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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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:hi everyone!


Thanks for the hugs and kind words. DD cried all morning up until she went to school and then calmed down once she got there, had a good day, and then started crying after supper. At first she just said she missed mom and dad, but now she doesn't seem to like gym, wishes every day was library day. It is just a vicious circle of sadness and worry. She worries about what we are doing the next day and the next day. The teacher is great. She called me at 9:30 to let me know she had calmed down. I was there for pizza day and saw my little girl happy and having fun :manyheart The teacher sent home a big story book about liking ourselves and suggested I call the Dr. about getting some calming down techniques and I think I will. I really don't want to take her to the Dr.'s office right now due to the flu, but what can you do? I went to the library today and got some books about parenting children that worry or have anxiety about school. I'm just going to keep doing what I can. Keep us in your prayers.


LeaAnne - Bomb-diggity! What a great saying. Costumes sounds great. Hang in there with the PTO stuff and hopefully things will calm down soon.


Joanne and Vicki - Go Yankees!


Shannon - Take it easy on that hip, old girl! :lol


Stacy - I hope you get Isabella's lunch money woes worked out.


Mary - How exciting that DDs and DGD are coming to visit. Have fun!


Beth - How is your gang today?


Scooby - Take care of yourself. This is a busy time with lots of changes. It will be overwhelming.


Have a good evening all. I have to go mend a costume. DD keeps changing her mind from Little Mermaid to Word Girl.

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Hello Everyone- The rain had stopped around 5- and now it is raining again? Wonder if they'll ge this game in? It's coming down pretty hard now.


The game is pretty stressful- I think I need to get out some crochet to calm myself down.


I'll try and post more tomorrow. Read all your posts but need to pay attention to this game



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Ahhhhhh!!! I'm trying to hem these little pants I bought 2nd hand for DD to wear with her costume and I can't do it. My machine refuses to sew stretchy fabric and the iron-on seam stuff isn't sticking :thair:rant:bang Any suggestions? Does that iron-on seam stuff expire? I've had it for years. Do I need to buy new? I know it is just a halloween costume, so they don't need to be perfect (no worries there with me hemming them :lol), but I want them to be hemmed at least.

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I am not a happy camper- the Yankees are losing 3-0..Their pitcher is really on tonight. UGH!!!!


Colleen- not sure if that iron on stuff expires or not. I guess the sticky side could become less sticky after a few years. Me, I would just hand hem them.


Oh, well, I finished another scarf and started another- using Chenille Thick and Quick- it IS quick with a P hook!!!


It is already the bottom of the 8th inning and the Yanks are now losing 4-0. Not holding up much hope for a win tonight. And on top of it, I have to work this weekend- definitely have to work Fri night and Sat 7-12. Hopefully we can get everything done we need to so we don't have to work Sunday, which is DD's birthday!


I'm going to go drown my sorrows in some oreos and milk!!! LOL


Night, all!

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Joanne, I hope the game turned around. Did you get any sleep last night?


Colleen, this is going to sound horrible, but do you have a stapler? I've used one for "sewing" Halloween costumes before. I'm glad your dd's teacher called you to let you know she calmed down. I'm sure that made your day a lot easier.


Shannon, you are too young to be hurting! Is your hip behaving better today? Could you use fabric paint for your ghost's mouth? Or a Sharpie marker?


Scooby, there is a lot on your plate right now. That's a long distance to move! Wish I could come help. And having the extra people living in your house while trying to renovate and relocate... :hug Try not to stress too much!


Vicki, what did you end up having for dinner?


LeaAnne, sounds like you are super busy. All that PTO-ness, and still time to clean! :nworthy I'm still coasting off the cleaning we did right before DH came home.:blush


Stacy, how are your little pumpkins doing? Are they getting excited about Halloween? How are things with the roomie? How are you feeling? Are you back to normal yet?


Mary, I'll bet you're crocheting like crazy, and getting ready for company. I am thinking of your with your grands -- I'll bet they enjoy their time in God's country with you -- what do they call you? I'm hoping for "Granny" myself. Many many many years from now, when my kids are older. My sister is "Nanah."


Jennifer, good luck with the consignment shop. I hope things sell as fast as you can provide them!


Teaching 3 kids with very different personalities to drive at the same time is interesting. We are progressing, though.


