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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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HI BESTIES!!!!!!!! Sorry I can't keep up with everyone. I have a lot of reading to do and a lot of catching up to do but just wanted to check and say hi to you all. I have been very busy since I last posted. Finally got the half bathroom prepped and finished up the painting today. Everyone is laughing at me and the hubby to be calls it the Austin Powers bathroom. He said he is going to put a sign on the door that says enter at ur own risk and put a basket of sunglasses outside the door. :lol:lol The color is "Green Tomato". It is rather bright but with all the other colors and decor that is going in there I think it will look good. I told him he can't complain cuz I got the towels/washrags on clearance, as well as all the other accesories, and they are a true blue, hot pink, and aqua and the wash rags are lime green, true blue, hot pink, aqua and a grey. I took before pics and will take after pics when I get everything completed. I think it will look cool but like he says that is my opinion :rofl.

I am trying to get a lot done right now as we are going back to TN to get the rest of my stuff and it will really be a mess then. But all is well here. I will try to post again soon.

I hope everyone is doing well, getting well and will continue to do well. I miss you all soooooooooo much and miss being here keeping up with everything and everyone. Hopefully my life will be back to normal soon.

Until next time, take care and love you all. :bheart:bheart:bheart:ghug:ghug:ghug:2hug:2hug:hug:hug

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Good morning!!!

Here I am bright eye'd and bushy tailed after a good night's sleep! (Yes, I know it's only 5AM, but I feel well rested)


Shannon- Loved your story about Janna -what a girl!!!! Was this the appointment with the new neurologist? Glad to hear that all went well. Congrats to Sister on her horse show! Did you get in any crochet time at Honey's? And yes, I do seem to be involved in friendly rivalries where sports is concerned...lol....So glad I have Vicki on my side- Go Yankees!!!


Colleen- How was DD's day at school? And, yes, I'm curious too- what dress did she wear to the Princess breakfast? Is this your last week of work? Is DH getting excited for his new position?


Mary-Again, love all of your work! You are a crocheting machine...lol...


Stacy- How is Jorges pink eye? Anyone else get it? Isabella has been on my mind- hoping that she had a good day a school. How did it go with the roomie kids? I give you credit. You have your hands full with your own 3!


LeaAnne- I guess you are back into the PTO swing of things. Any more problems from you know who? Good luck with all the activities. Are you starting babysitting next month?


Can't believe November is this Sunday! It is my youngest DD's birthday. Middle DD is coming over Sunday to cook her dinner. I guess that is becoming her gift for birthday celebrations- cooking for us. I'll take it anyday!!


Vicki- Good luck with bowling tonight! Will DH be up to it? Have you gotten the MRI results back yet? How late were you up with DD's project? Gotta love when you think something is due one day and then find out it is earlier than you thought!!!


Beth- Wonder what marvelous things the inventions have planned for you today!


Scooby- Can't wait to see pics of the "Austin Power's" Bathroom!!! Sounds very colorful, just like you and that is meant as a compliment!. You sure are one busy gal this days, but sounds like such happy busy!!


When I came home from work last night -after stopping off at DD's house to see the new "grandfurbaby", there was a couple looking at the house. We'll see if anything comes of that. Oh and DD and SIL named their new addition, Belle. (like Belle from Beauty and the Beast.) She told me it is because bulldogs are cute in an ugly kind of way (if that makes any sense) Wonder how Belle did her first night in her new home.


Have a great Tuesday everyone! Remember your vitamins!:ghug

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Good morning!


Joanne, congrats on the grandpuppy! Belle sounds so cute. Good luck with selling the house. It certainly is generating lots of interest. I love how your daughters interact with each other. I wish your dd luck with her grad school.


Scooby, love hearing from you -- it's like a whirlwind of fresh air when you breeze in. The Austin Powers bathroom sounds delightful!


Shannon, I absolutely adore Janna. Keep the stories coming! I'm glad her checkup went well. That mom is a bit of a jerk, though.


