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"I swear honey, the yarn Realy multiplies like bunnies"

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I have really enjoyed reading this thread. I can attest to the fact that yarn reproduces itself after you get it home. At about this time last year I began to make caps and scarves for my church's clothes closet and was using yarn from my huge stash. Well, my huge stash doesn't look like it had even a dent put in it. Once near the end of last year the church gave me some partial skeins of yarn that they had received. They were also given some full skeins but I told them to put them in the clothes closet (we have other items in the clothes closet to give away) as there might be someone else who would enjoy making something. Then earlier this year someone else also gave a bag of yarn to the church. One of the deacons wife (she works in our clothes closet) gave it to me instead. The bag was as big as a tall kitchen garbage bag is and contained 11 full skeins of yarn. Most of it was Caron's Simple Soft and its in the prettiest colors. The colors are ones that either a man or woman who wear. Other than 2 skeins of RHSS I bought to go with 2 skeins I already had on hand, I have not bought any more yarn since December 2008. The biggest part of my stash is kept in boxes in a spare room. I did have a couple of bags (okay, maybe 3) in front of my dresser in the bedroom. Now all of sudden I have several bags in front of the dresser and have yet emptied one box in the spare room. Oh, I have gotten yarn out of some of the boxes but not one box has been emptied yet. The only explanation is my yarn is recreating itself. But don't think I am complaining. I am in yarn heaven.

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I think everybody has Yarn Bunnies multiplying. I've been having a terrible time taking knitting classes at the local "Lamb's Wool." Everytime I go there to knit/crochet, I end up coming out with something new, either yarn, a new gadget, or new hooks/needles. Today I came out with more stitch markers (two types), Rosewood Seaming Pins, and a needle gauge/measuring tool......thank heavens it wasn't more yarn....it was almost though. I can't start another project until I complete at least two of the 4 or 5 that I have started..... I truly believe I have ADHD disorder....can't stay focused.....I keep hopping from one project to another....... The yarn that I have stored, I have approximately 4 rubbermaid bins, a shipping box that reams of paper come in, and about 4-6 bags in the basement, not including those about 2 or 3 of the reuseable grocery bags.....not being used for groceries but for holding yarn and yarn projects. Yikes!!!!!!! If my hubby new how much yarn I have, he probably would shoot me or make me have a yard sale.....but NO WAY!!!!!

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Ah ha ha! We have a storage unit too. While we are cleaning out my place, hubby keeps taking odds and ends over there, but when he suggested taking some of my yarn, I put my foot down! I don't care how much yarn I amass, he can take OTHER STUFF to store because with my luck, I'd get it back smelling musty or like mildew.


Now I know for sure that the yarn is multiplying in secret because tonight I found 8 skeins of Bernat in a pretty light green that I'm sure I didn't buy and do not remember ever seeing. I'm pretty good at remembering what I have in yarn, so these must be new yarn babies too.

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I found 2 skanes of yarn babies in the closet last night when i was going thru more boxes.. a skane of purple yarn. (lable missing) and a skane of black red hearts!. then a ball of yarn that Is thinner but not sock thin.


I love finding yarn Yarn babies

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Oh my... I'm almost afraid to open the door of my :yarn yarn :yarn room now, after reading about the :yarn yarn :yarn bunnies! I've been crocheting and knitting scarves for a co-worker (with :yarn yarn :yarn she bought), so my own :yarn stash :yarn has been ignored. :eek


Sounds like all of you need to come and join the 2010 Stashbusters CAL. You earn points for using your :yarn yarn :yarn and lose points for accumulating :yarn yarn. :yarn It gives you a sense of accomplishment for every :yarn skein :yarn you finish off, and makes you think twice while walking through the :yarn yarn :yarn store. :yes

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OHhhhh NO way I don't want to De-stash ! I want to Drown :helpin it

On top of my :sew stuff and all the boxes of :yarn:yarn:yarnthat are Mine

lol.. I have 2 box's that are mostly Yarn :yarn from donations to my groups blankets. but those are still in the bathroom LOL they have yet to go in the Closet (craft closet).. so i have those 2 plus whats on shelfs in my closet for now in boxes,

I secretly hope the yarn fairy:2magic.. or the yarn :slipper make more yarn babies ,


I just have to be sure my 2:cat stay out of the Craft Closet or else my yarn :slipper will be lunch :fork :knife

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LOL my yarn has been doing that for ages. When my hubby started to complain I signed him up for a knitting class and said "if you don't like it knit your way out." Turns out although he doesn't like to crochet, he loves to knit. Whew I lucked out there.

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Gosh no! I don't want to destash either! I adore my yarn! Most of my life I could only afford very minimal yarn. I could buy only what I needed for a project, no extra. I couldn't get some just because there was a sale, or because I found a color I loved, or to try something new just to try it.


Now I absolutely cherish all my yarn and really enjoy "shopping" at home when I want to start some new project. Also I like being able to help others when they say they are looking for such and such yarn, because if I've got it, it makes me feel good to help out.

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