My kids are 1 school year apart, so they are studying a lot of the same things: spelling, grammar, literature, writing, physics, driver's ed, Spanish II, American History. They are taking seperate math courses. The youngest are in Advanced Algebra. The oldest is in Trigonometry right now.


Wish me luck. I go to a dermatologist today about a mole that's shaped like Woodstock from Peanuts. It even has a dark spot where the eye would be. If the doctor removes it, I may have to get a tattoo of Woodstock! Do any of you have tattoos?

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Good morning!

Good luck at the dermatologist today Beth! I don't have any tattoos. I've often thought about getting one, though. All 3 of my DD;s have a tattoo, and DH has 2- one of a wolf and one of an eagle.


Colleen- Did you solve the problem of the pants? Beth, I LOL when I read your post about stapling the hem. I had forgotten that I've used that "sewing method" in the past! It's only a costume after all!


Scooby- Thinking about you this weekend. That is alot of stress on your plate right now, and quite a distance between TN and NE! I'm sure you were not planning on DF's daughter and 3 kids moving in either. Hang in there!!! And feel free to come here and vent anytime! We are all rooting for you for a smooth move!!


Vicki- Did you watch the whole game? I must say that Cliff Lee pitched a phenomenal game so my hats off to him. He remained so calm and cool- really a pleasure to watch. If only he hadn't pitched so well against the Yankees! Looking forward to tonight's game and to be honest, a little nervous about which AJ Burnett will show up. And hoping that the bullpen gets rid of their nerves- their inexperience in the playoffs is showing, especially Hughes. Glad to hear that DH made the Dr appointment.


Mary- When is it that your DD and GD are arriving? You must be so happy!!!


LeaAnne, Stacy, Shanon, Jennifer- thinking about ya- but just looked at the clock and I need to skadaddle and get ready!


Have a great day everyone!!

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Happy Thursday! I'm not sure it is a great day because the Yanks lost last night. No, Joanne, I didn't stay up to watch the whole game. I fell asleep, as usual. Pedro pitches tonight and I can't wait to hear how the crowd jeers him!


Scooby - just relax girl. Everything will get taken care of and it will all get done. Breathe. Just breathe. All will be well.


Colleen - I am glad DD was having a good day yesterday. Let us know what the doctor says.


Shannon - how is your hip today? I hope you are feeling better!


We ended up having pork chops tonight. I am not cooking tonight. Leftovers! Gotta love a leftover night!


The bell is going to ring and I must get upstairs! I will talk to you all later!



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Scooby, you have a lot on your plate right now! Try to take a minute to relax- even if things don't go the way you plan or want, they will still get done. :D:hug


Colleen, do you have Liquid Stitch? That is a non-sewing girl's best friend, let me tell ya! :D I made oldest dd a poodle skirt about 4 years ago using that and it still hasn't fallen apart. Glad dd's teacher called to let you know she was ok- that was really sweet of her.


Shannon-ness, how are you feeling today? I have hip problems from birth that act up when I am extremely tired or cold, and it sucks. I hope you are feeling much better! :manyheart How did you make out on your cleaning spree?


Beth, sounds like you have your hands full! I cannot imagine teaching all of those things at one time to 3 different kids! How I wished we could have homeschooled oldest dd...but dh had certain ideas that didn't go along with it. Oh, well. Good luck with the driving! Have you calmed down at all? I'm sure it is hard to stay cool when you have 3 different personalities in the car!


Leanne, Mary, Joanne, Vicki- hope you all have a great day! :hug


I have a check-up today at 4:30. The wound filled with fluid, but it hasn't drained. I called the nurse yesterday and she said it would be reabsorbed by my body but it is uncomfortable to even button my pants, so she rescheduled my appt. for today. She said the dr. may drain it. :yuck

We carved pumpkins last night and the girls really had fun. Isabella stuck her hand inside to pull out the "pumpkin brains" for the first time ever this year, so we made a huge fuss about it. :D:clap:cheer I told her that she is a much bigger person than me because I still won't touch them after 29 years. :rofl


Well I better get scooting and start my day. Happy Thursday- it is almost the weekend! :clap



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Good morning


Joanne- So sorry about your Yankees. I didn't get to watch much of it. I hope you don't have to work on Sunday!


Vicki- :yay for leftovers! We had eggs and biscuits last night. We've been doing that for dinner one night a week for the past month. It's yummy!! How are DH and DD feeling today?


