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crochet tote addicts CAL


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Worked this morning till noon then watched Ryan all afternoon-We took a nice long walk - it was so beautiful outside!!!! What fun I had with him!!!!


Went through yarn stash when I got home and I really, really really can't buy another skein of yarn!!!!


DD went to the shower and she came home and said that her friend didn't get one handmade item and asked if I would make her a baby blanket--so of course I said yes--one more thing on the list!!!

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Hi all,


Joanne, sounds like you had a good time with Ryan. My GS asked me today if I'd make him another afghan (I think he's got 3 or 4 already), told him I'd think about it--which means I'll probably be buying yarn soon to make him another one.


Ann - glad you got to sleep in today! I was hoping too, but littest GS woke up before 6. And they are spending the night again. But DD will be going to church with us so she'll get to be with them some.


Got a lot of crocheting done on the RR for the auction, so hopefully I can get it done by next weekend.


Hope all of you have a great weekend!


Hugs to all!

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Good morning


Sherry- that's so cute that your GS wants another afghan made by you!!! Good luck finishing the RR


I decided to start the baby ghan this morning for my DD's friend who didn't get one handmade gift at her baby shower- I had a lilac caron pounder in my stash and since DD said that her friend doesn't really like pink, I figure this would be perfect. I'm using a fellow viller's (Gardner) pattern found here- it's working up quickly so far- and it's my kind of project to work on when I don't want to have to think!:hook

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Hi All! I'm keeping busy, having fun with Edie Eckman's class, working on Juno's sweater, and making some comfort squares. Oh, and playing Pogo of course! :D Keeps my mind off of everything. Enjoy this gorgeous Sunday! :hug


Worked this morning till noon then watched Ryan all afternoon-We took a nice long walk - it was so beautiful outside!!!! What fun I had with him!!!!


Went through yarn stash when I got home and I really, really really can't buy another skein of yarn!!!!


DD went to the shower and she came home and said that her friend didn't get one handmade item and asked if I would make her a baby blanket--so of course I said yes--one more thing on the list!!!

Isn't it a shame that they hardly get anything handmade these days! I cherished all the beautiful blankets I got when my boys were born. Glad you had a nice day to get outside with Ryan yesterday! As for the yarn, ahh, yeah, we'll see! :lol


Hi all,


Joanne, sounds like you had a good time with Ryan. My GS asked me today if I'd make him another afghan (I think he's got 3 or 4 already), told him I'd think about it--which means I'll probably be buying yarn soon to make him another one.


Ann - glad you got to sleep in today! I was hoping too, but littest GS woke up before 6. And they are spending the night again. But DD will be going to church with us so she'll get to be with them some.


Got a lot of crocheting done on the RR for the auction, so hopefully I can get it done by next weekend.


Hope all of you have a great weekend!


Hugs to all!

That's sooo wonderful that your GS asked for a blanket! That reminds me, my GD asked for a hat for her doll! :eek I'd better figure that one out! :lol Hope you get a nap in! :hug


Good morning


Sherry- that's so cute that your GS wants another afghan made by you!!! Good luck finishing the RR


I decided to start the baby ghan this morning for my DD's friend who didn't get one handmade gift at her baby shower- I had a lilac caron pounder in my stash and since DD said that her friend doesn't really like pink, I figure this would be perfect. I'm using a fellow viller's (Gardner) pattern found here- it's working up quickly so far- and it's my kind of project to work on when I don't want to have to think!:hook

Adorable blanket!!! Thanks for the link! I love her patterns. I didn't have the scarf one either, so now that is in my computer! :)


Good morning! Nothing new here.....just wanted to say hi!


Mama K

Hi Mama! Hope you're having a wonderful day!

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I was surprised that she didn't get anything handmade! DD said she didn't even think to ask me to make something because she figured someone in her family or circle of friends would make something. I'm glad that I'm able to make a blanket for her.


Getting ready to settle in for the Giants playoff game!!!

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HI! Spent most of the day (literally) holding a wood stork still while the rehabber and/or vet worked on him. He tripped and took a header (or should I say beaker) into a rock and broke off the tips. It was like a dog's nails being cut too short. Just wouldn't stop bleeding. This is one of our residents and not the most graceful creature.


:hug to all!