Mary, your work is beautiful! Good luck at the show. I am so impressed with all you get done.


Vicki, did your dd and you get any sleep yesterday with that project? At least it sounds like she wasn't procrastinating until the last minute to finish it.


Colleen, how did your dd do in school?


Stacy, how did your dd do at school?


LeaAnne, how goes the PTO?


Jennifer, how are YOU doing in school?


I need to get the oldest up for work this morning. He has an alarm clock. He prefers me. He WILL grow up some day, won't he?


Have a great Tuesday!:hug

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Mornin' all!


DD did not do so well at school yesterday. Apparently the morning was awful but she had a good afternoon. She is all worked up about school. She started worrying about Wednesday last night at bedtime and it was the first thing she talked about this morning. :ohdear I wish I knew what to say or do to make it better. I keep hearing LeaAnne's "voice" in my head "...this too shall pass" and that helps a bit. DH is losing his patience and wants to discipline her, but I'm not sure that is the right thing to do. The good news is one of her classmates mom's invited her for a little Halloween craft and lunch on Saturday, so that is nice. I'm hoping if she makes a good friend that will give her something to be excited about for school.


DD didn't wear a princess dress at the Princess dinner. I had brought her Little Mermaid costume in the backpack, but she wasn't comfortable wearing it. She went as her own little princess self :manyheart


Beth - I hope you and the inventions have a good day!


Stacy - How did Isabella do at school? It sounds like there are some mean little girls at her new school. Maybe talking about "stick and stones" or bullying might be a good idea with her too :shrug


Joanne - I hope the house showing went well. Congrats on the new GFB (GrandFurBaby!). Someone else to :crocheting for! :devil


Scooby - Beth is right, your posts are like a breath of fresh air! Your bathroom sounds bright and fun! I hope you post a pic for us when you get it all done!


Shannon - WTG to sister at the horse show and WTG to Janna for showing the other little girl. Uno dos tres...I love it!


Mary - Your stuff is beautiful! I love your variegated yarns! The sweaters are so nice and the blanket is beautiful! Your doll dresses are the best. DD plays with hers lots!


LeaAnne - :hi how is the gang at your house this week?


Vicki - How are DH and DD doing? How did DD's Texas project go?


Have a great day!

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HI guys! DD's TExas project went well. We had it all planned out, she just needed to put it on the final copy. It didn't take long. It was just that she had other homework to do along with the projects, but we got everything done! Now she can hand it in today!

Hubby has not called the doctor to get his MRI results. He's a man. That's all I am going to say about that. DD's x-rays came back fine. He still wants to see her on Friday, so we will do that. She is hoping the doctor will lift the no PE/tae kwon do order. We'll see.

The bell is going to ring soon and I must run upstairs to my first class. I will come back later and respond to everyone then!



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Good morning!


Scooby, so good to hear from you! Your Austin Powers bathroom sounds :2rock. Good luck with the rest of the move.


Joanne, good luck to your dd with her grad-school interview. Congratulations on your grand-fur-baby. I also think English bulldogs are cute in an ugly sort of way- Belle is a fitting name. :manyheart I hope she did well with her first night at home.


Colleen, I'm sorry to hear dd is having a rough time with school. Why is she fretting about Wednesday?


Vicki, I'm so happy that your dd's results came back fine! Good luck with her check-up. Glad she got her assignment done in time. And good luck getting your dh to call for his results. Men. Jorge has "suspected kidney stones" (the NP didn't do an x-ray to be sure) and has had 4 attacks in the past 2 weeks. I've called to make an appt, but do you think he will go? No! Because the NP said they "should" pass. :rant


Leanne, how is everyone in your home today?


Beth, you have such patience! I think I would stick the alarm clock right under his pillow. LoL Just kidding...I love how you all help each other and I hope that my kiddos will grow up to be just as giving and helpful as yours are. :manyheart


Shannon, too cute about Janna! Way to show them! Hope her check-up went well. :h5 to Sister! Great job. Did you get any :crocheting done at Honey's house?