Colleen- Did you get those pants hemmed? Sorry, I can't help you there. How is DD doing today?


Beth- Good luck at the dermatologist today! I :nworthy to you for being able to teach your kids so many different things! That's awesome! My hip is feeling better, thank you for asking. I think I overdid it with all the cleaning. I have scoliosis, and my back is perfectly straight until the bottom of my spine, then it swings out to the left by my hip. So I guess it got mad at me for moving so much! BTW, no tattoos here. Great question!


Scooby- Hang in there, girl! We're all here, :cheer:cheer you on!


Mary- How many days 'til the family arrives? I know you're excited!! Have fun getting everything ready for the craft fair! I wish I could come shop at your booth!!


Stacy- How is Isabella today? Good luck with the school. Did you guys watch the Monsters vs. Aliens show last night? DD lost interest pretty quick.


LeaAnne- How's PTO going? I hope you're not stressing out too bad.


What's everyone doing for Halloween? We're going trick-or-treating in the neighborhood, and that's probably it. Oh, and then DD and I have to get to the ER so we can "check people's heartbeat". Mother/daughter surgical team.:wink


I'm ready for another chat! Will anyone be able to make it tomorrow night?


Have a great day everyone! Love you! :manyheart

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happy thursday, everyone-


sorry about the all lower case letters, my shift keys are not working ...grrr.


shannon - i hope your hip feels better today... scoliosis must be painful. mommy + me doctors sounds like the adorable-est costumes.


stacy - good luck at the doctor's today


joanne + vicki - sorry about the game...well, a little... lol it should be exciting to see pedro pitch tonight.


colleen - i hope that dd's day is a better one today... it's funny how she likes library better than gym... maybe there are some extra active kids in her class, and it makes her uncomfortable. please give her a big hug from me


scooby - i will be thinking about you and all that you have to do. i hope that the whole event is a stress free as possible. *hugs*


hi, mary - what are you up to today


beth - will you come up here and tutor my dk's... lol... you are an incredible person with all that you constantly juggle i hope that today is wonderful for you, and good luck at the dermatologist. i don't have any tatoos either, but my mom and dh do.


today was a 'cookie table' at school, and the 4th grade will net the proceeds. we do a different grade each month. sometimes the teachers use the money for a field trip or extra treat for the students. it is a lot of fun.

i am not stressing anymore. it is what it is, and i have to remember that the times being what they are don't allow folks to do what they normally might. it's ok. i already have quite a few volunteers coming to help next week, so that will be awesome. ...and i need to pick a crocheting project to bring with me. it is good to see the light at the end of the tunnel, fer shure.


nothing much else is going on around here at the moment, so i think i will catch a nap. hopefully later on these blessed shift keys will work again. if not, i will need to go out and get a keyboard after dh gets home tonight.


hugs to all of you...

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Mary - Thanks for calling last night. It was great to hear your voice and nice to have a chat!


LeaAnne - I'm glad things seem more manageable now. Times are tough this year for sure, and we all can just do our best. We're still making memories.


Paging Dr. Shannon - Take it easy on your hip, girl. WTG with all you've accomplished. I'm decluttering right alongside you (plus or minus a few hundred miles :D).


Stacy - Good luck with your check up! I'm glad you had great family fun carving pumpkin.


Vicki - Enjoy left over night! Sorry about your Yankees.


Joanne - Sorry to you about the Yankees too. It is still early in the series!


Beth - Good luck with your drivers training. Just think, once they all know how to drive and have their liscenses, you'll have more free time (and maybe DS will have to learn to use his alarm clock :wink).


Scooby - Good luck with the move!


I got some advice from my SIL who is an educational assistant and has worked with many kindergarteners over the years. I also read my books and got some great ideas for communicating with DD when she gets blue. We are putting some ideas into practice today and she is doing much better! We are going to nip this in the bud! DH and I have decided to see if some serious effort from us will work before we call the Dr.


I have accomplished A LOT today! I took DD to swimming this morning. We went to the library after. We picked up milk and bread at the store. I baked cookies, hemmed her pants (did a mixture of the iron-on stuff and hand-stitching), 2 loads of laundry, bathroom cleaned. I have 3 loads of laundry to put away now and then I have to get ready for work. I have scrabble night tonight.


