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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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Oh, there was chattiness herelast night! I need to go back and read it all, but I do not have the time at the moment. I am glad Shannon got in her chat time!

I bowled a 194, a 154 and a 154. YAY ME! I won all my points last night! The ball just seemed to be rolliong so smoothly for me. Hopefully this is a trend.


Scooby - LOVE the bathroom! I love bright colors like that. It looks great!


Beth - It has been quiet here on my end of the world this week. At leat for the moment. Let's hope it stays that way! How are things up by you? That is good news from the doctor. Let us know how it all goes.


Stacy - Is the snuggly hard to make? I printed the pattern and was contemplating it for DD, but maybe next Christmas when I don't have so much on my plate.


Shannon - Where was the supply list on the mystery project? I was looking and did not see it. I need to look again. I need to go back and find the web address!


Colleen - GLad to hear DD is feeling better and that your voice is starting to come back! I hate losing my voice. When you need it the most is when you always lose it!


LeaAnne - How are all the chickens feeling? Are they having a great week? I hope so!


Mary - Hope you are having a fabulous week!


It is time for the children to come in to the building. I must run. Have a great rest of the day!





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:hi, all!


I am getting no where with my hook today... :irk today is so not about letting me get anything done. I am trying to not let myself get stressed out, because it is not MY day off... it's the kiddos'. They are all OFF WALLS today:eek


thanks again, Shannon, Stacy and Scooby for the chat last night! It was so much fun:D


I put the link for the mystery project on post 1, so we can all find it!


Vicki - I didn't see the supplies list either, but if you scroll down past all of the tutorial pics, you will see it. It was in a sneaky spot:)


Joanne, Beth, and Mary - hope you are having a great day!


Colleen - hope you and DD are feeling better!


:hug:hugto all...gotta run... "moooommmmm!":eek

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Hey all!!


Beth, I'm so happy to hear that the doctor gave you much better news. :hug You almost made me spit my coffee out at the leg-shaving comment, though! :rofl WTG on selling your bun covers! That is awesome-ness! :h5


Vicki, you have school today?! Wow...I thought all schools, banks, etc, were closed today. :shrug


Leanne, sorry that your hook is not working today. Do you have a coop or something that you can stick those chickens in? :devil:lol


Colleen, I hope you and your dd are feeling better today! :hug


Joanne, hope you had an awesome-ness spa treatment!


Shannon...I had something to reply from chat last night but now I can't remember it! :shrug I will have to go check and get back to you. How is the packing coming along?


:hi to Mary and Scooby! Happy Hump Day!


I had planned to take a shower and get dressed, and be out of here by the time Roomie and her kids get back, but then I started the washer, and realized I can't run the washer and shower at the same time. :sigh My brain is not functioning today.

I am planning to take the girls to the park for a little while, then come home and have lunch and ice cream. :D Then hopefully I can lure them with a good movie. LoL Roomie is leaving again at 11 or 11:30 for the rest of the day, so I will have relative peace to work on some :crocheting...

Ok, I just over-sipped, and spilled coffee on my shirt (drink much?) then looked over to see Mia trying to put her puffy vest on the dog. :2eek I should probably go before I lose complete control. :lol

Have a great day, HBB's! :hug

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Hi Everybody! :hi


I just got off the phone with the surgeon's staff, and I have my second procedure scheduled. Next Thursday, the 19th in the morning, I will get a deeper incision where the mole used to be. She will cover it with a skin graft from my abdomen. Wish she could take some of the fat off of there, while she's at it!!! Any way, it's all with local anesthestia, and I will be able to drive home, so all is good.


Wednesday the 18th, I'm getting the "girls" smooshed, too. I hope all of you are getting yourselves checked out on a regular schedule. I want you to be around to chat with for many years!!!:hug

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Hello. I'm here, but barely. SOMEBODIES kept me up late last night!


