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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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Hi! I wrote a nice long post this morning, and lost it. So I will write again when I get home. I just wanted you to know that I did talk to you all, you just couldn't hear me.:lol


Love you guys!:manyheart

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:wavingHI HBBs!!! Well, I have been back at it in the craft room today. I threw out some boxicide downstairs in the living room and finally got down to just 3 more boxes.The dining room is now going to be a den because we just don't need 3 tables for eating . There is a kitchen table in the kitchen, the dining room table is going to the basement to maybe be sold, and my kitchen table is in the craft room. DF said to me, "when it was just me here this house had lots and lots of space, but now it just seems this house isn't quite big enough" We are quickly running out of room to put stuff. Last nite we were up in the craft room reorganizing the furniture and I have one bookshelf that is going in another room as the craft room is now full. I am about 3/4 of the way done putting up all the :yarn and now just down to the patterns, my reading books, ribbon and notions. :sighit will eventually be done. Got the call yesterday that the carpet installers will be here January 12,13 and 14 th to lay the carpet so that means everything will have to be moved again :ohdear:worried. :lol will it ever end?


:clover Vicki with the new :headache meds. Don't you just hate being a pincushion for the DR. :lol I too feel that way as the endocrinologist likes to stick me too every other month/sometimes monthly to check my thyroid. Have you heard anything else about the uncle/sister situation. That is awful that he said that, but glad she is still coming to see you. Hope you have a :headache free day today. WTG getting DD's squares almost done:cheer.


:yayShannon, glad you are home/at Honey's. :( that lil Janna is sick. Hopefully the virus will run it's course quickly and she gets well soon :hug. Poor baby. Is she feeling better today? Can't wait to hear more about your trip with Grams!!!!


:lolColleen. I love the story about DD marking the days off the calendar. That is just too cute. HMMMM don't know where to find a pattern for a barbie snowsuit, but you know they get cold too. DD says so. Sounds like she has your :crocheting time all planned out for you. :yay on your full day off. Hope you and DD have fun making the gumdrop cake and it sounds really yummmy.:( I haven't started Christmas shopping either but guess I better get started soon as bad as I don't want to.I am sorry I wasn't here last nite to chat. I got here about 10 mins after you last posted. DF was on the puter and was looking in the favorites file as he claimed he was trying to figure out how to get here to talk crochet and all he was pulling up was patterns and blog sites that have patterns :sofunny .Have fun today!!!!!


:hugStacy.So sorry to hear about your FIL and will keep him in my prayers. I hope that all goes well today with his appointments and keep us updated. :danceIsabella, nothing cooler than having your own library card. I hope her reaction is not too serious and is it better today? :heehee:winkCute phrase Eva. I tend to say "Oh man" a lot too :lol.


:lolBeth. Yep, I have to say the size is way off on MIL's hat. But at least you have an idea on what she wants now. You're welcome for the links. I was just finding those based on your description:lol. Have fun shopping today and :crocheting on your ghan. Yep, better keep the DH, at least he is trying to help you make things easier:clap. Nope, no breather between boxes usually. Got to keep going before I get lazy and don't want to do anymore:P.By the time I get the house organized it will be time to start the daily chores/cleaning again. But :xfinthat I will have more time to :crocheting and do stuff in the craft room. I will have to wear my sweatshirt that says "A man's work is from sun up to sun down. A woman's work is never done.":rofl I have to hide that sweatshirt as DF has threatened to throw it away.


:clapLeaAnne.WTG making the other PTO members do their jobs!!!! :woothat the PTO is slowing down finally. I know you are glad of that. :yes DS is finally back in school as of yesterday. He is further ahead in credits as he was in a block schedule in TN, and here they are in a period schedule. So instead of having just 4 classes a day, he now has 8.So he already has 2 credits for this year where here they don't even have a 1/2 credit yet. The bad part of that is he is not going to get credit for some of the classes he is in now. But the counselor said that she will get it all straightened out and see how everything is going to transfer but he will have more than enough to graduate on time. :yay She did make a fun schedule for him because he is in this situation and won't be receiving many credits here this year. I thought that was nice of her to let him pretty much pick and choose the classes he wanted. He is in Algebra, American History,Biology,English, Wood Shop, Careers, PE and the 8th class is Homeroom which they use like a study hall.:cheerDS is excited because here they issue each student a laptop and we paid the $50 insurance so that he can bring it home everyday/weekends. So he is on :c9with that. I things are going to be ok for him at school:). Here he has to be at school at 8 instead of 7:15 but had to catch the bus at 6:40 in TN. He gets out at 3:20 instead of 2:45 which is ok cuz he didn't get off the bus until 3:30 in TN.We leave 2 blocks from the school so he can walk :devil.