I hope you are all having a great day! Thanks so much for all your hugs, prayers and words of encouragement.

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Colleen, I'm glad you and dh are working together to help your dd. It sounds like you have some good advice, and you're doing a great job with it. Parenting should come with a more complete user's manual, don't you think? Just to let you know, ds got up on his own today!!!:cheer


LeaAnne, I'm glad you can relax about things being different this year. I'm glad you have a bunch of volunteers lined up for next month.


Shannon, Listen to your scoliosis when it tells you to stop working so hard!!! Are you feeling OK today? You have been inspiring with all the work you've gotten done lately. Any amazing quotes of the day from our darling little one?


Stacy, speaking of amazing quotes from darling little ones, do you have any? What happened at the doctor today? Are you OK? Tell Isabella I'm proud of her for pulling out the pumpkin guts. Do you toast the pumpkin seeds and eat them? It's my dd's favorite thing about Halloween, now that she's too old to trick-or-treat.


Vicki, I hope you had a good day at school today. It's awesome that you get to stop by at work and say "hi." Leftovers are good, but I have 3 teens. We rarely have anything left for the next day! Today my younger ds is roasting a chicken and potatoes. He's supposed to serve some kind of vegie, too, but I don't know what his plan is for that, yet.


Mary, Hi! I'll bet you are busy getting ready for your craft fair and for your company. What an exciting time for you!!!


Joanne, I hope you got enough sleep last night to Delta Force today!


Scooby, I hope you aren't doing too much. Be safe, and take care, and don't do too much at once! The stuff will be there tomorrow. You need to take care of yourself.


Jennifer, I hope you are taking care of yourself, too! College can be very stressful.


I had a very good meeting with the dermatologist. We'll find out the results in 2 weeks. Where's the smiley for "pace"?

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Hi Ladies

Colleen Iam glad you enjoyed our talk last night, I too enjoyed it. Any time you need to talk just call.

Shannon I hope your hip is feeling better. My leg and hip hurt alot last night too. It has been raining here soooo much and plus Iam just getting old. LOL

Stacy WTG for DD pulling out the pumkin brains :cheer What did the Doc say?

Vicki I love leftovers too. It means I don't have to cook.:cheer

Joanne Iam keeping my fingers crossed for no work on Sunday.

Vicki and Joanne I hope your Yankees do better tonight.

Beth sorry but I can't help with teaching DK's to drive. I never even taught mine. It was way too scarry. LOL

LeaAnne are you finish soon being the president of the PTO? Does your year not run with the school year?

Scooby good luck with the move. I hate moving, guess that is why I have lived here for almost 17 1/2 years. When is the wedding?

The craft show is Nov. 14-15. I pickup youngest DD and GD on Nov.4, oldest DD,GS and GD come on Nov.6 we all stay here til Nov.12 then youngest DD abd GD go to visit other family and I go with oldest DD, GS and GD to their place for craft show. It is going to be a very busy 2 weeks. Plus it will be hunting ( deer ) season here also for 2 weeks.

I will talk to you later

Bye for now


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Mary - your next 2 weeks does sound busy, but so much fun! did I tell you that I used to go deer hunting with my dad? ...it's another one of the by-products of not having any brothers:lol. I didn't have to go anymore, once i was in the position to shoot, and couldn't do it:eek ...suffice it to say that :crocheting is MUCH more enjoyable to me:wink


Beth - i am glad the dermatologist appointment went well. Did they completely remove the mole for biopsy? I hope you don't suffer too much at the spot.


Stacy - thinking about you and hoping the doctor visit went well. say :hi to the girls for me... and tell Isabella i am proud of her removing pumpkin brains too!


Colleen - It sounds like you and DH have a great plan to support DD and help her to cope with and adjust to school. That is so wonderful! I hope that the whole experience brings you all closer than you even already are... family makes the best team:cheer I will continue to hold you all in my prayers.

Enjoy Scrabble night... you have earned it for sure!:wink


Joanne and Vicki - to quote Shannon: "two words: Go Yankees!" :rofl... I hope you enjoy game 2


Shannon - how are you holding up, GF? I am thinking of you and all of that cleaning... you should take a little break so we can do it together in a week:devil How is our little chicken doing? ...and I def. plan to be at chat tomorrow night! :jumpyay... I can't wait!

