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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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Stopping by to say goodnight- I watched the Devils (who won!!) and I started a scarf tonight to match one of the hats I made. I also did another block on DH's flannelghan. I have about 1/2 of the scarf done-

Hope everyone is busy relaxing and:crocheting


Sweet dreams everyone!:c9

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:hi all!!


Scooby- I love your tree!! :manyheart Thanks for sharing. Btw, I saw that you joined the Henry Kissinger CAL. Have you decided what you are going to do? How are you with the join-as-you-go method? I made a drum afghan a while back and it was super-fun! I used the join-as-you-go to join the strips, and it went rather quickly- no sc or whip-stitching required! :tup I'm thinking of joining but not sure what to make...I need to get cracking on SIL's afghan, so maybe that? :think


Joanne, do we get to see :photo of all these hats and scarves?


Colleen, I'm so happy to hear the inhalers have helped with the cough! :clap:xfin that the runny nose and sore throat clear up quickly. (Sore throat can also be a side effect of the inhalers.) Prayers that she will be healthy for Christmas! :hug


Judy- hope you got some :crocheting time in!


Mary- I will gladly take some of your snow, too! And I won't even try to send it back. :lol


Leanne, WTG on the Q!!! You are awesome, talking yourself through urges. I am so proud of you! :hug


Vicki, I'm sorry to hear you're still having tummy troubles. Are the samples from the dr. helping at all? :xfin that your dh hears something soon. How is dd doing with tae kwon do?


:hug and :manyheart to the restie of my besties! (I'm a dork.)


One party down, 2 shows to go. Isabella has ear pain so I have to call the dr. in the morning. If she can be seen for her ear, I'm going to weasel in some questions about Eva's poop-ness. She had apple-prune juice to drink all day, and she seemed to do a lot better. Although now she has a diaper rash. Poor kid.

Guess what? I was helping dh with his flashcards, and Roomie handed me an envelope. It was a thank-you card, with a gift certificate for a manicure and pedicure! She wanted to thank me for all of the help I have given her this semester, with picking up/watching the kids. :dance Plus, she said she will watch my kids when I want to go, and it is for the salon down the street, so no need for a car! :clap

Oh, and I forgot to tell you all (are you rolling your eyes yet? LoL) We decided to stop karate for the moment. Last week, dh got home too late to take her, and she didn't say a word. Then last night, she didn't remind us at all. So I am thinking she won't miss it much. I am sad, because I think it is a good skill to learn, but her heart just didn't seem in it anymore. The sensei did tell us that if she decides to come back later, she can come in at her current belt level and stay with it until she "re-learns" and is ready to advance.

Ok, I am off...Sweet dreams!!! :night


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Good early morning besties!

Hope everyone has a wonderful day and that all DK's that are feeling well start to! (Isabellas ear pain, Colleen's DD's sore throat (I agree with Stacy- when my DD started to use inhalers she did complain that her throat was sore).


Stacy- that was nice of roomie- I think you more than earned your manicure/pedicure!!! i love pedicure's-so relaxing!


I'll take pics of the hat/scarfs this weekend when there is light in the room- that's one thng about winter- I leave for work in the dark and come home in the dark. Thank goodness i go out for a walk at lunchtime to get some vitamin D by way of daylight!!!:lol


Hope you all have a great day and cya on the flip side.

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Scooby and Judy- I just read through the Henry Kissinger CAL and my head is spinning- I don't think I could keep up with that one- not enough time when I come home from work!!!


Have a great day!

I'm used to it after years of following it.

You learn to skim read very effectively:lol


Hope your day, and everyone else's here, is a good one!

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Hi all! It is raining yet again here. It is supposed to get sunny finally tomorrow! We haven't seen the sun in almost 2 weeks! I am dying for some sun to come out!

DD is ready to test for her next belt. Lime green. Belt testing is in January. She is already talking about the next tournament! My head is spinning! She is doing well with it and she enjoys it. I can't complain.


