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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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Hi Stacy-consider the :fire...and No, I hadn't seen the new :chook until you pointed it out!




I haven't received your square yet-:( I come home every day hoping that the mailman has left me a nice surprise! It's strange that no-one has received it yet- I know I'm on the East Coast, but thought at least Vicki who is in TX (not that far from Cali) would have received it by now. Can you check with the post office?

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I mailed a charity square a few weeks back, and I believe it was almost a week before the woman received it in NC. I went to the P.O. that time and they said because I didn't put a DC# on it, it was not traceable. I should have learned from that :oopsand sent them from a different one. Live and learn, I guess. :shrug



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I still have to mail Scooby's square- hopefully I'll get to the post office Saturday and it'll be in the mail on it's way to Nebraska!!


I never thought to put a DC#- do you have to pay extra for that? I just always have faith that "Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor hail shall keep the postmen from their appointed rounds". I guess I live in a fantasy world....LOL

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Joanne - Your DD's 'ghan is gorgeous! Good job! I love the colour. WTG keeping the bed made and the kitchen table cleaned. My bed is always made in the morning, but :blush my kitchen table collects a little pile of mail now and then.


Beth - Warm thoughts and prayers go with you tomorrow for your procedure. Take care of yourself and take it easy afterwards. :hug Your hat turned out beautifully! I love it! And your DD is beautiful!


LeaAnne - Strange about the potential employer not calling. It was kind of weird that she didn't call you after your first conversation. Hopefully you'll figure it all out and either start soon or be onto bigger and better things.


Vicki - I hope you feel better soon. :birthday to your DD. 10 is a big one! I hope she has a wonderful birthday.


Stacy - That is sweet what your FIL told you. I hope all is well with him. Good luck getting your WIPs done. It isn't a good idea to start a 6th...but I do it all the time :rofl I hope those squares start rolling into mailboxes soon. Probably they will show up in the next couple days. I haven't got mine, but that doesn't surprise me.


Shannon - I'm sorry to hear that you are still sick :( Take one :hook and 2 :yarn and :crocheting:crocheting:crocheting Oh ya, lots of liquids and sleep too :yes


Scooby - I hope you get to play in that craft room soon.


:hi Mary - I hope your DD and GD got off safely back East. You'll be ready for a rest by now!


Not much new here. I haven't picked up Barbies pants again yet. I really should, but I started a book :devil Have a great evening!

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:tired:tired:tired Hi HBBs!!! Well today was spent some in the craft room and some in the kitchen. In the craft room I sorted through some boxes and a few of them are going to the basement for storage. I started working on the many boxes of notions and misc ornaments etc that I use on the wreaths that I make. I got thru most of the wreath stuff and got it all in plastic containers. I came downstairs to wash some plastic totes when the :phonestarted ringing. One of the female basketball coaches called to say that she heard DS wanted to play and she got everything arranged at the clinic for his physical just in case he decided he wants to play. She got in touch with DS after school and he went to practice and decided he wants to play so tomorrow afternoon when school is out I have to take him to the clinic for his physical:sigh.In the meantime, after the phone ringing multiple times, I got sidetracked in the kitchen and started working on these three open shelves. Each shelf had a different wallpaper on the back where everyone can see it and it just had to go :lol.There was 3 layers of wallpaper on each shelf and it was taking forever to come off even with wallpaper stripper so needless to say I only got one shelf completely done. At least now the two that aren't done have the same wallpaper showing, as if that makes it any better :rofl. That project I have to finish tomorrow. And then hopefully it will be back to the craft room:xfin. I did get some dishes unpacked and run thru the dishwasher and it is unloaded and being loaded again. I cleaned out some more stuff for the neighbors to come and get. I went to walmart this evening and picked up more wallpaper stripper, mattress pads for the twin bed and double bed so I can get those beds made, a new mop, and got my turkey for Thanksgiving. DF's daughter and grandkids will be here so I must get this house done because I am cooking Thanksgiving dinner.

:hug:hug Beth. I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow as you go thru your procedure. I hope all goes well and everything is ok. :manyheart the hat and your DD is such a cutie!!!!! :yay WTG DS on the awesome swim time!!!!!

:(Joanne. I wish the deboxing was done and I was crafting in the craftroom. Hopefully next week I will be done, NO I have to be done next week before the grandkids get here. :yay:manyheart the blanket. I know DD will be very pleased with it.

