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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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hi, all-


Shannon - good luck with your trip tomorrow. I hope that all works out for our girl!:wink:hug


Mary - I hope your granddaughter is feeling better:hug


Stacy - Grrrr at that roomie! I hope you are doing ok.:hug


Vicki - glad that you can get meds for your migraines, and that the adjuster finally did his job:clap


Colleen - glad that dd had a great day yesterday, and hoping that tomorrow is just as wonderful for you all. also glad that DH likes the new job:clap


Joanne - wtg on the Goodwill drop... enjoy the game!


Beth - how are you doing, busy lady?:hug


Scooby - :xfin that all is moving along well!


Today was spent at the bookfair, then I came home, cleaned, and did 2 loads of laundry. I am a little :tired, so I better go get my jammies on;)


3 days down, 3 to go! :clap


Miss you all :hug:manyheart:hug

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Hi again!


I feel better now, but I think I could've slept through the night! I'm about to go dye my hair and pick up the living room. And watch the game, of course.


Quick question: If I want to use a yarn that's a 2 with a yarn that's a 4, do I just use two strands of the 2? And for those of you who have done the Lumberjack, will that be okay to do? Thanks!


Okay, I'm off to de-skunk myself! (that's what I look like with my black hair and my big white roots)


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Have fun de-skunking Shannon! And good luck at the neuro tomorrow with Janna.

LeaAnne- that's great- only 3 more days of craziness to go for you!

Stacy Kudos to Isabella- you must be so proud!!

Mary- Enjoy the time with DD and GD- have a safe trip to Ottawa

Colleen- hope DH is continuing to enjoy the new job and that DD had a good day at school

Beth- hope you had a good day at work and that you enjoy your date tomorrow night to celebrate your anniversary

Vicki- It's almost Yankee time! Star Spangled Banner has been sung and getting ready for the first pitch!!! GO YANKEES


Well, all, off to enjoy the game ......please, please, please. Let this be the Yankees night to win it all!!!!


I'm going to work on the afghan I started last night- no counting, just mindless crochet. That's why I started it last night- it was a 145 chain beginning and had to count that and the first row. Now it is mindless- and so far I like the way it looks. All it is is double crochet in 1st dc, then sk 2 dc, then sc1, dc2 in same stitch, sk 2 dc, sc1, dc2 in same stitch and so on and so on.....end row with sc in turning chain, ch 2, turn and repeat until the ghan is the length desired.


Have a great night everyone!!

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Vicki, that is awesome!! WTG, insurance adjuster! Now just to see how long they take to actually fix it. :wink


Shannon, sorry you had such trouble getting those records. Grrr @ the pharmacy! Didn't you say you have this problem almost every time you go to fill her meds? Good luck with your trip tomorrow. :hug


Leanne, you busy woman! Hope you get some good rest tonight. :hug


Beth, Mary, Joanne, Colleen, Scooby, Jenn- hope you all are having a great day. :hug


OMG you guys...I just found the best snack on the planet. It is Peanut Butter and Co. Dark Chocolate Dream peanut butter. :drool It was a little on the pricey side but I was hungry when I went shopping, so...:shrug I am eating it with graham cracker sticks but I think it would be fabulous with pretzels, too. Just had to share. :D

I didn't find my registration paperwork today. I just have no idea where it could be. I have to go to the DMV tomorrow anyway, because I almost got pulled over this afternoon. Honestly...I don't know why he didn't, because he sat on my right bumper for almost 2 blocks, until I turned down the street to Mia's school. :shrug

I had a nice 2-hour block of :crocheting time this morning! :clap I found the perfect yarn colors yesterday, and that seemed to spark my creativity again. :D

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That snack sounds yummy Stacy!

Colleen- thanks for stopping by- sure you're ok? That post wasn't like you.


This is a great game- the Yankees are winning 7-3 top of the 8th inning! Can they hang on??? PLEASE????? Pretty please??????