Hey, Pete brought home a paper from school today with a riddle, and it made me think of you... "what did the boy ghost say to the girl ghost when he thought she was pretty?....... you are BOO-tiful!!" :rofl


Scooby - I hope your move goes smoothly... you have a long weekend ahead of you, but you also have us :cheer:cheerfor you!!! don't worry, things'll settle in soon enuff, then you will be at Friday night chat with us!

(did you know we do that? Every Friday night at 9:30 eastern, we are all here! It is a lot of fun being "live")


Jenn - I hope things are going well with you at school, and that you are not too stressed. Things work out as they should:hug

Did you ever resolve the consignment shop proposal? I am very interested to see how that goes for you!



:yes the PTO office runs along with the school year. I am in the 2nd of a 2 year term. I don't have to chairperson every event, though, so after next week, I will just "oversee" activities, help when needed, and run our meetings. It will be a much easier job for a few months. I will have 1 more bookfair to do in the spring, but by then, I will have someone groomed to "chair" it.

I got the nicest e-mail today from a parent, thanking me for all I do for our children, and the parents and teachers of our school. And a thank you for making sure that everyone feels so welcomed always at our school. It really felt nice to be appreciated:)


well, dear friends, I should run along... I have :blah:blah for long enough for one post! :rofl ...and it's time to tuck in some chickens! :wink


Sweet Dreams, all!

Luv Ya!:manyheart:hug

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Hi everyone!


Had a very busy day at work today, plus we were decorating our areas for halloween. Every dept decorates and then the Board (the executive team) walks around to all the areas. They award prizes for most original, scariest, etc, etc. (basically every dept wins for something) . It's a lot of fun and builds teamwork. We decorated our aisle like a football field with the teams being the old system vs the new system. Some of the team are going to be cheerleaders, I am going to be a football player. We have a mascot, a ref and a manager. We have a concession stand, ticket booth, football field is the aisle. Goal posts and one of the cubicles is decorated as the "hall of fame' The outside of some of our cubicles are decorated to look like lockers . We had fun getting it ready. I'll bring my camera tomorrow and take a picture. (Did you expect anything less than a sports theme with me on the team?) LOL


Colleen- that is wonderful that you and DH and working together with DD. Much success to you in your endeavors. Have fun at Scrabble night


LeaAnne- glad to see your caps are working again (or did you have to get a new keyboard?)Glad to hear the the busiest part of your tenure as PTO President is nearing an end.


Shannon- hope your hip is feeling better and better. And keep on cleaning girl! You are on a roll!!! Pretty soon you'll be able to get the carpet!


Vicki- Yanks are losing 1-0....c'mon what is up with AROD? He struck out 3 X last night and now just struck out again. I'm starting to get a little (alot?) worried


Mary- Wow- you are going to be busy the next few weeks!! And that was so nice that you called Colleen and had a chat last night. Rooting you on to get all your crocheting done in time for the craft show.


Beth- Your DK's are so well trained and dinner tonight sounds yummy (and if there are no veggies, it will be ok).


Stacy- Did the Dr drain your wound? i hope so, it will probably feel better. And YAy to Isabella for scooping out the brains of the pumpkin. And Yay to you for making such a big deal about it--WTG!

Scooby- thinkin of you as you are making your way from NE to TN to pack up the rest of your things.


I should be here for chat tomorrow night.


Have a good night- and please send some positive thoughts for Vicki and my Yankees!

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Hi everyone!


Joanne, your office sounds so cool! I can't wait to see pics of it. Do you have a jersey and helmet and all, to dress up? That will be really fun. :cheer


Shannon, hope your hip is feeling better tonight. :hug I should be here for chat tomorrow.


Colleen, :h5 to you and dh for working together on dd's problem. I'm glad your SIL gave you some ideas as well. :hug Have fun at Scrabble night.