Mary, your work is gorgeous! Your baby sack came out great. That afghan- I love it! I started one about 2 years ago and so far only have 16 motifs joined. Maybe I'll just send it up to you. :devil



Did I tell you all that Isabella had a problem with the lunch guy at her school? Last Thursday she wanted to eat lunch there. They get 2 options every day and one of them was cheese pizza. I have her the $ and sent her on her way. When she came home she said that they gave her an "alternate" lunch because she had a dollar instead of a ticket. Well on Friday, she wanted to eat breakfast there because they were having waffle sticks. I sent her with the $ once again, and she came home after school saying they gave her a banana and milk because she didn't have enough. I marched right into the office and asked how much breakfast was. They told me and it was the exact amount I had given her. I asked to speak with the principal and was told very snottily that she was busy. I told the receptionist what had happened and she said, "Our students are never denied food, even if they don't have the money." I said, "you obviously did because my daughter had money and was not allowed to pick out a breakfast." She told me to write down my complaint and she would give it to the lunch person. I wrote in it that my daughter likes to eat at school but I refuse to give her the money if this is the way they treat their students. (I was rather proud of me.:D)

Well this morning Isabella told me that the lunch person pulled her aside yesterday and said she needs to have the right amount if she wants to buy a breakfast or lunch. :tryme:rant So their answer is to just blame it all on the student? She said he told her something else but she couldn't remember what it was. I don't want to go back into the office all revved up if I don't know what the other part was, but really- :thair!! Her new school is so...snooty. :angry If things don't get better, next year I will probably do open enrollment for both her and Mia at the old school.


Anyway...Yesterday i went to Wal-mart and they had Hometown USA!! It is sooooooo soft! They had a lot of colors, except the ones I really wanted, which are the NO french berry, portland wine, and Oklahoma city green. They did have Honolulu pink and it was a bit paler than in the swatch on the LB site. Oh, and it was only 2.97! I didn't get any because I really don't need more yarn right now. I also got a purse-sized brush for Isabella to keep in her backpack. I gave it to her this morning and told her that if the girl ever says anything about her hair again, she can just get out her brush and fix it. :wink She was really excited. I am thinking of getting a little makeup bag and putting some stuff in it, like trial-sized lotion and body spray, some clear lip gloss or chapstick, and a few ponytail holders, for her to keep in her backpack. What do you all think? Is she too young for that kind of thing?


Ok, I have to get going...gotta run to Target for some odds and ends, then it will be time to take Mia to school. Love you! :hug

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Hi all!


I can't talk now. I'm gearing up to be a lean, mean, cleaning machine today!! (well, maybe not so lean:blush) I just got home and actually can't wait to get started! Wish me luck! I'll be back later. :manyheart

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:sigh:yawn:tired Good morning/afternoon friends. I had good intentions for today butttttttttttttttttt.........things happened. At about midnite last nite DF's daughter called saying she was on her way here as her and her bf had gotten into an aruguement and she was leaving. So about 1 am she got here with the 3 kids ages 6, 2 and 1. I managed to get in bed about 2:30 and was back up at 4:30 when DF got up for work and back up again at 7:30 when I heard the two oldest kiddos up wondering in the bedroom. I got them breakfast and cartoons turned on. Now I can't seem to get motivated and I have so much to do. I would rather go back to :sleep.

I did manage to get the living room cleaned up as she just left with the kids going to walmart and I got the dishwasher loaded. :xfin That I will get the bathroom cleaned up so that DF and I can get the new faucet put in the sink in bathroom, get the new curtains hung in bathroom and all the other stuff put back up when he gets home from work. I guess I will just putter around and get as much done while they are gone shopping.

Hope u all have a great day. Shannon, give me some of ur energy so I can be a mean, not so lean, cleaning machine.

