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crochet tote addicts CAL


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Good morning! Ann/Joanne, sounds like you had a good day yesterday (yeah Ann, sometimes we just gotta do something we shouldn't!) as did Baby K and I! She is over the moon with her gifts! And the fact she doesn't have to go back to school for two weeks!


Today? Hanging around the house, trying to get it cleaned up a bit.......I do NOT go out with the shoppers.......it's a zoo out there!


Love to all!

Mama Kuddles

Glad Baby K had a good Christmas! Sounds like she is feeling better too! I hope so at least. No store shopping for me either, no way! But I am trying to avoid some online yarn buys. Let's see if I can hold out! :lol


Good morning! Bruce got me the original EdgeryDoo (I have the 12" square) and can't wait to try it out! He also got me a new fish tank. My other 2 have turtles in them, but I wanted to have a FISH tank. :)


Meeting Jana in about 2 hours for some shopping and lunch. Tomorrow we head to Sea World. :)


Slept really well last night...finally. Still have a congested cough, but it only comes and goes.


Joanne, the thought of LT still gives this Redskin chills. :eek


:hug to all!



Nice gifts! I miss having a fish tank, well except for having to clean it all the time! :lol We only had a small one too! :blush Have fun playing with your new EdgeryDoo! Enjoy your lunch/shopping date with Jana!


Good Morning All!


Sounds like everyone had a great Christmas. Ours was really good and a lot of fun. The boys got guitars and they did a concert for us yesterday. It was really cute.


I got a $50 gift card to Walmart, new scarf and gloves (Grandsons picked them out). Oldest GS made everyone necklaces out of pony beads (yes, we all wore them). DH gave me money to shop with, and I got a movie and a cd I've been wanting.


The girls loved their SBTs, loaded them up with their presents and took them home. GSs really like them too.


My sink stopped up yesterday morning, so I've not been able to do dishes. Have to go get some stuff today to get it unstopped.


Well, I'd better get ready, boys are up and we need to get going. At least I"m off today!!! Only a 3 day week this week!


Enjoy your day!!

Another wonderful Christmas! :clap And what a shame that you couldn't do dishes! :devil ( I really hope you can get the sink fixed, I know it's a pain, but hey, not doing dishes on a holiday is a plus in my book! :lol) :hug

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it sounds like everyone had a great day. I got a bunch of scrapbooking stuff, a nook tablet, a fondue pot, a couple sweaters a really cute apron. and to seasons of true blood and a couple gift cards. I slept in way late today since I was up from 1 pm saturday until 7pm sunday. so I woke up at around 12 this afternoon and promptly took a nap. I am going to scope out michaels tomorrow and see if there is anything i need there since i want to start way early on stuff for next year. 1 more week until school starts again and I am taking 12 credits so i will be crazy busy until april :(but then only a few more semesters until i have my BSN.

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it sounds like everyone had a great day. I got a bunch of scrapbooking stuff, a nook tablet, a fondue pot, a couple sweaters a really cute apron. and to seasons of true blood and a couple gift cards. I slept in way late today since I was up from 1 pm saturday until 7pm sunday. so I woke up at around 12 this afternoon and promptly took a nap. I am going to scope out michaels tomorrow and see if there is anything i need there since i want to start way early on stuff for next year. 1 more week until school starts again and I am taking 12 credits so i will be crazy busy until april :(but then only a few more semesters until i have my BSN.


Woot! You'll be done soon!!


I am staying out of Michaels, Joanns and Hobby Lobby! NOT buying yarn, dang it!