Leanne, glad your caps are working. Sounds like you are one busy PTO prez...but I'm happy that things will settle down for you soon. :hug


Mary, you are going to be one busy woman! Enjoy your time with dd's and dg's and best of luck with your craft fair. :cheer


Beth, good luck with your mole results. :hug Are you planning to get your Woodstock tattoo in the same spot? :devil And, no, I do not have tattoos...although I have a photo of one I've wanted since I was about 16. I am just too wimpy to get it. Plus I can't really picture myself with it when I am 60, you know? Dh has them, though...I think about 10 or so. They are all on his left arm. He has a large octopus planned out to take up his entire right arm, but it is going to take a lot of $$$ so it will be a while. :wink


The dr. did drain the wound. :yuck He said if he didn't, then it could eventually pop the incision open and it would all gush out. Double :yuck. I shouldn't have to go back but he said if it's to the point of uncomfortable again, I need to decide if it's worth draining. :shrug


Tomorrow is Mia's Halloween parade, then I need to come home and clean!!! Yesterday I took the girls' closet apart and reorganized their clothing, took out some stuff to donate, etc. My dad is flying in on Saturday morning, then we are having a silent dinner at 4. Roomie is Wiccan and Halloween is their most important holiday of the year. Later, of course, we are going trick-or-treating- the girls are super-excited because the house down the street has "real" monsters.


Speaking of girls...I'm starting to think Isabella may be depressed. Can that show, at such a young age? I know it's a chemical imbalance because it is rampant in my family, but I wasn't sure if it could present itself so soon. Today she had a fight with Roomie's daughter (aka her best friend) and she cried for an hour. We tried to calm her down but nothing worked. Finally, I climbed up onto her bunk and had a chat with her. She told me that she is sad "just because and she doesn't know why." Also she misses our old apartment because she really liked to swim. :shrug I guess the move has been harder on her that we thought, plus switching schools, etc. :sigh


Well it's about time to get everyone ready for bed. Good night! :hug

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Good morning and happy Friday....and today is a happy friday since the Yankees won last night and tied up the series!!! It will be a fun day at work with all the Halloween festivities!


Stacy- I'll try and respond to you later.

Shannon- did the twisters hit your area of LA?


Well, gotta run....talk to you later...

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Happy Friday! And yes, it is a better Friday because the Yankees ties the series up last night! Let's hope Saturday night is a good night for them!

Today DD goes back to the doctor for her follow up check up. She is hoping beyond everything that he lifts the no PE/no tae kwon do order tonight. We'll see. If not, we may have to drown her sorrows in chocolate again!

Stacy - Glad you are feeling better now that the doctor drained the wound. What caused that? I hope it stays clear for you now. As for Isabella, I would talk to the doctor and see what he says. Especially if there is a family history of it.

Shannon - How is your hip feeling this morning? Did you get any of the rain that hit us last night? We lost power for a little while. Hubby got up and noticed that the clock was blinking. That was at about 3 a.m. He fixed the time, but by then I was up. We got anywhere between 2-5 inches since yesterday. I think it is still raining now!


Colleen - YAY for the books and working together! I hope it all produces good results. She will worry less in no time!


Joanne - Do you think the Yankees remember HOW to hit? They couldn't do anything last night against Pedro! The pitching can't do it all. They need to start hitting. I can't wait to see the pictures from the Halloween decorating! That is a great theme! I am surprised you didn't do baseball instead of football!


Scooby - I hope you are feeling a little less overwhelmed today. Let us know how everything is going when you get a chance.


LeaAnne - YAY for less stress! You are getting to the end of the crazy part! I hope it all goes well!


Mary - WOW, you are one busy lady! I know you will enjoy the kids and grandkids visit. Then the craft fair. I hope that goes well. Your work is beautiful!


Beth - How was your roasted chicken dinner? Did your ds make a veggie or were you veggie-less last night? I hope it was great! How did the visit with the dermatologist go? And no, I don't have any tattoos. I actually never really wanted one.


I hope everyone has a great day! I will try to be here for the chat. I don't know what we are doing, as we are up in the air until the doctor visit. If he clears her, she want to go the Halloween party tonight and play dodge ball. Then I have to see if he will do her belt testing tomorrow or if he will test her on another day by herself. As I said, we'll see! Remember the days when this was ALL you had to worry about? Can I go back to those days? Anyone want to come with me?



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Yes, Vicki, I remember those days!!! Can I please have them back, just for one day? :lol Why did we always think it would be so much more fun to be grown up? Oh yea- we can go to bed whenever we want! :rofl Good luck to dd at the dr. Hopefully he will lift the order, but stock up on the ice cream, just in case.


Shannon, hope everything is ok in your area. I haven't seen the news so I don't know about the twisters but I pray that you are all ok! :hug


Joanne, thanks. Have a fun day at work!