Maybe if and that is a big IF, I get caught up today, I can go back to my very last post a couple of months ago and start catching up. It would be nice to see what all of you have been up to while I was gone on my long hiatus.

Anyways, I better give myself a :kickand get busy while I am alone and can :lol.

:hug:hug:hug:manyheart:manyheart:manyheart Love you all!!!!!!

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Joanne - YAY for the grand fur baby! You must post a picture of her so we can see how cute she is!

Stacy - I hate when schools pull that on kids. I would call and not care if you are all revved up. And if they don't give you an answer that you like then ask to speak to central office. Don't worry about stepping on their toes. They didn't care when they stepped on Isabella's. And I would call the principal back and ask her why they are laying this at the feet of a little girl. No one could call you and say there was a problem? I don't buy that.

Shannon - YAY for sis at the horse show! Good for her! Did you get any :crocheting done at your mom's house? What are you working on?

Colleen - I'm sorry your DD had a hard morning. I hope today is better!

Mary - You do WONDERFUL work! Your sweaters are beautiful and I love the baby sack! It is great!

Scooby - So glad you could stop by! My, you are a busy lady! I hope the move goes well and that everything isn't too messy when you get home! The bathroom sounds pretty! Can't wait to see pictures!

No, Hubby hasn't called yet to make an appointment to see his doctor. Supposedly he will call today and make one for Friday. We'll see if it happens! I got mad at him yesterday because he still doesn't feel well, but doesn't want to do anything about it. I don't want to hear it then.

The insurance adjuster called yesterday, but he says the phone never rang. There were two messages that he called. I hope he calls him today. We need to get this ball rolling.

Otherwise, last night was a quiet night. DD did her homework, hubby did paper work for the doctor, and I worked on my paper with the hockey game on. The Rangers won against the Coyotes. YAY!

Off to do some reading! Bowling night tonight. I hope I do better than last week. We'll see and we'll see if hybby is stubborn and goes or is smart and stays home. Talk to you all later!


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Shannon, how is that cleaning going? I thought of you earlier- Eva was having pooping problems and I told her I was tired of her poop-ness. :lol At least I didn't say pee! :wink


Vicki, thanks for the advice. I think I will go to the office when I pick her up. It really doesn't matter what else he told her- the fact that he slipped in a part about having enough money to eat is just wrong. :angry Good luck with your bowling tonight- at least there are no important games to distract you. :wink:xfin that dh calls the dr. to get his results.


Scooby, it is good to see you posting again. Good luck with df's daughter and her kids being there. I hope everything stays clean for you. How does your ds feel about moving?


Well I better run to get Mia. Be back later!

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Just checking in.....so far I have filled my craft cabinet, picked up in the kitchen, packed up summer clothes, 2 loads of laundry, went through DD's books (to donate), cleaned little bathroom, and tried out my new Woolite carpet cleaner stick (not impressed). I still have clothes to fold, toys to go through, lots of Mary Kay leftovers organize (I used to sell. If you need anything let me know), and dust, vacuum, sweep, and mop. Oh, and the big bathroom. Yuck and whew! My Christmas music and Christmas tree-smelling candle are helping me get through it. I'm such a DORK!! Okay, see ya later!

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Hi Ladies

Colleen my youngest DD use to cry every day when she went to school. It would drive me NUTS. I never could figure out what the problem was but she just grew out of it. Sorry I can't be more help.

Shannon you go girl. I have been too busy with getting ready for the craft show to do any big cleaning. I have just been trying to keep things picked up.

Vicki....... men I know what you mean. If we don't do it for them it doesn't get done.

Beth can I have your kids for a week?????? Thought I would ask. LOL

Joanne congrats on the new furbaby and I love her name. GO YANKEES

Scooby would love to see pics of the bathroom/ house. Welcome home.

LeaAnne I hope the PTO is not wearing you out. Any more problems? I have been missing you sis.

Stacy Iam on my way. I would march right into the school and want to know what is going on. They sent a message by way of a 6yr ????? What is up with that?

