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crochet tote addicts CAL


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Hi!! So much for cutting my hours...I'm still working just about as many hours, but only getting paid for 20...But I can't abandon the turtles just cause I'm not getting paid...Sorry I can't give you the meds since my time is done for today. :lol


Great job on the totes! The patterns will be available soon!!



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Thanks everyone, I'm really hoping the new formula works too. :xfin


Mama K, thanks for explaining about the double worsted cotton. Sounds interesting, but I think it will stay that way at that price! :lol Glad Baby K is (or Bear) is enjoying the baby sweater! It's nice to spoil them when we can! :)


Ok, I finally got a pic of the Cotton Buster II, although it's not a great pic. Here it is!


Great looking tote! Just got the patten and found the yarn (didn't have to buy any, I had some), so I'm gonna get started.

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Well, we went to HL this morning, couldn't find the colors DD was wanting (chocolate brown and lime green). So I found a dark brown and a camo varigeated that has green in it, looks a lot better than what was asked for. the other one will be medium green and a camo varigeated. Will do a RR with a double strand, that way it will go a lot faster.


Getting ready to start on Sue's Cotton Buster II Market Bag. Then I'll work on my shawler for a while. Will probably start one of the RR tomorrow.


Stay warm everyone, stay safe if you're getting winter weather.


Hugs to all

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I had the best surprise this afternoon! My oldest son and his wife stopped by with Jillybean and Maddie!!! :yay They were in town to pick up something for a club they belong to so I got a surprise visit. Totally made my day! :D It was so cute, Jillybean spotted a dog blanket that I had made as a sample for her mom to show her sister (confusing, I know, lol) anyway, Jill fell in love with it and cried when we put it away! Needless to say, it now belongs to her! :lol


Hi!! So much for cutting my hours...I'm still working just about as many hours, but only getting paid for 20...But I can't abandon the turtles just cause I'm not getting paid...Sorry I can't give you the meds since my time is done for today. :lol


Great job on the totes! The patterns will be available soon!!



You're a good person for staying with the turtles even though you're not getting paid. Do you think they new that when they cut your hours? Just saying...:hug


Great looking tote! Just got the patten and found the yarn (didn't have to buy any, I had some), so I'm gonna get started.

It works up fast! Have fun! Can't wait to see yours!


Well, we went to HL this morning, couldn't find the colors DD was wanting (chocolate brown and lime green). So I found a dark brown and a camo varigeated that has green in it, looks a lot better than what was asked for. the other one will be medium green and a camo varigeated. Will do a RR with a double strand, that way it will go a lot faster.


Getting ready to start on Sue's Cotton Buster II Market Bag. Then I'll work on my shawler for a while. Will probably start one of the RR tomorrow.


Stay warm everyone, stay safe if you're getting winter weather.


Hugs to all

Ooohhh, the colors you got sound nice! Double stranded should go really fast!


Here's a pic of the doggie blanket! It's nothing special, but made my heart sing when she wanted it!


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well its official.....:sickim sick :( I am dosing out the cold medicine and prescribing myself rest, sleep and not doing anything except for work and some work on homework this week. I refuse to be sick for vacation. So I doubt I will be working on any crocheting for the next few days.


Hope everyones weekend is good

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Thanks everyone, I'm really hoping the new formula works too. :xfin


Mama K, thanks for explaining about the double worsted cotton. Sounds interesting, but I think it will stay that way at that price! :lol Glad Baby K is (or Bear) is enjoying the baby sweater! It's nice to spoil them when we can! :)


Ok, I finally got a pic of the Cotton Buster II, although it's not a great pic. Here it is!




Great looking tote, Ann!! What is your color choice???



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well its official.....:sickim sick :( I am dosing out the cold medicine and prescribing myself rest, sleep and not doing anything except for work and some work on homework this week. I refuse to be sick for vacation. So I doubt I will be working on any crocheting for the next few days.


Hope everyones weekend is good


:hug I hope you get to feeling better soon!!!


I'm a sneezing mess, but I'm NOT sick!! I'm allergic to cats, and it's so cold outside I can't leave our kitty out there; so she gets to come inside (she has to stay downstairs, though, and she is kept in only certain rooms...) and I get to sneeze for a few days til the weather warms back up some! LOL


:hug your prescription sounds spot on!

