of us together. And it wasn't with a character :(


Well, I am quite the character...does that count? Had a great time. So nice to meet up with you and the family...too bad Disney stinks so bad. Busch Gardens next time for sure!!


Tonya on the left, me on the right, monkeys in the background. :lol




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Well, I am quite the character...does that count? Had a great time. So nice to meet up with you and the family...too bad Disney stinks so bad. Busch Gardens next time for sure!!


Tonya on the left, me on the right, monkeys in the background. :lol





Great pic! Good thing you told us which ones were the monkeys!


(Mama K running to hide..................)

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Well, I am quite the character...does that count? Had a great time. So nice to meet up with you and the family...too bad Disney stinks so bad. Busch Gardens next time for sure!!


Tonya on the left, me on the right, monkeys in the background. :lol




What a great pic!! So glad you both had a good time together!!!!:)

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your back aleardy? Gps took us off track again and now we are parked because of an accident :( really? Thankfully we stopped and grabbed something quick to eat

Don't you just love GPS?:lol Sorry you are stuck because of an accident, but good thing you stopped to get something to eat! Enjoy the rest of your vacation!!!!

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your back aleardy? Gps took us off track again and now we are parked because of an accident :( really? Thankfully we stopped and grabbed something quick to eat



Took us an hour and 40 minutes to get home including a quick stop at McDonald's for take out. People don't realize that I-4 can be 120 miles of bumper to bumper traffic at any time. :(



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Took us an hour and 40 minutes to get home including a quick stop at McDonald's for take out. People don't realize that I-4 can be 120 miles of bumper to bumper traffic at any time. :(



And I thought Jersey traffic was bad!!!

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I have sad news tonight. My niece passed away at about 6 p.m. tonight. My nephew and their son were able to be with her when she passed away. We've been with them all evening. I know she's not hurting any more but we will miss her so much. Thank you all for your prayers. Not only do I appreciate them, but she did as well.

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