Lighting the :fireunder your badorkas Stacy. Ummmmmm :devil IDK if I can tell you it is NOT ok to start another project with 5 WIPs already, cuz I have a bunch started too and will eventually start another one before those are done :lol. Therefore I am not a good mentor for that situation. Keeping your FIL in my prayers and hope all goes well tomorrow. Please keep us posted on his condition :hug. Yeah I noticed that new smiley clear at the bottom of the list but have never used it. Maybe I will someday.

:birthdayto your DD Vicki. I hope she has a fantastic day tomorrow. Sorry to hear that you weren't feeling well today and hope you are feeling better now. Great bowling scores. I have to agree, I would be very :hyper over a 130, but you are talking to someone who does good to get 30 in a game :lol. Hope you got your square done and can't wait to see the FO when your done!!!!

:2nonoColleen, you mean Barbie is still freezing :lol? Can't say that I blame you for :book, as it is a nice relaxing hobby too. What are you reading? I haven't had a chance to read anything lately, but I did get a book on CD at the library the other day which I WILL sit down and listen to eventually.And I plan on :crocheting when I listen to it. I almost forgot to tell you, I went and checked out your cute little gingerbread man. Great job!!!!

:2hug Mary. Hope your day wasn't too busy taking DD and GD to the airport. Things will be back to the norm and you will be really busy :crocheting again and making some awesome goodies!!!!!

:cry Shannon so sorry to hear you all are sick. Hope everyone starts feeling better soon. :oopsabout the :yarn for your flannelghan. At least you know you aren't the only one who has done that :devil. :yay on getting the one strip done.

:wooLeaAnne!!!! Your vacation from the PTO will be very nice. :huh that's not good that you haven't heard from the lady about your job. Kinda makes you :think how they will be IF you do go to work for them. Are they going to string you along about getting paid, reaching them in case of emergency etc etc. :yes You are so right, the money would come in handy and you could have found something else by now. :hug Sorry that she is putting you through this. Oh yeah before I forget again, I love your flannelghan. Maybe someday I will tackle that one.

Well, I think I am going to go and unwind and :crocheting for a minute or two. I am halfway thru my Besties Squares, FINALLY:yay. So hopefully I will have them in the mail real soon. I will let you all know when they are done. Have a good :night and hope to check in with you all tomorrow. :hug:hug:hug:manyheart

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Colleen, that is my dining room. The house was built in 1933, so it's kind of old, but my dh put up the wood. Thanks for the compliment! It's the best room in our house. So what are you reading? Do you recommend it?


Scooby, once again, you are SO busy! I'll bet your house is coming together beautifully, though. I'm glad ds is getting into basketball. How is he adjusting to the new school?


Joanne, I make my bed every morning, too. The kids and I do a lot of school work on the bed for some odd reason. You'd think a table would be a better choice... I do need to work on clearing off the tables a couple times a day. They are magnets for everything!


Stacy, I am looking forward to getting your squares. Some post offices take longer. I have a friend who drops mail to her parents at one particular box, because it gets to them faster than even taking it to a post office. If you can explain that one to me, I'm listening! How is Jorge dealing with his father being sick?


Vicki, :birthday to your dd. Ten years old -- I can't remember when my kids were ten! I hope you don't have a headache this special day.


LeaAnne, PTO vacation -- are you going to the tropics? I hope you get some time to :crocheting and relax.


Shannon, I hope you and dd are feeling much better by now.


Mary, How was your visit? What's next in your plans?


Jennifer, thinking of you.


I'll talk to you all later.:manyheart

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Good morning everyone!

Beth- I'll be thinking of you today- Good luck-please let us know how everything goes. I think beds are great for doing schoolwork. LOL. I always thought desks or tables were best, and made sure that each DD had their own desk to do schoolwork. But they did their best studying on the bed! And I have to admit, when I went back to college, so did I!


Scooby- You just continue to amaze me! So, on top of everything else- you are doing Thanksgiving too!!! I am also doing Thanksgiving (as I do every year). All three DD's will be here as well as one of DH's DD's with her 2 DK's I am working 1/2 day next Wed, then picking up Philly DD from the train and Boston DD from the bus station. Then they are going to do some cooking on Wednesday. Youngest DD is working on Wed, but is off this year on Thanksgiving so she'll be coming over on thursday. Forgot to ask her if she is bringing Belle! Her DH has to work on Thanksgiving, so it looks like it will be a house full of women except for DH and his 15 year old GS!!