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:cheer:clap:cheerI am back in NE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HI BESTIES!!!! Well we made it to TN safe and sound Thursday afternoon. The trailer was sposed to be delivered friday afternoon between 12 and 1 but they called me to let me know that it would be late cuz the driver that was bringing it got involved in an incident. He was in an area delivering another trailer and the power lines were extremely low and he knocked them down. So another driver had to be called in and the trailer didn't arrive until 3 or 4 and by that time is was pouring down rain. Saturday morning it was still raining but cleared off later that morning and we got all the big stuff loaded and finished up Sunday and put last minute stuff on Monday. Got the apartment cleaned up and was all done with everything (including shutting off utilities and other misc chores) monday afternoon. We had my blazer packed to the gills also with computers, 3 tvs and clothes to last us until the trailer is delivered here as well as other misc stuff like tons of :yarn I bought at the two local hobby lobby's :lol that was on clearance. Monday afternoon/evening we spent with my oldest son and my mom and stepdad. We ended up getting a motel room and spending the nite in the town where my mom lives. Tuesday morning we had to rearrange the blazer to make room for everyone to comfortably ride on the 14 hour trip which ended up taking about 16 or 17. We stopped and ate lunch and left TN at 1:30 in the afternoon Tuesday and got back home in NE at about 6 am this morning. We went thru a lot of road construction. One construction area it took us over an hour to go one mile. In Nashville, we sat on the interstate for about an hour where they shut it down due to an accident and my mom called me later to let me know what happened. The trip home was long but peaceful compared to the stress and kaos that was going on while we were trying to get the trailer loaded.

Has anyone started there BESTIE ghans yet? I hope not as I am planning on getting my squares made hopefully this week and get them mailed out. I feel so bad :(:( that I have not got them done and even worse cuz I said I would and didnt meet the deadline. I am so sorry ladies and I am really :embar and have been :worried about them. I truly am sorry and I promise I will get started on them this week. They may not be anything fancy but I will get something done. As I told you all earlier, I have not crocheted anything since July when I was on vacation and I am wondering if I even remember how :lol.

I guess I better get to bed as I am :yawn:tired and need to get some much needed :sleep. I plan on taking it some what easy this week and just get things ready to unpack the trailer when it gets here. Once we get the trailer unloaded and I can take my time getting everything organized and remodeled etc here. Anyways, take care and I will check back in sometime tomorrow and see how everyone is doing. One of these days I will be able to get back to my normal posting by responding to everyone properly. I like responding to each of u on a one on one basis but I barely have time to make these posts right now :thair. But one day things will slow down again :lol.

Take care besties and I love ya'll!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hug:hug:hug:hug:manyheart:manyheart:manyheart

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Colleen, I hope everything is ok with you. Joanne is right- that post sure didn't sound like you! :hugI hope dh is getting used to his new job and that school went well for your dd today.


Scooby- I'm so glad you got everything moved safely! Sorry that it took so long and with lots of chaos but at least it is done. No worries about your squares! It is hard to move and especially when you have lots of adjustments like you have. :hug Leanne and I still haven't sent out our squares, although I swear I am sending them on Friday, even if I have to walk to the post office! :blush Do you have a new mailing address that you can PM me with, so I can send yours to the right place? Or is your mail being forwarded? We moved in August and our mail was only forwarded for about 2 weeks to give us time to change it with all of the billing/utility companies, etc.


Dh and I went out to look for a backpack for him. The first store was ridiculously expensive so I told him to go to the Target a few blocks away. I thought they would have a bigger selection than the one that's just down the street. When he realized it was in the mall (he figured out about a block away but kept driving anyway) he threw a fit and refused to like any of the ones there. :sigh:rolleyes Men. We came home and I put the girls to bed. Roomie made some chai tea and now I think I am off to bed to :crocheting for a little while. Sweet dreams! :sleep

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Good morning all! It is a WONDERFUL morning here because the YANKEES WON LAST NIGHT! Yes, I know, I am screaming that, but hey, this is their first championship in 10 years! YAY!

I knew they would win with Andy on the mound! And Joanne, what a night Hideki Matsui had! 6 of the 7 runs were his! You gotta love it! My hubby has a job today; to find me a World Series Championship shirt that I can wear to work tomorow!

Otherwise, things are quiet here. I started a round ripple and it took me a while to get it started. I kept messing up the beginning ring! I still need to finish DD's squares, so I need to keep working on those. School is crazy this week. District tests and all that. Grades are due. It's the end of the marking period.


Anyway, must go and get my day started. Glad to hear that Scooby made it back home safely!


TTFN all!


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Good morning!!


I'm getting everything ready to go for the trip. I still have a lot to do, and I have to go get DD from my parents. She's supposed to go to speech today, but I'm considering cancelling to give me more time.