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Hi All

I havent been on much for awhile, I woke up one morning and my wrist felt like I had sprained or broken it, I couldnt pick anything up. I thought I had slept on it wrong, but it just kept hurting, I couldnt crochet or do anything that I had to use my hand for, so I broke down and went to the dr he said it is osteo arthuritus, its sure painful. He game a shot and after a day it started to help, it wasnt cortizone It feels better now.

Everyones totes are really pretty and the little blanket is really cute.

:hug to all who are not feeling well. :hug to those who are.

Have a great night

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Good morning!


Ann- Love the tote! I started one last night too- after finally finishing my RR and the scarf I was working on! Pics later when it's light out!

What a great surprise to see your GD's!! And that is so cute how Jill fell in love with the dog blanket! Of course you gave it to her!!!! She'll treasure it!!!!!


Evelyn- Glad to hear that the shot helped your wrist. Osteoarthritis is not fun! Have you been able to resume some crocheting?


Melani-Hope it warms out so kitty can go back outside and you can stop sneezing.


tonya- positive thoughts that you get rid of this cold before vacation!!! I also started with a cold yesterday---I think it's too many hours of work and stress and not enough "fun" time! I haven't been sick in a long time!


Sue- I think it's a master plan that they cut hours, knowing full well that you wouldn't abandon the turtles after your allotted hours!

I kind of feel that way at my job now- I am a salaried employee- but expected to do whatever it takes to get the job done- so essentially I work a lot of hours and don't get paid for them either. It stinks!


Kuddles- Did you enjoy your time while Baby K was out with her godmother? Did you have "fun" doing taxes?


Off to refill coffee and get back to the tote I started!

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Tonya, you'd better get better soon!! :hug


Melani, I sneeze when the heat is on...no idea why. :lol


When I accepted the job 18 months ago I knew my hours were 20/week, but with all the staff changes they got bumped up. My supervisor was still there yesterday and could have handled everything, but I wasn't going to bail on her even though she kept telling me to leave.



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well its official.....:sickim sick :(


:eek NO! Rest up and here's hoping it leaves you quickly!


I'm a sneezing mess, but I'm NOT sick!! I'm allergic to cats, and it's so cold outside I can't leave our kitty out there;


:eek Goodness! You poor thing!


Hi All

I havent been on much for awhile, I woke up one morning and my wrist felt like I had sprained or broken it, I couldnt pick anything up.


Glad it is better!!!


Good morning!

Kuddles- Did you enjoy your time while Baby K was out with her godmother? Did you have "fun" doing taxes?


Well while I enjoyed having the house to myself, and yes I got through a round of the taxes (turbo tax, very easy), I felt 'funny' so ended up on the couch. Had a stinking headache all day and it made me feel 'light' so had to sit. Grrrr.......getting old is for the birds!


When I accepted the job 18 months ago I knew my hours were 20/week, but with all the staff changes they got bumped up. My supervisor was still there yesterday and could have handled everything, but I wasn't going to bail on her even though she kept telling me to leave.




You are a sweetie....and you know it!


Have a great day all!


Mama K

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well I slept a ton yesterday, and just got up I work tonight and then Im off till thursday so a bunch of time to sleep and if it comes to it Ill just call in so I can get better. Which im not happy thinking about because I dont like to call in to work, but i will not be sick on my vacation. It sucks because I have asthma and all this congestion is not helping and do you think i can find my inhaler?


Sue :soapI still say it sucks about the hours. esp giving them to a lazy person they should have just left well enough alone.

melani- that is so sweet of you to suffer so your cat can stay in out of the cold :hug

Ann I hope the new stuff helps make you feel better :hug

Kuddles- :yayYAY for taxes getting done, my DH does ours I just provide the snacks for him and shut myself in the bedroom so I dont hear the swearing as he does them :lol

Evelyn I hope all is better with your wrist:hug

Joanne :hugI hope you feel better soon.

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Kuddles- I know- getting old is for the birds! Hope the headache is gone and that you feel ok today!!!


I feel better......and hope you do too honey! I think I have to face facts.....I need to cut down on my morning caffeine consumption. So I did so this morning (NOT eliminate!) and felt better for it. I think it spikes my blood pressure.....and so far, I don't have to take meds so want to keep my blood pressure in the normal range!


Went this morning to visit Baby K's best friend from preschool, we get them together a few times a year. They got pretty silly. Now back home....no more going out today!


