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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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Good night LeaAnne! Thanks for scheduling this Saints chat with me. Too bad our trees "got in the way" of it! hahaha


Gingerbread houses are a good idea too, Sarah.


Well, I better go too. I need to wrap some presents while DD is at Grandma's!!

Good night!

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Good night LeaAnne! Thanks for scheduling this Saints chat with me. Too bad our trees "got in the way" of it! hahaha


Gingerbread houses are a good idea too, Sarah.


Well, I better go too. I need to wrap some presents while DD is at Grandma's!!

Good night!



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Good morning, ladies.

I should get a pic of the snow on our patio table.:lol The 4 yo GSD has been running around like a nut, nose to the snow, finding where his sticks are hidded. Last nigth, anyway - this AM might be more of a challenge. Looks like a foot out there now.


Have a great day, everyone!


Welcome, Sarah! That pattern is cute...and not to tiny, either. Maybe for next year for me.

Glad to hear you're sticking with the ripple. I made a big one a couple of years ago and it was a drag to finish - but definitely worth the effort! My fav ripples, though, are RR:hook

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Good morning- still snowing lightly- my driveway is plowed in- why they plow all the snow from the street onto my side of the street I don't know!! All of the street snow is on my side of the street!!! I don't want DH to shovel so looks like this one is on me. And of course, DH, sweet guy that he is, didn't move the snowblower to the end of the garage by the door- so first I have to shovel some of the driveway so we can take one of the cars out 1/2 way so he can get the snowblower out....MEN!!! Why can't they plan ahead like women? .....Ok, sorry for the little rant, but I needed to get that out. Now I am fine LOL


Welcome to the group Sarah-- and Judy- I wish your neighbor would come shovel me out! I know there are some teenagers who live a few houses up - In the 5 years Ive lived here they've never come around looking to make $ shoveling- my brothers used to clean up when it snowed!


Oh, well, I better get fortified with my coffee, then when it's light out- start the shoveling- a little at a time....


Sorry about the Saints- here in Giants country we call the Dallas team "the boys" since we are the "men" LOL


RUTGERS won their game!!!!! WTG RU!!!!


I'm going to try and take some pics of the snow when it's daylight- it really is pretty--if only I didn't have to go to work tomorrow, I wouldn't shovel at all.

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Good morning everybody! :morcoffee


I'm feeling GOOD today. We have a dusting of flaky white stuff, very odd for around here.


Sarah, welcome to our group! You've found the most wonderful, loving, caring, sweet women on the internet! I'm so happy to have this group as my friends.


Colleen, Shannon, LeaAnne, I love the Christmas Carol CAL idea! It will be fun to try to match carols to the projects, too. But getting some Christmas things made ahead of time -- smart -- very smart!


Joanne, sorry you have to shovel the drive. The worst I'll have to do is defrost the windows of the van before I head out. I do like to see snow. And as a pet owner, I like a good snow because it kills off the fleas, so they aren't as bad the next year.


Mary, I hope you are staying inside where it's warm! I'm not sure about the temp conversion, but I do know that it's below freezing there, and I hope you have some nice, warm, hand-crocheted sweaters to wear!


I need to go wake the sleeping dragon, I mean get my dd up. :eekWish me luck!

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:mug Mornin' my peeps!


It is still snowing and blowing here, and will untill this afternoon sometime. I was so excited to get up and see some good accumulations :shrug... only a couple of inches here so far! I need to put the news on, I think south of Boston is who got the jackpot this time.


The Saints chat was fun, and it looks like another CAL may be born of this witty group of friends:D Oh! And we met our newest bestie Sarah! :welcome again, Sarah! I hope you like it here:yes


Beth - I am glad you are feeling better:hug ...good luck raising that dragon:scared sounds like scary business :rofl


Judy - :eek a foot?! :eek Your furbabies must be having the best time! My Daisy comes in looking like a snowball. She is a shi-tzu, so all the snow balls up on her poor little legs... she still likes it though:lol My DK's are already chomping at the bit to go out and play! I told them to wait just a little while till the wind dies down. It's blowing sideways right now.