I don't know if I told you but my youngest DD and granddaughter comes home next Wed. for 2 weeks and oldest DD is coming here also. Iam soooooooo excited.

Talk to you later


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Pssst...guess what? It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown starts in 37 minutes!! :jack:ghost:jack:ghost:jack:ghost:skeleton





And yes, DD is still at Honey's!

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Hi everyone!!

Loved reading all the posts and so happy that Scooby is back and posting again. I really missed you!


Colleen- I think that this is something that she will just outgrow and i agree that maybe making a good friend will help. It is so hard as a Mom to leave a crying child at school! I agree that i don't think disciplining her is a good option. That just draws more attention. She is who she is and the more of a big deal that is made out of it, the worse it may become.


Mary- So excited for you that you are having your youngest DD and granddaughter for 2 weeks and that your oldest DD is coming to. Lucky you!!!! Keep on crocheting girl-and the cleaning will there after the craft show


Shannon- WTG- you are on a roll.....hope you enjoyed Charlie Brown tonight!


LeaAnne--Know I'm thinking bout ya- don't get too overworked again with the PTO. What did the DK's decide to be for Halloween?


Stacy- I would definitely go right back to the school, and speak with the principle again- no matter how "revved" up I was. I don't think all this is helping Isabella. Esp since she likes to buy food at school....that whole story just "revved" me up. I loved your Mia Quote of the Day on FB..priceless!!!!!!


Beth- Sorry about your Redskins (they are not doing very well this year, I'm afraid). How did your day go today. And how is the driving with DD going (and DS for that matter?)


Vicki I know what you mean about stubborn men. It is in their genetic makeup....my DH is the same....and it drives me nuts!!! Good luck at bowling tonight!!!


I didn't have my camera last night when I went to meet Belle (and silly me forgot I had a camera on my phone..duh!!!) I'll be sure to get a picture next time I'm there (probably Sunday for DD's birthday)


Off to crochet a little b/4 bed. Need to rest up for the World Series tomorrow night!!!



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DD is upset about Wednesday because that is the next day she goes to school. She is very upset about it all the time. She says the only good part of school is when I pick her up and she hopes she gets sick so she doesn't have to go to school :( She isn't just crying when I drop her off. She cries all morning (so hard that she threw up the other day). Then she cries all the time when she's not at school because she is sad that she has to go back. It's horrible. I took her to the craft store to get a craft and to visit my mom today and keeping her busy seems to help. I tried to convince her to give all her worries to a doll tonight, but she wouldn't because then the doll would have worries. It is frustrating and I know (or at least hope) that it is only a phase, but DH has no patience for this kind of thing. The latest is that this is all my fault because I'm emotional and occasionally cry during movies/TV shows. Whatever. Please add us to your prayers.


I'm working through the 2nd week in Nov. I wanted to give them lots of notice. Our moms will help take care of DD.


I'm emotionally tapped and "talking" to you guys is making me upset, so I'm calling it a night. Thanks for listening.

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Colleen, :hug Just keep on loving her for who she is. This has to be so difficult for you. Does her school have a counsellor who might give you some ideas for dealing with this? Have you discussed it with the teacher?


Joanne, The main reason I cheer for the Redskins is because dh is such a big fan. But he's also a Cub fan -- he's used to his teams losing. :lol I still get kind of sad when they stink, like this year, and last year, and....

I'm glad your Yankees are doing so well.


Shannon, I hope you enjoyed the Great Pumpkin. That has to be my favorite Halloween movie.


Mary, :cheer:yay:clap for family visits!! What fun!!! Hmmmm. If I let you borrow my kids for a week, would you teach them all to :drive???


Stacy, Can you talk directly to the lunch guy? I've worked in public schools before. I know the lunch people are very busy, and can't spend much time with each student during the lunch rushes. If you could speak directly to him when things are a little slower for him, maybe you could find out what the problem is. Also, can you purchase tickets in advance, and send them with Isabella?