Beth- That is great news from the doctor. I'm glad everything is scheduled and ready to go. Good luck with the smooshing of the girls too. I had a lump removed when I was 20, so :yes it's very important!! WTG on selling your bun covers!! I'm so glad they're a hit!:yay


Stacy- I feel you girl! I'm having one of those days too. I even temporarily broke the car door this morning! Is it bedtime yet???


LeaAnne- I agree with Stacy. Chase those chickens into the coop so you can get your :crocheting on!! Good luck!


Vicki- Cograts on the awesome bowling scores!! I'll have to send you my socks that say "Pin Buster" on the side of them!!:lol


Colleen, Mary, Joanne, Scooby, and Jenn- I hope you are all having a splendid day!!:hug:hug:hug


I went and got the yarn for my dad's flannelghan today. I have so much to do around here, and I really just want to grab my :hook and :yarn!:( Poor me.

The OT came to evaluate DD today, and she says DD would benefit from occupational therapy. So we'll start that soon. DD's last day of school is next Friday, so I'm running out of shopping time!!:eek Last week I felt so in control of everything, but this week I'm just frazzled! I think it's the unplanned trip that we're taking this weekend.

I'm about to dive into the guest room and see what I can get done in there. Have a wonderful day everyone!!:manyheart

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Thank you LeaAnne! Now I can find it easier!

YAY for Beth getting her doctor's appointment scheduled! Nov. 19th is a day! That is my DD's birthday! I know all will be well then because it is a good day!

Yes, Stacy, we have school down here today. I guess the schools figure that it is more important to be in school today than to be home.

I hope Joanne is having a FABULOUS time in Atlantic City and maybe she "earned" some cash to bring home!

Have a great rest of the day!


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HI besties- I'm baaaaaack!!

Had an awesomeness time but alas, did not win any $. Came home with $20 less than I went with so not bad. We were up until 3:45 AM this morning! The spa treatment was amazing! Why haven't I had a massage before this??? LOL


Just read through all of your posts (took me a long time...lol) Just as I was ready to post to you all, DH came home so I'm not going to stay on here now.


Really quick

LeaAnne love your pic- you are beautiful!

Scooby- Love the AP Bathroom

Stacy- Had Starbucks this AM and thought of you.

Shannon- Have a good trip to NO and good luck on your guest room and crocheting

Beth- Glad your 2nd procedure is scheduled and glad to hear of the initial good report from the MD. LOL about the shaving legs comment! I had to shave mine before AC for the spa treatment. And yes, the girls get checked annually!

Vicki = WTG on bowling and good luck with the MD appt for the headaches

Colleen- glad to hear DD is feeling better and that your voice is starting to return

Mary- how are you? Enjoying time with the DD's and grandkids I'm sure


Well, I'll try and be back later- but think it will be a very early night. If not I'll catch up tomorrow aftr work. I had seen that link to the mystery CAL- too much on my plate right now, though. I did start a scarf on the ride home from AC today- I had my ipod on and crocheted away. It was a much quieter trip on the bus home than it was going down....lol

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Joanne, glad to hear you had a fabulous time! :manyheart


Shannon, sorry that you are having one of those days too. I hope you get some stuff done in the guest room!


Beth, I'm glad you are able to get into the surgeon quickly. Good luck getting the girls smooshed. I don't have to deal with the smooshing just yet, but they do get checked when I get my pap. :wink


Well, guess what? My unlucky streak hasn't ended just yet. After we went to the park, we stopped at 7-11 to get Slurpees. Then on the way home, my gas pedal got stuck!!! :eek I freaked out for a second, then slipped my toes under it and it popped right back up. :sigh I swear, with all of the car repairs, etc, it feels like we will never get ahead.