Joanne - please be careful shoveling.... and when you are done, let us know you are ok? :hug:hug shoveling can be dangerous. I don't like that job :yuck...Not at all.


Shannon - did you get some good wrapping done last night? How were your margaritas with DH? I hope you guys had a good night, in spite of the game. :hug


:waving, clever Colleen! How are you doing on this fine Sunday morning? Have you still "a hook in your hand and a song in your heart"? :ty for my card:hug I got it yesterday:yay:yay


Mary - I hope you are warm today :wbrr that is some arctic blast you've got up there! Are you doing ok? Any :crocheting to lift your spirits?


:hi, Vicki, Scooby, Stacy, Jenn, Victoria, Frogger, and any body I am missing (my coffee isn't quite working yet)...


Today's agenda will be vac, sweep, wipe down bathroom, 1 load of laundry, and make dinner. OH! and :crocheting and watch the Patriots, of course!:yes


Have a wonderful day, all! :hug:manyheart:hug

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:hi everyone!


Welcome Sarah! Sarah is my friend from the new Ripple CAL she started :cheer We have so much fun here, Sarah. You will fit right in!


I forgot about the advent update yesterday. Yesterday it was a Lego little boy and a remote control car. Today she got another remote control car, a checkered race flag and pylons. So cool! The other calendar from my mom was hair elastics and a chocolate.


The Christmas Carol CAL. Here's what I'm thinking. We start it Jan. 1. We name a carol for each Month ahead of time. This gives people time to think ahead. It would be a great way to get ready for Christmas or Christmas gifts next year, but we'll make it flexible for those who don't want to do Christmas all year round. Some ideas:


Let it snow! - Snowflake project or anything white (see, doesn't have to be Christmas, could be a doily or a white summery top...that might be a June or July one :think)

Oh Christmas Tree - A Christmas Tree project or anything green

Frosty the Snowman - A snowman project

Walking in a Winter Wonderland - Anything to keep you warm - hats, scarves, mitts/gloves, sweaters


I'll think about the rest of the songs and run it by you later. What do you think? This way people could do a lot of Christmas stuff or they could fit other projects in throughout the year.


Gotta go get DD some breaky.

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LeaAnne, we had that sideways stuff early iin the storm yesterday. When I stucka ruler on my patio table this AM it measured 10 inches.

Sparkie can't find his sticks yet:lol

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Happy Sunday all! It is bright and sunny here! I just got off the phone with my sister in NY and she said she has 2 feet of snow and it is still falling!:eek!

LeaAnne - The conference went well. It helped me to focus on what I need to do for the methods section of my paper. Now I just need to get myself focused on it. That is my nig challenge right now.

Sarah - Welcome to the group! Where exactly are you located? I am in Tomball, so I think I am north of you.

Shannon - Sorry that the Saints fell to the 'boys last night. It would have been cool if the Saints kept the record up!

Joanne - Outside the Lines is talking about Rutgers this morning! The football program specifically. This does not sound like a very good report!

Mary - How is your head feeling today? I hope you are feeling better.

I need to get some laundry done and folded today and get a bill paid. I have to figure out what I am making for dinner. Someone had posted that they were making meatloaf. That is a possibility. Hmmm. I need to think about this for a little bit.

Stacy, frogger, Colleen, Beth, Scooby, Vickietoria, and anyone that I missed, have a great day!


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Colleen- I love the ideas you have come up with for the Christmas Carol CAL- you are very creative. That was a really neat idea that you, Shannon and LeaAnne came up with last night!


I am in from shoveling- we actually got the snowblower out of the garage (after shoveling part of the driveway to move DHs car out of the garage so we could get to it. Anyway, got the snowblower going and it was going fine- then ran out of gas!! Oh, gee wonder why he didnt think to make sure we had gas for the snowblower !!! I told him that we should take a break- he needs to take it easy- and I'm not a spring chick anymore. Hopefully when the rest of the neighborhood awakens and goes outside one of our neighbors has some extra gas for the snowblower! Or maybe, just maybe, some kids will come around???