LeaAnne- Yay for no PTO until December (sounds like a long way off, but it really isnt.:eek..uh oh....lots of:crocheting to be done!! I got a lot done on my "AC" scarf last night- the one I started on the bus ride home...I'm hoping to finish tonight and then I'm ready to start the flannelghan.


Vicki:birthday:cake to your 10 year old DD!! Hope you are headache free for her special day! This is a milestone birthday...and then b/4 you know it, they are adults! Enjoy!!!


Colleen- Are you :crocheting now in your new craft nook downstairs? Fingers crossed that DH gets paid sooner than expected!


Stacy- I'll be thinking of you today too with FIL's appt. Hope all goes well and keeping him in my prayers. Hows Jorge doing with all this? So, which one of the 5 WIPS did you work on? You didn't start the 6th did you?;)


Mary- Can't wait to hear all about the craft show- What were your best sellers? The boobie pillows?


Shannon- Hope you and Janna are starting to feel better. Is DH sick too?

Well, I had better get ready for another day at work. Remember your vitamins- and I'll check in after work.:hug

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:waving, all-


I just wanted to stop by quick and say good morning!


Vicki - :bday to DD! and a :hug for her mom!:wink


Beth - prayers for you today:hug


Stacy - prayers for your FIL, and your family today:hug


Shannon - hoping that you and Janna are feeling better:hug


Colleen - hoping that you finish poor Barbie's pants, and get to enjoy your book!:hug


Mary - Hoping you get a day of rest... you have been one busy lady!:hug


Joanne - wishing you a wonderful day at work and good luck with finishing that scarf:hug


Scooby - good luck with the wallpaper project, and all that you have to do to be ready to cook :ttalk!:hug


Jenn - Thinking about you, too... hope you can stop by soon and let us know how you are doing:hug


Well... this is it... we have a cookie table this morning, and then I will be officially "out of work" for a couple of weeks!:lol I am very excited to get my badorkus home and get this place cleaned up! DH will be home tonight (he went to Maine this time...), and I have Uncle Art, Aunt Sue and my mom coming on Sunday. OH! And I am doing Thanksgiving here, too!:yay

I also need to call my friend who's DH is a plumber. My upstairs toilet is leaking badly. I shut the water off, and tried to replace the tank to bowl gasket, but it didn't work. So I need a new one before Sunday.


Have your bestiest day you can have, all! I'll catch you later...

and don't forget to take your vitamins!


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Hi Besties!


Thank you for all the well wishes for me and DD. We're both feeling a little better today!:yay


Beth- Good luck today! I'll be praying for you. Your DD is beautiful, and I love that hat!!


Vicki-:birthday to DD!! I hope you feel well today so you can celebrate properly with your "big" girl!


Stacy- I'll be praying for your FIL today. Did DH go back to work? :hugs to you all during this difficult time.


Joanne- I :heart your 'ghan! It's gorgeous! Your DD is going to love it.


LeaAnne- :yay for your PTO break!! You certainly deserve it!


Mary- I hope you are getting some well-deserved rest after these past few weeks! Congrats on an awesome show!! What was your most popular item?


Scooby- I can't believe you're doing Thanksgiving too!! :nworthy You'll get it all done, don't worry. But don't forget to take care of you too! What kind of wreaths do you make? I'd love to see a pic!


Colleen- Poor Barbie is going to freeze her patootie off!! She's going to be so thankful for her snowsuit! I have a feeling she'll be smiling when you put it on her.:heehee


Well, it's been a lazy week around here. I haven't even taken my suitcase out of the car. But I feel much better today and even feel like getting some stuff done!

I have to share this with you. DD was playing with the balls from the pool table at my Gram's house on Saturday. She was just rolling them back and forth on the table. One had fallen on the floor, and when she went to pair the colors up, she realized it was the blue one. So she says, "Where's the blue one, the number 2?" Sure enough, it was the number 2. So I started hiding the numbers and showing her just the color of the balls. She only got 2 numbers wrong!!:eek:eek:eek:eek I've been playing pool for years, and I don't know what number goes with each color. I couldn't believe it! Momma's so proud:manyheart


I hope everyone has a fantastic day! I'll be back later!