Scooby- Don't worry about your squares! I'm so excited that you're back on here and we'll have our 9 squares again!! I'm going to need your new address too. I still have your square.


Everyone else- Have a wonderful weekend! I'm going to miss you guys so much!!:manyheart

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Hi Ladies

We got home kinda late last night. We made a few stops along the way to stretch. We also got hung up in some construction Grrrrrrrr. DD and GD are fine and Iam sooooooo happy to have them home with me. GD keeps crying at DH but I guess it will take a little time for her to warm up to him.

I hope everyone is well and Iam keeping you all in my prayers and thoughts.

Talk to you later


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hi, all!


just stopping by with some :hug:hug:hug, and to let you know that I miss you all soooo much!


I gotta go get dinner done, and hopefully get everyone settled in early... i am not feeling that great.


I did finish strip 1 of my "Tanner-ghan" (flannelghan) today.


Hoping you are all well...

please know I am thinking of you, and miss you bunches!




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Hi everyone! THE YANKEES ARE THE WORLD SERIES CHAMPIONS!!!!:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap


WHAT A GAME!!! And of course I stayed up to watch the post game celebrations- so I only got about 4 hrs of sleep! But it was worth it. And Vicki- Hideki was amazing (his # is the year of my birth :lol)


Scooby- So glad that you have made it safely to NE, even if it take forever- but you are now "home". So happy for you. Thanks for the addy. I'll get your square in the mail hopefully on Saturday!!! If not Monday! Haven't started putting it together, but will as soon as the rest arrive. No worries there, when they get here they get here!


Mary- YAY- you have DD and GD with you!!!! Enjoy the time with them:manyheart


Colleen- hope you are ok


LeaAnne- feel better- you have been burning the candle at both ends!


Stacy- Yes, Men can be so annoying sometimes! Did he find the backpack that he liked?


Shannon- Good luck at the neurologist. I'll be thinking about you and can't wait to hear how it went Hugs to Janna!


Beth- Thinking of you as you are probably out celebrating your anniversary with DH!! enjoy the time alone!


Well, I am going to :crocheting for a little while and then try and get to bed by 9 to catch up from last night


Have a great night Besties:hug

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Just a quick Good night Besties note.


My dinner with dh was OK. We tried Five Guys, a hamburger joint with a sterling reputation. It's kind of funny -- we went out for hamburgers, and the kids stayed home and had steak (which middle ds cooked.) It was OK, but I wasn't nearly as impressed as some of my friends are.


After dinner, I paid bills :yuck then met some IRL friends to crochet and chat. :c9 It was a nice end to the evening.


Joanne and Vicki, congrats on your World Series Win!


LeaAnne, I hope you get some good rest tonight. It sounds like you are way too busy! At least you know when this will end. My busiest time ends December 6 around 5 p.m., when the Nutcracker is over.


Mary, I'm so glad your family is there in your home safe and sound. I hope you hear lots of laughter! What beautiful music.


Shannon, be safe on your trip.


Stacy, if the most annoying thing your dh does is quibble over a backpack, you are pretty darn lucky! You'll have to put up with it -- you know he's picky -- he picked YOU, and you're top-of-the-line quality!


Scooby, welcome home! I am glad you are safe. Be careful not to overdo the unpacking and organizing.


Colleen, here's a big :hug. I hope things are going well for you.


Jennifer, don't work too hard!


Happy Friday Tommorrow!

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Hey ladies! :wave

Well I rushed through dinner and the dishes and getting the kids in their jammies, so I would be here in time for chat. As I logged in, I realized that today is only Thursday. :( Dh is at school and the kids are all ready for bed, watching Batman, so I think I will go :crocheting for a while. I started my flannel-ghan and Isabella's snuggie today. As the girls were getting their pajamas, Mia put her cat pillow on my bed. She said it is "too big" for her now and she wants a new one in pink. :sigh So I will add that to my list, along with the 2-year cross stitch. I feel like I am :help in projects!