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Hi all,

Had a nice day today- and got my bracelet exchanged for one that fits! Also used a gift card I had gotten from a couple of co-workers and bought myself a nice pair of warm BearPaw slippers that are lined with sheepskin- so warm and comfy! We went to Barnes &Noble since DH had a gift card- and he bought a calendar for our kitchen 50% off so he still has lots of $ left on his gift card! Maybe I can spend it for him? :lol


Kuddles- I'm also trying to NOT buy yarn-I have way too much and really need to go through it and use a substantial amount before buying more--but those dang sales are just sooooo tempting!:hook

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Hi everyone! Sounds like Santa and his elves have been good to everybody. I got a Nook, a couple of books, a ring holder, perfume, lots of warm, fuzzy socks, several picture frames, a stained glass photo album, some really cool crafting scissors, jewelry (made by dh himself), and a gift card for Christmas. I also got 2 big nutcrackers, Dallas Cowboys slippers, a neck massager, $125 in cash, and another gift card for my birthday (Christmas Eve). Plus... my oldest sister delivered us an early Christmas gift - an entire Christmas dinner (everything needed to make it, anyway) a few days ago and she is supposed to be bringing by my birthday gift tonight!!! I was completely spoiled rotten!!! :D


Hope everyone is now resting, relaxing, and enjoying their evening with some hooking time! Hugs to you all.

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happy belated birthday

I also need to use up a substantial amount of yarn, I am making a crazy colors blanket, and am using all my single skeins into it as soon as I make 4 nativity things for next christmas.

however I have gift cards for michaels and some cash burning a hole in my pocket :lol

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Had fun with Jana as always! :)


This tank will have live plants too, so that's a whole new experience for me! :eek




oh you ARE brave! I would love to have a planted tank, but no way I have the time for that! I have enough to keep Tommy turtles tank cleaned with absolutely NOTHING except the turtle in the tank!


and just in case this forum doesn't take up enough of your time... http://www.plantedtank.net/forums/ :hook

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Hi all,Kuddles- I'm also trying to NOT buy yarn-I have way too much and really need to go through it and use a substantial amount before buying more--but those dang sales are just sooooo tempting!:hook


I have NOT purchased any yet!


Good morning!


Back to Paradise for me today! To those of you who are still off work for the holidays- enjoy your time off!!!


Time to pour a nice hot cup of coffee and get the day started!


Hope your day goes quickly!!!


For Baby K and I, she is very excited! I'm taking her this morning to meet my boss ....... he is working this week. She woke up singing "I get to meet Mr. Gary!". LOL


Have a good day all!

Mama Kuddles

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Morning! Just hanging out today. I was supposed to have a dentist appt, but had to reschedule it. I'm still working on that knitted dishcloth that needs to be finished for tomorrow morning! It's about half done and my fingers hurt! :lol I really need to do more knitting to toughen up my fingers and get faster at it! :knit But I really like crocheting better! :hook Guess that's why I kept taking a break and working on a scarf, :lol. Have a great day everyone! :hug



Sue, that tank sounds like a lot of work! Fun too though! Enjoy!!!


Tonya, you're almost there! It won't be long now! :yay


Joanne, I'd be happy to help your DH spend his B&N gift card too! :lol


Christie, belated Happy Birthday!!!


Mama K, hope Baby K enjoys meeting your boss today! That's so cute how excited she is! :lol

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Howdy! Boss was met, he had a little bag with three cheap toys in it for her...the best way to go! She was thrilled. We didn't stay long, then went to the mall to join the mall walkers there......then Trader Joe's for a few things - haven't been there for a while....


Now it will be TV, Leapfrog Explorer, and relaxing the rest of the day! I hope to finish lining a purse for my bestie, April's tote pattern and I'm attaching a lining with zipper and pockets and strong strap for handles......


Enjoy the rest of your day all!


Love from Mama Kuddles

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Had to share a couple Sea World pics. :)










Went shopping yesterday with Jana and again today on our way home. Those are the BIG bags, not the wee little sad ones. :rofl




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I am soooo jealous!!! Both of the yarn and, especially, the Sea World trip. Dh and I used to visit Sea World almost every year on our anniversary when we lived in Florida. I really miss it!!!

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Nice pics Sue--love the Sea World one and of course the BIG bags of yarn!!! What is the varigated one in the picture? I love the colors!!! (but I must not buy more yarn)


Kuddles- Sounds like DD had a great time meeting the boss--and that you have a good day planned. The tote sounds awesome!


Ann- Inquiring minds want to know---did you finish the knitted dishcloth?

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Had to share a couple Sea World pics. :)

Went shopping yesterday with Jana and again today on our way home. Those are the BIG bags, not the wee little sad ones. :rofl



Uh like uh WOW! Looks like some yummy colors of Cotton Tots in there! Sigh.....