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Oh my goodness girls it has been such a BUSY morning! I was behind the SLOWEST people in the world driving here today. I had a meeting on a student this morning for an annual review and I think we need to add something to his paper work. But what we want to add is not there in the state guidelines so I don't know if we can do that. I am waiting for help on that. I am just sitting down now to say good morning! I left DD's birthday present on the table with some birthday cake and a candle for her! Seh loved her DS game! She was trying to play it when I called her this morning. I will give her the big birthday hug and pass on all your happy birthday wishes when I see her later. Thanks ladies! It was so nice to see!


I just wanted to come on and wish Beth good luck with the procedure today! I hope all goes well! Let us know how it goes!


I will come back later and reply properly to everyone. I need to get some stuff done before I have to run to class. Too much stuff to do today!





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Just :checkin in and wanted to say a quick :hito all you HBBs!!! I haven't made it to the craft room today :lol but I am down to the last layer of glue on the kitchen shelves. I hope to have it done in the next 30 mins as I have to pick DS up in an hour and take him to get his physical :sigh. I got the kitchen cleaned up again for the 100th time this week :lol,the dishwasher loaded with stuff that I unpacked this morning, and I am now down to the last box. That is the last box downstairs. The last box contains staple food items that I have to find a spot for. When I get back from the Dr's appt, I hope to get the rest of the downstairs back in some kind of order, unload the dishwasher/reload and run again, and maybe cook supper. Maybe I will get to spend part of the evening in the craft room or :crocheting. We shall see. Hope all of you are having a great day and I will respond to each of you later. :hug:hug:hug:manyheart

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Hi All, I need to go elevate my leg, so this will be quick. I'm home from my procedure. I have tons of stitches in two places -- they took a skin graft from my belly for the area on my leg. I am going to MILK this for lots of :crocheting time!!! See you all later! Thanks for the prayers and good thoughts! We get the results in about a week, but Thanksgiving is then, so we'll see how long it takes.

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Hey Beth! I'm so glad everything went well. And you better get all the crochet time you want! You've earned it!


I got Stacy's square today! Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Thank you so much!! I love it! It's gorgeous!:hug

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Hi Ladies

This will be short......... sorry

LeaAnne enjoy your time off from pto

Colleen hope barbie gets some warm clothes soon

Stacy keeping FIL in my prayers

Shannon glad to hear you are feeling better

Janna WTG on the ball numbers

Vicki say Happy Birthday to DD

Beth glad everything went ok today

Joanne I love the afghan WTG

Scooby Hope you get some crochet time in soon

Dh and I woke up this morning sick with colds. So today has just been lying around and sleeping. I feel like someone ran me over. DD and DG got home ok last night. She called to say everything was good.

Dh and I are going to have soup for supper tonight so I better go and get it ready. Talk to you later.


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:cheer:clap:cheer:clap My positive thoughts worked!!!! I got Stacy's square in the mail :mail today!!!!! It is so beautiful and sunny looking- just like Cali!!!! I loved your note and the little treat. Thank you so much Stacy.....I LOVE IT!!!!


I just got home from work- and was soooooo excited when I went to the mailbox that I just had to pop in and say thanks.


I'll be back in a bit to catch up with everyone!


Again, :ty:day

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Shannon- glad to hear you and Janna are starting to feel better! Did you finally get your suitcase unpacked? And yay for your smart DD- that is pretty amazing. I have no clue what # goes with what color. I just like to play for fun and never paid much attention- just whether they were solids or stripes...lol


LeaAnne- YAY for last day at school!! And good luck with the leaky toilet-Isn't that always the way, though- company is coming and the there are problems with the toilet? Welcome home to mr stitchintime! Bet you'll be glad to have him home again!


Vicki- Again, happy birthday to DD- hope your day at school went well. Did you figure out if you can add what you wanted to even though it wasn't in state guidelines? Hope you have a fun enjoyable evening celebrating DD's birthday tonight!