Joanne, congrats to those Yankees!!! :cheer:cheer:cheer


Beth- :hug You are so sweet. I'm glad you and dh had a nice dinner. Too bad that your burgers weren't as good as the reviews were- I hate it when that happens! How funny that the kids had steak! I'm glad you were able to meet up with some IRL friends. And you are right- if little nitpicks are the worst I have to worry about, then I am pretty darn lucky. :wink BTW, he ended up liking one of the Target ones and asked me to go pick it up today. :lol


Mary, I'm happy that you are all home safely. I'm sure you are thrilled to have them home again! Enjoy your GD. Isabella used to scream with dh's aunt, but she eventually outgrew it. Now Eva cries every time she sees my dad. I feel bad when he comes to visit, but he always blames it on her being tired or cranky. :blush


Leanne, congrats on getting one strip done! :h5 Hope you feel better after some rest. :hug


I started to feel kinda yucky right before dinner, so I made a simple salad topped with chicken, and quesadillas for the girls. We are supposed to go to Kidspace museum with some friends from Mia's class tomorrow, but I don't feel too well. Unfortunately, the mom took my phone number but forgot to give me hers, which I didn't realize until about half an hour ago. :sigh I will have some Vitamin C tablets tonight and see how I feel in the morning!


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Hi all! It is thursday night and I am one tired person! I can't wait until my head hits the pillow, which will be shortly!

Mary - YAY for the family visit! I hope you all have a great time together.

Stacy - You just have to love men! Do we really, though have to? I wonder sometimes!

Beth - Sorry to hear about your burgers. Yes, it is funny that the adults had the burgers and the kids had steak! I hope you at least had a good time out!

Joanne - Get some rest girl! After last night we need it!

Shannon - How did the doctor visit go? Hope it is all good!

Scooby - How is it going in the new place? Are you getting settled in?

Okay, all, I am off to my bed. Have a great night and I will talk to you all in the morning!


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Have a great sleep, Vicki!


Have you all heard about the shootings at Fort Hood? So sad.


I just stopped in to tell you all something I had forgotten about, but I just forgot again. :think:shrug


Ok, I am off to take a shower, then :crocheting until dh comes home. Hopefully I can make a dent in one of my projects.

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Ok, I remember what it was!

Jorge's pinkeye turned out to be pretty serious- he was using an antibiotic eye drop and it got worse. He had to see the ophthalmologist, who prescribed a second one also. It is looking a lot better now. Anyway, Mia kept asking him why his eye was all red, and I told her it was because he didn't wash his hands after he went to the bathroom (which she doesn't do.) She said, "Ok, Mommy, I'm going to wash my hands every time now!" :D I thought I was being slick, but I think she is a compulsive hand washer now. :eek Earlier, I turned off the light in the bathroom (I didn't even know she had used it) and she started to freak out, crying and sobbing that she didn't want pinkeye! So I turned the light back on and she washed her hands, and she was all better. :blush


I just checked the website of the museum we are going to, and it is $15 per person!! Even for Eva! :eek I don't know if I can justify spending that much to stay for 2 hours. If we spent the whole day that would be fine, but we have to be back in time to pick up the older kids, so we will most likely only stay from 10-12. Mia didn't seem to excited about it anyway, so I think I will call and cancel in the morning.

Well I'm going to stay up and :crocheting while I wait for dh. He had a midterm today and I want to see how he did. Good night! (Really this time. :lol)

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Good morning and Happy Friday!! I got a good night's sleep but of course I work up around 4:45. But I feel better today. Wish I could go to the Yankees parade in NY, but hoping to catch highlights of it after work.


Stacy- LOL about your DD and the handwashing...but better she should be overcompulsive about it..especially with H1N1. Handwashing is the best way to prevent the spread of any infection!! (sorry--the nurse in me couldn't resisit). Hope that DH did well on his midterm and that you got some crocheting time in.


My youngest DD just found out yesterday that she was accepted for an internship in the OR at the hospital where she works. She has been working in the ER since she graduated in 2006 and the hospital had posted that they were going to have an internship. She interviewed last week, shadowed a nurse in the OR for 4 hours and found out she starts 11/30- it is a six month internship 7-3 5 days/wk, no weekends. She is so excited and this is a great opportunity for her!!! As she says the OR is "controlled stress" as opposed to the crazy stress of the ER! So she now has a new puppy and a "new" job- (guess the grandbaby will have to wait a while...lol)


Well, better get hopping. Thinking about you all!! Will anyone be here for chat tonight?


Have a spendiferous Friday!

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Good morning and happy Friday to all!

Stacy - Glad to hear that Jorge got his eye looked at. I hope he starts to see it looking better soon! Too cute about Mia and not wanting to get pink eye. I hope she continues to wash her hands.