Love to all from Mama K

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Hiya!!! Laying low, another challenging day...I managed to make a pair of baby booties last night and a 12" square today. That's about it. Trying to decide which to start next, another baby dress or blanket? I'll see what mood strikes me when I sit down with the yarn! :lol


well its official.....:sickim sick :( I am dosing out the cold medicine and prescribing myself rest, sleep and not doing anything except for work and some work on homework this week. I refuse to be sick for vacation. So I doubt I will be working on any crocheting for the next few days.


Hope everyones weekend is good

Oohhh, you need to get better before vaca! :hug




Great looking tote, Ann!! What is your color choice???



I used AC Moore factory mill ends- pink and blue. Thanks!


Hi All

I havent been on much for awhile, I woke up one morning and my wrist felt like I had sprained or broken it, I couldnt pick anything up. I thought I had slept on it wrong, but it just kept hurting, I couldnt crochet or do anything that I had to use my hand for, so I broke down and went to the dr he said it is osteo arthuritus, its sure painful. He game a shot and after a day it started to help, it wasnt cortizone It feels better now.

Everyones totes are really pretty and the little blanket is really cute.

:hug to all who are not feeling well. :hug to those who are.

Have a great night

Awww, osteoarthritis is very painful! Are you able to crochet at all now that the shot has taken effect?


:hug I hope you get to feeling better soon!!!


I'm a sneezing mess, but I'm NOT sick!! I'm allergic to cats, and it's so cold outside I can't leave our kitty out there; so she gets to come inside (she has to stay downstairs, though, and she is kept in only certain rooms...) and I get to sneeze for a few days til the weather warms back up some! LOL


:hug your prescription sounds spot on!

What a sweetie, letting your kitty and dealing with your allergies! Hope the weather warms up soon!



Tonya, you'd better get better soon!! :hug


Melani, I sneeze when the heat is on...no idea why. :lol


When I accepted the job 18 months ago I knew my hours were 20/week, but with all the staff changes they got bumped up. My supervisor was still there yesterday and could have handled everything, but I wasn't going to bail on her even though she kept telling me to leave.



You're a sweetie



Well while I enjoyed having the house to myself, and yes I got through a round of the taxes (turbo tax, very easy), I felt 'funny' so ended up on the couch. Had a stinking headache all day and it made me feel 'light' so had to sit. Grrrr.......getting old is for the birds!


Have a great day all!


Mama K

Hope you're feeling better! :hug


Here is a Valentine's Cotton Buster Market Bag II--I used Peaches N Creme Peppermint. Sue, I love this pattern!:manyheart

Love it!


well I slept a ton yesterday, and just got up I work tonight and then Im off till thursday so a bunch of time to sleep and if it comes to it Ill just call in so I can get better. Which im not happy thinking about because I dont like to call in to work, but i will not be sick on my vacation. It sucks because I have asthma and all this congestion is not helping and do you think i can find my inhaler?




I feel better......and hope you do too honey! I think I have to face facts.....I need to cut down on my morning caffeine consumption. So I did so this morning (NOT eliminate!) and felt better for it. I think it spikes my blood pressure.....and so far, I don't have to take meds so want to keep my blood pressure in the normal range!


Went this morning to visit Baby K's best friend from preschool, we get them together a few times a year. They got pretty silly. Now back home....no more going out today!


Love to all from Mama K

Cutting down on the caffeine is a good plan. It sure is hard though! Good luck!

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Melani-Hope it warms out so kitty can go back outside and you can stop sneezing.


Thanks, Joanne! I'm much better now - just had to give the Ester-C a chance to kick in! :)


Melani, I sneeze when the heat is on...no idea why. :lol



:lol probably dust in the ducts! I'm allergic to dust, too, and it's evident every time I deep-clean anything...


:eek Goodness! You poor thing!