Beth- glad the procedure went well- thanks for popping in to let us know. Yes, please keep that leg elevated and MILK it for MUCHO:crocheting time!!! Your Dh sounds like a great guy and I'm sure he'll take real good care of you- as will your inventions!!! Hope you don't have too much pain...but you know what to do. Just pick up the ole :chook and :yarn!!!


Mary- Glad that DD and GD got home safely, but sorry to hear that you and DH aren't feeling well. You have been so busy this past week or so between all your visitors and the craft show. You, too, need to rest and pick up the ole :chook and :yarn. The soup sounds like just the thing to have when you aren't feeling well.


Stacy- How did things go with FIL today? I was thinking about him and Beth today ---you know my positive thoughts....I believe that positive thinking is the real deal. Heck, I put it out there that today was the day the square would arrive and lo and behold, what to my wondering eyes did appear? But a square! (Bet you thought I was going to say, but a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer....:lol:rofl)


Scooby- How did things go with DS physical? Is he all set to play basketball? I love basketball too- Used to be a NJ Nets fan- until the owner decided he wants to move the team to Brooklyn and basically all the good players have been traded away. I just can't get behind the team anymore and it's a shame cause that is the team (and the Knicks) that are broadcast here. I actually like the Boston Celtics (yes, LeaAnne, I said the Boston Celtics LOL) i like their coach and the players they have (they even have some old Nets players that I used to like rooting for)


Colleen- Is Barbie dressed in her warm clothes yet? How was your day today?

Well, DH just got home, so I'm gonna go. Hope everyone has a great evening!:hug:hug

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:clap for 2 squares arriving! :woo

Beth, I'm so happy that your procedure went well. You know the prescription for recovery- 1 :chook, 2 balls of :yarn, and LOTS of rest! :devil I'm sure your dh and inventions will take wonderful care of you. :hug


Joanne, I'm so happy that you like the square. I had great difficulty deciding on a pattern and I thought that one fit really well. :D I didn't even get the "sleigh and eight tiny reindeer" reference. :oops


Vicki, hope dd has a wonderful time celebrating her birthday tonight! :hug to you for your dd hitting double digits!


Mary, I'm sorry to hear that you and your dh are both sick! What a bummer, but at least the cold waited until your kids left. I hope your soup helps you to feel better soon!


Shannon, I'm happy that you and Janna-ness are feeling better. :hug:h5 to Janna for knowing the numbers on the balls! That is amazing. She has an awesome memory. I've never even paid attention to which #'s and colors go together.


Leanne, good luck with that leaky toilet. That's how it goes, right? Good luck getting it ready for your company. And :clap for a break from the PTO.


Scooby, I hope all went well with ds' physical. I love that you typed, "and maybe make supper." :rofl


FIL's tests have supposedly all come back normal. His blood sugar was elevated slightly so he did the glucose test and will find out the results next week. I have a suspicion that he won't tell us, though. :shrug He's a grown man- what can you do? Jorge went back to work today. He has "appeared" to be fine through all of it but last night he finally admitted that he is depressed over it, but doesn't want to "overload" me with his troubles. :(


The little gathering we had the other day really helped. I have been much more friendly the last couple days. :) Today was Mommy and Me, then we went shopping for the canned-food drive at Isabella's school. On the way home my car borderline overheated again. :sigh The temp only goes up when I step on the gas. :think Then the optometrist called to say Isabella's glasses were in, so we went to pick them up. My old man friend dropped in around dinner time with his son. They only stayed for about 15 minutes but it was a nice surprise.

I am going to make some brownies and veg on the couch. I really need to get a move-on with that needlepoint but I am just not into it right now. :shrug Maybe I'll "forget" about it until after Thanksgiving. I did not start the cat pillow- it is tempting, but I will resist! :lol

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Hi all! DD had a wonderful Birthday! We are going for her birthday dinner tomorrow night since I had a meeting tonight after school. She went to an extra tae kwon do practice instead and got ice cream after. She loved that everyone wished her happy birthday!

It came! It came! Stacy's square came! It was here when I came home for my five minutes between my meeting and tkd! It is beautiful! Stacy did SUCH a WONDERFUL job on it! I love it! Thank you Stacy! It is just gorgeous! And I can't wait to try the treats!

Mary - Hope you are feeling better tonight. You need to rest! You have had a busy two weeks!