:laughrollJoanne. HMMMMMM well I guess if you stayed at home you could be all of them SAHM,SAHW,SAHS and most importantly the SAH:crochetinger. Even though your kids are grown you are still a mom :D. I think that green light does it's own thing sometimes :lol. I have noticed sometimes when I am on my green light isn't on, but :think about it when is all of my lights on :heehee. Hope you are having a great day with the Delta Force!!!!!


:hugMary. Hope all is well with you and :hyper to hear how things went with the craft fair!!!!!


Guess I have caught up with everyone and better get the :firelit under the ole badorkas or I will never get going again. Hope you are all having a spendiferous day and will :checkin later!!!!!! Love ya all!!!!

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Scooby - My goodness, even the energy in your posts put me shame :lol Good news that DS is back to school and that he can walk and gets a laptop and all that. Gotta keep the kids happy at school :yes I can't wait to see what you create when you finally get time to play in your craft room.


Shannon - Can't wait to hear about your trip and the update on our little Janna.


DD and I didn't bake the gumdrop cake today. I did tidy up my recipes and pulled out a few that I will bake for Christmas. I'll freeze my baking as I go along (and eat some :wink). I usually make that gumdrop cake ahead of time, but it bakes for 2.5 hrs so I need to make it on a day when I/we are just sitting around the house. We went shopping and to McDonald's for lunch--just us girls :). DD had saved up her money all year that people gave her for birthday, Easter, etc. and bought a big Lego toy. She is very happy. I figured I better let her spend her money before Christmas and her birthday roll around and she gets even more :lol I emptied her piggy bank and rolled some coins. :pig I bought my first Christmas present. :yay I got these coupons for $10 off board games from the back of the cereal boxes. My nephews wanted good old fashioned monopoly, so I got it for $6. Gotta love that! :yay I also bought some more cereal so all the Godchildren will get board games too. Who doesn't love boardgames? And who doesn't love $10 coupons :lol I've got a pork loin roast in the oven. Just need to peel the potatoes and make a salad. I'm really digging this being home to make a good supper.


I hope you all had a great day!

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:roflColleen. IF only I put all the energy in my posts to cleaning I would be in great shape. I haven't done as much today as I needed to but I am a wee bit on the lazy side. I am just :tired and want a break. I do have to get up in that craft room and make it LOOK like I did something up there when I really haven't done that much before DF gets home :lol. :thinkWhat does he know about crafts anyways,especially when he can't tell that I have :yarnmissing:eek. Nice find on the board games:clap. We like to play board games too and gotta :manyheart those $10 coupons. Glad you and DD had a nice lunch and :yayfor her on getting something she wanted!!!!!!!
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Hi everyone

Just a quick post to let you all know Iam home. I have been doing laundry today. Tomorrow we take DD and GD to the airport. We have to leave here by 7am. I think It is going to be a long day. We have a meeting tomorrow night also.

OK Drumroll........................ I had a great show. Sold alot of stuff. It was my best show ever. Now I have to get started working on stuff for the next show.

Going to go and get dinner ready.

Talk to you later

Thinking about everyone

Lots of love


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Just a quick hi b/4 dinner is ready- chicken parm! YUMMY!


WTG on the great craft show- your best ever, Mary!! That is awesomeness!!!!!! Enjoy your last day/night with DD and your GD!


Shannon- hope you and Janna are feeling better- saw on FB that you aren't feeling too good either. Hugs to you


Scooby- Your energy is endless!!! And you are right I am still a Mom. Glad to hear that DS is back in school and that they are being flexible. Great that he can walk home!