Vicki, How was bowling? Did dh go? Has he called the doctor for a follow up yet?


LeaAnne, how are the chickens? Is PTO still keeping you busy? Did you start babysitting yet?


Scooby, how goes home restoration? How far is it from your old home to your new home?


Jennifer, is school treating you well? Do you still find time for your writing and crocheting? I think you need a creative outlet! I think you might explode if you can't release your art.

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Good morning and Happy World Series Starts Day!!!


I'm running late, can't post to all but wanted to wish you all a good day. Colleen- prayers and hugs that today is not too trying for you!


I'll be back later!




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I had this whole big long message typed out and I lost it! I hate when that happens!


Hubby did call the doctor to make his follow up appointment for MOnday. The doctor will not be in on Friday. And yes, he did go bowling like the fool that he is. Even the other woman on the team (who is a nurse!) asked him why he was there. Amazing how right I am on these things sometimes.


I will have to come back later and respond to you all properly. I hate it when I lose my whole message!


Have a great morning! The craziness of the World Series starts tonight! LET'S GO YANKEES!





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Good morning!


Colleen, I'm so sorry your dd is having that much trouble with school! :hug

to you and her, because I know it is hard on you to see her going through it, and not knowing how to help. Thinking of you today!


Joanne and Vicki, Go Yankees!!! :cheer:cheer:cheer


Beth, my hubby has a penchant for losing teams as well- he roots for the Seahawks. :shrug The reason why is a cute story, but just the same- they lose all the time. LoL The year they went to the Super Bowl with the Steelers, I thought he would have a heart attack. He has been living on that dream every year since. :lol


Shannon-ness, how goes the cleaning? Is dd home from Honey's yet? Did you have fun watching Charlie Brown? Thanks for letting us know- we ended up making hot chocolate and popcorn to have while watching it. Roomie left with her kids to the gym so we had the house to ourselves. It was nice. :manyheart


I need to get on the cleaning wagon, too- I just remembered that my dad is coming on Saturday! :eek:lol The girls' room smells really nasty- like rotting food, or something. :yuck I've cleaned from top to bottom, mopped the floor, washed the bedding...:shrug Jorge suggested that maybe something died under the house and the smell is coming up through the floor...looks like I need to buy an air freshener.


Isabella and I had a long talk about bullies today before school. I told her that she needs to stick up for herself, and I found out that she is afraid she will get in trouble. Apparently the boy who sits next to her, always talks to her during lessons, and when she tells him to stop, she gets in trouble. Looks like I will be setting up a conference when I go to pick her up today.


Well I better get scooting and be productive. Have a good day! :hug

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Colleen - I am praying for you and especially for your DD... I am so sorry to hear that she is not liking school. Has her teacher noticed anything? I hope you get to the bottom of the issue, and hopefully it's just that she's missing you... that'd be the easiest fix because it would be under your control.... being upset about going to school is a very normal behavior. I will also pray for DH's understanding. It's hard with guys. Extra hugs for you today :hug:hug:hug


Stacy - what is up with the lunch guy???? I hope you get this all straightened out. At our school, the children buy their lunch tickets on Mondays for the week. if they miss it, they have to go at recess, and could face the wrath of our lunch lady, who is usually busy getting lunch ready at that time.

How is Isabella today, how is Klaus the "little poop" doing? and how is Dh's eye?


Scooby - It is so nice to hear from you!!! :hug WTG on the Groovy bathroom... sounds fun! I hope that all goes well with df's daughter and dk's, sounds like they needed to get out of the situation they were in. I am thinking about you:U


Joanne - how did the showing go the other day? I have :xfin for you!