I forgot to tell you that Jorge's truck started on fire yesterday. :eek I guess two wires were rubbing together by the brake fluid container and it caused a spark. Thankfully he had a jug of water in the bin so he threw it on. :whew

Mia woke up this morning with a tummy ache and she has gone to the bathroom about 4 times already. Poor thing, I think she will have to miss her parade at school. :( It will save me a ton of hassle, though. :blush We will see how she feels in about an hour.


Have a great day all! :hug

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Happy Friday!


Stacy - I sure hope that Mia is feeling better and doesn't have to miss her parade:( ...and sorry to hear about Isabella being so sad. Maybe the move was just overwhelming for her, and things will start looking up soon. I agree with Vicki, I would call the doctor about it. :hug

I saw that you mentioned your roomie being Wiccan. My youngest sister is Wiccan. That explains a great deal to me about what you have been dealing with, if she is anything like my sister (and it sounds like she is). How do I say this? There is a different energy that surrounds Wiccan folks. Not in a :goodorbad way... just different, and often hard to relate to or understand.. I hope that things have been a little more peaceful overall at your place. And you are right, Halloween is the biggest Wiccan holiday.


Colleen - I hope that your DD got off to school a little better for you today. I am thinking about you. How was Scrabble??


Joanne - Can't wait to see pics of your team's decorating project! After seeing what they did in your cubicle for your birthday, I am sure it is going to be AWESOME! ...are you dressing up as a NewYork Giant? It all sounds like a lot of fun!


Vicki - I hope all works out as it is meant to with DD's doctor visit today... I have my chocolate on stand-by, just in case I need to join you girls tonight:heehee:wink Have a wonderful day! ...boy, you got a lot of rain! I guess everything in Texas IS big!:lol


:waving, Mary! How are things in the "land of the :flying:hook", aka: God's Country today? :hug I wanted to tell you that I just heard the biggest seller at the craft fairs around here this year are the crochet topped towels, just like the ones you made for us!


Beth - I hope dinner last night was as tasty as it sounded! I have a chicken to roast this weekend... it is a favorite meal in this house:P


Shannon - how are you feeling today? I hope you are better... what are you and your chicken up to for the day? ...How is DH's cut? Will he be home for Halloween? See you at chat-ness!


Scooby and Jenn - special prayers for a stress-free day are headed your way:hug:hug I hope things are well


...I will be headed back to the school in a little while to send out notices for next week's book fair schedule, and get it all set up so we are good to go on Monday morning. I already have my :crocheting project for any down time... I am making a black and orange (town colors) flannelghan to donate. One of the elementary p.e. teachers lost her husband last week. He did not have life insurance:(... the other p.e. teacher is pulling together a benefit night for the family, so of course I want to make a contribution. I can't even begin to imagine what this woman is going through. My afghan will be one of the raffle items. I don't have extra $$ to give, but I DO have plenty of yarn and prayers!


Hope your day is filled with blessings and hapiness, everyone... and I will see you later on!

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Good very wet morning everyone!


Man, the storms were bad around here. They have to be for Shreveport to make national news! My sister was on her way to the restaurant from school when they started talking about a tornado. They were naming streets that she had to use or was very close to. I was in tears, freaking out. But she got there okay and everyone is safe. As far as our house, we got alot of rain, but no severe storms or tornadoes in our area. Our electricity stayed on all night:eek, and the satellite went out a few times. All the schools are closed today, so no fun Halloween festivities.:( But the rain is supposed to leave tonight and we're supposed to have great weather tomorrow!:yay


DD needs me, so I'll be back later to finish talking to you all!! :manyheart

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Stacy - Oh, sure. We can go to bed whenever we want. Is that the best of it? I don't think so.

Shannon - Yipes! Tornados! There were tornado warnings here, but as far as I know there were none here. Just LOTS of rain. Some places north of here got 8 inches! Wiped out out rain deficit!