LeaAnne- Proud of you for sticking up for yourself about the minutes. You have definitely put in more than enough time to PTO (heck it's a full time job w/out the pay). I am going to try and finish the ghan tonight- still have another couple rows and then I'll put the shell border on it. I'll post pix when I'm done


Beth- That hat reminds me of one my Grandmother had! Realy vintage...I even think as a young girl I had one like that. I saved the link cause I'd love to make one and see my DD's reactions ....I think they would much prefer one of the ear flap hats..LOL


Stacy- How is FIL today? And the girls?


Colleen- Glad you enjoyed your day with DD!. My DD's all loved Lego's. I think they are great- what cereal has the coupons for the board games. My youngest DD loves board games- when she was growing up that's all she wanted to do. And of course neither of her sisters was really into board games so it was usually her and me. Now that they are older, they are all into playing Scrabble and oldest DD loves RISK. I think board games are great too and fun to play when family is here.


Vicki- WTG on the squares- you can do it, you can do it- purple square will be done and then you are almost home free- good feeling, right? Glad your HA went away- and LOL about what you told your doctor!

Well, dinner is ready.

Have a great night HBB's!

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Joanne - I got the coupons from Kelloggs cereals (Rice Krispies and Frosted Flakes). We are stocked up on Rice Krispies now :lol Totally worth it!


So, I'm working on Barbie's warm clothes. I have a cute little jacket made and now I'm just starting on her bottoms. A skirt would be so much easier, both to crochet and for Barbie to get into (the skinny, lanky dolly...ya, that's word I want to use :wink:lol). But, pants really are warmer :think Oh well, wish me luck!

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:lolGood luck Colleen. You will have to :photo and show them off.I have never made barbie clothes but want to some day. Speaking of which, the other nite when DF and I were at Walmart, he bought me a barbie and an 18" doll so I can try my hand at making the doll clothes:roflNow that I have the dolls I prolly won't like making the clothes.
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Good morning everyone!

Good luck with the Barbie clothes Colleen- I'm sure your DD and her Barbie will be very happy with her new warm clothes.


Scooby- Aren't you lucky that DF bought you a Barbie! No excuses now for not making doll clothes. LOL-


Beth, LeaAnne, Shannon, Stacy, Vicki and Mary- hope you all have a good day- It's Hump Day!!


I finished the rows and only have 1 and 1/2 sides of the border to go- plus working in the tails and the ghan will be done!!! I am going to see if I can finish this morning b/4 work, if not it'll definitely be done after work and then I'll take a pic.


well, I'd better skedaddle- cya on the flip side!

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Mornin' all! It is almost jacket weather here. I left the house and it was 40 degrees out!

YAY Mary for the best craft show ever! It must feel great to have a great show!

YAY Scooby for getting so much done! I get tired just reading how much you accomplish!

YAY for Colleen having a great day with DD! Board games are great! There are coupons on cereal boxes for board games? I buy frosted flakes and I didn't see coupons.

I didn't bowl the best last night. I bowled two 133 games and a 170. I liked the 170 game, but I couldn't get the ten pin to save my life. Very frustrating.

Tonight is tae kwon do. I will start the last purple square there. YAY ME!

I will come back later and see how everyone is doing. Have a great morning!



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Phew! I am actually hot from working so hard :lol I ran into a friend this morning on the way to school and learned that a mutual friend is sick with the H1N1 flu. She has 2 little girls and her DH has taken time off work to take care of the kids. I feel very bad for them. I know he is nervous about taking time off work because, like so many company's, his has been having lay offs. So, after attending parent observation at the school, I popped to the grocery store to pick up some supplies, whipped up a pot of soup and baked a pan-full of home made granola bars. My friend (who lives around the corner) had one of the little girls at her house this morning, so I wrapped it all up and delivered it to her house before the dad came to pick her up. It was still very hot, but that saved me a trip across town and a disturbance at their house. So, now I can get to my own chores. I guess I've got supper all made, since I made a double batch of soup :)


Barbie needs one more leg on her pants and her warm clothes will be done. I'll take a pic. I was hoping to get that done before school is over this afternoon. We'll see.