I managed to get the body of the baby sweater finished and the button hole band done. Then I just crashed. I watched DD do her pattern a little at the end of class and it was time to go home. We came home, made dinner, I cleaned up, and then I just crashed. I watched the Rangers lose to the Islanders, or I should say they watched me on my chair. Either way, the Rangers lost last night. They play again tonight, this time on Long Island. There is also Thursday night football on. I forget who is playing that.


Colleen - I hope DD's throat feels better today. Glad the doctor was able to give you something to help!


Stacy - Hope the ear pain feels better and the poop-ness is getting better!


Scooby - The tree is beautiful! We are going to do ours this weekend. I am so not in the mood to do it, though. I have just lost my holiday cheer this year! I love the bow on top of the tree though!

LeaAnne - Glad the Christmas program was good! The pictures of the chickens are adorable!

Mary - GLad your 'puter is feeling better!

Joanne - Hope you have a great day at work!

Judianne - At least the jersey is getting some good wear!

Frogger, Beth, Vickietoria, Pauline, and anyone I missed, have a great day and I will check in later!


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:hi, friends!


first, let me start by saying thank you! Thank you for being you, thank you for being here, thank you for being such a good friend.... Just :ty! I have had this on my mind for a few days, and needed to let you all know how very much you mean to me! I truly think I have the best group of friends in the whole world!:hug:manyheart ....and in case you don't hear it from anyone else today: "You ROCK!":yes



Stacy- Sorry about the earache and diaper rash:(:( I hope that the Dr. gets to see you today:hug:hug sorry, too, about the karate... just remember ages and stages... she has a lot on her plate right now. when there is room again, I bet she'll go back:yes ... and I was so happy to read that your roomie gave you a nice surprise:clap:yay enjoy every minute of R&R... you have definitely earned it!


Vicki- I :heehee a little and thought of Colleen's DD when I read your post this morning... Tell your DD "GO LIMA GREEN!" I hope she gets that belt!:hug Has her DI team been up to anything? I was glad to see that the hockey game "watched you" last night:lol You got some much needed rest! Doesn't all the gray weather make you tired? It sure does me!

I hope you are feeling better today, and am gonna say a lil prayer for sun to start shining down there in Texas! :hug Hey, any word on DH's job?


Colleen- How is DD's throat and nose this morning? Is her coughing better? Do you give her vitamin C? This is the worst part of the first year of school... the kids are always sick:(. Hang in there:hug and I will be praying for your lil punkin to be feeling better in time for the big day! Are you going out today to finish your shopping? We are heading out tomorrow... I can't wait to get it done! I will be here hoping that today doesn't go "Poof" on you...but, alas, that is the pitfall of being home: the days are really a lot shorter!:shrug


Joanne- how's work going? I hope that you are having a great week! WTG on the scarf, and a block on the flannelghan! 1 day to go, and you have the weekend off:cheer:yay<cabbage patch>:yay:cheer

what's going on with all of your girls this week? Did DH hear back anything about that job? I am still praying for him to get it! I hope today was super-great for you today:hug


Scooby- I wickid :manyheart your tree!!! it is sooo pretty! (as is your living room paint color, I might add!:heehee) Is :santa bringing your little fridge to keep your "Scooby Snacks" in?:devil I also meant to tell you the other day that I, too, am a Debbie Macomber fan... did you join her fan-club? If you like her, you might also enjoy Sherryl Woods. Their styles are similar. I really need to try the "audio books"... it sure would make it easier to get some "reading" done!


Mary- How are you today, dear? How was the :ctree party last night? I hope that you and DH had a super time! I am thinking about you, and hoping that you are having a good day! :hug:hug and an extra :hug, 'cause you need one!


Shannon- Whasssup?! How are you doing today? everything going ok down there in LA? Did you finish your shoppping? How are Honey and BigBob? Hey... how is sis doing? tell her that one of your imaginary sisters was asking:lol You get extra :hug:hug today, too... I have a feeling you could use a couple:U


Beth- are you having a :crocheting hangover today? I sure would be if I just finished a gorgeousness work of 'ghan like you just did! If I was you, I would take some time, and pick a special "little" project, just for yourself, and have some :crocheting fun! You most surely have earned it!!!! :hug:hug I am so proud of you, finishing that 'ghan! that pattern is one I have :drooled over for years! hey... how many Nutcracker performances are left? Does homeschool close tomorrow for holiday break?