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HI! Spent most of the day (literally) holding a wood stork still while the rehabber and/or vet worked on him. He tripped and took a header (or should I say beaker) into a rock and broke off the tips. It was like a dog's nails being cut too short. Just wouldn't stop bleeding. This is one of our residents and not the most graceful creature.


:hug to all!




Wow! You sure have an interesting job!


Mama K

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HI! Spent most of the day (literally) holding a wood stork still while the rehabber and/or vet worked on him. He tripped and took a header (or should I say beaker) into a rock and broke off the tips. It was like a dog's nails being cut too short. Just wouldn't stop bleeding. This is one of our residents and not the most graceful creature.


:hug to all!




:eek The poor stork! Speaking of graceful, a friend of my husband's fell down some stairs Friday afternoon, and ended up in the hospital! She's okay, she doesn't have any broken bones or a concussion, she did get 3 staples in her head though! She touched base today, she's feeling a lot better, not nearly as sore as she was yesterday. :whew



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HI! Spent most of the day (literally) holding a wood stork still while the rehabber and/or vet worked on him. He tripped and took a header (or should I say beaker) into a rock and broke off the tips. It was like a dog's nails being cut too short. Just wouldn't stop bleeding. This is one of our residents and not the most graceful creature.


:hug to all!



Poor stork. Boy, there's never a dull moment around your place is there! :lol


:eek The poor stork! Speaking of graceful, a friend of my husband's fell down some stairs Friday afternoon, and ended up in the hospital! She's okay, she doesn't have any broken bones or a concussion, she did get 3 staples in her head though! She touched base today, she's feeling a lot better, not nearly as sore as she was yesterday. :whew



Ouch! Glad she's ok!

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Just had written something and it disappeared:( hate when that happens.


I spent my Christmas money today on clothes (great sale at the mall). At least I won't have to shop for clothes for awhile.


Sue - sounds like you and the stork both had a hard day.


Melani - glad your friend wasn't seriously hurt!


Ann - hope your day was good.


Guess I'd better go and crochet some. Have a great evening all!

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Happy Monday!


WTG on the sales, Sherry!!!


Sue- What a day you had yesterday with that stork!!!


Ann- Glad that you are enjoying the Edie Eckman class! How's Juno's sweater coming along?


I made some good progress on the baby blanket--but had to frog 3 rows since I was too busy paying attention to the Giants game!! But all is good- back to where I was!


Have a good day!

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Good morning all! Mama K does NOT want to go back to work today! However, there is a little 'issue' of needing money to pay the bills so....guess I will! Today is Baby K's first day back from break so tonite I'm confident will not be pretty! And homework again! UGH!


Okay enough complaining! Today and tomorrow are supposed to be glorious here in Chi Town! Tomorrow highs in the upper 50-s!!!


Take care all!

Mama K

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The stork's name is Woody so everyone was calling me Buzz yesterday! :lol He was unusually calm with me so we didn't want to change handlers and have him get stressed. I'm about to text the rehabber to see how he is. I have a crick in my neck this morning, but it was worth it for Woody.



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Show off time!! :manyheart


Since this IS the tote addicts CAL, I have to brag up my son!!


My son Michael is 17 and a Junior in high school, he gets straight A's (or A+'s) and is in the National Honor Society. He plays the clarinet (quite well) and is active in the band. AND HE CROCHETS!! :hook


For Christmas, he made a couple totes for a couple of his friends, Rebecca and Taylor. Rebecca used to date my elder son, and she and Michael are good friends; Taylor started out Rebecca's friend, and was soon included in Michael's "close friends" circle. The girls are both Freshmen in college... anyway - ON TO THE TOTES!! :lol


First up, the tote Michael made for Rebecca - Mama K, recognize the handles?? :wink




Next, the tote Michael made for Taylor - again, Mama K, recognize the handles? And that fabric for the lining?? :wink




I did the linings for him, and after he had the totes done and we got them lined, he added the handles. By the way, he made both of these totes between December 22nd and 23rd, I believe. It was fast, anyway. :yes


Okay, back to your regularly scheduled days! I just got the photos off my camera, otherwise I would have shared earlier...