Vicki - We probably have different coupons here in Canada than you do if you haven't seen them.


:hi to everyone! I hope everyone is doing well today! :hug

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We had an impromptu "gathering" last night, and everyone else is still asleep. It was so much fun! I really needed the laughs. FIL has a host of tests again today and dh took off work again. Today is the last day, though. I called FIL yesterday afternoon to see if he needed anything, and he said no, but that I need to know that he loves me. :manyheart I have a hunch that doctors have told him something and he's keeping it to himself.

I've already gotten Isabella off to school, then went back to take her lunch that she forgot, cleaned off the table, and emptied and loaded the dishwasher. It doesn't sound like much, but if I had a before picture- well, you'd see the difference. :lol I'm leaving the rest for everyone else. :devil

I worked on my flannel-ghan last night and almost finished the second strip before running out of the main color. Will have to wait until Friday or Saturday to get more. That gives me time to work on the dreaded snugglie. :blush


Vicki, WTG on the 170 game! :h5 Good luck getting that last square done.


Colleen, what a find on those board games! I know my mom bought 4 or 5 for Isabella's Christmas gifts already- she loves board games! They are great family fun. Good luck with your holiday baking and the Barbie clothes. I'm glad to hear you and dd had a nice girls' day.


Scooby- as always, you amaze me! :whew I don't know how you do it. When we moved, there were days I didn't do a thing- I just didn't want to look at boxes anymore! :rofl Good for ds on getting an easy schedule, it was very nice of the counselor to give him a break. Yay for the laptops and walking home!


Joanne, can't wait to see that 'ghan!


Shannon-ness, how are you and Janna feeling today?


Mary, congrats on your best show ever! That is awesome!!!:clap:clap I just found out that Isabella's school is doing a "holiday boutique" and sent around a flyer for crafters to sign up. Too bad I can't :crocheting fast enough to do it this year (it is Dec. 11) but if I start now, I'm sure I can build up a stash for next year. I hope your dd and gd have a safe trip home.


Leanne, WTG on sticking up for yourself with those minutes! :h5 Did you call the mother about the babysitting job? How odd that everyone else seems to know you've got it, but you! :think


Well all, I better scoot and jump in the shower before it's time to take Mia to school. Also have to go out and check the coolant in my car- it's overheating now! :angry It just never ends. Can't wait until our income tax comes back- I am getting a new one!

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Hi Besties!


Stacy, Keep us updated about the FIL. I understand about something that sounds like a little deal making a big difference. My dd cleaned off the dining room table. It has an invisible magnet to attract papers. Sounds like a little thing, but it is a huge improvement.


Colleen, how sweet of you to help the family dealing with H1N1. I hope they get well soon. I'm glad Barbie is almost dressed. My dd's barbies' clothes always fell off, so she was always cold at our house, no matter what she had to wear.


Vicki, it's amazing how different our perspectives are. If I bowled a 133, I'd be :c9:clap:cheer:yay - or more likely :faint What a great way to spend time away from home from time to time. I hope the headache is gone for good. Can't wait to see the afghan when it is done! Sounds like you are making great progress. Is your dd excited about her 'ghan?


Joanne, Wow! Speaking of finishing ghans, can you and Vicki light a :fire under my badorkus? I :nworthy! I am :hyper to see your finished project!


Mary, :cheer:clap:yay on your great show, and your great visit with your family! I hope it was a wonderful time for you. What are you making for the next show?


LeaAnne, What's new in the PTO? I'm so proud of you for refusing to do the minutes. Any news about the job?


Shannon, I hope you and your dd feel better. I'm so sad you are sick. At least you are home, where you can be more comfortable.


Scooby, I hope you are taking breaks once in a while from the unpacking. I am so impressed with all you get done. It is hard to get started when you stop, though, so I understand why you keep pushing yourself.


I finished the cap for my MIL. Here's a couple of pics -- the model is my beautiful dd!



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:hi, all!


