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Hats I've made


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So I made my son a crazy looking hat, and it went from there! I had no pattern.. looked at pics of hats like it and figured I could come up with something myself and voila! Now I'm making and selling them on FB :)


The one that started it all:



My son wearing his new hat!



Others that I've made:





Ear Flap Hats:







Just wanted to share what I've been working on.. haven't been on this site in AGES!! Used to come on and show pics of my bears and other animals :)


All of these hats are my own pattern.. made using my kiddos head for measurement lol

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They're all sooooo cute!!!!!!!!!! Great Job!!! I especially like the pic with your son wearing the hat and he has a pacifier. Too Cute!!!!!!!!!!!! Reminds me when my son couldn't let go of his either.




Thank you! Oh yeah, he is definitely attached to it!! He's 2 1/2 and if he had it his way he'd have it with him 24/7! He LOVES it! lol


I'm planning on writing up the patterns for them soon and selling them on raverly.com.. it'll be after Christmas though because I'm working on so many orders for them right now! :crocheting But I'll definitely keep you guys posted! :yes

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All too cute -- especially your son. My own fave hat is the first earflap one, which looks to be brown neutrals in the photo.


Thank you :) The hat is actually dark blue, white, and dark grey, but my camera didn't take a great pic of it, so it looks completely different lol

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