Well I'm going get to work on my squares. I really should work on the cross-stitch while Jorge is at work, though. Shannon, what do you think the mystery CAL is going to be? It seems to be a tree of some sort, I bet! I was thinking of getting some little colored beads as "bulbs" and stringing them on before I do the white round, but that would be silly if it ended up not being a tree! :rofl Guess I'll have to make another after this one is finished. :D

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:hiHBBs!!!!! I have really had a hard time getting my badorkas in gear. I have played around doing absolutely nothing more than I have actually done something. Josh's room is organized and pretty much put together if you will. Our room has all the furniture in it and had a good start, until I started moving boxes etc out of the craft room into our room so that I could get all the furniture in place:lol. The craft room has all the furniture in place but I don't really like it. So I am hoping that when we get the guest room set up, the dresser and matching chest of drawers can go in there. Just so much rearranging and organizing :ohdear. :(I am really dreading unpacking all this stuff and then having to move it again to paint :thumbdown and then moving it all again :thumbdown when they lay the carpet. It is :2rainhere and I just don't have the get up and go today. I need a :kickto get me going.

:h5Vicki on the great bowling scores!!!! Oh no SS you had school today. :( I think they should have given you all the day off.

:wink Great imitation of Joanne Beth. Thanks for stepping up and reminding us!!!! :hug Glad the Dr's report was good and that everything is set up for round 2. :heehee about shaving your legs. That was too funny. Saying prayers for you that the next Dr's appts and test turn out great!!!

:hugStacy. I am in the boat with ya today. I just can't seem to get the ole brain/body functioning the way it needs to be. The brain is saying you really need to do this stuff and the body is yelling NOOOOO. So sorry to hear that you are having more car probs. I have been there more than once this year it really is the pits. I think the Mystery CAL is going to be a tree of some kind too. I thought that when I saw the different sized squares and even more so when I saw the white. Maybe your afternoon/evening will calm down a little and you can relax.

:heehee:heehee:2nono:2nono It wasn't me that kept you up late last nite Shannon :rofl What color :yarn did you get for Dad's flannelghan? Don't you just love :yarn:shop? I know I do but don't tell anyone :lol:lol. Take some deep breaths. I know that frazzled feeling but everything will be ok. :clap on Janna's occupational therapy.

:dance:danceJoanne!!! You're back and glad that you had a great time. Losing $20 is not bad and at least you had fun and enjoyed yourself. One of these days I am gonna get a message, but having second thoughts if I have to shave my legs :rofl.

:hugLeaAnne. I agree with Stacy put those chickens in a coop or hen house or something :lol. Sorry it just isn't happening with the :hook today. I have all this yarn laying around calling my name and I just can't find the time to pick it up and start :crocheting. The deep voices of the boxes and furniture keep overriding the yarn. Hope your evening is more relaxing and you get to work on your flannelghan.

:2hug Colleen. Hope you and DD are feeling much better today. Glad that you got to take it easy and enjoy :book a good book. Do you have your voice back yet?

:hug Mary. Hope you are still enjoying your time with DD's and grandkids. Are you getting much :crocheting time in?

Well HBBs, I guess I better get off this computer and get something done in the next hour and a half before DF gets home and he notices that I haven't done anything :lol. I will prolly :check back in later and see what everyone is up to.

Love ya all!!!!! :hug:hug:manyheart Hope you all have great evenings!!!!

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I started out with 3 boxes of DD's clothes to go through. I didn't even fill up one box with what I am keeping!:clap I also got 5 different-sized boxes of MK stuff to fit in the other 2 boxes! :yayI'm on a roll (it's about time, huh?). I started going through DD's toys, but I think I'll stop for now and go take a shower!


DD left the room and then came back and said to Honey, "Gotta go tee-tee potty." And guess what??? She went!!! Yay for my girl! Now I just have to figure out why she won't do that here.:think I have M&Ms too!

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Yay for Janna!!! and Yay for Shannon on getting so much done!


Scooby- I had to stop and think when I saw Hi HBB (but then i remembered the chat last night and our new name! LOL)


Stacy- sorry about the car troubles. That is really scary having the gas pedal get stuck!! I would have freaked out! Glad you were able to unstick it!