Stacy - :hugPrayers for Your FIL... and for you! ...and WTG on 2 flannelghan strips already done!


Colleen - How nice of you to cook for that family:hug:hug


Beth - Love the hat! Soooo cute! And the model is, too!!!:hug


Shannon - how are you and Janna feeling?:hug


Hey... Mary! :yay WTG on the show!!!! I am so proud of you, sis!:hug


Vicki - Great bowling scores! Good luck with the last square!


Joanne - almost done with that 'ghan?! Way coolness! Are you going to do the scarf and hat still first, or are you starting on the flannelghan? I will be ready to go when you are!


:waving Scooby! I hope you are getting ever closer to playing in that craft room!:cheer


I guess I will start with the "job" update...:think:shrug ... I have called twice, and left messages, and my calls have not been returned. I am a little :irked... I could've found another job by now. I sure hope she is still planning on having me.. we can put that income to good use. :shrug I guess in the meantime, if something else pops up, I am going to take it. The longer it goes on that we haven't sat down, the less comfortable with the whole deal I am becoming.... I am laid back, but this is kinda whacked!


As of tomorrow morning at 10am, I am on vacation of the PTO until December! :jumpyay:dance:ttalk:woo... I am so excited!!!! ...:blushand I have sooo much to do at home!:blush


Hey, did anyone see Bill O'Reilly last night? They were talking about an elementary school who is having a "holiday faire" fundraiser. Now, they have said that you can't vend or display any :ctree items!!!! WOW! I never thought I'd see the day:rolleyes


Well, I guess I should go along... my natives are restless and cranky (of Course they are... DH is away!)


Hugs and luvs to you all...

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Hi everyone.


Well, we're still sick around here. Fun stuff. Not much to report except I have a lot more yarn I have to buy for Dad's flannelghan. Stupid me, I bought 3.5 oz. skeins. It's all Michael's had. I'm almost done with the first panel, but ran out of yarn.:angry


I'll try to come back later.:manyheart

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:yay I finished my afghan this morning b/4 work and wanted to post and show you. Then I'm going to go back and get caught up and respond properly...Without further ado, here it is---Color is green speck by RHSS. I had to fold it so I could get a pic of it. I put a shell border around it. I hope DD likes it!


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Hi besties. I am home in a quiet house. I didn't feel well when I came home from school. You ever have that feeling when you just don't feel right? That was me this afternoon. It is settling all in my head at the moment, so I wonder if it was just a mirgraine coming on. I felt a little dizzy. Not fun. So hubby took DD to tae kwon do and I baked chocolate chip bread for the cookie exchange at school tomorrow. I will put some out for DD tomorrow for her birthday. My baby turns 10 tomorrow! I still need to wrap her present while she is out of the house. She wanted a DS game called Boutique owner. It has been hiding in my closet since September!


Anyway, since I didn't go to tae kwon do I have not started the last square. I will do that later. I was looking some stuff up on transboundary pollution for a lesson we are planning for after Thanksgiving. We need to get that one all together.


LeaAnne - It doesn't surprise me about the no Christmas thing. We can't even put up Halloween decorations. They have to be fall/harvest. The same thing with Christmas. They have to be Holiday. We don't want to offend anyone. Hope the job thing comes around.


Shannon - I hope you two start to feel better soon! Did you catch the virus that Janna had?


Beth - Love the hat. The model is cute too!


Joanne - The 'ghan is beautiful! DD will love it!


Hope the rest of my besties have a great night. I am going to wait for hubby and DD to come home and we are going to get something to eat. Hubby wants Taco Bell. I never argue against Taco Bell!


Night all!



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:hi, Joanne! That 'ghan is Gorgeousness!... sheesh, you are fast! Will you make me one? :devil


Vicki - I hope you are feeling better... and :birthday to DD!!!! OMG, Double Digits! I cried when my girls hit that mark:( I hope she has a terrific day!


Beth - Good luck tomorrow... I feel like a big :loser for not remembering earlier:hug i will be thinking of you!


Shannon - sorry about your yarn debacle:( But at least you got the first panel done! :dance:clap:jumpyay


:hi, to the rest of you girls!