Judy- I never did say congrats to you on your cool b-day gift:blush:blush... sorry about that! I was glad to read that you had such a nice day, tho :)

Are you all ready for next week yet?


Tena - How are you holding up? I hope that you and those beautiful GK's are all right? Is your DH still working a lot of extra? I hope that today is everything that you want it to be!


:hi to you, too, Frogger, Victoria, Jenn, Pauline and anyone else who might be :lurk out there! Have a fabulous day!:hug

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My dear besties:

This year, it is particularly hard for many of us to go from :grinch:smiling to :santa:U...

Let's face it: It HAS been a tough year.

Thankfully, though, we have had each other to get us through it!:manyheart:ghug I think we need each other especially right now!:cheer


Tomorrow night is our last Friday Night Chat before Christmas....It's a:ctree:party!

For tomorrow night, we change our name from Clean Along to Holiday Open-House (code name: Ho-ho! :santa:wink!)

(Let's see if we can cook up the best bash that C'ville has ever seen!)



This is what we need to do to get ready:


Each of us will sign up to "bring something". Then, before tomorrow night at 9:30 Eastern time, we need to make sure that we have gathered those things. That way, we can enjoy some Christmas Cheer together!!!

If you click "quote" on this post, you can add your name to the list.

so.... Are you IN?:devil


I will start:


LeaAnne will bring Hot Chocolate with marshmallows, a :candycane, :cchip:cchip, and a :gift

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Good morning Besties! And good evening Pauline! :hi


Stacy - I hope Isabella's ear gets better soon and that you get to ask the Dr. about Eva'a Poop-less-ness. No worries about the Karate. I'm with LeaAnne, she can pick it up later when the time is right. Or you never know, she may be budding a new interest. Enjoy your surprise from your roomie. I'm warming up to her. :D


Vicki - :hug Today and tomorrow left and you get some much needed time off. Good luck to DD with her Lima Green preparations!


Joanne - I hope you get some sunshine for your Vitamin D at lunch time. 2 more days until the weekend :yay Can't wait to see those hats and scarves.


LeaAnne - Thanks so much for your nice words and hugs. You always know just when to say the right thing to pull us together. It has definitely been a tough year and I for one am going to be happy to see the end of it. There has been one wonderful thing this past year, and that is meeting all of you :ghug I have to double check with DH to make sure I am available for chat tomorrow night and then I'll RSVP to your invite and think of something to bring. Great idea!!! I am not going to to finish my shopping today. I'm home with DD. However, I'm getting everything into perspective and there are only a couple must-gets left :yay If DD goes to school tomorrow I will finish it and probably get most of my groceries too. If not, I'll be battling the evening crowds (or shopping at Walmart and the 24 hour grocery store at 1 am :lol).


Scooby - I'm a Debbie Macomber fan too. Just recently discovered her. I would love to read one of her holiday books right about now :dreaming


:hi to everyone else! I may not write all of your names, but I think about you all!


DD's cough is much much better. Her sore throat is gone. Her nose ran and she sneezed all night, but that seems to be slowing down a bit. She looks like Rudolph with a little red nose. I was out the door and off to the pharmacy in hopes of finding a decongestant that would be safe with her puffer at 7:00 only to find out nothing opens until 8:00:( Luckily I found my way to the 24 hour grocery store and got her some kleenex with lotion in it. Poor little love bug. I'm hoping she's well enough to go to her last day of school before the holidays and the birthday party she's been invited to this weekend.


Anyone have any suggestions for a 6 year old boy for his birthday? His birthday is right after Christmas. So far I've gotten him a book, but I want something fun to go with it. :shrug

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I swear by legos for little boys. Even duplicates are good -- they can mix and match the pieces to make new and exciting things. It's like reuseable yarn for boys! My 15-year-old son says legos or a hot wheel track.