Vicki- the 19th is sure to be a good news day for Beth since it is your DD's birthday!


Beth- thanks for remembering to remind everyone to take their vitamins- it's nice to know that you are looking after everyone!


LeaAnne- Did you get any "me" time today to work on the flannelghan? Or were the chickens flying around the coop all day??


DH was really tired when he came home and so was I so we took a nap. He is still sleeping but I am up after napping for about 2 hrs. I sure hope I can sleep tonight. Think I'm going to have a very lazy night tonight and relax. Maybe crochet, maybe not...i am still really tired!


Well, have a great night HBB's!

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Shannon - :yay for Janna going "tee tee potty"! :clap:clap:clap and WTG clearing out some boxes of stuff :yay You go girl!


Joanne - Glad you're back, glad you had a good time.


Vicki - WTG with the bowling! What is DD doing for her birthday, anything special?


LeaAnne - You are beautiful! I was interested to hear about your past life as a career person. I used to have one too :wink Motherhood is so much better, though :yes


Stacy - I hope your day improved :hugSorry about the car probs. I laughed at your thing about the Irish holding grudges more than the Polish. You haven't met my in-laws :faint You want to see grudge-holding. They are pros (and Polish) :wink


Beth - I :lol at the shaving your legs thing. Very funny. Glad to hear you will get the next procedure done soon and it will be local.


Mary - I suspect you are on your way to DD's to get ready for the craft show. :hug that all goes well.


Scooby - Don't be too hard on yourself. You have done A LOT lately and you need to slow down now and then to recharge.


My voice was almost back to normal. I was feeling much better today, but then while I was cooking supper I got a soar throat/ear :angry and now my voice is going again. Will this thing ever go away? At least DD is better.


Okay, someone give me a drumroll. I have BIG news. Guess what is in my washing machine right now? Anyone?, anyone?, Bueller? (loved that one last night Shannon)...it's my purple people eater throw! It's done :dance:elle:dance:elle:woo:jumpyay:bounce:ducky I dont' like it, but it's done. :D I will post a pic when it's washed and dried. So, my sister and BIL are done for Christmas. I will send that with my folks when they go visit them in December along with a travel journal I bought them and some scrapbook stickers (they are big travelers).


I'll probably stop by later.

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:cheer:clap:yay Colleen- the purple people eater throw is done:clap:clap:clap You must be soooo happy! :woo:jumpyay:elle:elleCan't wait to see the pics!


sorry to hear your voice is going again and your ear hurts. :hug to you!!!

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Thanks Joanne. I am so glad that project is done and I shouldn't really make afghans again. Kid ones/baby ones, maybe, but good grief.


I am so glad you had a good time in AC. What a fun way to celebrate all your hard work! I bet the massage was worth leg shaving :lol

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Thankyou everyone for the B-day wishes. I just wanted to stop in to say Hi........ so HI ALL. We are just about to pack the van with my craft stuff. Iam headed to DD's tomorrow and we set up on friday, show is sat. and sun. and back home Monday. Youngest DD comes back here on Monday also. On Wed I take her back to Ottawa cause she flies home then. Iam still having a busy week but Iam having a good time with my kids and grandkids.

Hope everyone is well and I will say a little prayer for all.

Love you all

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:hi Mary! Have a great trip to your DD's and have fun at the craft fair. I hope you sell out!!! My mom isn't available to go up there with me and it is too far a drive for me to do myself, so I won't make this one. :( Maybe next time. :hug
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I have to wait until daylight to get a good pic. Tomorrow ;)


After finishing the purple people eater I finished my ami gingerbread man (sad little guy he is :)). Pic of that in the gingerbread CAL. My embroidery needs some work. Then I made a hat for charity. I worked on a few over the year. I have 3 scarves and 3 hats to give right now and they've put out the call.


Good job today, by the way getting stuff done!

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