Anyway, here are a couple pics of the Winter Wonderland:snow:flake- one was taken at the crack of dawn around 6AM and the others after we shoveled part of the driveway out and I could walk to the end of the driveway to take a pic looking down our street.


Looks like we will have a White Christmas in these parts!!:2snowman:ctree




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Good Morning Friends,

I have been cleaning and cleaning. Some stuff just has to wait for the last minute with 3 little one messing faster then I clean.

I’ve also been working on crochet gifts, mostly hats and scarves



:hi Judy, that is a lot of snow.

:welcome Sarah

:hi Joanne: I agree men and women defiantly have a different way of looking at things. Thanks for sharing pictures and don’t work to hard

Winter has just begun here in Erie and I am tired of snow already.

:hi Beth: Hope getting DD up wasn’t to difficult

:hi Shannon, sorry your team lost

:hi Colleen

:hi Vicki: I’m glad your conference went well

:hi Scooby, Stacy, Jenn, Victoria, Frogger and anyone I missed

:hi LeaAnne sounds like a busy day at your place,


Looks like I missed a fun chat, life just keeps getting in the way of my fun. :help


A card a month sounds like a good idea. Get people to plan ahead


Off to make breakfast

Be back later,


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Vicki- Outside the Lines- never watched it- what did they say about the football program? And we had meatloaf last night and it was yummy!

Vicki- I just watched in online! Interesting- I still believe that RU finally having a decent football program will be good for the university all around~

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Good morning everyone!!


I hope everyone is well. I need to get ready for church, then we're doing a kid-switch today. DD is going to Honey and BigBob's, and my sister is coming here. We're going to watch Holiday Inn in color!!:yay


I haven't responded to everyone individually in a while. I will try to do that later. But know that I love you all and you're in my prayers!:manyheart

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Hi Ladies

Welcome Sarah

Joanne your pics are very nice........ I just love snow.

Iam on a cleaning roll this morning. Iam just having a break while the kitchen and bathroom floors dry.

Hope everyone is having a great day

Talk to you later


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Good morning, ladies.

I should get a pic of the snow on our patio table.:lol The 4 yo GSD has been running around like a nut, nose to the snow, finding where his sticks are hidded. Last nigth, anyway - this AM might be more of a challenge. Looks like a foot out there now.


Have a great day, everyone!



Welcome, Sarah! That pattern is cute...and not to tiny, either. Maybe for next year for me.

Glad to hear you're sticking with the ripple. I made a big one a couple of years ago and it was a drag to finish - but definitely worth the effort! My fav ripples, though, are RR:hook


Thanks Judy,


not ready for a RR yet, though I'm sure Keith would love one. LOL who am I kidding he likes anything crocheted by mommy

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Happy Sunday all! It is bright and sunny here! I just got off the phone with my sister in NY and she said she has 2 feet of snow and it is still falling!:eek!


LeaAnne - The conference went well. It helped me to focus on what I need to do for the methods section of my paper. Now I just need to get myself focused on it. That is my nig challenge right now.


Sarah - Welcome to the group! Where exactly are you located? I am in Tomball, so I think I am north of you.


Shannon - Sorry that the Saints fell to the 'boys last night. It would have been cool if the Saints kept the record up!


Joanne - Outside the Lines is talking about Rutgers this morning! The football program specifically. This does not sound like a very good report!


Mary - How is your head feeling today? I hope you are feeling better.


I need to get some laundry done and folded today and get a bill paid. I have to figure out what I am making for dinner. Someone had posted that they were making meatloaf. That is a possibility. Hmmm. I need to think about this for a little bit.


Stacy, frogger, Colleen, Beth, Scooby, Vickietoria, and anyone that I missed, have a great day!




I'm in Brazoria

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Thanks Judy,


not ready for a RR yet, though I'm sure Keith would love one. LOL who am I kidding he likes anything crocheted by mommy

They're easy - esp the 9 point one by CrochetDad - no changing the amount of stitches in the points!

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They're easy - esp the 9 point one by CrochetDad - no changing the amount of stitches in the points!


lol for some reason the easiest things trip me up but complicated things I can do easily.... go figure?

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