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I am glad you are all set for Christmas, Judy. ...and I can't wait to celebrate the end of my shopping marathon tomorrow night with you all! :devil


I hope you are having a great day:hug

I was skimming the Kissinger CAL.... did you pick a project yet?

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Hi everyone!!


I don't have much time, but I wanted to let you all know that I'm thinking about you! Lots of :hugs to you all!


I won't be here for the party tomorrow night.:(:(:( The Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert is tomorrow, and it doesn't start until 8. But I hope everyone has lots of fun!!


Have a great day everyone! Love you all!!:manyheart

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I am glad you are all set for Christmas, Judy. ...and I can't wait to celebrate the end of my shopping marathon tomorrow night with you all! :devil


I hope you are having a great day:hug

I was skimming the Kissinger CAL.... did you pick a project yet?

I'm going to use stash to make scarves for charity. Happy Yellow House has a pattern I like.


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Thanks for the suggestions!


Shannon - Enjoy the show!


Judy - Glad you are ready! Low key sounds good. Unfortunately I have a 20 person Christmas shopping list :(


I just woke up from a little nap :devil and I'm working away on one of my scrap ripples. I joined the ripples in the water CAL--gotta get those ripples done!

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:hi, Shannon!

Nothing like a good TransSiberian Orchestra concert to put you in the holiday spirit! Have a great time!:hug:hug



Scarves are great strips! what a cool idea!



glad to read that you got a little snoozy in:c9 I saw that ripples CAL... I am not good at ripples:no... I wish I was... they are so pretty:dreaming


...off to switch my laundry... i have some curtains that need to be done up today;)

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Colleen- Thank you for sharing that link! It is too cute!! DD would :bheart:bheart:bheart it! She just learned how to play tic-tac-toe!


Judy- Those scarves are very pretty. I might have to try that. (next year, of course!)


LeaAnne- If I could come to the party, I'd be bringing margaritas!!

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Shannon - Glad you liked the pattern. I have to finish DD's rainbow of bookmarks, but maybe after that if I have time I'll make one. So much to do, so little time. Margaritas sound fun! Perhaps you could drop them off before you leave for the concert :rofl


I baked a batch of cupcakes today. I know, that wasn't on my baking list, but DD has a birthday party to go to this weekend so I need a peanut free cupcake for her to bring. The recipe makes 30 cupcakes, but a dozen will do, so the rest of the batter made Jesus' birthday cake :yay I love it when I get two things done at once. I thought of something I have to add to my baking list... butter tarts!


I hope everyone has had a good day so far! We are having leftovers for supper :clap, so I think I'll go crochet :devil I love leftovers!

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:hiBesties!!!! Not a lot going on here today. Just not in the mood :lol. I got the kitchen cleaned, dishwasher is running, :wash going, beds made, furbabies are content, and general pick up done, and made out some Christmas cards. I still need to do general pick up in the craft room, it is a little messy in here :lol. I need to do a few things on the puter, get some Holiday RAOK together and ready to mail, and wrap some :gift:yuck but :smiling. All I really want to do is pick up my :chook, turn on the audio :book and :crocheting. Then I would be on :c9.


:yesStacy, I joined the Henry Kissinger CAL, but don't know what I am going to make yet. I always, always use the join as you go method for joining squares, some how some way :lol. I can join using the ss or sc, but I just don't like the way it looks on my projects but like it on everyone else's. At first I thought I was doing something wrong, but my BFF in WY told me it was right and looked good to her. :shrug just a personal problem I guess:rofl. I remember seeing the drum afghan and maybe I could do that one. I did make a baby ghan using the join as you go method and I did it in strips (pic at end of post).Maybe I will do that again, as there are a lot of squares around here that need joining :lol. You should join us and work on SIL's ghan. How's Isabella's ear? Hope she is feeling better. :devil Sneaky Sneaky, slipping questions in there about Eva, but don't blame you. :cheerwhat a nice surprise, hope you enjoy your pedicure&manicure. I agree with LeaAnne in re: to the karate situation.