Stacy - Glad to hear that all the tests came back normal. Hopefully it is nothing serious. If FIL is generally healthy it may very well me something small. I continue to pray that it is and that all is well with FIL and the family.

Scooby - How did the physical go for DS? Is he able to play b-ball? I hope the kitchen got all finished for you!

Shannon - Glad to hear that you and Janna are feeling better! And funny about Janna knowing the numbers on the balls! I never even thought about the numbers!

Joanne - No, I could't add the stuff I wanted. Not a big deal. It will be fine. A Celtics fan? Really? Basketball was one sport I could never get interested in. I don't find it interesting.

Beth - Glad to hear that you came out of the procedure well and now it is time to relax and hook away! Let us know what the doctoe says when the results come in! Prayers for good news headed your way!

I can actually take five minutes and relax now. I am really ready to snooze. I am so tired! I am just waiting for the washing maching to be done so I can hang DD's tae kwon do uniform. Then I can go to bed!

Have a great night all!


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Stacy- good news about FIL-I wouldn't be surprised if his glucose test comes back elevated- he may have diabetes- or pre-diabetes. Hopefully he will share the news with you- and often if it's not too elevated, it can be controlled with diet alone. I just had one of the treats- yummy Oh, I just saw this commercial on TV with a bulldog- reminded me of Belle- ugly but cute...


Vicki- Glad that DD had a great birthday and have fun at dinner tomorrow night. Yay- tomorrow is Friday!!!! I do like basketball- it's my last fav sport- but I do like sports- and I like college basketball actually better than the NBA- especially in March!


LeaAnne- I finished my "AC" scarf tonight so I'm ready to start on the flannelghan. I decided that I need to get that done for his Birthday (I'm really gonna have to push myself) and then I'll do DDs scarf, hat and mitts- I'll mail them to her- After getting Stacy's square today, I realized it is so much fun to get a surprise in the mail!!! So instead of trying to make myself crazy trying to get it done for next week when she is here, I'll mail it nstead and brighten one of her days!


Beth and Mary-hope you are resting!


Scooby- hopefully you are getting a little rest from all your work tonight.


Shannon- I don't know if you saw that I bought a skein of Hometown USA yarn (on your recommendation). I'm going to make a hat with it (or 2)...after the flannelghan and DDs things!


Colleen- Hope you had a great day. How many dischloths did you get done?

Well, Hbb's I'm off to dream land:sleep


Sweet dreams to all:manyheart

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Joanne, you are tempting me by saying you also bought the Hometown USA. Especially since I have to go to Walmart tomorrow anyway. I will not buy yarn, I will not buy yarn, I will not buy yarn...:devil What a nice idea to mail your dd's gift- such a fun, unexpected surprise!


About FIL's sugar...the man is ridiculously healthy- 65 and still running the L.A. Marathon every year. Low carbs, no sauces or dressings on anything, usually only drinks water- and he LOVES fruit. Jorge's pre-diabetes instructor said eating too much fruit is also not good because of the sugars so if there is a slight sugar problem, crazy as it sounds- my bet is on that.


Vicki, I'm happy that you like the square! :cheer Where are you going for dinner tomorrow night?


I just remembered- Scooby, I didn't mail your square yet but I will send it tomorrow.

Ok, now that all of the kids are in bed- I am really going to make those brownies! :lol




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Good morning everyone! TGIF!!!!!


Hope you all have a great day today. After finishing up my "AC" scarf, I packed up Scooby's square- I don't know if I'll get it out today since PO is not open when I leave for work and is sometimes closed by the time I get home. If not today, it will definitely be put in the mail tomorrow!


Hope you all have a great day and hope that Mary and Dh are feeling a little better and that Beth gets to do lots of crocheting- you know recuperating...Hope you are not too uncomfortable, Beth!


Cya later--remember your vitamins.....

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Good morning all! It is a:2rainmorning here! DD's tkd uniform is all washed for tomorrow. Hopefully it will dry! I have it hanging since last night. She has selected Red Lobster for her birthday dinner so that is where we are going. My sister is supposed to come over and give her her birthday present tonight too. Sister wants to talk to me about something also. Won't tell me what, just that she'll talk to me tonight.

I did not start that last square yet. I will hopefully get to it tonight. If not tomorrow at the tournament. We will be there all day!

Anyway, I hope everyone has a great day and I will talk to you all later!



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