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More Dress I have done at work for DD's


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:wooth_dresses002.jpg Banna Berry from Red Heart


:jumpyaydresses001.jpg in French country from red heart







and still:crocheting more till each girl has 2 dresses each and npw people are telling me to sell them cause it takes me 3 or 4 days to finish a dress

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Thank you for the comments i am still trying to figure if i start selling them how much do i ask


Just a general copyright reminder for everyone: please remember that in order to discuss selling items made from patterns here at Crochetville, you must: 1) be using a pattern of your own design; 2) using a pattern that specifically gives permission for the finished item to be sold; or 3) have contacted the designer/publisher to request permission to sell your finished item.


Now, as far as pricing, you may find it very difficult to charge a price that will cover the cost of materials plus a reasonable hourly rate for your time making them. If I were you, I would go back to the people who have said you should sell them, tell them how many hours are required to make each dress plus how much the materials cost, and ask them what they think a fair price would be to charge for the dress, stressing that it should be a price that adequately compensates you for your time. (If they don't work for free, they shouldn't expect you to, right?) Or you could first ask them what they think a fair price would be, THEN give them the information about how many hours it takes you, and ask if they still think that price is fair to you for all the time involved.


Some people just don't know how much time items really take to make. Once they realize that, they understand the price you'd need to charge to fairly compensate you for your time. But they often aren't willing to pay that price. Others just don't care how much time it takes you and think you should sell for discount store prices anyway, even if it means you're only making 50 cents an hour, just so they can have an inexpensive item!

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