Enjoy Game 1 tonight!!!!! ...Oh! and congrats on your new granddog! I bet she is the cutest:wink

My chickens got their Halloween costumes... Jamie is a ladybug (fitting because her nickname is Jamie-bugs). Lindsey is going to be a purple and black ballerina (she and her friends are dressing up as opposite personalities, so she had to get something pretty "girly":lol). Krissy is going to be a "baby gangsta" :shrug... all I know is that it involves footy pj's, big gold chains, and a baseball cap with a flattened brim. and my little Petey is going to be Freddie Krueger (:yuck:scared) ...as long as he likes it, i guess:lol


Mary - I miss you, too! You must be so excited for your visitors! what will DH do with all those women around?:lol I keep thinking about you and your fair that is coming up... I hope you do awesomely! I had a chance to do a small school fair here in town that I have done before, but I don't have any inventory, nor the time to get any made right now:( ...make sure you have extra fun for me, ok? ...and there's been no more trouble from "anyone" ...that killing with kindness business really did the trick!:devil


Vicki - how is DH's head today after bowling last night? Men... :shrug. I hope everyone down your way is well, and that you also enjoy Game 1 tonight! :hug


Shannon - hey, Pumpin-ness! Did you see the Great Pumpkin? I :manyheart that show! It brings back a lot of memories... remember when you could only see those kinds of shows once a year?

How is your cleaning adventure going? Looks like you have been on fire, lady! :cheer:clap:yay Keep up the good work! Oh! and give Janna a big squish from me!:hug


Hi, Beth - I hope you, your inventions and your DH are having a great day!:hug


Jenn - how did you make out with the consignment shop?



I have been in PTO overload... it's really hard. Times are tough, and everyone seems to be tapped out: emotionally, and time-wise. Our membership has shrunk this year, and turnouts for meetings has as well. Since school started so late, we have been in "catch up" mode, trying to fit everything in. Next Saturday marks the end of the madness for a while, as well as the wrap up of the activities that I am "chairing" for this year.... I cannot wait!


Meanwhile, I have been trying really hard to keep up with my house, and try to get some fall cleaning done. Yesterday, I spent the day in DH's office... it looks really nice! It felt good to clean. Today, I rearranged and dusted my dining and family room areas, and tomorrow will be the master bedroom... the more I get done, the better and less stressed I feel. I have a lot of purging and organizing to do yet. I just need the time to make and execute the plan for it. ...one more week... one more week... :devil


I guess I should get going... I really love and miss you girls! ...and in case you didn't hear it from anyone else today : YOU ARE THE BOMB-DIGGITY!


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Hi guys! The day is over and I can relax a little. YAY me!

Shannon - You are on a cleaning roll girl! Can you come to my house next and get me going?

Stacy - How did it go with Isabella's school? What did they tell you?

Mary - YAY for the kids and grandkids coming! Are they coming before or after the craft show? Have fun with that!

Joanne - Are you ready for the Series to begin? It is going to be CRAZY! LET'S GO YANKEES!

Beth - How is driving lessons going? Are the inventions still helping out at home and helping?

LeaAnne - I am glad you are getting through all the PTO stuff! I hope your "friend" is being good. Are you killing her with kindness?

Colleen - I have no words of wisdom to help you with your little one in school. I hope she begins to relax a little and enjoy her time in school. Has she said anything to you about what she is worried about? I hope she starts to relax and enjoy a little.

Scooby - I hope you are settling down a little and things at home are good! Let us know how everything is progressing and post picts of the bathroom!

I don't know what hubby took out for dinner. I told him to pull something from the freezer since I didn't know what I wanted! I hope he took out something good!

For those of you who will watch the game tonight, enjoy it. If not, have a great night and I will catch you all later!:lol


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:hiHi Besties!!!! I am :thair:thair:thair:bang:yell:irk:rant:grump:grumpy:sigh.Things here are :thumbdown:thumbdown:cry:cry I haven't been able to get anything done that I really needed to in the last two days :(. I just wanted to stop in and say hi. I have to take the new furbaby to the vet to get her boarded for a few days while we head to TN tomorrow to get everything wrapped up there and get the truck loaded for the movers. I keep telling myself that once everything is moved and done things will be better :xfin. Just a lot of stress for me right now with the move, trying to get the restorations/remodeling done on this house and two families in one house right now. Anyways, I guess I had better go get some suitcases packed and a few odd and end things. Maybe I can check back in later this evening but I seriously doubt it, too much turmoil:(.