:hugColleen. If I see the good health fairy I will definitely be sending her your way to so some :2magic. In fact I will send her Stacy's way too. So glad to hear that DD's cough has improved. Josh, youngest DS, has asthma and used/still uses lots and lots of inhalers and used a nebulizer 3 times a day for many many years. He said that the inhalers made him have a sore throat too. :xfin that she is now on the mend and will be well for Christmas. :yay I just love Debbie Macomber as I have read just about everything she has written. I just bought the new Cedar Cove Book "92 Pacific Boulevard" a couple of days ago at Walmart and reading "8 Sandpiper Way" now. I just love that series. Thanks for that link to the tic tac toe board. I made a little bag a couple of years ago that had the board on the outside of the bag and then the x's and o's were flowers I believe. I will have to see if I can find the link to the pattern again and show you. It was really quick and easy.


:yesJoanne, :lol lots to read over in the Henry Kissinger CAL. I probably won't be able to keep up with it either,as this is my first time joining a CAL like that but hey I am going to try it. Judy is over there with me, so she can keep me straight :rofl. I hope you get some :crocheting time in today. Can't wait to see your pics of the hats/scarves.


:cheerVicki's DD. Wishing her lots of luck getting that "LIMA Green" belt (as Colleen's DD would say). :clap getting those parts of your baby sweater done. I would like to take the time to make some more baby sweaters, as the hexagon one is my favorite so far. How are you feeling? Better, I hope.When do you get out of school for the holidays?


:hugTY LeaAnne. The feelings are very very mutual. I am so glad that you started this thread as I have thoroughly enjoyed all of you and love you all. I didn't really realize how close I had gotten to you all and really missed you all until the couple of months that I was MIA. But it warms my :bheart knowing that no matter what is going on in my life good or bad you all are always here for me. :lol Santa probably would bring me the fridge, but there is absolutely no room in here for it. I am wall to wall furniture,:yarn, and crafts. So I guess I will just be making the hike downstairs for food and soda. :idea I could put in my room which is just next door. No, I haven't joined Debbie Macomber's fan club, but I will check it out. Thanks for the recommendation of another author to read, as I will check her out too. I love the audiobooks and you should check them out. FAIR WARNING: once you try them you will be addicted. If your library has a website, go to it as they may participate in the READS program. This is what the READS is: you download the software to your computer which is free, you select your library, use your library card # and you can check out audiobooks and either listen to them from your computer, download them to your mp3 player, and sometimes you can burn them to CD. The program will tell you how many audiobooks your library will allow you to check out at once, and some libraries give you the option of a 7 or 14 day checkout time. You don't have to return them, it automatically returns the titles for you. Have fun and enjoy.


:wavingStranger (than me), :oopsI mean Shannon. :heehee How are you? Sure have missed seeing you around, but know you have been very busy. I have always wanted to see the Trans Siberian Orchestra but haven't gotten that far yet. Hope you have fun and you will have to tell us all about it. Take care and miss ya!!!!!!


:thinkJudy, that I really like those scarves and I could do something like that in the Henry Kissinger CAL. Speaking of which, I am glad to see you there. I don't feel so lost and lonely cause at least I know you :lol. Hope you are having a great day too and we better get the ole :hook fired up on that Strip Search.


:)Beth. How are you? Is your border done yet on the motif ghan. I really enjoyed the pics of it, it is absolutely beautiful. Hope you are having a great day.


:flowerMary. How was the Christmas party last night? Hope you had lots of fun and enjoyed yourself. Take care and have a great day!!!!!


:huggoing out to the rest of the besties!!!!!


TY for all the nice comments on my poor lil :ctree. I should have made my own bow to go on the top, but I just didn't have it in me, although there are oodles and oodles of ribbon around here. It is time for Josh to be coming in from school and I have a few things left to do. Hope eveyone has a great day and talk to you all soon. :hug:manyheart

Here's the pic:


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