Hey Joanne - Good for DD! I hope she enjoys the new internship! Is the parade for the Yankees today?

Shannon, Beth, LeaAnne, Scooby, Mary, Colleen - Have a great day today!

I am missing someone, I just can't figure out who! Well, have a great day to who I missed (sorry!).



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:hi everyone!


Sorry for not being myself. Here I was just trying to stop by quick so you wouldn't worry that you didn't hear from me and then I made you worry. :blush At any rate, all is fine. It has been a busy week with DH starting his new job, adjusting to a new schedule for everyone, and me shuffling DD around to Grandma's so that I can keep working. One week left! On top of all that I am sick with a cold/flu kind of thing. I went to bed at 8:00 last night and slept until 7:00 this morning :c9 I'll survive.


Joanne and Vicki - Congrats to your Yankees! :yay


Shannon - I hope your trip goes well and DD's appt goes well. I'll be thinking about you! :hug


Stacy - I hope you bowed out of the museum gracefully. $15 for a 2 yo :eek Are you kidding me!!!! Any pics of your 'ghan and snuggly?


LeaAnne - I hope you made it through your busy book fair week! Good job getting a panel done. I still want to make that one someday :sigh


Beth - I hope you enjoyed your anniversary dinner out, even if the burgers were sub-par. At least you were together. What are you :crocheting these days?


Mary - I'm sure you are enjoying the baby and your DD :manyheart I bet it is today or tomorrow that the other DD and DGKs come. Have fun! How is the hunting going for your DH? Any luck yet?


Scooby - Welcome home! Thanks for the addy! :yay that you might send squares! I don't think anyone has assembled yet because we are waiting on a couple squares. I think that will be an after the holidays project for me.


So I've decided I have to turn the radio off. My little 4 yo sponge has been spouting H1N1 flu vaccine propaganda to her barbies. I could hear her playing with them yesterday "Get your H1N1 Flu shot!". I also heard her singing "I kissed a girl and I liked it yesterday" :lol. There goes my tame, local radio station. Good grief!


Oh ya, one last thing I have to share with you. My lawn is covered in a dusting of white stuff. It will melt today and it is supposed to be quite warm this weekend (clothesline weather :yay), but we had our first you-know-what yesterday.

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hi, and a very Happy Friday to you all!


my 2 young ones stayed home today from school, not feeling well. They probably could have gone, but I didn't want to take any chances. Besides, it forced me into a day at home:wink I really need to catch up my laundry today... I am :help in dirty towels:lol


Colleen - I hope that you are all doing ok today... I have been thinking about you, and praying that all that "life stuff" doesn't have you down:hug ...feel better soon!


Mary - :hug:hug... are you having the bestest time with DD and GD?! Has GD warmed up to DH? I am thinking of you all today. Hey... only one week to go until your craft fair, right?


Shannon - praying for you and Janna for a safe and enlightening trip:hug


Stacy - poor Jorge! I hope he is feeling tip-top real soon. How are you and the girls today? I hope that roomie & company ( :rant) are behaving themselves:hug I loved your story about Mia and the handwashing... I am with Joanne, better too much than not enough:wink


Beth - Happy late-versary:blush Sorry the burger joint wasn't all it was talked up to be, but glad you got some "just us" time with DH. How cool that you have some IRL :crocheting friends! What project are you working on?


Joanne and Vicki - :nworthy to the Yankees!:devil I hope you are both still on :c9:c9, basking in their victory... it is the only reason that this Beantown chic could Ever be happy for the Yankees:wink :rofl


Joanne - :cheer for DD's internship! That is great news!!! btw... I :heehee about the having to wait for a grandbaby... I don't know, with a regular schedule of work, there's more time for surprises! :devil


Vicki - glad to hear that DH's truck will be fixed. How long did they say it will take? How is DD doing?


Scooby - :hi! Glad you made it back, and hoping that you are all rested up with some yarn nearby... You need to take a big, long :crocheting break for the weekend! If for no other reason than to de-stress:hug I saw that you joined the "in November I will..." CAL:clap:clap maybe we can :cheer:kick:fire each other to get some projects finished:devil


Jenn - how are you doing???? I hope that all are well down your way, and that you are getting some time to relax. You are one amazing girl with all that you :juggle!!! :hug


...I am unsure if I will make it to chat tonight. I will let you know in a while if I got "caught up" enough. I am also behind on my Pete's room project, and was hoping to get that finished:xfin:blush


Next week, the Vietnam Veterans will be picking up donations in my neighborhood. Sounds like a good time to get crackin' on some purge-ness:devil


I hope everyone washed their hands and took their vitamins:U


Gotta run for now... see you in a while:manyheart

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Hi Everybody!