Mama K


Oh, I'm fine! :hug Thank you! Now get better! :hug


Here is a Valentine's Cotton Buster Market Bag II--I used Peaches N Creme Peppermint. Sue, I love this pattern!:manyheart


That's gorgeous!! I love how it turned out in that colorway! :manyheart


well I slept a ton yesterday, and just got up I work tonight and then Im off till thursday so a bunch of time to sleep and if it comes to it Ill just call in so I can get better. Which im not happy thinking about because I dont like to call in to work, but i will not be sick on my vacation. It sucks because I have asthma and all this congestion is not helping and do you think i can find my inhaler?


melani- that is so sweet of you to suffer so your cat can stay in out of the cold :hug


:hug I sure do hope the extra days of rest is all it'll take - and I hope you're completely well before you head out for vacation! If not, I hope a day or two in the warm Florida sunshine will fix all that ails you! :hug


I'm fine as long as I keep the Ester-C levels up, that boosts my immune system enough that the allergy is kept at bay for me. Thank you!! :hug

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What a sweetie, letting your kitty and dealing with your allergies! Hope the weather warms up soon! :hug


Thanks, Ann! :hug She should be able to go back out this next week, at least for a while. I don't like her being outside when the temps are below freezing, and it's supposed to get up into the mid to upper 30's next week (at least during the day). She likes to be outside, and boy does she appreciate it when she's allowed in when it's frigid out there!! :lol

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Thank you all for the well wishs. I am able to crochet some but dont want to over do it I have a baby afghan that I need to get finished Im on the last row, and the baby is already here. I need to get some ahead so I dont have to hurry, I have made three since oct. The totes and the blanket is really cute.

I hope you all or feeling better, and if anyone finds a cure for sneezing let me know,

Have a good night

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Joanne - love your tote!! I'm working on one of these too. I love the pattern too! Although I'm gonna have to get some yarn, I forgot the varigated yarn has less in it. Hopefully it won't be too bad tomorrow and I can get some.


Tonya - Get some rest and get well.


Mama K - sounds like a fun day today. Hope cutting back on the coffee helps.


DH and I went to a movie this afternoon (DD gave us a movie gift card). We went to see The Journey 2 - The Mysterious Island. It was better than I thought it would be, not too scary (monsters, etc.) and a lot of humor.


Hope you have a good evening all. Hugs to all that need them.

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Thanks, Ann! :hug She should be able to go back out this next week, at least for a while. I don't like her being outside when the temps are below freezing, and it's supposed to get up into the mid to upper 30's next week (at least during the day). She likes to be outside, and boy does she appreciate it when she's allowed in when it's frigid out there!! :lol

Our cats love to go outside too, but they love to come in at night! The older they get the more they love to stay in during the colder weather too! :lol


Thank you all for the well wishs. I am able to crochet some but dont want to over do it I have a baby afghan that I need to get finished Im on the last row, and the baby is already here. I need to get some ahead so I dont have to hurry, I have made three since oct. The totes and the blanket is really cute.

I hope you all or feeling better, and if anyone finds a cure for sneezing let me know,

Have a good night

Best to take it slow and not overdo. Crochet when your feeling good and take lots of breaks. :hug


Joanne - love your tote!! I'm working on one of these too. I love the pattern too! Although I'm gonna have to get some yarn, I forgot the varigated yarn has less in it. Hopefully it won't be too bad tomorrow and I can get some.


Tonya - Get some rest and get well.


Mama K - sounds like a fun day today. Hope cutting back on the coffee helps.


DH and I went to a movie this afternoon (DD gave us a movie gift card). We went to see The Journey 2 - The Mysterious Island. It was better than I thought it would be, not too scary (monsters, etc.) and a lot of humor.


Hope you have a good evening all. Hugs to all that need them.

Glad you enjoyed the movie! DH and I haven't been out to a movie in years! Hmm, I just might have to mention that to him! :lol


Have a great night all! Time for this chickie to head to bed! :sleep

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Sherry- I just had enough of the cotton yarn I used--and I did one row less because I was afraid I would run out!! Then guess what I found after I was done? Yup- another skein!!:lol


Kuddles- Hope you enjoyed the rest of the day indoors.


I didn't go anywhere today and it was so nice to stay in in comfy sweats and crochet! Watching the Grammy's now- it's my favorite awards show!

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I tested another turtle lover tote! This one is the Cotton Buster II Market Bag - very much like the first one, with a round bottom instead of a rectangular bottom. It worked up very quickly (when I finally had time to sit and work on it! LOL) and is another winner in the tote pattern collection!! I used Mexicale (Peaches 'n Cream) and Red (Sugar 'n Cream) held together for this one...


First you'll see it EMPTY...




...and here you'll see it stuffed full of black yarn (I thought this would allow the colors to "pop" more...) :lol




Thanks so much for letting me test again for you, Sue!! :)

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