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Shannon- hope you and Janna start feeling better soon- and LOL about the flannelghan- 3.5 oz skeins won't make it on this one- but, hey, been there done that.LOL


Stacy- Please let us know how it goes for FIL tomorrow. I sometimes think that my DH hasn't told me everything his doctor has told him- Men can be like that sometimes- think they are protecting you. Nice of you to be there for him- but I am not surprised! I totally get the doing the little things cleaning makes all the difference. The one thing that has been good about listing our house is that the bed is made every day, the kitchen counters and kitchen table are clear- so ---it's not so bad if it doesn't get sold right away- it is forcing us into good habits- The mail pile up is becoming a thing of the past and it is nice to come home every day and go into the nice "made up" bedroom!


Colleen- Sorry to hear bout your friend's H1N1 and how sweet and kind of you to make them a batch of soup and granola bars. Friends like you are hard to find. I have Rice Krispies and I don't have a coupon on my box. You may be right that it is different in Canada. Hello- Kellogs- us here in US would like $10 board game coupons too!!! Can't wait to see Barbies winter clothes!


Beth- that hat is adorable, but not as adorable as your DD. That is so a hat from the past- love it! and congrats to DS on his great swim time! You must be one proud mama!!


LeaAnne- that is strange about the "job" and her not returning your calls. Maybe it is not meant to be. And I know what you mean about the $ coming in handy. How long is DH away for? Is he in Long Island? DH told me someone gave him tix to the Devils/Islanders game in March---but not in NJ- in Long Island at the Coliseum- I told him that I hope he plans on getting a hotel room too, cause I'm not driving back to NJ after the game!


Vicki- 170 is awesomeness and if you are a "professional" bowler, 130 is not so great, but for me (like Beth) it is great!! Good luck finishing up the purple square tonight at Tae Kwon Do! Can't wait to see the finished ghan...Just remembered--isn't today your DD's 10th Birthday? :birthday to Vicki's DD (if it's not today- save the wishes for when it is...:lol)


Mary- Hope your DD and GD got off ok and that the meeting tonight goes well.


Scooby- How was your day- are you getting near the end of the de-boxing?? How's the craft room- Done any crafts lately??? LOL...I just love all your energy.


Well, I'd better grab something to eat.


I'm thinking of working on a scarf I had started on the bus trip back from AC last week. Get that WIP done and then I'll start the flannelghan. In between strips of the flannelghan, I'll try and work on the hat. I so wish I had more hours in the day!!


Have a good night everyone!!:hug

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Beth, good luck tomorrow!! :hug Did you finish everything you had hoped you would?


Joanne, that 'ghan is gorgeous!! :drool Great work! I'm sure your dd will absolutely love it. I bet it is nice to go into a tidy, clean bedroom at night. I used to be SO good about making the bed and keeping our bedroom clean, just so it would be nice to sleep in. When we moved here, we downsized to about 1/2 of what our old bedroom was, and now it seems we have so much stuff, I can't keep it clean. :think


Leanne, that is just weird about the job! And you are right, you could have found something else by now. I think it is just wrong that she is stringing you along! :angry


Colleen, that was sweet of you to help your friend. I'm sure they will greatly enjoy the soup and granola bars. :hug I Googled the game coupons and only came up with Canadian websites, so I guess it is just a promotion there.


Shannon, sorry to hear that you are still not feeling well. Make sure you take your vitamins. :wink Sorry to hear about the yarn mishap- but at least you got one strip done! WTG!


Vicki, Happy Birthday to your dd! Hope she has a great one.


Mary and Scooby, hope your day went well.


Has anyone received my square yet? I sent them out last week. :think I was sure they would have arrived by now.


All is quiet here, for now. Roomie took the Terror somewhere and the rest are watching a movie. Dh is asleep on the couch. I need to work on the snuggie but Mia is practically begging for a new cat pillow. Someone light a :fire under my badorkus and tell me it is NOT okay to start a new project with 5 already in the works. :blush

Hey, have you all noticed this nifty new "smiley?" :chook Very cute!

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