LeaAnne, I hope your littles chickens feel fine soon, and you get some good catch-up time at home!


Colleen, I'm glad you will get to stay home soon. It's so hard to juggle everything you do. It's nice to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Enjoy the clothesline weather while it lasts!


Vicki, Happy Friday to you, too!!! Any good plans for the weekend?


Joanne, congrats to your youngest on her internship. I hope she really enjoys it. Steady hours and no weekends sounds good to me!


Stacy, I'm glad your dh went to the doc for his eye. I hope the new drops work quickly. I love your Mia story. You really need to write all this down for later. It's precious!


Mary, I hope you are on :c9 with your family. How wonderful to get quality time with them!!!


Shannon, I hope your trip is going well and the neurologist is a keeper.


Scooby, Don't work too hard getting everything unpacked. It will keep!


Jennifer, Happy Weekend! Do you get to relax over the weekend, or do you have too much work to do?


Did you realize how close we are to Christmas? It hit me this week, about Tuesday, when I looked at the afghan I'm supposed to give my SIL (that she knows about) and I went into a blind panic!!! But I figured out a schedule -- one row a day and I'll be done by the Nutcracker, then I can concentrate on the shrug and fingerless gloves my dd wants! When I finish my row of the Christmas afghan, I play with bun covers. I am having so much fun!!! I started one with a pastel variegated yarn, and ran out of yarn after the center. It looks like a flower, so I finished the cover with a solid yarn in one of the colors, and it reminds me of the Waltz of the Flowers. So I made one in black with red ruffles -- which reminds me of the Spanish dance. Now a friend and I are trying to come up with designs for all the Nutcracker dances. We are having fun. I just need more time to :crocheting... Don't we all!


Have a great Friday!:hug

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Good morning, Besties!


TGIF!! Mia has been in rare form the past 2 days and looks like she will continue into today....I am hoping for some MUCH-needed "me" time tomorrow morning. I am also asking Santa for Bose noise-canceling ear buds for Christmas. :D


Leanne, I'm sorry to hear your chickens are sick. Hope they feel better very soon. :hug Good luck with your cleaning catch-up. You can do it! :cheer


Beth, your bun covers sound pretty. Do we get pics? :D


Joanne, congrats to your dd!! :cheer That is awesome-ness! I :nworthy to doctors and nurses who work in the OR. It takes a strong person to perform/assist with surgery, IMO.


Colleen, I'm happy to hear that nothing is wrong! Good luck with getting dd shuffled around...just one week to go!! :clap Hope you feel better quickly. I am :rofl at your dd! That is too funny! My Mia sings "Sex on Fire" by Kings of Leon, except she thinks the words are, "That rocket's in water." Don't ask me how, but it sure is funny.


Mary, hope you're having a blast with your dd and gd!


Shannon, good luck with the neuro! I pray that the report is good for our Janna-ness! :hug


Vicki, Scooby, and Jenn- hope you all have a fabulous Friday! :hug


I had planned to do some laundry and clean up but Mia is driving me :coo:loco so I am going to pack some snacks and take them to the playground in the mall. Maybe she will run off some of her energy. :xfin Her friend's mom texted me early this morning and said her baby has a fever, so we are off the hook today.

Tonight we are going to MIL's for dinner so I won't be around for chat. :( We always stay over there for quite a while after we eat, so maybe I will take the laptop. :devil We'll see. Have a great day! :hug

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Ugh. All I want to do is sleep and veg. I got the bathroom cleaned and the kitchen tidied up. I had a nap. My symptoms are all mild but there seem to be a lot of them :angry DD wants to go play outside, so maybe I'll bundle up and find a spot in the sunshine. :shrug


I hope you are all having a great Friday!


Stacy :rofl about Mia's word interpretation. DD does that too to the point that she'll correct me if I sing the "wrong" words in a song. :lol Have fun at the playground!


LeaAnne - I hope your young chickens are feeling better soon. Good for taking a day at home.


Beth - Have fun with the bun covers. Good job taking charge of your Christmas projects and making them work.

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