Kuddles- Sounds like DD had a great time meeting the boss--and that you have a good day planned. The tote sounds awesome!


Hi Joanne! Yup, a good day! The purse/tote is done and given to the friend and she loves it! Zebra lining and hot pink pockets inside....with a zipper to boot! Whew! Glad it is done! I need a break!


Have a good nite all!


Love Mama Kuddles

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Nice pics Sue--love the Sea World one and of course the BIG bags of yarn!!! What is the varigated one in the picture? I love the colors!!! (but I must not buy more yarn)


Bernat Cotton Tots in Sweet Treats. I got some before and made a bag out of it and loved how it works up. Plus it has a "wave" to the yarn so it give a little texture. :)


Total yarn bought in 2 days: 26 skeins. :D



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Nice score Sue--26 skeins!!!:yay I don't think I've ever tried Cotton Tots yarn---so my resolve to not buy more yarn is getting very hard. Maybe if I buy it before the end of the year, I'll be ok!:lol And then resolve not to buy in 2012--at least till I've used up a few totes worth at least!:lol

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Good morning all!


Yes Joanne, Cotton Tots is very nice......you should probably pick up 2 skeins to try......no I am NOT an enabler! NOPE!


Baby K has an early dental appt then we will shop a bit then meet up with a friend for lunch, so a busy day.


Have a great one all!


Mama K

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Nice score Sue--26 skeins!!!:yay I don't think I've ever tried Cotton Tots yarn---so my resolve to not buy more yarn is getting very hard. Maybe if I buy it before the end of the year, I'll be ok!:lol And then resolve not to buy in 2012--at least till I've used up a few totes worth at least!:lol


oh yeah...like that is going to happen?? just sayin'..... :lol:lol:lol mostly because I resemble that remark


Yes Joanne, Cotton Tots is very nice......you should probably pick up 2 skeins to try......no I am NOT an enabler! NOPE!


yup..you are yup...as are we all :rofl


I bought some cotton tots to try..now where is that at.... would make great hats for the chemo center I'm thinking!

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Morning! (or should I say afternoon, lol!) Had a wonderful visit with my dear godson this morning! He is such a sweetheart. My, they grow up so fast. It seem like I was just watching him being born and now he is in college! Unfortunately his mom wasn't able to make it. Her other son's plane was delayed and didn't get in until 4am! He's training to be a jet fighter pilot in the Marines! She doesn't get to see him very much these days! Well, I got my Christmas presents finished in time last night though! So I was able to give them to Justin! :lol I even finished a scarf after that! :yay Time to get my act together and do better in 2012!



Had to share a couple Sea World pics. :)










Went shopping yesterday with Jana and again today on our way home. Those are the BIG bags, not the wee little sad ones. :rofl




WOOT!!!!!!!!! I've only been to Sea World once and loved it! And what can you say about the yarn but :woo I am soooooooo jealous!!!! I want to go shopping! :lol


Ann- Inquiring minds want to know---did you finish the knitted dishcloth?

Yes I did! And an UBW hat too! :)


Bernat Cotton Tots in Sweet Treats. I got some before and made a bag out of it and loved how it works up. Plus it has a "wave" to the yarn so it give a little texture. :)


Total yarn bought in 2 days: 26 skeins. :D



26 skeins! :drool


Nice score Sue--26 skeins!!!:yay I don't think I've ever tried Cotton Tots yarn---so my resolve to not buy more yarn is getting very hard. Maybe if I buy it before the end of the year, I'll be ok!:lol And then resolve not to buy in 2012--at least till I've used up a few totes worth at least!:lol

Yeah, right! Me too! :rofl


Good morning all!


Yes Joanne, Cotton Tots is very nice......you should probably pick up 2 skeins to try......no I am NOT an enabler! NOPE!


Baby K has an early dental appt then we will shop a bit then meet up with a friend for lunch, so a busy day.


Have a great one all!


Mama K

Have a great day Mama the Enabler! :devil


Have a wonderful day everyone! :hug

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