Love u all and lots of :hug:manyheart:manyheart to you.

OH yeah before I forget, Beth, it is like 14-15 hours from old home to the new home.

Everyone: I will post the before and after pics of the bathroom as soon as it is completed. I was hoping to have it all done last nite and to post pics but NOTHING got done in the bathroom yesterday :(:cry:cry:cry.

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TY LeaAnne. I knew that I was coming out here for a couple of weeks so the week before I left I started packing boxes. My yarn closet is packed and other misc craft stuff, the spare room/office is packed except for my clothes and computer, DS has his room packed, the bathroom is packed all but the towels and necessities we need, my room is packed except for the clothes hanging in the closet, the living room is packed except for the closet. So basically all I need to do when I get back is to pack the kitchen and the few misc items in the other rooms that aren't packed, go to storage building and load up the boxes and stuff there, go to the utility companies get everything turned off, get everything settled at DS's school, put in the change of address and pick up my mail and that is about it. The moving company will bring the trailer (semi trailer) and drop it off Friday and we have 3 days to get it loaded. But if we get it loaded before the 3 days are up, I call them and they come back and get it. It will sit in Nashville less than 24 hours. Then it will be in transit here the day after they pick it up. So if we get it loaded Friday and they pick it up Saturday it will be leaving Nashville on Sunday. But, either way it goes, we have till Monday Nov 2 to get it loaded as that is the tenative date for pick up. So really once I get home, the majority of the work is done, it is just mainly waiting on the trailer and get it loaded. I just feel really overwhelmed right now trying to get moved and the situation that is going on here right now. It is all going to be ok, just a little much on my plate. It has been this way since I got back from vacation in July and I don't know how much more I can stand :lol. I just want things back to normal: you know, cleaning house, having time to hang out here, getting to crochet again, no more sickness, just relaxing and enjoying life.

:hug:hug:hug:hugto you all.

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Hi there!


Colleen- I'm so sorry that DD doesn't like school. Did something happen that made her not like it? :hugs to you both!


Scooby- :hugs to you too! I'm sorry you couldn't get anything done. I'm sure it will be a big adjustment if DF's DD stays with you for a while. Be careful on your trip, and good luck getting everything packed up. When is the big day, anyway?


LeaAnne- The costumes sound great!! I did enjoy Charlie Brown. We have it on DVD, but it's just not the same, you know? Good luck with the PTO stuff! Let me know if you need a hand.


Joanne- Two words: Go Yankees!! That's all I'm going to say because that's all you want to hear right now anyway!:lol


Stacy- :yay for family movie night!! Good luck with Isabella's school. They do seem to be snooty. And they should address things with you, not her!:angry


Beth- How are the inventions today? What are you guys working on in school right now?


Vicki- How's DH feeling today? I had a feeling he was going to go bowling, just 'cause he's a man and that's what they do! How did you do bowling last night? Go Yankees!!


Mary- Good luck getting everything ready for the fair! When is it? And :yay for DD's and DGD's coming to visit! That will be a blast!


Well, I didn't get as much done as I wanted. My hip started hurting really bad, so I had to stop cleaning and sit on the couch and crochet all night. Poor me! I made my sister a ghost, though. He needs a mouth, and I still cannot figure out how to do it. So he may be mouthless, but he'd look so much better with one.

DD and I went to one hospital to get her records today. I was thinking we only had to go to two hospitals, but we have to go to three.:blush I'll get the other two Friday while she's in school.

Monsters vs. Aliens Halloween special is on tonight at 7 on NBC. Don't forget (except all you Yankees fans)! Love you guys!:manyheart

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