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:tired:yawn Can I go to :sleep until this is all over and done with :D? Hi Besties!!!!! Yesterday was a very long day. We got up at 5:30 so that we could finish up the last minute things at the house before heading to the DSD's house, yes she went home, so that she could take us to the airport, which is about 3-3 1/2 hours from our house. Got to the airport and the flight to chicago was a little rough and the flight attendants had to quit serving drinks and go back to their seats. The second flight from chicago to nashville was a little better but still hit a lot of turbulence. Glad to be back in TN safely.Last nite was a very very late nite. My mom picked us up at the airport and then we went to dinner with her and my oldest DS and his DG. Then back to my mom's for a bit and finally home. By the time I got to bed I was sooooooooo :tired I couldn't go to sleep. I felt like I was going to be :sickand a terrible :headache that was making me dizzy. Got up this morning and got to running around right off the bat. Got everything taken care of at DS's school, went to the PO and to get my truck tags as they expire tomorrow. The moving company is on their way here and should be here any time now to drop the trailer. But it is s'posed to :2rain:(. Go figure :lol. I sitll have to go to the utility companies and a few other places Monday. Still have a little bit of packing to do, but mainly just waiting to load the trailer.

TY all for the well wishes. I am just so :thair and I know that I am being a :grump:grumpy but no one seems to understand how stressful this is and everyone wants to help but doesn't seem to pitch in that much :lol. OH well that is ok, I WILL GET IT ALL DONE LOL!!!!!!!!!!!

That is cool that every one is here on Friday nites. Don't know if I will make it tonite but hopefully I can next friday nite.

Anyways, guess I better get up and give myself a big swift :kickand lite a humongous :fireunder the backside and see if I can get something else done. Take care ladies and love ya all!!!!! :hug:hug:manyheart:manyheart

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Hang in there, Scooby... moving is VERY stressful! I hope that you get lots of help this weekend, and that the weather is cooperative. I wish I was nearby, 'cause I would be there packin' up that truck for ya! :wink.

I have moved too many times in my life to count, and never want to do it again... Kudos to you and :clover!

Just think, a week from now, you'll be at your new place and petting some yarn and getting ready for chat night!


Love you, and will be thinking of you.:hug

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I swear, every time I see that clover, it looks like a frog to me! :think:shrug


Good luck on getting everything done, Scooby. You can do it! Moving is very stressful, indeed. Everything will get done, though, even if it's not done exactly like you want. Tell those "helpers" to get their butts in gear! :lol


Leanne, good luck getting the book fair info out. It's very thoughtful of you to :crocheting a blanket to raffle. I hope it the fund raiser is an overwhelming success! :hug


Shannon, glad to hear your Sis made it home safely! How scary it must've been for you (and her, driving through it.)


Vicki, that was the only reason I could remember that being grown-up was so cool when we were little! :lol Oh, wait- and we don't "have" to listen to our parents anymore. :rofl


Joanne, Beth, Mary, Colleen- hope you all are off to a great weekend! :hug



I had an awesome chat with Isabella's teacher after school today! :manyheart She is just so sweet and caring. I asked her if Isabella has been acting differently, and she has noticed that Isabella has been much quieter than normal and not raising her hand or volunteering as often as she used to. :think She told me that she was picked on as a child so she reinforces to her students that it is NOT OKAY to pick on anyone, EVER. And that if Isabella is having a problem, to let her know, and she absolutely will not get in trouble. She said that Isabella has never gotten in trouble, never an instigator, always very kind and generous to everyone in the class...she just went on and on. :manyheart That's my girl. :D Then she called Isabella over and asked if she would like to sit somewhere new, and Isabella picked out a couple people she would like to sit by. The teacher said she will change the seats on Monday and let me know in a couple of weeks how it works out. :yay The school has an off-site counseling center for kids in her situation (new to the area, shy, hard time adjusting, etc.) and she may benefit from it. I will have to talk it over with dh and see what he thinks. She also suggested watching her for another week or so, then calling the dr. if things haven't changed.

Oh, and Mia did go to her parade today. Her best friend was also bat girl, but the black one. I have a bunch of pictures and they are so cute together! After we came home, I unleashed some serious cleaning power on the house! :clap Swept and mopped all of the floors, dusted, loaded the dishwasher, did 3 loads of laundry, cleaned the girls room from top to bottom, including their closets and under the beds, reorganized under-bed storage, and made their beds. The only thing left to tackle is the patio, which needs some serious love before tomorrow. I'm hoping to get dh to rake the leaves. He is still incapacitated from the pinkeye, so we'll see. :wink


I am hoping :xfin to be here for chat, but I still need to go grocery shopping, so I may be a bit late.

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