Have a great day everyone!!! :hug



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Good Morning Everyone! Not much energy today, so I'll make this quick. Still working on Juno's sweater. had to frog a bit, but got it fixed up and on track again! Finished a comfort square and looking for another pattern. and thinking I'm actually "getting it" when it comes to reading symbol charts! :yay Have a great day everyone. :hug


Sherry, wtg on the sales!


Joanne, can't wait to see the baby blanket!


Kuddles, hope you don't have too many "issues" tonight. First day back is always a pain! :hug


Sue, Woody is a cute name for the stork! Hope your neck feels better!


Melani, the totes are fantastic!!! You should be very proud of Michael! He can be proud of himself! Great job! :clap


Ok, so that wasn't so quick! :lol See ya later!

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Now I will call you Buzz the :turtle Glad Woody is doing well!


I have a tote I need to get the handles on. Ran out of yarn..not sure how since it was a rhss, but maybe I'd snitched some from that skein for something else.

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Melani - great totes!! He did a great job on them!! I know you're proud of him.


Sue (or it is Buzz LOL) - glad Woody is better, sorry about your neck.


Mama K - hope your day back was goodAND Baby K's day was good. I understand about the homework - GS had 4 pages of it tonight.


Ann - Hope your feeling better. Glad you got some done on Juno's sweater.


Well, the GSs need some attention! Have a great evening all.

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Melani- Michael did a great job on those totes!!!! You SHOULD be proud!!! WTG Michael!!!!


Glad to hear that Woody is Ok, Sue!


Mama K- how was the first day back to work- and Baby K's first day back to school? Hope all went well- without too much drama- !LOL


Ann-:yay for "getting" the reading of symbol charts!!


I've been very busy at work--and will be for a while- this new project I was assigned to is very challenging!I missed craft club last night cause I didn't get home till 7:( Oh, well, this too shall pass!

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Morning my gals!


Thanks Sherry/Ann/Joanne.....Baby K did fine! Was in a decent mood, got her homework done in aftercare so only had to check it and her correct one thing.....work for me a different matter! The state needs a bunch of paperwork filled out and it was due to our rep in Chicago yesterday....trouble is, she never sent us the email! So we are scrambling and of course the password protected excel sheet she sent us to fill out the 20 tabs of, is having issues! Today should be tons of fun!


'nough complaining Mama K! Be happy that today is supposed to reach 55 here! Woot!


Love to all,

Mama K

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Good Morning!!!! Not much new going on around here, but wanted to say "Hi" to all you lovely ladies! Hope you all have a fabulous day!


Thanks Ann. It fixed itself! Checked on Woody this morning and he's doing good. :)



Wonderful news!


I have a tote I need to get the handles on. Ran out of yarn..not sure how since it was a rhss, but maybe I'd snitched some from that skein for something else.

I hate when that happens! I always tell myself to mark a skein if I steal some from it, but never remember! :lol


Ann - Hope your feeling better. Glad you got some done on Juno's sweater.


Well, the GSs need some attention! Have a great evening all.

Thanks, I didn't work on it at all yesterday. I'm trying to figure out how to do the next part! :think I'll come up with something! :hook


Ann-:yay for "getting" the reading of symbol charts!!


I've been very busy at work--and will be for a while- this new project I was assigned to is very challenging!I missed craft club last night cause I didn't get home till 7:( Oh, well, this too shall pass!

It's so great to finally be able to understand what the charts mean! At least the basic ones! I've avoided so many patterns because of them. This opens up a whole new world! :lol Sorry you had to miss craft club last night. It would have been a nice stress reducer. Hope you can fit in some crochet time soon! :hug


Morning my gals!


Thanks Sherry/Ann/Joanne.....Baby K did fine! Was in a decent mood, got her homework done in aftercare so only had to check it and her correct one thing.....work for me a different matter! The state needs a bunch of paperwork filled out and it was due to our rep in Chicago yesterday....trouble is, she never sent us the email! So we are scrambling and of course the password protected excel sheet she sent us to fill out the 20 tabs of, is having issues! Today should be tons of fun!


'nough complaining Mama K! Be happy that today is supposed to reach 55 here! Woot!


Love to all,

Mama K

Glad things went well yesterday with Baby K! Now let's just hope that everything smooths out with work for you today! :hug

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Thanks for all the kudos to my son! I've suggested he sign up and join us here, and he's told me he is just too busy right now. LOL I will let him know what you've all said!!


Have a great day everyone! :)



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